a MSTQiHiAKDITSiiO NEWS-DEMOCRAT Los' Angeles Prisoner Wrecked Vs hide And E. H. Youngs-firfc-fcProi LTONS Trying to jK CENTRAkWMweV Alittl rMninhT if Los 'Angeles, -California. A -rpris- REMINISCENCES. Offhand, one woild Bay pleasure of recollefctlon )ay la the coa templation of past Tiotorws.
1: might naturally supposed to more the thoughtsJLif'theitijpea when he triumphed thaa the times when he went down to defeats-may be to defeat that Carried with It the world's stigma of ignomliM Inglorious. There la something be aid on the other hawevep To tare fought and Jost, jtowever over; whelming the defeat, however crushing the failure. Is dnmethlnp-that 1b sweet to us all and erer has-been. True, the renlctured scene when the 1 splendid machine-4-ln war, sport, poli tics or whatnot went crushing I 1 'li through the weH ordered ranks SO years was alpns-jta the ofr XBmhoiiiIcall Etv wa r-VVJ VI I HERE are "Ty" Cobb of the Detroit American League team, and Wood-row Wilson, photographed In a hotel at Detroit Governor Wilson expressed the desire to shake hands with the great ball player, and when they met, the governor Baid: "I haven't seen you since we were together in Georgia, except that I have seen you play ball many times since then." "Well, Governor, the next time I see you I hope It will be In the White House," replied Cobb, after which the nominee invited the ball player to "have lunch with him. The latter bashfully declined.
The governor lived and practiced law in the same section of Georgia in which Cobb lived. HELD COURT SESSION ON TRAIN High Power Car Robbers Fled Across State at Record Break- VJng Speed." Chicago, Illinoisl-Five bandits driving powered motor car committed adaring rolibefy "atTih'O office ol-thrKeilniaB -ililling eompanf i- at Dyer," and -then terrorized the entire Caltimetr-regjbh" as. thejrr'sped' across the --state at -the 'rate of SO- miles an hour, pursuedby 10 machines filled with polices i 1 Tivo of the robbers lured X6nari Kepman, aged presidect; of the-' company," to, "the rear of the grain elevator "and held -him' while the' others TnUhoA 'the "nsf a Vnrwilrtion SaO.AflO The bandits drove up to com pany's office at noon, Keilman, who flee. POwer-'as kept -on when-the motor car stopped and the men, entered -the building jon the pretext- of purchasing some grain' and lecUKeil-man to the rear of the elevator. Then they retained him- threats.
As soon as Sheriff Grant was informed of the robbery he dispatched ten motor posses in pursuit. Meanwhile, the bandit car, running more than 50 miles an hour, sped toward Valparaiso with the machines of the police far in the rear. By night, however, several of thfe cars started back, but others kept the chase At one point a constable tried to stop the bandits and arrest them for speeding, but more speed was put on and a bullet whizzed in his AEROPLANE TEST AT FT." RILEY Field Artillery to Experiment With Firing From Height of Over, 2,000 Feet. Washington, Sept 30. The" secretary of war has authorized the field artillery board at Fort Riley to experiment with the directing of fire of artillery from an probably in October.
The experiment will not only be of great importance to the field artillery, but also a new test of efllciency of aeroplanes. Recently it was proposed to direct the fire of field artillery from captive balloons or dirigible balloons, but it became apparent" that either dirigible or captwe balloons would bean excellent target for the enemy. The French army has made experiments with the use of aeroplanes and it is reported they have been successful. It is generally agreed that aeroplanes when used in this manner must be operated at an altitude of not less than 2,000 feet The signal corps will furnish the aviator and the aeroplane for the experiments. FRAUD STOPS LAND VALUATION Oklahoma Politicians Got Inside Information on Choice Choctaw Coal Locations.
