NBC News Daily : KNTV : September 2, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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baby. i like it like that. i like it like that. i like it like that. hey time and temperature on nbc bay area is brought to you by mancini. sleep world. visit mancini sleep world for the labor day sales event. save big on premium mattresses plus free delivery. hurry in now or visit us online at sleep world.com. woo! insurance companies like to give big name football stars to endorse their products, not triple a outsmart athlete endorsem*nts and choose coverage hi, everyone. i'm zinhle essamuah.

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my co-anchor kate snow is on assignment and "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, monday, september 2nd, 2024. heartbreak and outrage, an emotional day in israel as funerals begin for six hostages found killed by hamas. hundreds of thousands of demonstrators go on strike and take to the streets demanding an end to the 11-month war, what we heard from so much the victims' families today. homeward bound. if you're one of the millions of americans rushing back after the long holiday weekend it could be a bumpy ride. how you could avoid the worst of it. brace yourself, a new fashion trend exploding on social media, do it yourself braces, the warning about the very real dangers of fake orthodontia. mindful eating. a new study finds that certain foods could drastically reduce your risk of dementia. we'll have a doctor explain how

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and what you should add to your grocery list. well, a good september and labor day to you. thank you so much for being with us. if you're one of the millions of people heading back home from your long weekend trip, know that you're not alone. experts are predicting this to be the busiest labor day weekend ever. with travel up 9% compared to last year. some airport delays and some traffic jams. plus, lingering storms in the south aren't helping but many others across the country are trying to soak up the last day of the summer travel season. adrienne broaddus has more for us from chicago. >> reporter: many of who spoke with us say they're trying to relax and unwind as they try to take advantage of the last taste of summer. chicago, according to aaa is among the top destinations for this labor day.

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for those planning to swim in lake michigan, a bit of surprise if they weren't paying attention to what's going on. the national weather service said rip currents and waves could be deadly. the yellow flag is an indication that you should enter with extreme caution. yes, that includes chicago, parts of wisconsin, indiana and michigan. if you're going to go into the water, remember the three flip, float and follow. back to you. let's bring in meteorologist bill karins, what about for the rest of country, what storms are you watching for. >> mostly the airports in the south, where we still have that tropical humidity and the chance for afternoon thunderstorms. but things are very well. miami and houston have been missed by storms. here's where the boundary sets up, unbelievably dry for this time of year, air mass is in

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place from atlanta northward up to nashville, tropical air in florida, scattered storms here, possibly delays but short lived. heading towards orlando or tampa, but the houston airport right now is good and we have a lot of storms in west texas but right now dallas looks good, too, the hot spots we'll be tracking as we go throughout the rest of this afternoon and this evening with some possibility of airport problems here. dallas heading toward el paso, a flash flood warning in effect. the other thing we'll be watching in the days ahead is the heat building in the west, we have a heat watch in effect for 26 million people. it's going to be try, windy in some casesened the fire danger's going to skyrocketed toward the weekend. now to the race for president and the labor day

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blitz for the harris campaign. the vice president held a rally in detroit. former president donald trump has no public events planned today or tomorrow, he's going to be participating in a town hall on wednesday before visiting battleground states north carolina and wisconsin later on the week. let's bring in mike memoli in pittsburgh and vaughn hillyard. mike the rally with vice president harris and president biden is notably their first campaign rally together since she officially became the nominee, what's the messaging tonight? >> reporter: we got a taste of what we're going to hear from the vice president, from detroit, all americans whether you belong to a labor union or not, the 40-hour work week, when labor union wages rise all americans' wages tend to rise as

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well. the president and the vice president here together, a joint show of force to promote the benefits of labor unions and the vice president will make a specific pitch to this part of pennsylvania, she'll say that all u.s. steel should remain a u.s. owned operation, an effort by japan's nippon steel to by u.s. steel. here coming out is a big. itch to steel workers. >> vaughn, talk about some news trump made on policy, he indicated that he supports legalized marijuana in the state of florida where he's a resident if it's done quote correctly. >> reporter: donald trump's not on the campaign trail this weekend but making news on his social media account and this particular refer endumb in florida would legalize marijuana use in the state of florida.

