Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)

-ELM II A STAR (i AZETTE- OCT. IS, 194S. fourteen LEGALS CARPENTRY. MASONRY. ROOFING It AUTOMOBILES PERSONALS to hereby given that the boif of the Town of lilg FlStS.

W. t'if the rr t. Blnolti -ln, 9i'l. ha Ix-m run irod ari.1 III the office Itin Town Cltflt 111 flat. N.

where it Is avail- aide fur inspection by any Interested r-o at all reasonable hours, further notice la herebv given that the Town Board of th Town of Big Flats will and rview said preliminary bud- get and hold a public hearing thereon, at the Masonic Hall at Big Flats. N. o'clock p. m. on the 29th day of October.

194. ard tht auc-h haring any person may tx heard ta favor of or against the preliminary budget iu compiled or for or against any item or Item therein contained. Pursuant to S-c. 113 of the Town Lav. the proposed salaries cf the following town officers are hereby specified follows: Supervisor 10.00 Justices of the Peace lComblnd Town Clerk Town Superintendent S24OC.0O By Order the Town Board.

-RRY F. RHODES. Town Clerk. Dated October II. 1948.

olg-19-20 3'2 Notice la hereby given that License Nt. RL-21443 has been issued to the undersigned to sell beer, liquor and -win tinder the Alcoholic Beverage Con-trot Law at Ptaz Grill. 106 Penna. Are, Elmira. Chemune County.

N. for oa premise consumption. Nicholas Spallone. 323 Roe Elmira, County, N. T.

olS-25 2t Notice in hereby given that License No. CL-1267 hu been issued to the 'undersigned to sell beer, liquor and wine under the Alcoholic Beveratre Control Law at Club. 317 E. Market St, Elmira, Chemung- County, N. for on premises consumption.

lElks Club. 317 E. Market St, Elmira, Chemung County, N. Y. olS-25 2tx Notice is hereby given that License RL-21423 has been issued to the undersigned to sell liquor, wine, cider and beer under the Alcoholic Bever-ar Control Law at Hourigan's Grill.

520-522 N- Mam Elmira. Chemung County. X. for on preir.lsea consumption. Mathew M.

Hourlgan. 520-523 N. Main Elmira, Chemung County. N. T.

It-18 2tx Notice is hereby given that License No. RL-21453 has been Issued to the undersigned to sell beer, liquor and in under the Alcoholic Beverage 'Control Law at Rustic Gardens, RD 1. Pin City. Chemung County. N.

for on consumption. John Zack. RO 1. Pine City, Chemung County, oll-lS 2tx Notice is hereby given that License No. CL-1269 has been Issued to the undersigned to cell beer, liquor and wine under the Alcoholic Beveraze Control Law at Elmira Aerie Club.

941. F.O.E.. 413 Lake Su, Elmira, Chemung County, N. for on premises consumption. Elmira Aerie Club.

941, -f O.EL. 413 Lake St, Elmira. Chemung County, N. T. oll-lS 2tx Notice ts hereby given that License No.

RL-21428 has been issued to the undersigned to sell beer, liquor and wine under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at Jerry E. Keefe. 609 Franklin St. Elmira. Chemung County.

N. for on premises con-- sumption. Jerry E. Keefe. 433 Broadway, Elmira, Chemung County, N.

Y. oll-lS 2tx Notice is hereby given that License No. RL-21440 has been Issued to the undersigned to sell liquor, wine and beer under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 12th. Ward Restaurant 209 West Miller St, Elmira. Chemung Countr.

N. for on premises consumption. M. J. Nagle.

211 West Miller Enira. Chemung Countr. N. Y. oll-l 2tx HOUSES TOR SALE 71 CHURCH S'i.

E. Very cozy home. Jiuruwood hours throughout, automatic heat. 6 rooms, ntit porch, large lot, 1 nr unmet- sn.l workshop. lays, J-I7WI; vvfaIhm.

a-iUlii, i.omiiiij itfulty. DLWAitKVKt room and LattT. iJ.MiU. 1MJ() down. Dial rML EUCLID AVE.

Excellent home, beautiful large living room, wood burning fireplace, dining room. den. kitchen, pantry, lavatory and toilet first floor; 4 large bedrooms, 2 baths, beautifully modern with built-in dressing table and mirrors. Very adequate closet space, Including unusually convenient linen closeU. Large third floor.

Hot water heat, new oil burner. House 100 Insulated. Combination metal screen and storm windows through out. Automatic water softener. A per fectly appointed hsme In an Ideal location.

Shown by appointment only. Grace Halght Parker. 2-0344. FRANKLIN ST. Near Penna.

7 rooms, bath, extra toilet and laundry down, modern kitchen, some hardwood. $8,750. Butler. 2-3327 GRAND CENTRAL 1312 Eight rooms and bath, recently painted inside and out. hot water heat, automatic hot water, modern kitchen, extra large cellar, fruit trees, area fenced for children; also 3-room-and-bath rental bungalow same large lot.

Owner muwt change climate for fatT-tly health. Priced for quick sale. Direct from owner. Dial 2-2138. r.Rsv st vv side.

(4 bedrooms). Hardwood floors mrougnoui, 3 nrepiaces. double garage. No. 11 School District.

Call Mrs. Huntley, evenings 8674; days, 2-15622-1794. Ganung Realty. GROVE ST. SECTION Bungalow, brand new, streamlined, well built.

Immediate possession. $1,000 down. Days, 2-15622-1794; evenings. 2-3469. Ganung Realty.

HALL 1016 Boston. rooms, bath each. Excellent construction. Must be sold. Terms.

Asking $10,000. Make offer. Realty Service." Ben Solomon. 170 Lake. 9159.

LAKE ROAD Immediate possession. Beautiful modern 6-roora house. Vapor heat, double garage, lot over 500 ft. deep. E.