Muskogee, Oklahoma. Following a story that certain politicians and capitalists were getting inside advance information of the appraisem*nt of the 600,000 acres of segregated coal land of the Choctaw nation and that the appraisem*nt is too low, orders, have been received from IheTejgartmenr of the -interior rejecting the partly completed -appraisem*nt and a new one orderedmade. The lands appraised in Haskell and Leflore counties, the richest in the segregation, caused the One Dead In Mine Explosion. McAlester, Oklahoma. -An explosion, in, the Bolen-Darnell Coal company's mine at Craig killed Antonio Piatza and Injured Frank Spanovalla, shot firers.
A crew from the mine rescue station was sent from here. The explosion was caused by a windy shot. mine 1b damaged slightly. W. C.
T. U. for Suffrage. Sallna, Kansas' The state convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance union elected officers for the coming year. Much enthusiasm was created by an address by Mrs.
Nellie Parker of Delphos on "Why I Want to Vote." It resulted in every delegate declaring in favor of woman suffrage. Peacemaker Got a Bullet Aberdeen, South Dakota, CharleB Gorton, a peacemaker, was killed by a bullet Intended for another man at Britton, S. D. Ole Knutson, who firsi the shot at another man with whom he had been quarreling, waB arrested, charged with first degree murder. Express Company Sold Liquor.
Mason, City, Iowa. The Adams Express company was Indicted for maintaining a nuisance in connection with the sale of Intoxicating liquors at tEe local office. Shot 200 Mutineers. Wu Chang. China.
More than 200 mutinous soldiers were shot without the formality of a court-martial by the loyal troops, commanded by General Li Yuan Heng In consequence of ths recent outbreak. Honor Major Butt's Memory. Nashville, Tennessee. A bronzs tablet, "to commemorate the noble ltfs and the heroic death" of Major Archibald Wllllngham Butt, United States army, was unveiled In All Saints chapel at Sewanee. In i oner on the way-a jail blew up a o- lice motor patrordowntown by ignite ing the 'gasoline, with majeh.
The vehiele waa wrecked and oae.prlsoner was burneTto death. Two others, wfft Patrolman Louis Canto, were injured dangerously, i Canto, 'hi? clothing' aflame started in pursuit': of the man who started the fire and another prisoner; but was stopped Jby onlookers "who stripped his flaming clothing from his body, The. fugitiyes escaped. The patrol was beingdnven, back, to central station. Gasoline fumes were re leased, when the fuel tank was opened for, refilling.
RUNAWAY VICTIM WAS ROBBED1 Pittsburg Visitor Fatally injured, Has Money and Watch Stolen fore Doctor Pittsburg, Kan. MrsrA. W. Miller of Denver probably was injured fatal-, ly in' a runaway here late in the afternoon. 'r 'r Mrs.
Miller fainted while out driving and her horse became-f lightened and ran away. She fell out of the carriage and her hair caught in a wheel. horse ran" several blocks before it was stopped, and Mrs. Miller was severely injured on the head. After the runaway had been stopped and before medical attention had arrived Mrs.
Miller was robbed of $7 in cash and a gold SNOW TOO EARLY. FOR FARMERS Northern Grain Crops Unfeut, Thresh-ing Unfinished and White Blanket Covers Ground. Fargo, 'North. Dakota. Following two weeks of rain, the first snow of the season partly covers North Dakota, eastern Montana Tand.
western Minnesota. In some sections the fall was heavy enough to delay traffic. Farmers in the northern counties of North Dakota and Minnesota will be heavy sufferers," many fields of wheat, rye, flax and barley being uncut. The corn crop also will suffer. Threshing was about half completed and a week more of good weather will be needed before work can be resumed.
FREIGHT' TELESCOPED SLEEPER Two Passengers Fatally Injured in Wrecked PtrHman Car Near Barstow, Cal. Barstow, California Two passengers were injured so they will die and four others injured -seriously when a freight train on thVSanta Fe crashed into a sleeping car of the San Pedro, Los Angeles Salt Lake Limited, bound rfor Los Angeles, at Barstow Junction. 1 One passenger," a man from New York, who refused to. give, his name had his and Nellie Grover, who 'refused to give her residence, was injured internally. Surgeons said she could not live.