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and as a florida resident donald trump making it clear that he intends to vote in favor of it, he in that social media post suggesting that the florida legislature should pass additional legislation regulating on where it could be smoked and saying that it should not be on public streets, now his record is not always been clear on the issue of marijuana. in the white house, he vocally supported bipartisan legislation that ultimately was not passed but it would have allowed states to regulate marijuana at will if voters or the legislatures in those states were to legalize marijuana and decriminalize it. his own department of justice was actively trying to ensure the ability for the federal government to prosecute marijuana cases, despite what

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states independently regulated or sought to implement through their own state laws, those two realities butted head. now donald trump with a referendum, this is refuting of what governor desantis of the state wants. he's been an antimarijuana opponent here. this really for donald trump just like in the abortion measure, was an additional step that he was publicly announce his position on this issue. >> today's events are the start of a busy week for the harris campaign, what's lined up? >> reporter: well the vice president is going to be making her first trip to new hampshire later this week since becoming the democratic nominee, the person with the busiest schedule is president biden, first campaign event since he ended his candidacy. two more campaign stops later this week. >> thank you both so much.

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let's turn overseas now to unrest in israel and uproar other the deaths of six hostages in gaza. this morning, a massive labor strike brought schools, transportation and hospitals to a stand still, much of the outrage has been directed at prime minister netanyahu for his refusal to reach a cease-fire deal that would release the remaining hostages. thousands in jerusalem gathered for the funeral of hersh goldberg-polin, an israeli american who was killed. >> now my hersh, i ask for your help. as we transform our hope into grief. in this new unknown brand of pain. >> joining me now is raf sanchez in tel aviv and monica alba.

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raf, i'll start with you, prime minister netanyahu spoke today making his case to the public, what exactly did he say and what's the latest on the ground in israel right now? >> reporter: prime minister netanyahu was under enormous pressure to say something, given the scale of public anger in this country right now. he held this press conference just over an hour ago and he said two things of note, one, he said when he spoke to some of the families six hostages killed he asked for their forgiveness for the failure of the israeli state to bring them home alive, notable the first sign of contrition he's made publicly since their deaths were announced, but he also doubled down saying that israel won't leave the egypt/gaza border, crucial to stop gaza from smuggling weapons. even his own defense minister said it's worth making concessions on that point to

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bring the hostages home alive and of course his press conference happened with the words of hersh goldberg-polin's mother rachel echoing across the country. take a listen. >> go on your journey because my finally, my sweet boy, finally -- i will miss you every single day for the rest of my life. but you're right here. i know you're right here. i just have to teach myself to feel you in a different way. >> reporter: that eulogy is just haunting this country tonight, and protesters are back on the streets once again outside the prime minister's residence demanding that he make a deal to bring the hostages home.

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>> monica, the united states is still pursuing a cease-fire agreement, what's going on behind the scenes. >> reporter: they're trying as they have been for months playing a key role in the negotiations with these mediators, with egypt and qatar, trying to bridge some of these gaps that have been elusive for weeks and weeks and seemingly they were getting a little bit closer to potentially ironing out some of those differences and then the news this weekend, means that there's of course renewed urgency but questions now that a new framework could look like. it does seem now there's a conversation around whether the u.s. is trying to use every pressure tactic it has for

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israel and for hamas to try and accept the deal that was on the table that now will be updated, so the president was in the situation room earlier today with the vice president and with their key national security officials talking about those next steps and i asked the president just moments ago on the south lawn whether they made a decision in that meeting about moving forward with that kind of a final framework to israel and hamas as soon as this week and the president told me, we're still negotiating, we're still having those conversations, so this is a dynamic, diplomatic effort that's going on and playing out behind the scenes and there are talks about sending some of the top u.s. officials who have been key players, secretary of state, cia director, back to the region potentially to have another round of talks. >> monica alba and raf sanchez, thank you both. still ahead a nationwide strike by hotel workers is causing more problems for

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travelers today, what they're demanding and how long it's expected to last. plus an nfl rookie is out of the hospital today after being shot in the chest in broad daylight. how it went down and what we're how it went down and what we're lening about thear when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. oooh! this is our night! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose.