V. Smith. Realtor, 1007 Lake St. 7573. LAKE ST.

Beautiful tourut Large double garage. Quick posses sion, an Mrs. nail, 2-619 lor van iper, 023. MAIN ST. 1164 Boston, 4 rooms, bath each.

Hot water heat. 4 mortgage. Terms. "Realty Service." Ben Solomon. 170 Lake.

9159. PENNA. AVE. Built for nermnnt home. 8 and bath, fine condition.

But- lr 9-TT O-liflCT PENNA. AVE. Double. Commercially! zoned, near Franklin St 6 rooms and Dam eacn, separate utilities. All In excellent condition.

Owner' nlH nln. $70 income. Lot 85x200. Double gar age, or oetans phone Clarence Avery, mui or Z-3S24 evenings. Real tor.

Carl A. Willsey. PIE riTv TrAr 1 1.. 1 iyj 1 uuuies.l One has 7 rooms, hot air heat auto- i water, new batn. large double garage and acre.

The other naa rooms, garage and 3 acres. Immediate possession to either. Van Riper, 9029. RACE 502 Recently built bungalow. Newly painted inside and out Oak floors, modern kitchen and bath.

Lovely cellar with 1 iUI natfe, laundry tubs, new rear porch saiSe, unnuy 101. Quick possession. Easy terms with down payment and take over Cl Mrs. Hall. 2-2619 for Van Riper.

9029. RIVERSIDE AVE. Boston flat Near school. 6 rooms and bath up and down. 2 furnaces, double garage.

Lower apartment vacant Upstairs rental around $S0 month. Harry Fean. Realtor. 2-2825 7431 SECOND W. A well constructed -rooms and bath, redecorated inside New heating system.

Can bo used as single or easily converted into Income property. Stove. Bendix and refrigerator can be purchased with the home. Large lot and garden. In rear small 6-room home with bath, bringing good income.

Owner leaving city Harry D. Fean. 2-2825 7431. SECOND ST, W. Very nice 3 apart-ment house.

Automatic heat and hot water. New siding. Making good re- Mrs- Whiting. 874 for Van Riper. 9029.

WALNUT ST. Lovely modem home. 2150-2-5941 araKe- SIatcr. Dial WILAWANA ROAD, near Chemung. 6 ear-arounci cottage, electricity, gas' heat.

lot 200x300. low taxes. $3,750. iicv.orKie. KODtnson Eldg.

Ai HOME Income and separate store lot 63x1 S. Home is. room it ments 2nd floor): store, 2 rooms. lSx -u. iwo xurnaces.

automatic hot water heater, linoleum, new roof and asbestos shlnzle xirtinir pi.i come $90 monthly, in addition to quarters. price complete. $7JiO0. Available in 30 days. Roby, AN OFFER is wanted for a well con ouuuieu no, centrally located, 5 rooms and bath down, two 3-rooms onu nam up, separate entrances, hard wood floors throughout automatic neat, insuiaiea.

This home is In good condition inside and out. Must be sold Harry D. Fean. Realtor. 2-2S25 7431.

AN OWNER wishes immediate sale. wen located 5 room bungalow and age, ivies Keaity. 6390 9878. A PERFECT home for a large family. attractive ncarooms.

large living room w'th woodburning flreplaee modern kitchen, automatic heat, laun-d rv room 1 v. 1. out This well cared for home is in tne western section and owner will give immediate possession. Dial 2-3340 evenings 2-8438. Country Town Realty.

ARNOT-OGDEN SECTION uunauy nne room nome. dressing room. 2 baths; automatic heat, large Boruooea iot; garage. 61S3, McCorkle Robinson Bldg. ATTRACTIVE HOMF neighborhood, western section: Hrge living room with woodbuming fireplace, solarium; kitchen and pantry: 4 bedrooms.

uteenlnir k.w.v clothes m-esses, bath: automatic gas neat; lot. garare. Possesion soon. 6183. McCorkle.

Robinson Bldg A WELL constructed semi-bungalow, Bireemiin- Kitcnen. breakfast nook, hardwood floors and trim, automatic oil heet. garage. Fine Routhslde loea- iion. uix.

jcopinson Eldg. 2-1947, BARGAIN Owner going south. North- eas section, immediate possession. bedrooms), hardwood floor throughout, automatic het. I-s than $pmn i'avs.

z-'ib' 2-1734. Evenings, 8674 uanunir Keaity. WE HAVE SEVERAL DOUBLE HOMES FOR SALE Earh side consists of a livln room, dinette, kitchenette with Picture windows on the firt floor and 2 bedrooms and bath on the second floor. Hardwood floors throughout forced hot air coal fired heating plant Selling price S6.600. first mortgage approved for individuals or GI's.

The double homes above referred to are located in Universal Village, the largest Private home development in Chemung County. 160 families own their own 'private single homes md 2S families own thele own double homes. We are offering few remaining doubles for sal as above stated. Barpnlna such as these will probably never be available again. For further particular coll Erownlow Company.

E.tclusie Selling Brokers. Resltors-In-surors Office 1064 W. Water St. Dial 2-3317. BstaDllshed 1911 by Marshall D.

Erownlow. I TRUCKS AND BUSES BKOCKWAY, 19:10 2-ton truck, with delivery body. Motor fair, tires good, body ioiikIi, I'lionn ri i ttvitoi body. Innl 2 W.41. CllKVltfiLKT 1937 ton vun body truck.

New motor. Good tires. 3 new. Perfect condition. 238 Creto Ave.

4255. CHEVROLET. 1941 i ton panel truck. A-l shape. Dial 2-3416.

CHEVROLET 1 942 panel truck, good shape. 309i High St. 2-1761. CHEVROLET 1946 two ton with 3 yard dump body. 8.25x 20 tires.

Two speed axle. Good condition, rhone Horseheads 188-M. CHEVROLET 1946. stake body. Inquire at Peck's Hardware.

DODGE: 1941 1H ton cab and chassis. A good clean truck with good rubber. Cornish Auto. Sales. 115 W.

