How Do You Change The Order Of The Slides In Your Presentation In The Slide Pane? Copy And Paste Delete (2024)

Computers And Technology High School


Answer 1

Answer: you just drag the slide to the position you want it to be


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What is the purpose of a hyperlink in a presentation?
A to add a joke to a presentation
B to create an attractive image
C to connect a user to a new slide, a file, or a webpage
D to keep track of the order of slides



Answer:c to connect a user to a new slide, a file, or a webpage






Name the tools in plant propagation.
please po asap​


16. Branch or tree cutter
17.paint tape
18. Knife
19. Pots
20. Waterer

When should we not use Inheritance in programming?



You shouldn't be using inheritance if your program doesn't reuse code a lot.


This is really the purpose of inheritance, to make it easier for us to call repeated method calls without having to copy and paste all the time and making our program long and redundant. If you have simple programs that don't have repeated calls, then inheritance is unnecessary.

Which of the following best describes the protocols used on the Internet?

The protocols of the Internet are designed by government agencies to ensure they remain free to use

The protocols of the Internet are secret to maintain the privacy and security of people using them

Each device connected to the Internet will use a protocol designed by the company that manufactured it

The protocols of the Internet are open and used by all devices connected to the network


The protocols of the Internet are open and used by all devices connected to the network


Need answer ASAP I’ll mark brainliest if correct

How can you create a class without any methods, yet call a method from that class?

The class can___ methods from another class


the class can call methods from another class

hope that helps if you have any questions let me know and if you could mark this as brainliest i would really appreciate it!

Need answer ASAP

Complete the following sentences

____ objects are programmer defined objects with programmer developed properties and methods. Custom objects are ____

Options for first box are:custom, built-in, user-defined

Option for the second box: user-defined, system-defined, undefined


Built in and user defined


built-in objects are programmer-defined objects with programmer-developed properties and methods. Custom objects are user-defined objects.

When entering numbers that start with a zero, apply the _____ number format.
A. Text
B. Context
C. Zero
D. Zero decimal



The Answer is gonna be D. Zero decimal

Harold is working on a science project that includes a spreadsheet containing calculated results based on the data. An obviously incorrect result is being calculated and displayed. The data is correct, but the formula must be flawed. To get the correct information, Harold clicks on the cell containing the incorrect results and adjusts information contained in the:
A. the formula bar.
B. the shortcut toolbar.
C. the calculator pop-up.
D. the column header.


Answer: When entering a formula into a cell, you begin with an equal sign

Functions and formulas are calculations a spreadsheet program applies to data.

Functions are preset calculations within spreadsheet software.

Formulas are user-entered calculations that may contain cell references, numerical values, and preset calculations.

Item 3
Which of the following describes new technology development?

A harmless process

A somewhat assured process

A partially risky process

A very risky process



A somewhat assured process

B. A somewhat assured process is describes new technology development

What are the five phases in technology development process?

Five phases guide the new product development process for small businesses: idea generation, screening, concept development, product development and, finally, commercialization.

What is technology development process?

Technology Development Process, is a directed process at developing new knowledge, skills and artefacts that in turn facilitates platform development

To learn more about new technology development, refer


Julie scrolls through her social media feed and it seems like everyone's life
is so exciting when hers is so ... boring! She starts to feel bad about herself.
What should Julie be paying attention to right now?
A- Oversharing
B- Red flag feeling
C- Miscalculation





and julie needs to geta life

Nicole is in a study group to prepare for a test on plant biology, a subject she knows a lot about. During their meetings, she always comes prepared, helps other students, does most of the talking, and handles all of the tasks. What does Nicole need to do to make the study group more effective? come better prepared and offer relevant information let other students participate more and share the workload share more of her opinions and answer questions keep her thoughts to herself and let others do all the talking





Let other students participate more and share the workload.

Have a good day everyone!


let other students participate more and share the workload


what is the output of this line of code
print("hello" + "goodbye")
A - "hello" + "goodbye"
B- hello + goodbye
C - hello goodbye
D - hellogoodbye



D - hellogoodbye


since your merging two string together you will simply just get one string in total




I don't know how to do this problem....
This is all I have right now
def findCharacteristic(choice, edges):
edges = edges.replace(" ","")
vertices = edges
max = 0
for char in vertices:
if int(char) >max:
max = int(char)
print (max)
x = [[0]*max]*max

if __name__ == '__m



ummmm try the inequality protragathron theorum



How do i fix this to make it run ???

class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {

// Length and sides.