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and call your doctor right away. these aren't all the side effects. imagine...what could relief from ibs-c mean for you? talk to your doctor and say yess to linzess. learn how abbvie and ironwood could help you save. a national football league rookie is out of the hospital after he was shot in what police are calling an attempted robbery, 23-year-old ricky

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pearsall was signing autographs this weekend in san francisco just hours before the shooting. the san francisco 49ers say their rookie was hit in the chest and is still recovering. the season begins its season one week today. morgan chesky is following this story for us. morgan, this happened in the middle of the day, in a popular area of san francisco, walk us through the incident and where the investigation stands. >> reporter: really stunning crime taking place around 3:00 saturday afternoon in san francisco'sua, that's where police say that ricky pearsall has just walked out of one of the stores there where he was approached by this 17-year-old suspect with a gun, we do know that some sort of struggle ensued when police say he tried to rob pearsall during which point both of those men were wounded, pearsall remaining there on the scene bleeding. that's how one san francisco police officer found him. he was able to give a description of that suspect and they were able in fact to track

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that 17-year-old suspect and take him into custody. as for pearsall, miraculously, despite being hospitalized the athletics is reporting that no surgery was needed and he was fully lucid at all time. despite an entry/exit wound from one of those gunshots that was fired during this brazen robby. hear what mayor had to say about this incident that played out right in the middle of the day at a popular tourist destination. >> well, i would just say, in light of all the police officers in union square on a saturday, you know in the middle of a day, that something like this would occur and just everything that this entailed is very much problematic. >> reporter: we've learned that pearsall was released from the hospital over the weekend and is currently recovering at home. >> so glad to hear that. morgan, thanks so much.

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now to new fallout today after the shocking electoral success for far-right party in germany, alternative for germany, the first time since the nazi regime that far-right party has won in any state election in germany. josh lederman is following this for us. this outcome is seen as a major rebuke of germany's chancellor olaf scholz. what has the reaction been inside the country? >> reporter: many coalition members didn't get the 5% threshold needed to serve in state government, what we're seeing is a real surge for the far right particularly in these formerly communist parts of east german. for now this isn't going to dramatically change the way germany is governed because the other parties in germany largely

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have said they won't serve in a government with the afd because they're considered to be that extreme, but this is paving the way for a potential political shift in the future and particularly raising concerns given what we're seeing in so many countries around europe. we heard from olaf scholz saying it's worrying that party deemed extremist has gained so many states. from france to hungary, to pole land, countries where the far right has been on the rise. >> time will tell. josh lederman, thanks so much. ahead, you want to check yourself, free money hack could yourself, free money hack could land you in someerious rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent

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so she can bounce on with clean, dry, fresh protection from poise. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. nbc news daily. i'm audrey asistio and a tragic start to this labor day in the north bay. a woman and one of her dogs were killed in a house fire early this morning in mill valley. here's nbc bay area's thom jensen with what happened. we were at the fire scene earlier this morning, and a man in his early 60s told us that it was his girlfriend who died in this fire this morning. that was first reported at about 1238, in the 700 block of alta vista road, where neighbors called 911

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reporting flames coming from the three bedroom house. it's a twisty, narrow and steep road. the fire crews from southern marin fire district had to navigate, arriving nine minutes later. engine four arrived at approximately 12:47 a.m. to find advanced fire conditions, with a large amount of smoke and fire coming from the front of the building and from a window to the right side of the yard of the structure. engine four immediately went into rescue mode and located a victim in the back bedroom. firefighters also found one dog deceased and they rescued three more dogs. the name or age of the woman who was killed have not been yet released. the fire was contained before one this morning. the marin county sheriff's department and the county fire investigation team are both investigating the cause of this fire. we're in mill valley this morning. thom jensen, nbc, bay area news. all right, tom, thank you. and just into our newsroom, contra costa county health has released an advisory about a suspected chlorine leak in pittsburg. eyes, throat and skin