Church. DODGE 1942, ton, four wheel drive, canvas witli spare, excellent condition. Dial 2-81953-3425 evenings D-l Ward LaFranre with full tractor equipment. Looks and runs like new. Melvin's Garage.

600 E. Water. INTERNATIONAL 1928 'a t-n. Good condition. S200.

518 Fulton St. 3-2077. 1939 INTERNATIONAL C.O.E. 14 ft. Stake, all pood tires.

2 new. Good condition. $495. Dial 8681. SPECIAL 1948 Reo Model 22 Tractor.

1000x20 tires, 2 speed rear axle. For quick sale, $2,695. Will trade. PIONEER MOTOR TRUCKS INC. 954 S.

MAIN ST. DIAL 815S AT ALBEE'S 1937 C-40 INT. VAN $450 1937 D-30 INT. PANEL TYPE $325 1936 C-40 INT. VAN $425 1937 C-35 INT.

VAN $425 1936 C-40 INT. VAN $425 1938 D-15 INT. STAKE Single wheels. 1941 FORD DUMP $950 New motor. 1939 704 WHITE DUMP 1939 CHEV.

DUMP $350 1939 GMC GARBAGE SCOW i $650 1S41 GMC VAN $750 1945 FORD 12 FT. STAKE $975 ALBEE MOTORS 359 STATE ST. ELMIRA, N. Y. NEED A TRUCK? Come In Today Browse Around 1946 FORD 6-CYLINDER TON STAKE with Truckstell rear axle, brakes.

8.25x20 front and 9.00x20 rear $1445 1946 FORD V-8 VA TON STAKE. om-. plete with Tarpaulin, $1495 1946 FORD V-8 TON PICK-UP. Reconditioned and new paint. $1195 1946 FORD V-8 2-TON DUMP, 2 speed axle, booster brakes, 8.25x20 duals on rear.

Needs a little metal work $1095 1944 GMC 2-TON HYDRAULIC, all metal platform dump body. Good rubber. Very clean. $1450 1939 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY. Looks and runs good $5S5 Buy With Confidence From Your Ford Dealer CLUTE MOTOR IXC.

MAIN ST. at FIRST AUTO PARTS. ACCESSORIES 10 RADIATORS New and used. Cleaned and repaired. Kirk's Garage, Chemung N.

Y. Phone 2361. ARE YOU PROUD OF YOUR NEW CAR? If so, protect it with A FIRE EXTINGUISHER Sales Service PIPE WELDIXG SUPPLY CO. Dial 2-2944, 612 William St. WANTED AUTOMOTIVE 12 SEE SLIM' STOUT BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL Highest Cash Prices Paid for Good USED Cars Any Year STOUT MOTOR CO.

21 E. MARKET ST. Dial 2-965S )pposite No. 1 Fire Station HOUSES TOR SAU BOSTON 6 end 5. bath.

Electric. storm windows, on a main street. Js.tuxi. Kunrcalow. snnt.

and bath. 3 room unriiiinlieit. nue lot. ail ton-Vonlritris, IH.fctl Newly rtiio4l4. liHiin Iiiimib, down, lliart am rent.

ltiil (llote Jrunaraoloii. lot ton, 4341. EUNCALOW Built 4 years. Maple Ave. section.

4 rooms and bath with additional room on second floor. Owner leaving city, will sell completely furnished. Immediate possession. Evenings 2-3469, days 2-15622-1794. Ganung Realty.

BUNGALOW Modern. 4 roooii and bath, room for 2 additional rooms up. Full basem*nt, automatic gas heat, large lot. Good residential section. Can assume G.

I. Loan. Vacant. Harry D. Fean.

Realtor. 2-28257431. CALIFORNIA bungalow. Good South-side location. 6 rooms and bath on first floor, 1 room and attic on second floor.

Automatic heat. Fully insulated. Nice lot. Tupper Brook-man. 520 Robinson Bldg.

8043. CENTRAL Double bouse. rooms and bath each. Immediate posessjoa of one side. Kies Realty.

390 9878. COTTAGE BUNGALOW 5 miles. ouL Large living room, nice kitchen, one bedroom, full cellar, small lot. Immediate $2,000. Terms.

$500 down. Dial evenings. 3-2449; days. 2-15622-1794. Ganung Realty.

DUNDEE Holllster BU 10 rooms, walnut trim, fireplace. 2 baths, furnace, gas, electric sewer and automatic hot water. Lot 65x240. garden and fruit, barn 24x36. All in rood condition.

Owner occupied. Aiosch fc Kingsley. H69 W. Water. Elmira, Dial 2-151 or 2-9007.

EMPTY 6 rooms, ail improvements. 809 Railroad $300 cash, balance like rent. Slater. 2-59412-3150 2-4755. EXCELLENT income property, in good central location, 12 rooms with 2 baths.

Oak floods. Hot water heat 2 fireplaces. Income about $3u0 a month. Priced to sell. Dial evenings, 6674; days.

2-1562. Ganung Realty. HEIGHTS Double house. invnediat of one side. 5 rooms and bath on each side.

Terms. Phono Jiorseneaas 313. Mlshoe Realty. HORSEHEADS New bungalow on Gardner attached garage. large lot.

all modern including automatic heat. Immediate possession. Misho Realty. Phone Horseheads or owner 5CM. HOUSE and large lot for sale.

Ernest rooits. iovingion, ri. INCOME property. Lower flat avaol- abIe' barns. Dial 7S56.

IN WELLSBURG is a 7 room frame 1 juouern uorne oucrea at me aistressed Pric S3.500, due to owner leaving vise- Carl A. Willsey. 70l; even- MILLERTON 5 rooms, bath, good conauion. wen located. Also 4 rooms, nearly new with large lot A.