Cube shape1 = new Cube(5, 6);

HalfSquare shape3 = new HalfSquare(4, 20, 4, 5);

// Cluster of print statements to deliver stats about the shape.

// Shape 1

// Shape 2


// Main Class
class Shapes {

private int sidesNum;
// Constructors, Mutators, and Accessors
public Shapes(int SN){
public void setSidesNum(int value){
this.sidesNum = value;
public int sideNumber(){
return this.sidesNum;

// shapes, shapes, and more shapes
public String toString() {
return " This shape has: " + sideNumber() + " sides.";

class Cube extends Shapes{
private int volume;

// Constructors, Mutators, and Accessors
public Cube(int Vol, int SN){

public void setVolume(int value){
this.volume = value;

public int getVolume(){
return this.volume;

public String toStringCube() {
return " " + "Volume of a cube = " + Math.pow(getVolume(), 3 ) + " squared. Surface area = " + Math.pow(getVolume(), 2) * sideNumber() + " units2.";


class HalfSquare extends Shapes{
private int length;
private int width;
private int height;

// Constructors, Mutators, and Accessors
public HalfSquare(int lngh, int hght, int wdt, int SN){

public void setLength(int value5){
this.length = value5;
public void setWidth(int value6){
this.width = value6;
public void setHeight(int value7){
this.height = value7;
public int getLength(){
return this.length;
public int getWidth(){
return this.width;
public int getHeight(){
return this.height;
public String toStringhalfSquare() {
double hypot = (Math.sqrt((getLength() * getLength()) + (getHeight() * getHeight())));
return "The volume of a prism = " + (getLength() * getWidth() * getHeight()) * .5 + " squared. The hypotenuse = " + hypot + ", The surface area =" + ((getLength() * getHeight()) + (hypot * getWidth()) + getHeight() * getWidth() ) + " units2";



Ask a professional

Which of these examples demonstrate portfolio income?




is money that describe when a car house is sold

The purpose of project management is _____. executing a requirement improvement working toward a common goal completing a project



working toward a common goal.


Project management can be defined as the process of designing, planning, developing, leading and execution of a project plan or activities using a set of skills, tools, knowledge, techniques and experience to achieve the set goals and objectives of creating a unique product or service.

Generally, projects are considered to be temporary because they usually have a start-time and an end-time to complete, execute or implement a project plan.

Furthermore, the main purpose of project management is working toward a common goal.

This ultimately implies that, project managers should ensure adequate attention and time is taken to identify, analyze and manage capital, raw materials, people, system of tasks and other resources, so as to effectively and efficiently achieve a common goal with all project stakeholders.

The fundamentals of Project Management which are universal across all fields and businesses includes;

1. Project initiation.

2. Project planning.

3. Project execution.

4. Monitoring and controlling of the project.

5. Adapting and closure of project.

In conclusion, it is very important and essential that project managers in various organizations, businesses and professions adopt the aforementioned fundamentals in order to successfully achieve their aim, objectives and goals set for a project.

Need the answer ASAP. Thanks







That’s the correct word.

If you know javascript...plz help me
Having trouble using "\" to ecape
first pic is instructions...second is what i have...



if you mean escape there is to be a button at the top of your keyboard either saying esc or escape

Edhesive 8.3 lesson practice pls help



String data type


See attachment for complete question


Data type in stuff

On line 1 of the program, stuff is initialized as an empty list.

Line 2 to line 4; some elements are appended into stuff list

These elements are written in quotes

In programming, when an expression is written in quotes, such expressions are referred to as strings.

Hence, the elements stored in stuff are string datatypes

The data types in the elements "stuff" are string datatypes

What is strings data type?

String data type are data types in programming which is used when an expression is written in quotes(" ").

What is programming?

Programming can be defined as process of building or designing a computer program. It involves building computer instructions or algorithm and the use of the instructions to perform a particular task.

There are different types of programming language:


Learn more about programming:

Top-down programming divides a very large or complex programming task into smaller, more manageable chunks.





Top-down is a programming style, the mainstay of traditional procedural languages, in which design begins by specifying complex pieces and then dividing them into successively smaller pieces.




