The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)

MONDAY. AUGUST t. 19441 WAT-IOOO CAILt COIBIER. WA1TRLOO, IOWA. ELONDIE THE DAILY ARGUMENT if--? HERES A ill i YOU CAN POOR PA AUNT HET say) kiNyl (THAT; AGAIN 1 S73 iV" 4' i in 9 7 5fr 4 fir -e 1 i I -i WALTER WINCHELL in New York While Walrer Winchfll Is away dunrg Aufiiit hil col-umn will be conducted by guest contributor.

Broadway and Elsewhere Uy JACK LA IT. Now it leak out, from Bourcf-s close to the White House hierarchy: Henry Wallace never had a chance for renomina-tion. He had put himself into a position somewhat similar to that which flattened Jim Farley ho'cre the 1940 They tell me that Wallace, sometime in 1912, pot an inspiration. He went to the president and let it he known that if Roosevelt didn't intend to run for fourth t-rm, Wallace, felt he would be a logical candidate. The president did not tell him yet or no, Wallace In one way and another, to urt boom tor himself.

Shortly thereafter, he found that he wai In bad with the b58. Instead ot having hi say, like Farley did. he rursed his hope and hi ambition, but found he could get rio surport without a declaration from above. When FDR, by continued mlenee, delivered a virtusl "pocket velo" en the aspirationi of any other Democrat for the top ob, Wallace frantically went after nomination, the next best In light But Roosevelt anted no of him by then, and the "if were a delegate" letter was written on fly-paper. Tale about Jark Topping planning a wedding with Andrewi were counterfeit The former Mm.

Jesvl is back in Cal.fornia and has very different plans Jone ij iweet on Lt. Bobby Clark, of the air corps no relation to the It will cost Lucky Millinder twenty grand to get a divorce to he can marry hii vocalist. Judy Carol de Cordova, who breaks up and makes up with Lupe Vetez every second day, rushes Simone Simon in between. Fred Waring, who opened at the Roxy as an added attraction with "Wilson," for $3,000 a week, conducted the Roxy orchestra 15 years "Ma really prayi for her sisters- in-law an' other enemies, but she'a THIMBLE THEATRE STARRING POPEYE "I couldn't be politician. I know it's all a game, but Ml be blessed If I could high-hat folks for yean and then slobber over 'em to set their votei." VOU HEARD ME ATll KAH SINGING LES-- not very urgent.

She don want heaven to put itself out any to help them." MV SlMSiMG LESSOfJ 1. 1 a A rsA nrv. I POUUM. I VAM 7 A1V SIDE GLANCES WW TWEVS I HEARD VOUR EXTR A COOJ IM 1 EARS -hi mi (DEISHT WIMWS VPECDVE mm ABCARPy OUARTERJyS VOU A-A' ITT '4 ago at union wages. Beginning Sept.

7, he start a radio contract at $18,500 per broadcast per week. If "Wason" is still running (and tf it ELLA CINDERS ft He took rr to her, said juov would 1LJ Patches. hv a I is not, he will have made a similar deal elsewhere), his gross will be $13,500 a week, plus royalties for records, ete, making him the bigzest A FUHNH THIN5 HAPPENED UCD AAiTUPO fit I tr 1 I O-TUPS TWF I CFPLIW. JUlTVS MCTTHEJ I III earner In show business well over $2,000,000 a year. TODAV, ELLA.

BOUGHT A CHARM UP SOON AFTER TO TJ TH SAME IS A VICIOUS WOMAN 3 During the most enervating hot srell in New Ycrk history, the da luxe picture palaces have been jdmmed from early morn througlx the post-midnight shows. Not only has there been an unusual assembly of excellent films, but the air-cooling plants have been a headline draw problem hasn't been getting the customers in, but getting them out some remained eight and 10 hours, for the price of one admission. BRACELET FOR PT 1 ASK HOW AAUCH THING HA.PPEMED WITH ALL I HOPE BLACK' JUOV WATTS' dl Xm BLACKIE PAID FOR THE OTHER GIFTS THAT if COE-N'T 5'T IS TO rPiF, 1 WERE BOUGHT i-f, ROUBLE AT 'isfe2 tC'-lIn miyC! M- SW iK Em iW 1 The Barry titrrs have mor than singing on their minds. Claire will soon marry Al Weinberg, who is in the yarn business (no. not a and Merna is holding hands with Don Douglas, radio actor Marilyn Hightower.

who was a featured dancer in the "Zieefeld Follies," is dancing with Sam Wall, manager of Dean Hudson, the band leader. Rickcn and his the onetime Roseanne Mathews. who is rehearsing in "Rain." are going their separate Jerun BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Moore, the numerologist, and Anna Belle, who danced for all the ton revue producers, have been secretly married for three year. FDR's campaign manager Insists that Elliott Roosevelt wait until 0 after the election to marry. Keith.

Mutual commentator, may A'A Iff 5-7 take a trip to Rerio. A Broadway press has high hopes that she will Warburton, one of the prettier cafe habitues, is cettins yw iu www me nt orr the rush from Casilli Adlerbcrg. KinR. the Roxy singer, dining with a Broadway liquor-man whose name is perfect for paragraph purposes: Mr. Gene Williams.

Johnnie Long's vocalist "What luck! We're checking up the reactions of of this town to the national rubber program!" crooning to Miriam La Belle, Hollywood starlet. This does not come from Ding Crosby's rress BEent. but I still don't Anmrr Prrvleu PuftT believe it: Bing was in town, and, weary of being followed about and REAR-ADMIRAL nemmed in by crowds, he took a taxi and dropped off at an obscure 6f. 1m ElTiETTP. EjRfJ kiic1 I 'r iuii i 'A fFTTTi ITjRlAT IN It mfi 9 fwf J- i side-street cafe.