E. Gilbert. Millerton. Pa. MODERN S-room house.

Make an of- ail Dial 2-7256. ier. ani 10 leave city October 22. ON SOUTHSIDE 7 rooms and bath, automatic gas heat Large lot Work. hop.

gopd location. Terms arranged. OWNER GOING SOUTH Offers attractive suburban home for quick sale. Large living room, conveniently arranged kitchen. 2 bedrooms, bath, attached garage, large lot 61S3, McCorkle, Robinson Bldg.

PRICE reduction on Grove St double. 7 rooms and bath each side. Possession Oct. 25. Realtor, Dorothy S.

Miller. 2-52S7. SEMI-BUNGALOW Built 2 years. Modern. 4 and bath down: 2 and lavatory, and toilet up.

Insulated and air conditioned. Automatic beat ston terrace, large lot E. V. Smith. Realtor.

1007 Lake St 7573. SOUTHSIDE 3 apartments, i rooms and bath down: 2 and 3 room with bath up. Furnished. Good Income. Vandiver Real Estate, Robinson Bldg.

Dial 2-0910. SOUTHSIDE 3 bedroom home, bui't 4 years. Easily financed for G.I. A. Olson.

Realtor. S2C3. SLBUREAN 7 rooms, complete conveniences. Including new bath and hot water hat. Possession on or before Nov.

1. Terms. Phone Horse- neaas. 31s. Mixho Realty.

TRAILER 1947. 27 porch ad d-d. Extra equipment. 2 large lots. All for $3.250.

Adams. Turner Bldg. 2-0696. TWO acres and large cinder block unfinished home. Cement cellar, connected with spring.

Septic tank and 'rain. 8 files macadam. Adams. Turner Bldg. 2-05S3.

WEST FLMIRA 6 rooms and bath. Breakfast nook, ras heat Tarage. Immediate possession. Mcpherson. 2-0228.

WESTERN SECTION A home and income. 10 rooms. 2 baths, automatic hot water heat and automatic hot water. No rent celling on upper apartment Shown by anpo'ntment Tunoer nd Brookman. 520 Robinson Bldg.

S043 YOLR family wfl n1oy this room home on Euclid neae No. 11 School. Four naciou hdroorr Numeroa walk-i" closrt. T'l bath with shower. flrenla-.

Lavttorr and toilet rri flooe ui-drv tti. heat Finished in-lsd attic ldel for oom. frr. Owner will fl.ianc wl't down. Vnv Out-k a'on essential.

Daniels-Reynolds. 2-rV4 LOTS ACREAGE 3A COLEMAN AVE. Reduced for quick gaie. loxiixj. uiai FINE LOT Off Church Lovell GOOD SIZED PLOT of ground front ing on x-enna.

jor 19J It, A. Olson. Realtor. 8333. LOTS? Sure we-got sume dandies.

i-axe lair square: Pine and Partridge 60x120; Newton St. many others. Call Mrs. Hall, 2-2619 for Van Riper. 9029.

RESERVE your address for buildliisT your tuture nome. we have a number choice residential lots. West Church and Wall. Coleman Davis. Hathorn and Sheeley Streets: Arnold and Sheridan Ave, K.

V. Smith. Realtor. 1007 Lake St 7573. INCOME BUSINESS PROPERTY 24 CLOSE DOWNTOWN Two 3-room ana one 4-room apartments.

4 -car garage. Gas heat Two apartments furnished. In good repair. If you are looking for an income property or home and income, dial 8497. Roy Westervelt LARGE hunting lodge and farm, on hard road.

In Penna. Direct from owner. Address L-398. Star-Gaxette. TWO-STORY building.

Railroad siding. cr $700. Van Rioer. o9. WAREHOUSE buildinc on siding, well loc-ted.

8.yv sq. ft 6183. McCorile. Rob'nson THREE Well preserved two family houses. All in elegant condition.

Southside. All well rented. If you wish to occupy part and rent part. I will arrange quick possession. If you wish a good sound Income producer, I have appraised each of them and can guarantee a good, safe, sound, investment There's no real security outside of Real Estate.

Make a down payment and let the rent pay for them. If you take care of these, these will take care of you. Play It smart. Don't take 1ms than 10; net One one $7,450. and one $9,500.

McCarthy gets the bargains. McCarthy knows Elmira. If McCarthy says It's so, It's been analyzed. 2-8937. 12 ALWAYS buying, selling used cars.

Huzzells Mobil Station, Bulkhead. wanted. All.mnkea and models t'nsh pnt'l at wir, Alsf buv rwit Mai ttoantihaih'a 114 rod Ml 'J Tin I C'AKII for used ruin. Ituyuioiid T. Cole, 12il W.

Hudson. 2-9134. CASH for used cars, any make, any model. Jack Gerard. Gm-ard Motors.

222 William St Dial 5G66 6446. OLD CARS and wrecks bought. Phil Kuster. 4627. WE STILL ARE PAYING THE HIGH CASH PRICES FOR LATE MODELS, CLEAN AUTOMOBILES After you see everyone come and see us.

AVe don't ask you to come to us first. Get our price and' you can't he wrong. ARCIERI MOTORS Cor. Baldwin Second DIAL 2-6506 AUTO REPAIRING. PAINTING 11 MOTORS rebuilt and installed in cnassis.

$150. Williams Body Shop, 913 Holdridge St. 5119. SEli Van Erunt Motors for Cadillac ar.c Laballe parts and service. Upper JLAK0 St.

2-0211. BUSINESS SERVICE PLUMBING. HEATING 14 ALL KINDS pumping, septic tanks neanea, sanitary meinoa. new jods. Trucking.

Pettlcrew. 213 Grand Cen- imi ueignis. Jl'J. CALL SPENCER Furnaces vacuum cleaned and repaired. 2-4220.

COMPLETE plumbing and heating services. All repairs, new installations. All work guaranteed. Under personal supervision of registered master plumber. Klein and Carroll.

