On the Efficacy of Co-Attention Transformer Layers in Visual Question Answering - MIT CBMM (2024)

On the Efficacy of Co-Attention Transformer Layers in Visual Question Answering Ankur Sikarwar Gabriel Kreiman Department of ECE Center for Brains, Minds and Machines Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra Harvard Medical SchoolarXiv:2201.03965v1 [cs.CV] 11 Jan 2022 ankursikarwardc@gmail.com gabriel.kreiman@tch.harvard.edu Abstract In recent years, multi-modal transformers have shown significant progress in Vision-Language tasks, such as Visual Question Answering (VQA), outperforming previous architectures by a considerable margin. This improvement in VQA is often attributed to the rich interactions between vision and language streams. In this work, we investigate the efficacy of co-attention transformer layers in helping the network focus on relevant regions while answering the question. We generate visual attention maps using the question-conditioned image attention scores in these co-attention layers. We evaluate the effect of the following critical components on visual attention of a state-of-the-art VQA model: (i) number of object region proposals, (ii) question part of speech (POS) tags, (iii) question semantics, (iv) number of co-attention layers, and (v) answer accuracy. We compare the neural network attention maps against human attention maps both qualitatively and quantitatively. Our findings indicate that co-attention transformer modules are crucial in attending to relevant regions of the image given a question. Importantly, we observe that the semantic meaning of the question is not what drives visual attention, but specific keywords in the question do. Our work sheds light on the function and interpretation of co-attention transformer layers, highlights gaps in current networks, and can guide the development of future VQA models and networks that simultaneously process visual and language streams. 1 Introduction The ability of humans to efficiently ground information across different modalities, such as vision and language, plays a central role in cognitive function. The interactions between vision and language are highlighted in visual question answering (VQA) tasks, where attentional allocation is naturally routed by combination of sensory and semantic cues. For instance, given an image of people playing football and the question ’What color shirt is the person behind the referee wearing?’, subjects rapidly identify the referee, saccade to the player behind the referee, and process the relevant regions of the image to find the answer. A four-year old can easily answer such questions and seamlessly direct visual attention to the relevant regions based on the question. In contrast, such multi-modal tasks are quite challenging for current AI systems because the solution encompasses several increasingly complex subtasks. First of all, the system has to interpret the key elements in the question for attention allocation, in this case, referees, players, and shirt. Distinguish- ing the referee from the players is complicated in itself, as it requires further background knowledge about sports. Next, the system has to make sense of prepositions like ’behind’ to capture spatial relationships between objects or agents, in this case, to attend to one specific player. Finally, the system needs to visually attend to the task-relevant regions, distill the type of information required (shirt color), and produce the answer. Preprint. Under review.

Figure 1: Co-attention transformer layer [Lu et al., 2019]Recently, there has been an exciting trend of extending the successful transformer architecture[Vaswani et al., 2017] to solve multi-modal tasks combining modalities including text, audio, images,and videos [Chuang et al., 2019, Gabeur et al., 2020, Sun et al., 2019]. This trend has led to significantimprovements in state-of-the-art models for Vision-Language tasks like visual grounding, referringexpressions, and visual question answering. These families of models are based on either single-stream or two-stream architectures. The former shares the parameters across both modalities, whilethe latter has separate processing stacks for vision and language. In [Lu et al., 2019], Co-AttentionTransformer Layers (Fig. 1) are used to facilitate interactions between the visual and language streamsof the network. The task-relevant representations from the language stream modulate processing inthe visual stream in the form of attention.In this work, we assess the capabilities of co-attention transformer layers in guiding visual attentionto task-relevant regions. We focus specifically on the Visual Question Answering task and conductexperiments to gain insight into the attention mechanisms of these layers and compare these mecha-nisms to human attention. Given an image/question pair, we generate attention maps for differentco-attention layers based on the question-conditioned image attention scores and evaluate these mapsagainst human attention maps, quantitatively and qualitatively, via rank-correlation and visualizations.We ask the following questions: 1) Does the use of object-based region proposals act as a bottleneck?2) Is the model more likely to correctly answer a question when its attention map is better correlatedto humans? 