He was dining alone when a stranger came over and said, "I remember you. You worked a week for me years ago in my theater in Bay View. N. for $50. As I raid you off you thanked me and we got to talking and you said some day you hoped to be a star on the screen or the air or the records, or m.iybe all of them." "That's right," said Bing, "I remember." "Well how did you come out?" NIT 6 Ml 1 I TTjTis I BRINGING UP FATHER VERTICAL 1 Scales of pay 2 Stove part 3 Oriental coin 4 Erbium (symbol) 5 Prevent VI tMV Bt HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured dirigible expert, Rear Admiral Charles E.

9 Disconcert 13 State 14 Pieces out 15 Elderly From William A. Lydpaie's "What Amrrica Thinks." out next month: SCDVICl Command ir Ayr: I HOW DID I GET ME OUtI I VOU GET I OF1 IT-AN' 1 INTHlSjAMtl CXrr ASK '-r-V fcAQMESTlONS an ii biii MAGGIE HELP-B SOMEONE- ANVBODy- I wm. help- 11-L JUST TCy IT NOW-LETS SEE ONE FOOT UNDER THIS RUNG -AN' "Who was the first New "Because when he set sail he didn't know where he was eoinc: when BOBBV-THAT'S NO WW TO ST IN A CHAIR- GEE IT'S KEE-NO- AND COAAFY- 7 she 22 kalian money33 Let it stand 8 Left ride (ab.) 23 Earth 34 Greater 9 Deadly 25 Fowl quantity THE OTHER he got there he didn't know here he was; hen he got home he didn't know where he had been all on borrowed money." 16 Eight and two 10 Eras 26 He is an 36 Make amends expert on rigid37 Binds 11 He has ex PRIVATE LIVES perimented 39 Elliptical with 12 Editors (ab.) 27 Liquid food 17 Oceans 28 Constellation 18 Slipped on ice 29 Part of fish 20 Father 30 Imbecile 21 Summon 31 Proceed 40 Skin opening 41 Greek letter 42 Relative (ab.) 41 Stibium (symbol) fit I 'ri 1 JOE JINKS mm. ALL RlfiWT. BOYS J3 1 YOUR MATE 15 IN GOOD WANDS AND NOW 1- 17 Mix 18 Stairs 19 Half an em 20 Observed 21 Fastener 22 Prevaricator 23 Travel via water 24 Exclamation 26 Tunes 27 Vended 28 Beverage 29 Element 30 Prevent 31 Wide smile 32 Anger 33 Spirit 34 Groan 35 Nova Scotia (ab.) 36 On top 37 Toward 38 Hostelry 40 Standard of value 41 Short axis 42 Twine 43 Bridge 44 Dry 45 Island 46 Give blessing WAV V06 far' llTS7( TTir I X.


WALTER. KRUCGER ASKEJO A USO MAOlCiAM TO DO THE RABBIT- HAT TRIOC FOft SOME. PYGMIES 1 IN THIS HAVE HEW JAP WEAPON fRPUUS RFAftV ANSWER TO r- DEMOUNTABLE UKE. Evansville, Ind W) Cpl. Charles Emmcrson in Italy asked for a ukulele, but his mother despaired when the postoffice refused to ac It WHO HAD EFFECTED A SLCV-OOWAi NKVtOtl fWV HO mm MAARJWUC i.

SHOWER PErS HIM UP. Worcester, Mass. (U.R) Fatigued from examinations, track star Dave Murray of Holy Cross decicied to take his shower before instead of after a recent meet. Showered and rubbed down, Murray tossed the javelin 197 feet. 9'.

inches, to edge out his nearest competitor by eight feet. WE PY3MS, MVSrSO AMD DELQUrED, 7X3 WWC WW A WLL JAN. 26. cept any package over 21 inches. A neighbor finally took it to a music store for dismantling.

A 21-inch box was found and the uke made the grade. PETER PUNK 7 ffp. i 4 INC t-'- 5 PIT OCT a SCORCHY SMITH MI I 1 I i it ff K3.l CAPTAIN tfMirH AND IT. Vvf'SE CPP HERE COME THE TkvO S.r.' LEAVlN PEPEiTLY it EMU. I Bvf vf wAir T-fi RET fHflJLC? THE PLAN.

gE WH? WfC HCLPiN THE Plan WISDOM OF THE AGES UjCarc: fa: eoHVANO Pinto, Ae ajincc? TJ AN AiB-COVER, fCZ A ECP6T ALLIED F6 HELP k'fAR THE AAS-1AM PEfERT On THE PEPARTURE T-E ARE TIPav Ellin WITH TW NAZ'i in yvfiCRw 3l aw M. Li HOMER HOOPEE "The imitation is a poor kind of creature." You demand genuine cleaning service cleaning done by those who employ experts to handle your good clothes. Through Ihe years Unique has met the demands of those who know and appreciate the best. AT YOUR SERVICE SINCE 1311 1 NOW DOM'T WASTP ypnR Mowey om that A SWCCE BATRy GiVE' A SALUTS VOAD, I LL 6T yOO A EEAl CAP FR.OM TU" I BALLCLiJB FOR 1 w.fc iN t-WJKcU IttVi -itN Ts 717- 1 MV T' 7- I AW. 6f I WA NO PTi SSfi SAPV.

mWS AWWlN6LsE CAP JOST UwTE BlFF MV PAPfR XMX) WALT (MILLER TAE WOME-CCU 'MOMEy yr-TS- V1 of me eagles, 7ame6. Lr v-i A-ftr 1 i.Ill lAri I if 1 I Jt I A I'D I iT FluURE KOl KB RATES SUCH A SALUTE. 6-7.

The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

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