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irritation is possible. and officials are warning anyone with respiratory sensitivities to avoid that area near corteva facility. that's near the pittsburg antioch highway and loveridge road. and we, of course, will bring you more information on that advisory as it comes into our newsroom. all right. san francisco 49ers rookie ricky pearsall is recovering at home after he was shot over the weekend, and city leaders are once again promising to keep people safe in union square. that is where police say an armed robber shot pearsall in the chest saturday afternoon in a facebook post, his mother says her son was incredibly lucky that the gunfire missed his vital organs. police say 17 year old suspect from tracy was also somehow shot by that same gun. he is now in custody. police chief bill scott says there are no signs that the suspect knew who he was targeting, but the investigation is ongoing, and district attorney brooke jenkins expects to file charges this week. british foreign minister

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david lammy says the uk will immediately suspend some arms export licenses to israel. this, he says, over fears that they could be used in a way that would breach international law. that announcement comes as people took to the streets last night demanding israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu do more to bring home hostages being held by hamas. the biggest union in israel is holding a one day general strike to pressure netanyahu to reach a deal, though a court has ordered to that strike to end. and this comes as memorials are growing. this afternoon after six hostages were found dead in gaza. this is video of the funeral for today israeli-american hostage hersh goldberg-polin. he was born in oakland and has been laid to rest in jerusalem. thousands of mourners joined his family for a procession. you see right here, candlelight memorials are also being held. the israeli military says that the hostages bodies were found in a tunnel under the

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city of rafah on saturday, that they were shot and killed before they could reach them. goldberg-polin was 23 years old, was taken hostage from a music festival during the october 7th hamas terror attacks. his parents. see right here were prominent advocates for all of the hostages, particularly the americans, who were thought to still be alive in the gaza strip. they gave an emotional speech at the dnc just last wee. well, back in our area. temperatures are expected to stay comfortable for your labor day. so here's forecaster cinthia pimentel. the comfortable weekend weather will continue on into our labor day monday we'll do 80 in san jose to mid 80s down into morgan hill. the bay shore will see mid 70s in oakland and fremont and then get into some microclimates and a few degrees warmer into the upper 80s for eastern cocoa county. my friends along the peninsula should be a stunning day. upper 60s there in daly city to 79, in palo alto and throughout san francisco. it will just be beautiful sunshine 70s there in the mission up into

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wine country. you go with some with some seconds there for napa 83, in santa rosa and even a beautiful day out towards the beaches in point reyes. at 70 degrees there is even hotter weather ahead as we take a look at the 7-day forecast coming up in about 30 minutes. all right cynthia, thank you. and that does it for this edition of the does it for this edition of the fast forward when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. you'll love this! centrum silver is clinically proven to support memory in older adults. so you can keep saying... you mastered it! you fixed it! you nailed it!

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you did it! with centrum silver. clinically proven to support memory in older adults. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue, and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq.

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and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily."

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in minnesota two people are dead and three others are injured after a car rammed into restaurant patio sunday night, authorities responded to the incident at the tavern a little after 8:00 p.m. local time. according to police the driver attempted to park before accelerating into the outdoor patio. there's no word yet on the condition of the three people who were injured. investigation isson going. breaking news the u.s. department of justice has seized venezuela president maduro's airplane, seized in dominican republic and transferred to state of florida. attorney general garland alleges that the plane was illegally purchased for $13 million through a shell company and smuggled out of the united states, this comes just over a month after a contested election where maduro declared himself the winner. another record-breaking night in the wnba. chicago sky rookie angel reese

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grabbed her 405 rebound setting a single-season record. she's averaging nearly 13 rebounds per game and if she continues at that pace she's expected to easily surpass 500 rebounds this season. her record-breaking board came in a loss. now to a new viral tiktok trend that users are calling a money glitch or a free money hack and it could have some serious consequences. >> half of tiktok is committing check fraud and they're committing check fraud against themselves. and calling it a glitch. they're just overdrawing their account and for some reason they thought that this was getting over on chase bank. >> to explain the trend involves people depoise sitting fraudulent checks into their chase bank accounts and withdrawing that money before it's flagged. that behavior is fraud.