Can someone tell me which key is the num lock


I don’t understand what u mean can u explain so i can help

I'm playing robl.
ox right now add me as a friend and we can play together if u want
Name: aftonfam_rules


Okay I will added you

I'll add you later! btw do you play gach a onli ne? My user name is Wolfie




What does a touch ring allow an artist to do on an a digital tablet


good question i need more

Beth wants to add information to her powerpoint presentation that is hiden from her audience and only she will see. Which feature should she use?



She should use her "notes pane" in the PowerPoint


PowerPoint is a very good graphics software program available in different versions as a result of upgrades, with in-built functions which aid presentations of information in different formats such as text, videos, graphs in slides. It also allows printing into a hard copy.

Notes pane is a section in the PowerPoint software program located below the slide pane, in other words, it is a box found at the bottom of the slide. You write information in that box when you don't want the audience to see the information when they are viewing the slides during a presentation, giving Beth, for instance, the ability to still add some things that could assist her presentation.

What is motherboard ?​



A motherboard is the main printed circuit board in general-purpose computers and other expandable systems. It holds and allows communication between many of the crucial electronic components of a system, such as the central processing unit and memory, and provides connectors for other peripherals

In your own words in at least two paragraphs, explain why it is important, when developing a website, to create a sitemap and wireframe. Explain which process seems most important to you and why you feel most drawn to that process.


Answer:A sitemap break a website down to it's most basic components and a wirefram gives more details of what each page will contain but if you do have fleshed out content ready bring that content into your wireframed to see how it fits


Use the drop-down menus to describe how to encrypt a database with a password.

1. In Access, click Open on the File tab.

2. Select the database.

3. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of Open, and click

4. Click the File tab.

5. Click
, and select Encrypt with Password.

6. Enter a password when you are prompted
. Click OK.

7. Close and reopen the database.

8. To open the database again, you will need to



1. Open Exclusive

2. Info

3. twice

4. enter a password


In Access, click Open on the File tab. Open Exclusive or backstage View. Select the database by. clicking Info and Click the File tab twice and enter a password

Which view is opened when File tab is clicked?

The Backstage View is said to be opened. Note that one can use the Backstage through the clicking of the "File" tab that can be found on the top-left hand side of the system application window.

Note that In Access, click Open on the File tab. Open Exclusive or backstage View. Select the database by. clicking Info and Click the File tab twice and enter a password.

Learn more about password from


what are the benefits of studying biomes in your locality?​



Because we share the world with many other species of plants and animals, we must consider the consequences of our actions. Over the past several decades, increasing human activity has rapidly destroyed or polluted many ecological habitats throughout the world. It is important to preserve all types of biomes as each houses many unique forms of life. However, the continued heavy exploitation of certain biomes, such as the forest and aquatic, may have more severe implications.

Before you add a picture to a webpage, what do you need to do?
Change the picture to HTML.
Change the picture to CSS
Upload the picture to
Upload the picture to



Upload the picture to REPL (dot) it.


HTML is an acronym for hypertext markup language and it is a standard programming language which is used for designing, developing and creating web pages.

Generally, all HTML documents are divided into two (2) main parts; body and head. The head contains information such as version of HTML, title of a page, metadata, link to custom favicons and CSS etc. The body of the HTML document contains the contents or informations that a web page displays.

A website refers to the collective name used to describe series of web pages linked together with the same domain name while a webpage is the individual HTML document (single page) that makes up a website with a unique uniform resource locator (URL).

Before you add a picture to a webpage, you need to upload the picture to REPL (dot) it.

REPL is a free integrated development environment (IDE) which avails developers (users) the ability to write software codes or programs in various programming languages while providing the required resources. Also, REPL is an acronym for read, evaluate, print and loop.

A free open source audio editing software program is
A. Sound Forge.
B. Pro Tools.
C. iTunes.
D. Audacity.


D. Audacity

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A free open source audio editing software program is Audacity. Thus, option D is correct.

What is audio editing?

The audio editing is given as the change in the audio, volume, with the length, speed of the audio or other manipulations. The audio editing is performed with the use of the software in the computer that enables the generation of the audio data.

The three types of audio editing techniques involves:

Sound Forge: It mediates the edit in the sound files with playback.

Audacity: It is a free software that has been used for long with multi-track audio editor and recorder.

Pro Tools: It enables the use of the view and edit of the track.

Therefore, A free open source audio editing software program is Audacity. Thus, option D is correct.

Learn more about audio editing, here:


How Do You Change The Order Of The Slides In Your Presentation In The Slide Pane? Copy And Paste Delete (2024)
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