FARMER INJURED BY BALED HAY Workina on Stack When Slide Buried rum UCIVIC IIC wwuiu Escape? lj ti Wichita, Kansas. John Dunnell, a farmer, was working on a 16-foot stack of baled hay near here the top bales began, slipping, Dunnell could not get out of the way and a dozen bales, each weighing 75 pounds, struck him. Whe.n dug out he was found to have been injured dangerously. Doctors are not sure he can live. 8choolboy Died From a Blow.
Fort Smith, Arkansas. The Benton county grand jury will Investigate the death of Marlett McGarrah, 16 years old, of Monte, evidently caused by a blow. Christopher Pace, a school teacher, admits that he struck the boy on the but denies that he intended to Injure' him. A. girl pupil in McGarrah's class also admits having struck the boy in a moment of anger.
The grand jury will probe both stories. "Down With America." 1 Berne, Switzerland. Screaming "Down with the United States," 500 Italian workmen, on strike in sympathy with Ettor and Giovanltti In prison for the Lawrence, riots, tried to demolish tho American minister's house. Police and soldiers dispersed them after a brisk fight. No Berlous damage was done.
Like Old-Time Campaign. Chicago, Illinois. A procession, the first In Chicago in years, preceded the opening of the Taft campaign in Illinois. Members of the Hamilton club marched from the clubhouse to the ball, each one carrying a blazing torch. Strike on Spanish Railways.
Perplgnan, France. Railroad traffic Is completely suspended in the Spanish province of Catalonia, and there has been considerable destruction of property at various stations by the strikers. Couple Wed 60 Years. Sallna, Knnsns. The Rev.
and Mrs. A. D. Klrtland of Sallna celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary at home. A general reception for Sallna people was held.
The couplo wers married it Plymouth, O. the enemy, rendering the foe must be a shining panel of memory. To recall triumphs' fairly' won and hard fought, is indeed, almost the acme of pleasure. "Sweet is pleasure after pain," sang the minstrel. Sweet, indeed, is the reward of victory.
What of the rewards of To go down fighting hard for ft good cause no iaaa can really fight hard unless his cause be righteous, to iiim at least ought to constitute one of the brightest achievements of life, a rose in the chaplet not lightly to be thrown aside. A Paris newspaper, the Femina, put' the following question to its women readers recent: do you think classing them order of Importance are the ten principal failings of ptnen?" The majority of the women said egotism was man's most besetting pin. And what is egotism? It is simple and unadulterated selfishness; nd that is man's ohief fault, according to the women. And then these faults come next in answers: infidelity, Jealousy, I intemperance, cow-ardioa. That is so selfishness is the taproot of them alL They are all logically connected.
Following thes ifive leading sins come, In the women's answers: immorality, despotism, temper, stupidity and idleness. It will fee Interesting to follow these answers in grading the sins, and pursvp. ng the gradual descents from egotism Ho laziness. It will be found that they preserve a natural order. For instance, infidelity; follows egotism, cowardice follows intemperance, despotism follows immorality, and idleness is Just behind The answers are interesting and just.
The rtromen know more about men't fall ings than men dp. They know more than they let on. Professor Paul S. Reinsch of the tjnlversity of Wisconsin, at home after a yeur in Berlin, expresses the pinion that the victory of the American athletes in he Olympic games will revolutionize; athletic training in Germany. "The German system of athletics," he says, "is really that of the Turner societies, looking to the collective effect rather than individual superiority." However, he heard in.
Berlin on all sides indications that if Germany is to achieve fame athletically the American style of athletics must be gone into more generally. As a result of this he expects to see Germany more successful In "'future Olympian contests. The professor adds that there have been signs for some time of a breaking away on the part of Germans from the Indoor sys-t i of athletio training and notes that many Germans are playing golf. Today women wear dresses made of fabrics almost as inexpensive as calico was in its palmiest days, and far cheaper than it grew to be in war times. But the cotton goods that have been substituted for calico are not used so generally nor on so many occasions, says the Cincinnati Times.