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here to help us understand this is danny cevallos. this is not a quote/unquote a money glitch. walk us through what kind of fraud this is. >> i don't know who the guy was at the beginning, but he got it right on tiktok. this is not a glitch, this is check fraud. it's one of the oldest crimes in the financial book. it would be as if someone said on tiktok, look, kidnapping is fun and it's a glitch, no, kidnapping is a crime and it's always been. if you deposit a check fraudulently, that's check fraud. it legal under state and federal law. not a tiktok phenomenal, it's not a glitch, it's a crime. >> to that end what are the consequences given how many people are filming themselves doing this. >> well, here's the thing. if it's a crime and the

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prosecuted under state or federal law, often the measure of the punishment is the dollar amount is involved. but either way you're looking at a criminal conviction. if you have a felony conviction you closed off an entire category of jobs and career, everything, so these folks who otherwise are not criminals doing dumb criminal things. >> say someone did this, they saw it on tiktok, they thought it was fun, they return the money do they still press charge and yes, someone who takes money unlawfully doesn't avoid the crime by giving the money back, they could still be prosecuted for the same crimes, but the bank may say, we're the victim, we'll decline to prosecute. prosecutors don't have to listen to victims. >> never a dull moment on tiktok. >> according to you, i'm not on

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tiktok. thousands of hotel workers across the country are on the picket lines for a second day, union employees at some of the biggest hotel chains in the world walked off the job during a busy labor day weekend. nbc news correspondent antonia hylton is in greenwich, connect cut, one of the hotels where workers are on strike. you spoke with some of those workers out there on the picket line, what are you hearing from them and ultimately, why are they striking and what have we heard from the hotel. >> reporter: well, look, they tell me they don't want to be out here, they'd love to be inside doing their regular jobs, but they feel they have had no choice after multiple stalled

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negotiations, many say they have worked at these chains for 20, 30, essential people who keep these businesses running, but they say in some cases they've seen things like 20 or 30-cent increases in pay when we know what's happening with inflation right now. take a listen. >> we're looking for respect. when we look at how much people are making compared to 2020 hotel workers are poorer than they were. >> working in this hotel in particular you could make a living but it feels like in recent years especially since the pandemic that's not the case anymore. >> reporter: one house keeper said to me, she's been working at this chain for about 12 years, at the end of the month she struggled to make decisions, am i going to pay my phone bill,

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make certain purchases for my kids, real-life impact this is having. >> i imagine it's also impacting hotel guests around this labor day weekend. what are you hearing? >> reporter: yes, it's certainly impacting the hotel guests. hotel chains are stripping back their amenities. so, we spoke to one guest here who said she understands why they're striking. as college students head back to school, one of america's most prestigious universities is revealing how it changed since affirmative action. >> reporter: as mi the's first year class began orientation, the university's president speaking out about the makeup of

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the class of 2028. >> what it doesn't bring of last year's consequence of supreme court. >> reporter: the 1100 members of the class, if first shaped in part by the supreme court's decision striking down affirmative action in school admission and i'm very surprised and i'm shocked that it would have dropped so much. >> reporter: black and african americans making up just 5% of students compared to 13% in the previous four years. hispanic students, 11%, down from 15%. but asian american students, up 47% from 41%. and white students holding steady at 37%, from 38% previously. students we spoke to here, concerned. >> i do think when i look at my class, you see a lot of people who look like me and not fewer people who look different me.

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>> diversity is one of the biggest reasons i came to m.i.t. >> reporter: this professor believes cutting race from the equation was a mistake. what does that do to the campus at lager. >> it's important for students of all backgrounds to feel both welcomed and they belong. more diverse environment produce more innovation. >> reporter: she's a former student. >> i would say i'm in mourning, in part because i know there's people like me who might have had a chance to study at m.i.t. and they won't have that opportunity. >> reporter: three other schools releasing their data. >> how do we get the desired result of diversity without compromising merit? >> reporter: her son is starting the college application process. she said she values diversity

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but that the playing field needs to be leveled well before college. >> admissions to college should be based on that best fit and the best fit for an academic setting should be the academic merit of the child. >> reporter: here at m.i.t. the university is vowing to find ways to increase diversity without violating the supreme court ruling. that means increasing outreach to minority communities and promoting its financial aid programs. nine states had previously banned affirmative action at its public universities, most saw a drop in minority students immediately after. are you hopeful for the future? >> i have to stay hopeful because that's what keeps us innovating. >> reporter: rehema ellis, nbc news. there's another surprising and potentially dangerous new trend when it comes to braces,