3) What is the role of question semantics in driving the model’s visual attention? 4)What is the importance of different parts of speech in guiding the model to attend to task-relevantregions? Our experiments demonstrate that object-based region proposals often restrict the modelfrom focusing on task-relevant regions. We show that rank-correlation between human and machineattention is considerably higher in current state-of-the-art transformer-based architectures comparedto previous CNN/LSTM networks. Lastly, we find that question semantics have little influence onthe model’s visual attention, and only specific keywords in the question are responsible for drivingattention.2 Related WorkThe Visual Question Answering (VQA) v1 dataset containing images from the MSCOCO dataset[Lin et al., 2014] with over 760K questions and 10M answers was introduced in [Antol et al., 2015],and a more balanced VQA v2 dataset was introduced in [Goyal et al., 2017]. The initial model forVQA [Antol et al., 2015] employed deep convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networksto compute image and question representations separately. These were then fused using point-wisemultiplication and fed to a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) to predict the answer. Later, [Yang et al.,2016] proposed Stacked Attention Networks (SAN), in which the question representation from anLSTM was used for predicting an attention distribution over different parts of the image. Basedon this attention and the question representation, another level of attention was performed over theimage. The Hierarchical Co-Attention Model [Lu et al., 2016] introduced co-attention, where the 2

model attends to parts of the image along with parts of the question. Given a question about an image,this model hierarchically uses word-level, phrase-level, and question-level co-attention.The VQA-HAT dataset consisting of human attention maps for question/image pairs from the VQAv1 dataset was introduced in [Das et al., 2016]. These maps were collected by asking humans todeblur different image regions by clicking on those regions to answer the question. Attention-basedVQA models [Yang et al., 2016, Lu et al., 2016] based on convolutional neural networks and LSTMmodules, but not transformer-based models, were compared against human attention maps [Daset al., 2016]. The authors concluded that these models did not attend to the same regions as humanswhile answering the question. However, increased performance was weakly associated with a bettercorrelation between human and model attention maps. Later, [Goyal et al., 2016] used guidedbackpropagation and occlusion techniques to generate image importance maps for a VQA model andthen compared those with human attention maps.Various transformer-based VQA models [Li et al., 2020, Chen et al., 2020, Su et al., 2019, Li et al.,2019b,a, Zhou et al., 2019, Chefer et al., 2021] have been introduced in the last few years. Amongthem, [Tan and Bansal, 2019] and [Lu et al., 2019] are two-stream transformer architectures that usecross-attention layers and co-attention layers, respectively, to allow information exchange acrossmodalities. There are several studies on the interpretability of VQA models [Goyal et al., 2016,Agrawal et al., 2016, Kafle and Kanan, 2017, Jabri et al., 2016], and yet very few have focused on theco-attention transformer layers used in recent VQA models. In this work, we use ViLBERT [Lu et al.,2019] for our study as it employs these co-attention layers.3 MethodsWe study the co-attention module between language and vision and the interactions within thismodule. To study co-attention in two-stream vision-language transformer architectures, we evaluatedvisual attention in the model by comparing it against human attention maps. ViLBERT [Lu et al.,2019] is an extension of the BERT architecture [Devlin et al., 2018] to process visual inputs. Givena question and an image, the model processes them separately in the language and visual streams,respectively. Both visual and language streams contain a stack of transformer and co-attentiontransformer layers. The embeddings for the word tokens and other special tokens are fed to thelanguage stream after adding positional embeddings. The image is processed through the FasterRCNN network [Ren et al., 2016] to generate features for different region proposals. The featurerepresentations of region proposals with the highest objectness score are fed to the visual stream. Themodel then processes these inputs through the two streams while fusing information within themusing subsequent co-attention layers (Fig. 1).3.1 SetupThe ViLBERT [Lu et al., 2019, 2020] network variant in our study uses the BERTBASE model [Devlinet al., 2018] for the language part, composed of 12 transformer blocks. The latter 6 blocks haveco-attention transformer modules stacked between them. The visual stream comprises 6 transformerand co-attention transformer modules. The co-attention transformer layer uses 8 parallel attentionheads. All experiments were performed on a single NVIDIA 1080 