626 N. Main. Dial 7548 or 2-4178, anytime. JOHN J. COSTELLO Sewer Contrac tor.

404 E. Clinton. Cesspools, Septic lanKs. hewer Connections. Dial 5312.

NEW furnaces, repairs and resetting; guuer ana leader work, prompt aery Ice. L. E. Shappee, 2-5243. PIPE cut.

threaded. PiDe flttines. plumbing fixtures. Josephson thumping supply. 851 E.

water. S9Z1. RADIO SERVICE IS ANDERSON'S Radio Sound Service. Prompt. Always open.

Delivery. 2-1046. AN EXPERT on all makes of radios. at your service. Workmanship gua anteea.

tvlts 1130 Lake. 4352. A-l RADIO service. FM aerials. Dun' bar and Lewis.

6756 or 2-2621. CENTRAL RADIo STORE for dependable, satisfactory. reasonably priced service. 126 S. Main.

Dial 4900. SOUTHSIDE RADIO STORE Guaranteed repairs all makes radios. 2-921)6. TRfcSSLER 50c RADIO SERVICE Cxpert repair, all makes. Dial 2-5562.

ELECTRICAL SERVICE REPAIRS ISA ABSOLUTELY guaranteed washer repairs. All makes. Bob's Washer Re pair Home of Speed Queen Service, Dial 92SO 6727. A COMPLETE Electric Service at Kelly's Electric. 415 W.

First. Fix- lures ana supplies. Ulal 8721 40.17 ALL MAKES washers, vacuum sweep- ers repaired. 314 S. Main.

82712-4552. ALL makes washers, vacuum cleaners repaired. 605 Dubois. Harper's, 9232. COMMERCIAL and domestic refrigera-tion service.

Karl Krug. 6926 or 2-8215. DEPENDABLE refrigeration service. Dial 5S03. ELECTRICAL Engineering and Contracting.

G. H. J. T. Kelly Stephen Bednarck, 415 W.

First. Dial 8721 4057. ELECTRIC wiring, contracting, ex pert work. Reasonable. Mose, 2-4548 ELECTRICAL wiring, small or large jot, r.

F. Milne and 714 Lake St. 8506. ONE DOLLAR is all you pay to have your rtmgerator checked by our Ke-frlgerptor Service Engineers. 2-4521.

PHIL'S Refrigeration Service Prompt repairs, an makes. 4169 or 3-3653. WIRING, repairing. Floor plugs in- sianea, up. iree estimates.

Lovejoy Electric. 6570. MOVING STORAGE 16 A. RICE STORAGE CORP. Mem ber Allied Van Lines, the nation's largest long distance movers.

Lowest storage insurance rates. Modern fa cl 1 1 ties, skill, honor. Dial 9184. ARNOLD'S CENTRAL STORAGE and Gregory Express. A complete moving service.

4.10 W. Second. Dial 2-0845. DRIV-YOUR-SELF truck for rent by day. week, month: reasonable rates.

Standard Operating Servico Inc 53 Dickinson Mt. Dial 5124. TRUCKING I6A ASHES and rubbish removed. 7c bu. General trucking.

Wright. 3-4496. ana rubbish removed. 7c bu. General trucking.

Wright. 3-4406. ASHES and rubbish removed. 7c. Also general trucking.

Brimmer. 2-7721. ASHES, and rubbish removed. Earl Jackson, Dial 2-4970. ASHES and ruhbish hauled.

Garbage removea. Jackson, z-iiuse. ASHES and rubbish removed. Loam. cinders and manure.

Sawyer. 6220, ASHES, cinders, manure. Cranmer's Sons Trucking. Dial 3-SOOZ ASHES, rubbish hauled. Garbage re moved.

Light trucking. Spencer. 2-4220. ASHES, rubbish, 6c bu. Cinders, stones for dry well.

Potter. 2-02008269, ASHES, rubbish hauled. Junk bought. Dependable. Dial 2-5024.

CINDERS, loarn. ashes, trucking of all kinds. Benjamin. Dial 41o4. LOAM Ashes, rubbish, cinders, sand and- gravel.

Kennedy 8152. SARACENI'S loam, cinder, driveways, ashes, rubbish. Veteran. 3-4046 2-7256. PAINTING.

PAPERING 17 A BETTER papering and painting service. McCIarrie. 6700. ANY exterior interior painting. Expert workmanship.

Free estimates. 6S09. PAINTING and paperhanging. Prompt and reliable. Dial 8714.

PAIMTING snd onierhanging. Rea sonable. Dial 3-17S6. PAPERHANGING, painting. Estimates gladly given.

Prices right. Dial 2-74G7. CARPENTRY. MASONRY. ROOFING IS ALL BRICK block, masonry work.

J. S. Barber. Phone Horseheads 293-W. ALL SIZE storm sash, kitchen cab bookcases.

Remodeling. 2-5552 ALL types of mason work and build ing. Dial 2-16575234. CARPENTER work, new additions. apartments, floors, cupboards, porches and repairing.

4S45. CARPENTER Apartments, cup boards, floors. Tiathrocms and kitchens tiled. S-43S1. CARPENTER work, new additions, re- pr.trinpr.

Experienced men. Dial 2-4252. CHIMNEYS retired, cellar walls. concrete work. Dial 2-77733-1977.

FLOORS sanded, refiniahed. old floors made like new. Rutty, 6797. MASON Work Plastering, brick work. wall board and houses raised.

4945. MASON WORK Split rock, stone work WANTED AUTOMOTIVE ROOFING and siding. No Job too 014. no Job too All work done ty expert applicators and barked bv Hrnrs pimmnieo. For fro estimate.

n' ttoarn, Itot'ljti. ami lUllH. Uuuh INU Siding C.1.11-Dtrihtlon storm doors and windows Carroll Sales 2-9239. ROOF repairs, roofing and Insurance covered. Chemung Bldg.

Co. 7606. STORM sash installed, porches enclosed, roofs repaired. "534S. Wl.

repair any roof. Slate roofs nd chimney work especially. Guaranteed workmanship. Full Insurance coverage. Dial 2-4178.