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many of us remember braces as what we got from orthodontist. experts are sounding the alarm about the long-term damage all of that could cause. here's vicky nguyen. often depicted as an awkward rite of passage in movies. >> i'm going to be the best lab partner you ever had. >> cool. >> reporter: and even music videos. braces are no longer dreaded. they're now glorified as a trendy fashion look. videos showing how to buy and apply braces at home with glue or even as clip-ons have garnered millions of views on tiktok alone. but fashion braces can have serious consequences and can even worsen your bite and teeth alignment, adding additional harmful effects could include

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uncontrolled tooth, movement, poisoning, choking, oral cuts and infections. >> it has a lot of aesthetic components to it, and that's understood. it's seen as an accessory, like you're getting a necklace. behind it, what's misunderstand is we're looking at the bite. we're looking at function and we're looking how to safely do this and move teeth in the proper direction effectively so that they're stable at the end of treatment. >> reporter: this orthodontist warns that the damage could be permanent. >> there is glue that's on there on the teeth that we don't know about, that could permanently damage and break the enamel on your teeth. tooth enamel does not grow back. once it is broken and fractured, it is completely done. >> reporter: another dangerous smile trend shows people heading to unlicensed so-called basem*nt braces shops to help straighten their teeth. some say it is due to the high cost of orthodontic treatment which averages anywhere from $3,000 to $7,000. for mental braces.

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>> look, i get it. $400 is a lot cheaper for a set of braces. but there is a difference between lifelong lasting and protecting your health. >> reporter: dentists and orthodontists turning to social media warning anyone attempting to try this out. >> there is so much liability, it's dangerous. >> reporter: and sending an urgent warning saying this shortcut could ultimately cost even more money in the long run. what are some of the side effects to moving teeth too quickly or improperly? >> one of the most serious side effects of moving teeth too quickly is that you could end up losing your teeth altogether. it is really important that people are seeking some type of an aesthetic improvement of their teeth to talk to a dental professional and go over what those options are. >> dr. lee says talk to your dentist or orthodontist about affordable options for braces and payment plans. these days they have a lot of designs that give you the same

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vibe as fashion braces. just don't d.i.y. coming up, can you drastically lower your risk of dementia

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♪ yeah, baby, i like it like that ♪ ♪ you gotta believe me when i tell ya ♪ ♪ i like it like that ♪ ♪ i like it like that, i like it like that ♪ welcome back. many today's daily health, a new study on the link between eating

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anti-inflammatory foods and brain health. research shows these foods may lower the risk of dementia by 31% even in people with existing health issues like heart disease or a stroke. joining us now is dr. john torres. good to see you. inflammation is not something that's always easy to recognize, so first, can you walk us through the kind of inflammation we're talking about and how to know if you at home have it. >> there are two types of inflammation that our body deals with. we call it acute inflammation, for example, you twist your ankle, it gets swollen, warm to the touch, that's the body sending these inflammatory to prevent you from injuring it more. but when that inflammation turns chronic and it starts happening

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day after day, year after year, that inflammation can start taking a toll on your body. it can cause heart disease, it can cause brain issues, it can cause a lot of other conditions and that's why it's important to look at inflammation when it comes to brain health. >> that's so helpful. what does an anti-inflammatory diet looks like? >> essentially think about the things that your mom always talked to you about eating, the healthy foods, more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish, legumes, mediterranean diet, the ornish diet, these can help us out in the long run. >> when we hear about inflammation, we may think about a sprained ankle, some swelling, walk us through the link between these types of foods and our

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brain health specifically? >> one of the things we found out over the years is how important that gut/brain connection, the things that we digest can actually directly impact our brain. for those who have heart disease, stroke, over a 15-year time period they dropped their chances of getting dementia by 31% just by eating this anti-inflammatory diet. >> so dr. john, on the flip side, examples of food that can cause inflammation. >> the foods are just the opposite of what we talked about, these are essentially refined carbohydrates, sodas, high sugar, high fat, processed foods, doesn't mean you have to completely avoid them you definitely want to moderate

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these down and eat them occasion mali. >> it's not just food. how else can we prevent inflammation in our body. >> there are other things you can do, maintain a healthy weight, exercise on a daily basis, avoid smoking or tobacco products. and make sure you get a sufficient amount of sleep on a regular basis. >> dr. john torres always keeping us healthy. we appreciate it. thank you for watching. lot more news ahead. don't go anywhere, you're watching "nbc news daily". i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift.