Ti GPU. The source code will bepublicly available upon publication.3.2 Attention Map GenerationGiven an image and a question, the inputs to the visual stream are the region features v0 , v1 , . . . , vTand the input to the language stream are w0 , w1 , . . . , wN . We generate an attention map for eachco-attention transformer layer in the model as shown in Fig. 2. Inside the multi-head attention blockin each co-attention transformer layer, the key and value matrices from one stream are projectedonto another stream and vice versa. Consequently, inside the language stream, the multiplication ofthe Query matrix (QL ) from the language stream and the Key matrix (KV ) from the visual streamproduces attention scores over the different image regions based on the question. These attentionscores are then passed through a softmax operation to generate respective attention probabilities QL K T aih = sof tmax( √ V ), dk 3

Figure 2: Illustration of our attention map generation process. √where i is the co-attention layer number, h is the attention head number, and dk is a scalingfactor [Vaswani et al., 2017]. These probabilities over the 8 attention heads capture the modulationsfrom each text token to different image regions. To generate question-level attention maps, we firstaverage these attention probabilities (before dropout) over all the attention heads and then across thewords present in the question. This gives us attention data A1 , . . . , A6 for the 6 co-attention layers,where Ai = {Aiv1 , . . . , AivT }. Based on the attention probability of different region proposal, i.e.,Aiv1 , . . . , AivT , we weigh the corresponding pixel intensities in an image matrix and then normalizethis image matrix to get the final attention map over the image, conditioned on the question. We dothis for all 6 co-attention layers to get attention maps M 1 , . . . , M 6 .3.3 Comparison MetricWe use rank-correlation (denoted by ρ in the visualization figures) to compare ViLBERT’s attentionwith human attention [Das et al., 2016]. Both attention maps are scaled to 14 x 14 and then flattenedto get a 196 dimensional vector. These two vectors are then ranked based on their spatial attentionand then we compute the correlation between the two rank vectors. All reported rank-correlationvalues except Question POS tag experiments (Sec. 4.3), show averages over 1, 374 question/imagepairs from the VQA-HAT [Das et al., 2016] validation set.4 Experiments4.1 Similarity to human attention shows a small dependence on the number of region proposalsWe investigated the influence of the number of region proposals on the model’s ability to examine task-relevant regions. Since humans rely on context to solve a problem, we hypothesize that more regionproposals bring in more task-relevant context from the image, thus increasing the rank-correlation ofthe model’s attention to that of humans and, in turn, increasing the answering accuracy. We show therank-correlation of ViLBERT’s [Lu et al., 2019] attention maps with human attention maps acrosssuccessive co-attention layers in Fig. 3 for varying numbers of region proposals. To put resultsin perspective, we compare the results against an upper bound given by the rank-correlation forinter-human comparisons and a lower bound given by random attention allocation.Increasing the number of region proposals led layers 3-6 of the model to attend to regions more similarto those attended by humans. The increased context due to more region proposals also improvedthe model’s VQA accuracy (Table 1 and examples in Fig. 4). The region proposals are generatedusing Faster RCNN [Ren et al., 2016], an object detection architecture. Therefore, even in the firstco-attention layer, which has little interaction with the language stream, the rank-correlation of the 4

Figure 3: The similarity between ViLBERT and human attention benefits from more regionproposals. The rank-correlation of ViLBERT’s [Lu et al., 2019] attention with human attentionincreases monotonically up to layer 4 (see section 4.1 for details). Error bars showing standard errorof means are smaller than the symbol size in this plot.Table 1: VQA accuracy of ViLBERT [Lu et al., 2019] with different number of region proposals.Accuracies are computed over all the question/image pairs in the VQA-HAT [Das et al., 2016]validation set. Method VQA Accuracy ViLBERT [Lu et al., 2019] (36 Region Proposals) 76.57 ViLBERT [Lu et al., 2019] (72 Region Proposals) 79.39 ViLBERT [Lu et al., 2019] (108 Region Proposals) 80.83model’s visual attention with human attention is well above chance. The correlation in the lowerlayers is likely due to the observation that the majority of the questions in the VQA dataset [Antolet al., 2015] focus either on object categories or object attributes that are salient in terms of basicvisual features.Given a fixed number of region proposals, the rank-correlation increases monotonically until layer 4and then stays approximately constant. This initial increase validates the crucial role of co-attentionlayers in guiding visual attention in the model. Additionally, increasing the number of regionproposals captures objects’ features using multiple aspect ratios and scales, often helping the modelto better attend to the object in question, as depicted in the example in Fig. 4 (row 2).4.2 Words matter more than grammar or semanticsNext, we evaluated the influence of question semantics in driving the visual attention mechanism.Given a question/image pair, we randomly shuffled the order of words in the question and thenforward propagated the question and the image through the ViLBERT model [Lu et al., 2019]. Forinstance, a question like ’What color is the floor?’ could become ’Is color floor what the?’. The newquestion makes no semantic or grammatical sense. The shuffling procedure was done only at testtime, while the model was trained with the words in the original order.We expected that the rank-correlation of the model’s attention with human attention for thesemodified questions should drop along with the VQA accuracy. However, the results did not matchour expectations (Fig. 5, and visualization examples in Fig. 6). There was only a minimal drop in thedegree of similarity of the attention maps upon shuffling the word order. For example, in Fig. 6 row 1,“What color is the floor?” led to the correct answer (brown) and ρ = 0.548 and the shuffled version 5

Figure 4: Visualization for cases where increasing number of region proposals increases accu-racy as well as rank-correlation with human attention. The question and answers are shownabove and below the images. Column 1: input image, Column 2: human attention map. Columns 3,4, 5: ViLBERT’s [Lu et al., 2019] attention map for 36, 72, and 108 region proposals. The bottomcolormap describes the intensity of the attention maps. Additional visualizations are provided inAppendix A.1.“Is color floor what the?” also led to the correct answer and ρ = 0.556. These results suggest that thequestion grammar and semantics play little to no role in modulating visual attention. Instead, thepresence of specific keywords in the question is responsible for driving attention. Most of the visualgrounding here is based on object-centric concepts rather than the overall semantics of the question.The model’s VQA accuracy dropped considerably after shuffling the words (Table 2). Thus, whileattention seems to be largely independent of grammar and semantics, the ability to answer thequestions correctly does require some notion of grammar and/or semantic information.Table 2: VQA accuracy of ViLBERT [Lu et al., 2019] in different controls. Note that the reportedaccuracy is over question/image pairs in VQA-HAT [Das et al., 2016] validation set. Refer section 4.2for more details. Method VQA Accuracy ViLBERT [Lu et al., 2019] (Normal) 76.57 ViLBERT [Lu et al., 2019] (Shuffled Words) 60.2 ViLBERT [Lu et al., 2019] (Unrelated Question/Image Pair) 10.8Given that attention was not dependent on the semantic content, we wondered whether it is possiblethat the model was focusing exclusively on visual information and simply ignoring the languagepart to drive attention allocation. To assess this possibility, we paired images with another randomlychosen question and compared the human attention maps with a given image/question pair and themodel attention maps with the same image but a random question (Fig. 5). The rank-correlation inthe case of Unrelated Question/Image Pair was largely driven by the visual input, any contributionfrom language in this case would be spurious.Following the example in Fig. 6, row 1, the same image but using the question “Is this singlesor doubles?” (instead of “What color is the floor?”), led to the erroneous answer “singles” and 6

Figure 5: The semantics of the question plays little role in driving the model’s attention map.Similarity between model and human attention maps (ρ, using 36 region proposals) for each of the 6co-attention layers for the default (normal) model (blue), for the shuffled words condition (orange),and a condition where the image is paired with a random question (green). The format is similar toFig. 3, showing the between-human upper bound and the random levels. There is minimal change inρ after shuffling the words, indicating that semantics has little influence on ViLBERT’s [Lu et al.,2019] attention.ρ = 0.02 (cf. ρ = 0.548 for the correct question/image pair). The similarity with human attentionwas largely independent of the layer number but remained well above chance levels in the caseof Unrelated Question/Image Pair (Fig. 5). Visual attention alone is sufficient to drive the rank-correlation with humans. Interestingly, even the unrelated question case shows higher similaritythan previous benchmarks that combined visual and correct language information (Table 3). Forlayers 3-6, the similarity with human attention dropped considerably with respect to the correctquestion condition. Thus, attention is largely dictated by visual information, combined with focusedco-attention driven by the presence of specific key words irrespective of their ordering.4.3 Nouns drive attentionWe quantified the importance of different parts of speech (POS) in guiding the model’s attentionto task-relevant image regions. Given a question and the corresponding image, we dropped wordswith a certain POS tag. For example, the question “what is the girl