LAUNDERING AND DRY CLEANING BED spreads, blankets, quilts and light throw rugs, washed. 8S73. CURTAINS laundered and stretched. Blnnketa. luce table, clothes.

Delivery service. 7319. CURTAINS laundered and stretched. Blankets, lace table cloths. Delivery service.

7319 MEN'S washing and ironing- neatly done. Dial 3-0842. MEN'S laundry and curtains launder ed and stretched. Dial 3-1854. WASHINGS and ironings wanted, Clean, private home.

Prices reasonable. 2-2011. SEWING 20 FIRST CLASS Fur coats remodeled, relined from old ones. Cloth coats, dresses, alterations. Reasonable.

2-07U3. GENERAL repairs and alterations and drersmakfng. Room 401 Realty Bide. Dial 3-2349. TAILORING, relining and remodeling.

Dial 2-4530. MISC SERVICE 21 A C02 (Carbon Dioxide) Fire Extin guisher Service. All types serviced and recharged. Pipe Welding Supply 612 William St. Dial 2-2944.

ADDRESSING Christmas circulars now. List complete. Mo-Ad. 6337. ALL KINDS of upholsterine, repair ing and recovering.

Dial 8861. ALL springs retied. Upholstering. Furniture repairing. 7849.

ALLEGRETTO Sewer and Cesspool Contractor. 819 Canal St. Dial 2-0748. CESSPOOLS, septio tanks, sewer die ging. low prices.

Out of town jobs accepted. Baccue ana son. z-15o4. CLOCKS REPAIRED Factory trained clockmaker will repair all types clocks, deliver. 2-1017.

CULLIGAN Soft Water Service work to do. No equipment to buy, 4uz M. Main, mat faM. EAVE TROUGHS Repairing and tn sulation. Dial EXCAVATING and bulldozing.

Loam and sand. Dial 5673. HANDY MAN Windows, walls wash ed. Storm windows. 7306.

HAVE your painted walls machine washed before the holidays. Special rates during October and Novemoer, No fuss, no muss, call us. 2-7093. IF YOUR sewing machine ta not work Ine perfectly, give your local Sewin: Machine Center a call. We will also check your vacuum cleaner.

Singer Sewing Machine 143 W. Water St. LANDSCAPING Service. Booking orders now. Free estimates.

Wheelock Gardens. 1454 Caton Ave. 2-2867. PROFESSIONAL window cleaning. Private homes and commercial.

2-0996. RUBBER STAMPS Commercial print ing. Open evenings. Cline, 429 Eric Elmira. N.

Y. Dial 8486. SAGGING springs In furntture-eats repaired In your home on drop cloths. All the comfort of new furniture. We use Parker Sag Pruf the same lifetime construction used on hotel furniture.

Written guarantee. Chair. $8.75: divan. $18.50. Please dial 4754 or phone Coming 3264.

SAW FILING, retoothing. tool sharp ening. axes, pine wrenches, knife. shears. Cory, 154S Maple Ave.

842a, TT IT 11. Hown removed Insured Travis. 824 E. Washington Ave. 3-1430 or UPHOLSTERING and springs repair ed.

Furniture made to order, iirrmeo late delivery. Slip cover and drapery service. Phone Elmira 2-6514 or Garner Upholstery Coming 2637-J. UPHOLSTERING All kinds of furnl ture rebuilt like new. Antiques our specialty.

Free estimates. 20 years experience. Work guaranteed. 605 Railroad Ave. Dial 2-9363.

WALLS WASHED spotlessly clean- by machine. Free estimate. 3-uzoi or 2-1917. WATER WELLS. SDecial ized service.

C. W. Crandall. Pine City. N.

Y. Dial 2-0033. WE 'KILL rats. mice, roaches, etc 50-mile radius Elmira. Guaranteed re sults.

Free estimates. Vasco Exter minuting. 4674. PROMPT PHOTOSTATIC SERVICE Marriage and birth certificates, legal papers, contracts, expertly photostated at low cost. 8-00 to 4.

except Saturday. 8 to noon. Elmira Star-Gazette, Dial 515L REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 23 BIRCHWOOD AVE. Heights. Attrac tive single home, hardwood finish throughout.

automatic heat and water, newly decorated down, modern bath. Quick possession. Eargain at $7,950. welch. BRAND ST.

Near Maple Ave. 7 rooms nvil KalVi orotirv IrkwiwtflfrM Gas heat, double garage. Owners leaving City. iteasonaDie. nampiea jneai state.

314 E. water. 1 n. WEST ELMIRA, new con stmction. Open for inspec tion.

P.26 Larclimont Road NEED A HOME? CONSIDER THESE REAL VALUES FIRST GRAND CENTRAL Near Fairgrounds, one year old, modern 5 room bungalow with possibility for 2 more additional rooms, fireplace, large lot, automatic laundry Included. G. I. loan can be assumed. GRAND CENTRAL Diven Ave.

school. 7 room house, in good condition, with hardwood floors throughout, steam heat and winter's supply of coal already in. A real bargain. SOUTHSIDE St. Mary's parish, 4 bedroom house with 3 room additional income apartment attached.

Gas heat, 2 week availability. SOUTHSIDE Maple Ave. section. 11 room investment property, in A-l condition. 5 room owner apartment plus 3 two-room furnished apartments with furniture Included.

Steam heat with stoker. Large lot. Realtor THOMAS J. KIERXAX Days 2-1936 Evenings 2-22S3 CHRYSLER 1942 Windsor four-door. Saunders.

326-M Hurst-heads. lihH TO 111.17 iintom sedan e.rl!rlil tutir, iW l.ntleiy, eooiU firm, lieutrr biiil iuiIIm. PIibI i.t'.itf,i takes II. -677 l'oat HI. DODGE.

1941 coupe, $U00. 513 Pboeuix Ave. Dial 63o. DODGE, 1942 2-door sedan, radio and heater, frice 3'JO. ornian auiu aaica, 115 W.

