(Iowa City, Iowa), 1949-06-15 (2024)

(Iowa City, Iowa), 1949-06-15 (1)

, On the Inside The Weather Detroll's Trucks Fllpa One-RUter • • • Story on paqe 2 Partly cloudy todoy with 1i111e tempe June Graduates Take State Te~\a ature cbcmge. Partly eloady cmd wann­ , • • Stories on paqes 5, 8 al owan er tomorrow. Hlqh today 78: low SO. Students Strike Oil- Maybe YHterday'. hiqII 72: low 67. , • • Story on paqe 6 Eat. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire - rive Centa Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday, Tunf' 15, 1949 - Vol. 83, No. 161 AEe Says National Security Hiked Plutonium Plant (ost Big Four Struggles: WASHINGTON (UP)--1J.'he Atomie Energy eommission said last night tbat its Hanford, Wash., pl)llonium plant cost four limes the original estimate because work on the facility "rushed" in the interest of national security. In .Secret Meetings The commission said the "overriding consideration" was earliest possible completion of the installation because of its re­ , lation to results of the 1948 -----.'------­ . , atomic bomb tests at Rniwetok. iris Vanish After Vivid Lectu"re ss For thi s reason, it. Aaid, it did !UGH WYCOM'BE, ENCLAND ~Two 13-year-old lUis were not wait to solve ('ost estimating Court Decides mise ine yesterday from the xclusive Wycombe Abbey chool. problems. This was the commJsslon'tI Authorltl s r called that la t week lecturer Dr_ Janet Vaughan Still in Force ' , . told the girls: answer to Sen. Bourke B. Hlck­ PARIS (4') - The bl, four en/ooper (R-Ia) who had de­ BOdus Legal "The world I. rull of excillng and lnteresUn, people nd thinl'. strugled I st nleht to patch up manded to know why the com­ 1l is up to liS 10 10 out and rind our opportunities." lOme ort of working allre m nt mission orlglnally estimated DES MOY'.J:fES IU'I - The Iowa , supreme court yesterday upheld that would leave Ct.'rmany 011 COIIt of the plant a.t $6,255,000 unanimously the state's W 'o rid sPl! king terms, even though di­ &ad . later said it would reach War II veterans bonus acts and vided.. $%4,950,000. made it possible l e. r mid-summer There was a tw -hour recess Hickenlooper cited the revised payments unless a rehearing in yesterday's ('onferen~ while estimate in support of his c harg ~s Truman Housing Bill evolves. Soviet Fore an Min st r Andrei of "increpible mismanagement" State officials said that a spe­ VlshLnsk1 lett the pink marble against commission Chairman Da­ cific date for mailing initial checks palace, apparently to tel phon/) vid E. Lilienthal: could not be set because the bo­ Cleared for Debate' Moscow trom the Soviet embassy. Lilienthal is .cJieduled to 'gO nus. board intended to delay ac­ AuthorUatlve '0 u r e e 5 Id brfore the congressional atomic tion until the legal 30-day period VlahlnlllJ had uked that the tnern committee today to an­ \Y ASTIr ,T J (AP)-Th long dl'adlock on Pl' id nt Tru­ lor seeking a rehearing betore the (A" WI.o,hl.) mUll' multi million dollol' hOll!oing bill was broken yl.'Stcrday at _tlnp be aecret, with re­ .wer in person Hlokenlooper'! court expires. pOrten .lnD no brl flnp by . Questions about the Hanford It. Justice W.L. Bliss, Mason Baltic DPs Apeal to West to Free The;r Homelands official obMrven. plant Thp hOll!;!' nth, 'ommittp, ",hi h killed imilo r 1 gi. lation City, wrote a unanimous opin­ BERATING TIlE 'BOLSHEVJ.ST TERROr.: displa!!t'{1 perr.olls (rom Bait I' nations tafed 110 rna dtm­ Pr umably he was scheduled Without waiting for Lilienthal'~ ion which c'lenled the conten­ I )' ar, \'01 0 1 California at Berkeley in 194L ist7 Ruuia'i demand for re­ Nixon Jumps Bond, sidiary. Thesp wet'~ the amounts rp- history Was bMk in political bus­ ('tion. Martin has announced his The laboratory did atomic re­ N n tltutlc,1) of the contr I c Ull­ Lov declared purpose " f thp opposition to 11 "n w spending search. Grten Ught Gjven po~te~ by Elli1ne ~ Ned L. Ashto~ iness yest rday; F I' a n k lin D. elL lta power would be IIm.!ted, ods btradiflon Hear,ing; coordinutor is "to bring ord.!l· Bnd lot r~,eS!luy l'lght S cIty coullcll RODE velt Jr. was !oworn In as :I programs" at this tim The 38-Jear-old brother of the lHIWe"er, .. consul""lon on dignity into