holding?” would become “whatis the holding?” upon removing nouns. Then, we forward propagated the image and the modifiedquestion through the network and generated the corresponding attention maps, and computed therank-correlation with the human attention maps. Similar to [Goyal et al., 2016], we group POStags into the following categories: Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adjective, Preposition, Determiner, andWh-Words. The Wh-Words category includes WP, WDT, and WRB tags containing words like who,which, and where respectively. We show the results of this experiment in Fig. 7, using 36 regionproposals.Consistent with our findings in Section 4.2 that words are more important than semantics, we noticedthat nouns specifically played an important role in driving visual attention, followed by prepositionsand pronouns. Given a question, nouns often help the model filter the relevant object categories fromall the object region proposals. In addition, prepositions sometimes help guide attention based onspatial relationships between objects (see Appendix A.3 for visualizations and additional qualitativeresults).4.4 Better performing VQA models show higher correlation with human attention mapsIn Table 3, we show the VQA accuracy and rank-correlation of the model’s attention maps andhuman attention maps for the following networks: ViLBERT [Lu et al., 2019], Stacked Attention 7

Figure 6: Visualization for different question/image pairs and their corresponding attentionmaps across multiple controls. Column 1 shows the input image, column 2 contains the humanattention maps and Column 3, 4, and 5 show ViLBERT’s [Lu et al., 2019] attention map for Normal,Shuffled_Words, and Unrelated Question/Image Pair conditions, respectively. The answers inbold are ground-truth and the predicted answers are not in bold (see Appendix A.2 for extendedanalyses). 8
Figure 7: Removing nouns, and to a lesser degree prepositions, led to a drop in similarity ofattention maps. Rank-correlation with human attention map (ρ) for each of the 6 co-attention layersupon removing different parts of speech (blue). The reduction in rank-correlation was maximal inthe case of nouns, followed by prepositions and pronouns. Other parts of speech had little effect onthe rank-correlation. Rank-correlation values shown here were averaged over question/image pairscontaining words from the corresponding category (see Section 4.3 for details). Error bars showingstandard error of means are smaller than the symbol size in this plot.Network [Yang et al., 2016] with 2 attention layers (SAN-2), Hierarchical Co-Attention Network[Lu et al., 2016] with Word-Level (HieCoAtt-W), Phrase-Level (HieCoAtt-P), and Question-Level(HieCoAtt-Q). ViLBERT [Lu et al., 2019] uses a multi-modal transformer architecture while SAN-2[Yang et al., 2016] and HieCoAtt [Lu et al., 2016] are based on CNN and LSTM architectures.The rank-correlation for the CNN/LSTM based models is considerably lower than the transformer-based model indicating a superior co-attention mechanism and better fusion of vision and languageinformation in multi-modal transformers. Finally, it’s interesting also to note that an increase in theVQA accuracy is accompanied by a better correlation with human attention.Table 3: Accuracy for different VQA models on the VQA test-std set as reported in [Yang et al., 2016,Lu et al., 2016, 2019]. Error bars in rank-correlation here show standard error of means. Method Rank-Correlation VQA Accuracy Random 0.000 ± 0.001 - SAN-2 [Yang et al., 2016] 0.249 ± 0.004 58.9 HieCoAtt-W [Lu et al., 2016] 0.246 ± 0.004 HieCoAtt-P [Lu et al., 2016] 0.256 ± 0.004 62.1 HieCoAtt-Q [Lu et al., 2016] 0.264 ± 0.004 ViLBERT [Lu et al., 2019] 0.434 ± 0.006 70.92 Human 0.618 ± 0.006 -5 Conclusion & DiscussionWe conducted a series of experiments to interpret and study co-attention transformer layers and theirrole in aiding rich cross-modal interactions. We probed the modulation from language to visionin these co-attention layers and compared them with human attention maps. Transformer modelslead to a substantial improvement in the similarity of attention maps with humans. In addition, theattention maps of VQA models with higher accuracy are better correlated with human attention maps 9
Interestingly, the overall question semantics play a minimal role in guiding visual attention. Attentionis governed by the visual inputs and by the presence of key nouns in the question.The interpretability of multi-modal transformers has received little attention, despite their notablesuccess in terms of performance metrics. While we are enthusiastic about recent advancements inVision-Language models, it is also critical and instructive to examine transformer layers carefully.We illustrate through visualizations the observation that the object-based region proposals often actas a bottleneck and prevent the network from looking at task-relevant regions. There remains alarge gap in accuracy between state-of-the-art VQA models and human performance. At the sametime, even though our results demonstrate that co-attention transformer layers yield a large boost tothe congruency of attentional modulation in models and humans