Churen FORD 1937 V-8 sedan. 1010 Hall St 3-0553. KOKD, 1938 2-door. Good tires, heater and radio. Dlul 3-IOStf.

FORD 1941 coupe. Gfiod tires, new motor, radio and heater. Dial 3-1841. FORD 1941 4-door sedan, radio and heater. Price $995.

cornian auio Sales. 115 W. Church. FORD 1946 super deluxe 5 passenger coupe. All accessories.

Excellent condition. Very clean. Dial 3-0154. FORD 1947 Tudor, low mileage. Phone 237 Watkins.

FORD 1947 coupe, 8.0D0 actual miles, perfect condition, radio, heater. Will accept car In trade. Dial 2-1656. JEEP 1947. Power take-off.

Heater, etc. 11,000 miles. Can finance. 456 Carroll St 3-3G0G. NXSH.

194S 4-door sedan. 3.400 miles. Two-tone green. Excellent condition. 422 Herriek St.

OLDSMOBILE 1939, 4-door sedan. Reasonable. 614 S. Main. OLDSMOBILE 1939 two-door, good condition.

40814 Standish St. OLDSMOBILE 1942 coupe. Can be seen between 6 and 8 p. 414 Balsam St. OLDSMOBILE 1946 club sedan.

Spot lights, radio, air conditioning, log liphts. 1042 parksiaw ur. PACKARD 1936 couDe. 2 new knobby tread tires. Will sacrifice, $225 cash.

782 Roe 3-1481. PLYMOUTH 1934 coach with heater $95. A. Hrasdzira. Jerusalem Hill fourth house on left.

PLYMOUTH 1934 Bedan. list overhauled. Radio, heater, 101 Broadman, after 5:30. PLYMOUTH 1935 4-door sedan. Good tires, neater, extra wneeis ana enow tires.

Rimer tiarase. i-neinun. am. PLYMOUTH 1937 coach. 1947 motor, new battery.

3-3045 alter a PLYMOUTH 1937 coupe, 1301 N. Main, between 8 a. m. ana -p. PLYMOUTH 194L Radio, heater, spotlight.

Reasonable price, zira tien- wood Ave, after p. m. PONTIAC 1936 four-door sedan. Good condition. Kaaio, neater, tin STUDEBAKER 1947 club coupe, regal deluxe; an new ures.

iow miirasc. -cellent condition. Barry's Service Sta tion. Ask for Mr. Kurren WILLYS JEEP station wagon.

1946, In excellent condition, Mas gnue and color scheme. Ideal tor school bus. Don Condon. Dial 2-9081. after 6 p.

m. "WEEKEND SPECIALS AVE "WILL ALLOW $300 trade-in on any car that will run into our lot under its own power, on the cars listed below. 1941 DODGE 4-door sedan $SS5 1940 BUICK Super 5 passenger sport coupe, radio, heater and new tires. $1015 1940 PONTIAC 6 passenger convertible coupe. Radio, heater and new paint.

$995 1940 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. Radio and heater. $995 A Foust house trailer completely furnished $495 GRAND CENTRAL MOTOR SALES Upper Grand Central Ave. Dial 2-7505 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY AFTERNOONS ELM CHEVROLET Compare Our Prices 1946 FORD DELUXE TUDOR. Book price $1575.

Our price $1395 1946 DODGE 2-DOOR SEDAN. Book" Price $1675. Our price 1942 OLDSMOBILE CLUB SEDAN. Book price $1225. Our price $995 1941 CHEVROLET DELUXE TUDOR.

Book price $995. Our price $925 1941 FORD DELUXE 5-PAS-SENGER. Book price $945. Our price $S50 1939 CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN. Book price $675.

Our price $525 1938 DODGE SEDAN. Book price $545. Our $495 1937 CHEVROLET DELUXE TOWN SEDAN. Book price $425. Our price $375 Trucks 1946 FORD 1 TON PICK-UP.

$995 1946 FORD CHASSIS AND CAB $995 1939 CHEVROLET VAN $550 ELM CHEVROLET Church Baldwin "Where Customers Send Their Friends." TRAILERS 8A 4 COMPLETE line of nationally advertised trailers Travelo. Palace, Anderson. Howard and Schult. Selling better trailers at lower prices since 1937. Pioneer Trailer Sales, next to oat Horseheads.

Phone 678. ALMA DELUXE, all metal trailers-Several makes, good used trailers on hand. Erookside Trailer Park and Sales. Caton Ave. DELUXE Spartan trailer.

More for your money. Benson's Trailer Sale3. corner Chemung S. Main. 2-1373.

MOBILE Sportsman, the ideal trailer, for a home and traveling. Very reasonable. Irish. 600 W. Hudson.

PRAIRIE SCHOONER, 1947 23 ft-with all the extras. Good as new, at a sacrifice price. Dial 3-1527. SEE" the new "Trotwood" Trailers AH latest eaulpment High in Qual GEROL'LD'S I'harmacy Home of lillv Madison ice cream, will liver all your lnig Mtore needs at no eitra ImaI illl.K;t, Walle, miih riiU'lut liolr iiiamiit ly and pmiilmtly leinuved by new favt nn-1 hod. recommended by phvslcians.

By appointment. Dial 2-0350. Ethel V. Halwig. 224 W.

First WANTED TO ADOPT baby girl. Ad- arejv y-3w. star-uazeiie. BEAUTICIANS CRKME Oil and Lanolized permanents. J3.30 up.

Holleraa Beauty bnop. cor. Jay and Sullivan. 9798. GUARANTEED oil permanents.

$3.60 complete. Midge Greifr. Uinl ssuz. HAIR STYLING and permanents for the early Winter. Grace ts.

JJicxin son, 115 Cleveland. 2-7745. MAE WRIGLKIY BEAUTY SHOP, 107 Orchard St. Dial 9363; tOST FOUND LOST Beagle hound, male. Black, white and brown.