t:lbor relations of the n , e~tlllg. Ald~l'm n passed a c'.s- member of th house. lamed physicist, Dr. J. Robert leneral econOJn.lc matters, to To Lincoln Pr-ojecf industry and to avoid the chaos lullon sccelJtlng the pool and ItS. . Oppenheimer, denied flatly that hc encourN. trade ancl commerce cosl except lor a legal 10 per- The third son or til late pres~- ever was disloyal to th United fBI Helps on Case Plans and specilica lions for re­ which has tou octen attended labor Call Condon, Ickes and freedom of movel'Mnt of negotiations and inrollvenienced cent whirh C3n be paid 30 days denl took the oaUl while hiS States, that he had engaged in pairing and equipping Lincoln later. mother, Mrs. Franklin D. (Ele:!- IndlvlAJuls and to seUle !)e­ Efforts d Johnson county au­ the publit\." any espionage Cor the Russians elementary school, and construct­ The city h::JS raised 112500 bv nor) Roosevelt, looked on happIly clflc problema and d15pu thorities to bring Ch3rles Ralph Love said I\foses' acceptance Into Coplon Trial or that he had 3ny knowledge ~f ing and ~qulpping its addition, bonr! issu'es and public S~ bscrip- from the gallery. they arlH, Nixon , Tompson, IiI. [.armer, to were accepted unanimously by would involve hls resignaUon anyone whoQ did. H would have little a uthorily tion by the Community Dads has The cermony took less thaD WASHINGTON (11'1 - Defense Iowa City to stand trial tor the members of the Iowa City school as H.O. Frick president and sev­ Coincident with Oppenheimer'S but it would provide a means for theft of a power saw and two erin&' of all co_nnection with U.S. brought in about $12,000 to pay a minute. There 1IN8 applause L:lwyer Archibald Palmer yester­ appearance, the University of board at a meeting in the Junior pool costs. Another $13,000 must from )Upubllcans, Democrats the four ptwers to keep an ave­ sets of wrenches lailed yesterday high school last nigh t. day called 01'. and Mrs. Edward Minnesota announced it had ac­ nue of ne,otiation open. be found in the 30-day pEriod. and spectators, and Roosevell eat U. Conc.! n and Harold L . Ickes czpted his resign a tion as assis­ when Nixon did not appear at No objections were filed dur­ ______down amou&, ~he Democrats. The proposal was repor«!d to an extradition hearing in Mt. ing the public hearing held In liS his lead-orl witnesses today In tant proCessor of physl::s. He include an all-German economic Mayor Koser Cuts Actually Roo s eve I t wasn't th spy trial of former govern­ joined the faculty on Dec. 16, .. Carroll. Ill. conjunction with the board meet­ Storms Take Toll; elected 3S a Democrat, although trade commlss\on whlch would Nixon, who was out on $2,000 ing. ment eirl Judith Conlon. 1946, a nd was eniaged In re­ function under the tl ur - power he'll be one here. The decision of whether the bond, was arrested at his tarm Bids on the work will be re­ search on cosmic rays. board. This comniliSJon would in­ New Meter Order Ten Die in Texas He failed to get the regular Condons and Ickes testify will be He declined to discuss his pre­ near Tompson by SherH! Albert {'eived up to 2 p.m., June 20, at clude representatives Crom east Pemccr:ltic nomination for New up to Federal Judge Albert L. vious dlsav<. wal of any Commun­ J. (Pat) Murphy of Johnson which time they will be opened Mayor Preston K'Oser yesterd::JY DALLAS (IP) - Storms and and west zonal economle coun­ 00 York City's 20th district, a job Reeves, who ruled twice yester­ ist associations. He appeared sur­ county and Agent Ray (bnnor, and made public. ordered the Duncan Meter corp­ cloudbursts o( up tll 10 inchps cils. Iowa Criminal Investigation bu­ Jeft vacant by the death of Sol day aiainst Palmer. He turned prised but also had nothing to The board also approved plans oration to ship only 300 of the took 10 lives in north Texas Mon­ Refusal of non~Communist Ber­ 95 Bloom, [l Democrat. down the attorney's motion lor a say about the action of the un i­ reau, May 24. tor alteration of the heating sys­ 575 parking meters approved in day mght and Yl!sterday_ lin roll workers to accept the So Roosevelt ran and won as directed verdict d acquittal, made verslty. At the time ot his arrest, Nixon