with respect to previous baselines,there is also a gap in the similarity of attention maps. We argue that this two gaps are related:building models that better capture human attention maps, perhaps by emphasizing the role of wordcombinations and semantics, can bring fundamental improvements in future VQA networks.ReferencesAishwarya Agrawal, Dhruv Batra, and Devi Parikh. Analyzing the behavior of visual question answering models. arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.07356, 2016.Stanislaw Antol, Aishwarya Agrawal, Jiasen Lu, Margaret Mitchell, Dhruv Batra, C Lawrence Zitnick, and Devi Parikh. Vqa: Visual question answering. In Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, pages 2425–2433, 2015.Hila Chefer, Shir Gur, and Lior Wolf. Generic attention-model explainability for interpreting bi-modal and encoder-decoder transformers. arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.15679, 2021.Yen-Chun Chen, Linjie Li, Licheng Yu, Ahmed El Kholy, Faisal Ahmed, Zhe Gan, Yu Cheng, and Jingjing Liu. Uniter: Universal image-text representation learning. In European Conference on Computer Vision, pages 104–120. Springer, 2020.Yung-Sung Chuang, Chi-Liang Liu, Hung-yi Lee, and Lin-shan Lee. Speechbert: An audio-and- text jointly learned language model for end-to-end spoken question answering. arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.11559, 2019.Abhishek Das, Harsh Agrawal, C. Lawrence Zitnick, Devi Parikh, and Dhruv Batra. Human Attention in Visual Question Answering: Do Humans and Deep Networks Look at the Same Regions? In Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2016.Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, and Kristina Toutanova. Bert: Pre-training of deep bidirectional transformers for language understanding. arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.04805, 2018.Valentin Gabeur, Chen Sun, Karteek Alahari, and Cordelia Schmid. Multi-modal transformer for video retrieval. In European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), volume 5. Springer, 2020.Yash Goyal, Akrit Mohapatra, Devi Parikh, and Dhruv Batra. Towards transparent ai systems: Interpreting visual question answering models. arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.08974, 2016.Yash Goyal, Tejas Khot, Douglas Summers-Stay, Dhruv Batra, and Devi Parikh. Making the v in vqa matter: Elevating the role of image understanding in visual question answering. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 6904–6913, 2017.Allan Jabri, Armand Joulin, and Laurens Van Der Maaten. Revisiting visual question answering baselines. In European conference on computer vision, pages 727–739. Springer, 2016.Kushal Kafle and Christopher Kanan. An analysis of visual question answering algorithms. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, pages 1965–1973, 2017.Gen Li, Nan Duan, Yuejian Fang, Ming Gong, Daxin Jiang, and Ming Zhou. Unicoder-vl: A universal encoder for vision and language by cross-modal pre-training, 2019a.Liunian Harold Li, Mark Yatskar, Da Yin, Cho-Jui Hsieh, and Kai-Wei Chang. Visualbert: A simple and performant baseline for vision and language. arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.03557, 2019b. 10
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A AppendixA.1 Additional qualitative resultsFigure 8: Row 1: high rank-correlation with 100% accuracy, Row 2: high rank-correlation with 0%accuracy, Row 3: low rank-correlation with 100% accuracy, Row 4: low rank-correlation with 0%accuracy. Column 1 shows the input image, column 2 contains the human attention maps, and column3 shows ViLBERT’s attention map. The answers in bold are ground-truth and the predicted answersare not in bold. 12
A.2 Object region proposals act as a bottleneckFigure 9: Visualization for cases where number of regions proposals act as a bottleneck andrestrict the network from attending to task-relevant regions. Column 1 shows the input image,column 2 contains the human attention maps, and Column 3,4, and 5 show ViLBERT’s attentionmap for 36, 72, and 108 regions respectively. The answers in bold are ground-truth and the predictedanswers are not in bold. 13
A.3 Question semantics play little role in visual attentionFigure 10: Additional visualizations for different question/image pairs and their correspondingattention maps across multiple controls. Column 1 shows the input image, column 2 containsthe human attention maps, and Column 3,4, and 5 show ViLBERT’s attention map for Normal,Shuffled_Words, and Unrelated Question/Image Pair conditions, respectively. The answers inbold are ground-truth and the predicted answers are not in bold. 14
A.4 Importance of certain POS tags in guiding model’s attentionFigure 11: Visualization for different question/image pairs and their corresponding attentionmaps after dropping words with certain POS tags. Row 1: Nouns dropped, Row 2: Prepositionsdropped, Row 3: Pronouns dropped, Row 4: Verbs dropped. The answers in bold are ground-truthand the predicted answers are not in bold. 15
On the Efficacy of Co-Attention Transformer Layers in Visual Question Answering - MIT CBMM (2024)
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