It is not only that the style has changed, but the habit of economy has also changed. The man who would make a close study of the question of the higher cost of living and what has produced it would very likely learn something of value were he to investigate the "history of the calico dress and the true reasons for its paSSlng. That woman who managed to keep house at a cost of $1.30 per week might make at least that standard of expenses by telling others how to do it Possibly after she has explained the way it is done the income can be Increased from men who will pay more than that not to have It done in their families. The many drownings reported these days wouldn't happen if every boy and Ctrl had to learn how to swim. A modification of the old Persian curriculum, "To ride, to shoot and to peak the truth." might well be added to our educational, requirements.
Woman in Milwaukee wants a divorce because her husband had his whiskers shaved off. -She simply eouldn't stand such bare faoed treat-snent. i lofhin Use and Cost BAKING POWDER And it docs better work. Simply follow your customary method of preparation add a little less of Calumet than when using ordinary baking powder. Then watch the result.
Light, fluffy, and evenly raised the baking comes from the oven more tempting, tastier, more wholesome. Calumet insures the baking of an expert. Ask your grocer to-day. RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS World's Pure Food Exposition, Chicago, IlLi Paris, Ex position, rrance, March, 1Q1" You don't sace money when you bay cheap or big-can baking powder. Don't, be misled.
Buy Calumet. It't mom economical more wholesome glut best mulls. Calumet It far superior to tour mdk and soda. Which Is Correct? The Only T. R.
or The only Tea Is FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS If Ton feel "out of Bortt" "ran th Irum kidnejr.bladiler.nervonsdibi-asei, chronlo weaknesses, ulcers. skin eruptlons.piles. write for my b'Ktifa) book. It Is the most Instructive medical book ever written. It tolls all about these, diseases and the ri-markablecnres effected hy theNew French Homed? UEKAPION" No-1.
No.l No, I and yon can decide for yourself it' It Is the remedy for our ailment. Don't sond a cent. It absolutely RBR Or.I.eClereMert. CoUnvemtock ltd-, lluuijisteml, Uadua, fcag. iimm Ailen eLlcen uuSaiveou rest, roil iv I U-era, I loern.Mercurlnl Loc.FeTerSre,ll"ltf.
BjMilfcOa, fcNiM Im, i.y. A.LUS.S, beU AtB, Bt. Paul, Miua. IWtdi For II will send latest sectional map of stat thowlng progress of k.rtUiiM braiaac. and Inu-jll-gently answer questions about entire suite, haying personally ylewed eyery Co.
Formerly with late Goy. Broward. No land to sell. a. L.
uiihM, Jwlnoaiiilr, ru. RTrilTfi WateonK. Coleman, Wash. PATEHTSi3aK-srzi FOR ALL SORE EYES Wichita Directory GUILE The gmtt Mrxican Dj'h, eaallf made with Dy Mixturt. TheMexlcanChtl Maker.
For aale at your irro- ear's at 10 an 2T)C, or eii(l Hlcforaenn and book recipe to W. S.0TE, Dlcbllt, CHILI SUPPLIES. JAMES C. SMITH HIDE CO furs iilUelo WOOL WE SOLICIT YOUR SHIPMENTS 804 E. Douglas Wichita, Xan.
Seit Cough Syrup, Tutel Good. I'M In lima, Sola Drainlfti. I LiPTOirS KILLED THREE WITH BALL BAT FAMILY ATTACKED IN TENT WELLINGTON, KAN. AT Bodies Found by Neighbor All Had Been Shot and Skulls .5 Crushed. Wellington, Kansas.
Theodore Mc-Knelly and his daughter, Gretta, were found- dead and Mrs. Mc-Knelly fatally injured in a tent; on the outskirts-of this city whither they recently hadoved for the daughter's health. Mrsj McKnelly died without recovering consciousness. All three bad been shot and their skulls crushed. Robbery is believed to have been' the motive.1 A ball bat and revolver were used and there aire some indications of knife woundi There is ho clew to the murderer except bloody finger marks on the limbs! of Mrs.
McKnelly. These lead the phj-sicians to' believe, that possibly a degenerate committed the crime. ii.t v. .1 A son, Ottb McKnelly, who lived in another part; of town, says there was some money In the tent which has not yet -been found, The two women, were attacked in bed and when discovered by a neighbor after, noon McKnelly still breathing although her skull was crushed. McKnelly evidently jumped out of bed when attacked.