tem at the Henry Sabin grade a resolution passed by the ' cIty fl:.rmula for (!nding their strike A flood warning was issued Cur a candidate of the tour free­ on the cloim that Miss Coplon was driving a tractor which h.ld school. Bids will be received un til council Monday night. threatened, however, to nullify 9c a low land area a long the Trin i ty doms and the liberal par&les. was carrying documenls in her been stolen from Anamosa May 7:45 p.m., July I. Reduction In the Initial ship­ area - the same meandering any dlplomati(: a&reement reached 12. The powel' saw and two sets Board members attending the Only blot on an otherwise per­ purse needed lor her work when ment was made ·to permH tur­ stream which hit Fort Worth in Secret File Photos here on re~torlng east-west trade_ fect day: the house roll call book­ she was arrested last March 4. 5c of wrenches, which had been meeting w{re Alva B. Oathout, ther stlldy of the need for more mid-day. The flood this time was Whethc r the foreIgn ministers president pro-tern. Mrs. C. let came out with Roosevelt'S The judge also denied Palmer's stolen from the Joseph Novotny K meters In Io.wa. City and lor downstream from Fort WQrth. would be forcE'd to act as a

• "So This Is - I" Bonus Board Has Headaches, ,~ Interpreting the News- DES MOINES (IP) - All of the "He owes me a lot of money. people who ask the Iowa soldiers Please attach his ~alary." bonus board about sta le bonus "We have been getting that by IsraefGets 'Dip/0malic 'Spanking payments available for World mail and by phone and it will War II service aro not veterans, By JOliN A. SOALI Idren, are 1 i v In g in makeshift would refuse to take part in fur­ increase now that the supreme Some are deserted wi¥es. AP Forel,n Allalra Andyol camps in neighboring Arab- na- ther discussions unless the refu­ court has settled tI\e legality of The United States is getting I lions and in the Arab part of gee problem is solved immedi­ A few are parents tryIng to tough with the new Republic of Palestine. ately. check on a lost son . the bonus law," K41Jlemyn said, "We don't have authority to V'. Israel. Thus far Israeli authorities 2. It became clear the $32-mil­ Others are bill collectors. M It's probably only a temporarY have not permitted any substan­ lion fund appropriated through Ed Kallcmyn, exeCuUve Sr 1947, They won it in battle wih on this couple? I think she was the high court might delay in refugees from Palestine who the refugees, the Arabs and don't want to give a WAC,. They came herc and handing down a decision on the then - ", wanl til return to "'elr homes. Two factors suddenly made the it up. bonus' legaHty. \ "He is behind in his alimony If the OQ urt had no t decided It also provides for internation­ solution of the refugee question But President Truman is on alization of the city of Jerusalem extrEmely urgent: record saying that if Israel wants payments two months. Wh at can by Sept. 1, the board said 11 under the United Nations. 1. The Aral9 nations negotiating territory not assigned it by the you do?" might have run out of money. An estimated 900,000 Arab ref­ with the Israeli for permanent UN it must give up oth

8:00 a.m, Morning Chapel I 3:00 p,m. Listen 10 Liebert I'D RATHER BE RIGHT 8:15 a.m , News. K.ufman 3:15 p,m. £xcursll>ns 1n Science 8:30 a.m, Mornln ~ SerenR"~ 3:30 p.m, Symphony of Melody 9:00 a,m, Time Out tor Music 4:00 p ,m . Southland Singing 9:e.o a.m, News. Danielson 4:2& p .m . Te. Time Melodies 10:00 a.m, T Une Ousters 5:00 p,m, Children'. Hour 10:30 a.m . The Book.helt 5:15 p.m . Mu.l e.~ Mood. 10:45 a.m. Conver!"ation Corner 5:30 p .m . Up To The Minute. Dooloy. Hours of Decision Needed 11:00 a.m. New•• M8garreli Woll 11 :15 a.m. Melody Mart 6:00 p.m, Dloner Hour 11:45 8.m. Voice of Ihe Army 7:00 p,m. Musical Showca'. B, SAMUEL GRAFTON (New York P.,.iI8Jnd.... ) 12:00 noon Rhythm Rambles 7 :30 p.m. Remember Time 12:30 p .m. News. Minshall 8:00 p ,m. Musle You Want 12:45 p.m. Rellglou. News Reporter 8:30 p ,m. Porlralt, In Music 1:00 p.m, Musical Chat. 9:00 p .m. Campus Shop 2:00 p,m, News. Johnson 9:45 p.m. New_, Elliott President Truman now says as You don't hear them saying then put back in the basket, to • 2:10 p,m, 18th cenlt'ry Mu sh: 10 :00 p.m. SIGN OFF how he'd like congress to be held they hope to make time later this come up again. But, each time, in session as lcng as necessary summer to handle the matter of something of great value is lost, to finish up his program. To this Lilienthal; they'r'e ready now. a mobilization of minds is dis­ editorials one responds with a moderate, "Goody!" • • • sipated, a moment is lost - and • • ... mE PRESIDENT does not se­ moments are the currency of The DaiLy low"an IT IS AT least very different lect moments in this or any sim­ statesmanship. Great Oaks from Little Acorns- ilar way; he does not seem to ... from the understanding which • • Iowa City aldermen Monday night took an The first purpose was what prompted tQe Washington reporters had put, a bother about timing. In his case FOR ALL THESE reasons, Mr. it is almost always "liberalism" action th at may have far reaching results city council to order meter installation a few ESTABLISHED 1868 few days before, upon remarks by Truman's plan to avert a pre­ which is the issue, in a rather among the farmers and businessmen of the years ago, 'rhe farmer-businessmen meeting Senator Scott Lucas, Democratic mature adjournment is not of it­ diffuse, generalized way - rarely community. brought out the explanation that before meters floor leader - to the effect that self the answer. It is not only any specific liberal proposa l, se­ were used, the streets in the business area WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1949 the administration was driving for more weeks and months of con­ The city council leased 57'5 parking meters lected foil' its appropriatf;lless to a July 31 adjournment, even lf gressional sittings which we need; to be placed in ·parts of the downtown busi­ filled up early and the cars never moved the moment, isolated and pre­ Pu"lf . b~d ."l1y e",.tpl Monday by alnly to Ibe ase lor ropoblleall •••, oil that meant putting off action un­ we need those hours of decision, ness areas where parking meters haven't yet out all day long. Stndenf. Publlt..I'oftll, Inc., 126 J OWl. Ave., 'be loul new. prlbLecl ID tbu ••WI,." sented for action, til next year on health insur­ in which a nation's desires speak been installed, Some of the meters are three Last year, the council saved enough money Iowa C ity, Iowa.. Entered &1 Ie.cond U well ••• U AP DeWa 111Pa&tb.... The 'President's apparent con­ clan mall tn ....e.r a& tbe bO I\antee .~ ance, civil liberties, and, appar­ so clearly through its elected head hour meters - a change frem the prescnt out of the parking meter revenue to start 10 .... Clly. Io wa. undor Ibe .e\ of eon· PO ently, othcr reforms. cept of his reform program as a that all men, thus eonfrc·nted, un buying a. parking lot In the 300 block of ere I of March =. 1810. B •• rd of Trasltu: Rieber' Dlel, S6nt setup where two hours was the longest Dlnnln(. Oo.r,,, 8. SUIOD. Ktl~ A. large baske~ of work, to be kept The President says it isn't so, know that the time of avoidance autoist could park without incurring a fine. East Colle&,e street SvbnrlpUo1J n .te.-8t earrler Ja Jawa GIIS,ow, M.,on Ladd. MellU C. Ld,', on the congressional desk, from Cltf 20 eenls week., or ., per ,tat In wlr. XathorlDe M.N.. "'.... lAllI" . and he also says Mr. Lucas hadn't is past, that they have an appoint­ This action makes us wonder what will That helped relieve the congestion - but f which a bit is to be taken out ment with history which must be allv.Dee ; alx mon&ba 13,15: three montb. MoeUe•• Paul &. 01 oil. meant to be understood in quite ,be the attitUde of the farmers of Johnson not much. Parking was still a problem, The U.Bfl. U, mall In It... n.1iO per year; that way. So at least the pro- every now and then, when no- kept, a ... mGDtll. $3.90; tbree mon&bl 1%. And rilED M. POWNALL. r.bll,•• gram is b;:tck on the agenda. thing else is on, strips reform county to the addition of more metered area addition of a second lot ~ n the northeast corner ol/ler mall . ub•• rlpll .... fa p.r , ..." .1& * of its urgency. When reform is In Iowa City. or Burlington and Gilbert streets wJll do m.nlb. $4.25; Ibre. 1II01l1b. 12.16. ARTJlUR WUIER * . '" Supreme Court Voids A ..I.lanl to Ibe PubU. bll BUT THIS indefinite postpone- sti'ipped of urgency, its chances Some of the county' farmers· met with more when the lot gets operating. United Pt... Le ••ed WJre 8eme. UAROLD B . ARKon ment of adjournmmt is not, in are hurt very much indeed. Standard Oil Contracts the municipal parking committce last Decem­ City aldermen have plans to start opera­ Ruslnel Manl,,-" IIIMBla or TRI ASSOOIATID ralSlI C IIAIlLI:S I'. CARIlOLL itself, much of a victory. Lack of ••• ber, and the results weren't too pleasing tion as soon as pcssible. The A .. ool.te. Pr••• I. IDUtl.d esela· Edllor time isn't the only thing that AND REFORM is urgent. The WASHINGTON (JP)-A bitterly to the businessmen, at least. More meters as leased Monday night by divided supreme court Monday keeps congress from passing lib- civil liberties issue split the Dem­ struck down, 5 to 4, exclusive­ The farmers who atterided came mostly to the council means more revenue which, ac­ eral legislaticn. It is wrong to ocratic party last year; it is not sales contracts between -Standard air t heir complaints about meter parking i ,l cording to lowa law, must be used for parking suppose that so many more days, an issue which can wait. Our Oil company of California and jn­ l ewa City. Some went away feeling better lot purchase, So Iowa City is probably sch~­ • or hours, of congressional work .40-cents-an-hour minimum wage dependent gasoline dealers. about the whole bUsiness. Some went away duled for more parking lots within a few will automatically mean so much law, based on the price and wage Under the contracts, the deal­ convi nced they were right about what they years. more reform. levels of eleven years ago, is an ers agree to buy all their fuel th ought in the first placo. Reform isn't put together that anachronism; in effect, we have * • • from Standard Oil of California. Those who left feeling> greater understand­ This brings up an interesting problem: since way, like autcmobiles. After all, no minimum wage law today. The majoritY of the supreme ("ourt congress has been in session elev- Many social security schedules ing had heard chamber of commerce members parking lots must be purchased within iour­ held that the con tracts lessened tell about Iowa City's parking problem , which tenths of a mile from the metered area, where en years without adopting any must be similiarly da~d. Hous­ competition and violated the anti­ led to meter installation1 in the first pl ace. will Iowa City find business property which WEDNESDAY, JUNE IS, 1949 VOL. XXV, NO. US basic reform measures - ever ing is as urgent as homelessness. trust laws. since the wage-hour act of 1938, But the President does not Justice Douglas assailed the de­ They heard cily CGun cilmen tell' about ' efforts can be purchased for :1 reasonable sum? in fact. translate these urgencies of our cision as helping to "remake Am­ to get ~ff-street parking lots so metered areas And another question: won't this state law UNIVERSITY CALENDAR • *. common life in~o clear legislative erica in tlie image of cartels." It wouldn't have to bear the whole brunt of artifically inflate business property in metered TO GET REFORM, the Presi- urgencies; each issue sinks down will spur big oil companies to set parking problems. areas~ , UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Items are scheduled in th. Prukleat'l dent must fight for it; he must into the "program", without a up service ~ tation networkS of Those who left convinced the police depart­ It's going to be hard f([ the couDcil to find office., Old Capitol. fight for a specific reform at OJ bubble. their own, he said, thus dealing a. men t was after their dollars were the ones property that will fill the bill. It's going to specific time. feeling the situa­ • • Wednesday • .lune 15 8:30 p.m. - Conference, Iowa • blow to small business men. who- probably throught policemen hid around be hard to imagine that business prDperty tion out for the proper moment, AND WHEN an issues does ma- 7:00 a,m, - Summer session Society Medical Technologists, corners , waiting for the red flag to pop up will be artificially inflated on the whole trans­ ()l' making the momentl ture - or happens to come up classes begin. Medical Laboratories. SENATE CONFIRMS GRAY indicating a violation an'd ran out to ti cket action. He must, for better causes, for action - its fate Is often WASHINGTON (m - The sen­ Thursday, June 16 Thur day, June U do something like wha! opponents clouded at the last moment, by ate yesterday unanimously con­ the car. In the face of these difficulties it seems 7:3 0 p.m.