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adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. [ cellphone chimes ] a-[ clears throat ]e -sorry, honey. it's a work thing. -mine's also a work thing. i just need someone to cover my shift. [ cellphone buzzes ] -yup, so is mine. alan says your business vehicle is now covered with progressive.

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protected 24/7 -- just like your home and auto. oh, that's great! so dinner time is just phone time now? sorry... you know i heard that ground turkey is the healthiest poultry. you know what, never mind. just be on your phones. with claritin, relieving your allergies is a walk in the park. get fast, all-day relief of your worst allergy symptoms like nasal congestion. (♪♪) live claritin clear. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those

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with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. rsv? make it arexvy. news daily. i'm audrey asistio. and this labor day. thousands of hotel workers are taking to the streets. contracts between the unions and hotel chains have lapsed over the past few months, and now employees at hyatt, hilton and marriott hotels are going on strike and that includes 2000 people in san francisco, hundreds more in san jose and san mateo union leaders say it comes in response to months of failed contract negotiations. they're also asking for higher pay, health benefits and better staffing

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policies. they say they chose labor day weekend on purpose toe strike. this is for my daughter. it's not just for all of us, but it's for the family. and without that, matt corporate is making a lot of money. these people are making a lot of money. and what they're giving us on the table isn't enough. hilton says it is committed to negotiating in good faith, and that it plans are in place to ensure a smooth stay for customers. all right, a heads up. it is going to get a lot warmer for us beginning tomorrow. here's cinthia pimentel with the 7-day forecast. it will be a mild day in san francisco and out at our beaches for this labor day. but then watch this as we go on to back to work, back to school, even for the city. very warm. september is usually our warmest month here in the bay area, but 80s for the city without ac in some places. yeah, we're going to be in for a toasty couple of days. some relief though by the weekend, but in our inland

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valleys, dangerous heat for the hillsides. we're watching the fire danger and for our health. of course, we want to avoid any dehydration. we'll jump those temperatures as early as tomorrow morning. feel the heat ramping up into some upper 90s and low one. hundreds in some spots, some breeze returns by the weekend, but still very warm

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of energy per meter, and a lot of people use energy to power their homes. and now there's. a california company that wants to use that energy to power your car. here's scott mcgrew, a car unlike any other on the road. the aptera solar electric vehicle has just three wheels and looks kind of odd, but the inventor says it's super aerodynamic. you can see the shape of the vehicle behind me. it has a very unique shape and that lets it cut through the air

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without wasting virtually any energy. most cars, even most modern electric cars, they waste about half of their energy just just pushing the air out of the way. and aptera says that efficiency means the whole thing can be powered by a solar panel, like a pocket calculator fueled by the sun. and by making it solar, we can take that 30 to 40 miles a day that someone normally drives and make it so that they never have to charge it. just being parked in the sun means they never need to plug it in. now, not every day in the bay area is paradise. sometimes the sun doesn't show up, and that's why the aptera also runs on a battery. so it has a 400 mile battery pack. so you're going to be able to drive 400 miles on a charge like a normal. well, like an exceptional electric vehicle. all right. scott mcgrew. thank you. aptera has tried and failed to build a car in the past, but this time they say they'll start rolling cars out of the factory door

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early next year. a lot of stores are closed for labor day, including banks, government offices and the post office. costco also closed, so if you're looking for stores that are open, those include sam's club, target, trader joe's and walmart. however, many are operating on reduced hours. all right, that does it for this edition of the fast forward. edition of the fast forward. we'll see you here once aga before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed.

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breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help. ask your doctor about breztri. depend keeps you drier than ever... so you can say yes to more than ever. yes yes yes no. depend, the only thing stronger than us, is you. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels. because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away.

1:00 pm

because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. i'm andrea canning, and this is "dateline daytime" on nbc.f. she was a mother. she was the most amazing woman

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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