Apparently he was first shot In the head In bed, as powder burns cover his pillow, and then killed with 'a ball 'bat. McKnelly was a railroad car repairer who has lived here five "years, coming from'" Missouri.1' They had just moved to the tent the day of the murder, Charge Son With the Crime. Wellington, Kansas.T)tto McKnelly, 21 years old, has been arrested on the charge of having murdered his father, Theodore er and in a tent one mile east of this town Tuesday night. Got Canadian Bank Robber. St.
Louis. Mo. year's Chase following the $320,000 bank robbery in New Westminster, September 19, 1911, has just ended in St Louis In the arrest of J. C. Adams, leader of the robber gang.
Adams was one of the twe men who beat LIeut. Burns of the Chicago police department into insensibility In a saloon where he tried, single handed, to capture them. Politics to be Barred. Indianapolis, Indiana. With at leftBt one presidential candidate on the program, all political discussions will be barred from the BGSBlons of the National Conservation congress, which opens here October 1.
Aeroplane Navy Reviewed. Paris, France. The first review ever held of a complete aeroplane armada took place at Vlllncoublay, near Tarls. Seventy-two French army flying machines with their full crews participated. Blocks Two-Cent Fare.
Springfield, Illinois. Holding that ths Illinois two-cent fare law was confiscatory (he United States district court hero granted a permanent Injunction, restraining the state from enforcing the law. Three Men Convicted and Fined Railroad Coach for Drink- ing Liquor. in Joplin, Missouri. Arrested aboard a train operating between Joplin and Xeosho, three men were given convicted and fined, on the morning train by officials of Newton county, Missouri.
I. H. Collier, sheriff, arrested the men for drinking liquor aboard the train. "He escorted themr to a rear coach where William Sexton, prosecuting attorney, and W. Wilson, a justice of the peace, sat.
The coach was transformed into 3 courtroom and the prisoners presented to the justice. Each pleaded, guilty and was fined $5 and "court" costs. They paid the assessments' and were Few passenger were aware: that a court hearing was taking place. BACK TO PRIMITIVE METHODS Kansan Who Lost Horses, Makes Yokes and Does Plowing With Ox Kan. Peter Jobes, a Rush county farmer, lost almost all his horses from the plague, just when, he -started plowing his wheat fields, "lie had 600 acres of ground yet" to be plowed." He hd raised "a big wheat crop and i spent' part of his money for a gas tractor engine and set it to work.
Then he saw, that the field would not be Jjlone In 'time so he picked, four three-year-old steers. He cut down a tree, made two yokes and the bows from a couple of hedge saplings. The four steers, were yoked and the, next mprning hitched "to a gang plow and put to work. The field has been plowed and now the four steers are used In- sowing the grain. New Building Collapsed.
Kansas" City, Mq. Two men, wers killed, two are missing, five were injured, and a score of others narrowly escaped serious injury when part of the roof of the new five-story hotel building, the Alameda, being constructed at the corner of Tenth and the Paseo, collapsed under the weight of 100 tons of cinders, and crashed through all of the floors to the basem*nt, carrying the workmen with it Initiative Law Upheld. Denver, Col. The state suprem court gave a decision declaring th Colorado Initiative and referendum law constitutional. The ruling of the court was written by Chief Justice Campbell, all the Justices concurring.
Twenty-seven initiated and referred measures are ready for submission at the general election in November under the upheld amendment. Melons Caused a Shooting. Fort Smith, Arkansas. Mrs. Marj Luney was Indicted by the grand Jurj at Heber Springs, charged with seo ond degree murder.
She shot Walket Cllnger, who, she says, stole her water melons. Chinese Tiy Sane "Fourth." 8n Francisco, Cal. Chlnatowj celebrated Independence day, thi birthday of the republic, with oratloni and parades, but no firecrackers. Mod rn to the minute, all enthusiasm wat as safe as a denatured Fourth of July.