Inculation lags Dial 584j 4351. LOST Brown co*cker puppy, name Cinders Grevn eyes, uiai 3-Jitn. LOST Brown wallet valuable papers and money. Reward. Dial fa7ta.

inJT I iilu'i T.lfskin crlove in hiui lifw aistrici luesaay. tmi i-m i I 1 2-2oti -er a 1. 1 1 A kal LAJO -JIL I I U( Uau ui sv.s on Oak wood Avr. xompKiM or wal nut M. JJlal 487.

AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOBIIES RtrtrK 1941 SDecial sedanette. Ex cellent condition. New tires and battery. Radio and heater. J1050.

372 South Hampton Roads after 4 p. m. CADILLAC 1937 club coupe. New paint JoD. oooa conauion.

oou. inquire Texaco Station corner Lake and Washington Ave. CHEVROLET 1936 Master. Good con dition throughout, fenna. inspecieu.

524 Baylor Rd. Dial 3-2167. CROSLEY Station Wagons. Sedans and Pickups, immeaiate aenvery new 1949 Renault Sedan. Over 50 miles per gallon.

Used 1947 Crosleys. all models. up. Beeraft Motor Co. Phonw 9X3.

corning, w. i. CHRYSLER 1935 sedan, excellent con dition, rrlce reasonaoie. -ouj. CROSLEY 194S station wagon, like new.

$S25. 333 College Ave. A GOOD RELIABLE PLACE TO BUY OR SELL A USED CAR 1945 CHEVROLET FLEETMAS-TER Beautiful blue finish and all the extras. 16.000 miles. 1937 CHEVROLET SEDAN A snappy piece of transportation at low cost.

SUPER 4-DOOR SEDAN A very beautiful car with all the extras. 1939 FORD TUDOR 100 horsepower Mercury motor. Completely reconditioned. New clutch very clean. 1940 DODGE 5-PASS.

COUPE Excellent mechanical shape. Radio and heater. L. J. SKELLEY 20 Years of Honest and Fair Dealing Phone 2-4677 Cor.

Baldwin Market Open Evenings NO SIREE AVE ARE NOT MOVING BUSINESS AS USUAL Simply waiting to complete the asphalting of our. USED CAR LOT A better, cleaner place to shop. AVe have a new plan to help you huy under the strict governmental regulation. 1942 FORD SUPER DELUXE TUDOR We have Just installed a reconditioned motor. Complete new paint job.

Deluxe beater. Only S1195 1946 FORD DELUXE 6-CYLINDER TUDOR with radio and heater, Seat covers S1465 1946 FORD SUPER DELUXE STATION WAGON. Heater $1745 1946 FORD SUPER, DELUXE COUPE-SEDAN. Heater S1545 1946 FORD SPECIAL DELUXE TUDOR. Heater, A-l condition.

S1575 1946 MERCURY COUPE SEDAN. Radio, heater. A beauty $1665 1947 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 5 PASSENGER CLUB COUPE. Radio and heater $1795 All Cars Have Been "Winterized For Your Protection Buy "With Confidence From Your Ford Dealer CLUTE MOTOR INC. MAIN ST.

at FIRST Classified Ads Evening STAKHiAZETrrt; and Momir.f ADVERTISER (Combination) and The SUNDAY TELEGRAM For Ad-Taker, Dial 5151 Classified Dept. Open ICos6ay tnra Satarday A.M. to VJ1 Sarnrdays A. at. to P.

H. Spexial 7-Time Rate 25? Lower Than Rate Classified Information Advertising Rates local Classified Number 13 SO Word day day aya day! To 1 3 line $1.03 2.10 .41 To IS 3 lines 1.53 3.15 116' To SO 4 lines Jn 2.04 4.30 16 To 25 ft lines LOO 3.53 5.25 21.CM Ta 30 lines USV 3-0 6.30 23.2a To 35 7 Itnes LJ 3.57 7.35 To 40 8 lines 1.69 4.0 3.40 33.64 4o 9 lines L4 4.59 9.45 Zl.fM To SO 10 lines 2.00 S.10 10.50 4ZM Classlaed DispUy 11. 60 per Inch (2 inch minimum) Large type 9c per word (10 word minimum) Tn above rates are for consecutive Insertion; irregular or skip date ads take one day rate. Ail advertising accepted over the telephone must be paid within one week to receive cash rates quoted above; after that time the charge rate applies. Figure average words to the line Including name, address, phone number.

Initials of one or more letters, groups or ngures. sue a as bouse or telephone numoers. count as one word. If box nutnoer ts used count 4 words. Uuu-Brim charge 3 lines.

Credit tor errors will be allowed rnly when reported before second n-sertioa cf the advertisem*nt. The right is reserved, to edit all adver-timg. ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTICE) CATERING Service Hors d'oeuvres. to taka out or served at your home. Hotel LangweiL 7131.

CHARLEo C. BAiCcR Insurance for borne, automobile, business. Fnone Horseheads 174. FL'R COATS remodeled, repaired. cleaned and gmed.

K. Kasa. Merchants Bank Eldg. HENRY G. POiiLMAN Expert watch and jewelrr repairing.

142 E. Water tit. Dial 5797. PEBSONALS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Ls your drinking a problem? Write P.O. Box 24, Elmira.

N. Y. P. O. Box 525.

Corn ing. N. Y- or P. O. Bex 23.

Towanda. Pa. Elmira Women Group. P. O.

Box 24. Elmira. N. Y. cvkstumes for rent.

Ac- cessones. wigs. i-tm alter i. Smith Fudge DlHLtri 01i SAO W. WATER ST.

OL4L t-C391 TMHEY'S FLOWERS HOFFMAN CHURCH 2-5656 WE GIVE S4H GREEN STAMPS FUNERAL FLOWERS DIAL S-969 HOWARD J. GRJSWOID FLORIST 10s) 3L 14ta St, Elmira Heights ity, low In price. Cor. Lake end E. 1 I Second Sts.

Dial 8-2593 or 2-965S. our specialty. 2-403L.

Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.