-'.(he University Club, 9:00 a.m. - Child Development of Lilienthal have done - and too routine an approach, or by firmed tbe nomination of Gordon • • • unIortunate , that the legislature didn't libe ~­ Party Bridge, Iowa Union. and Parent Educalit l1 Conferenci,i they have seized on one certain an unnecessary attempt at com­ Gray, Winston-Salem, N,C., pub­ Actually, parking meters in the downtown alize the use of the parking meter funds when Sunday, June 19 Senate Chamber, Old Capitol. moment as the right one, mobi­ promise, <' 1' by failure to go to lisher, to b~ secretary of the area in Iowa City serve two definite purposes: the la w was worked over in the last general 7:30 p.m. - Sunday Vespers. 9:00 a.m. - Conference. 10'11' lized their forces, and established the public, army, thus completing President they are a means to keep traUic moving, and asse mbly. The funds might have been madd' West Approach Old Capitol Societ,y Medical T l1c h~'lologlsb.· the issue. The issue, whatever it is, is Truman's new defense "team." they pr ~vide money to purchase more off­ available to buy street lights, traffic signals Monday, June ZO Medical Laboratories. . I street parking lots. and parking lots. 10:00 a,m. - Junior .. College 9:00 a.m. - Physical Educatlo~ Workshop, House Chamber Old Conf rence, House Chamber, 014 Capito) Capitol. Business Cycle: Also a Politi cal Barometer- Tuesday, June Z1 I''rlday. June 24 . . 8:00 a,m. - J un lor College 9:00 a,m. - Physical »lucatioQ Reflections on political strategy while ob- average farmer - watchltlg the price of Workshop, House Cham ber Old Conference, House Chamber, Old , serving the Democratlo f~rm conference In wheat drop or reading .bout the continued Capitol Capitol. , 9:00 a.m. - The lJniversity club, Des Moines: potato glut - Is nol so sure. 4:00 p.m. - Speech Department Colfee Hour, Partner Bridge or sumrn l' lecture sel'ies, Mrs. Bet-, • • • Organized labor is still asking for pay in­ Sewing. Iowa Union nlce Rutherford, Senate Cham The new deal political {Jutlook - as the creases. But the average worker - seei ng Wedne8day, June ZZ b r, Old apitol. : natic. n will soon find - is geared toward a Increased unemployment and new production 9:00 l\.m.- Child Development 8:00 p.m, - Summer SessiollJ "bust" economic period. Not that it necessarily cutbacks - is begi nning to look twice at new and Parent Education Conference, Program: LaMerci, Oriental advocates a bust, of course. But the new deal proposals for more soelal security, more Senate Chamber, Old Capilo\. danc r, Macbride Ausi torlum. deal was a depression ~aby, welfare benefits. (For Inlol'lbaUon refardln, dates beyond thlll schedUle. It was originally .an attempt to lift the na­ • • • lee reservations In the office of the President, Old Caplk!L) tion out of the depressiGn of the early 30's. 'l'he Republica n party has been content - Under these cenditions, the patity price sys­ if net successful - in throwing up a verbal tem, minimum wage scalrs and social secur­ barrage against new deal promises. But re­ GENERAL NOTICES ity were born. cently this has changed and will change moro. I Historians In the future mI,M look back Senator Taft recently declared that. the GENBRAL NOTICBS shOUld be de))OIIited with the city editor •• De! on the 1945-48 perl"d and laugh. lIere was GOP cannot simply oppose social profrarns Dally Iowan In the neWllroom In Ea t lIall. Notices must be nil-I a &lme when a new dea.l admlnlskatlon, but must reconcile reasonable reform wUh mlt&ed by , p.m. tile da, preeedlnf first pUblication; the, will Not complete with antl-deprel8lon tools, was try­ budgetary wisdom. be accepted by telephone, and mu t be TYPED OR LEGIBLY WaIT. Ing to cope wltb a.n InOation. tNQW it is rumored from Washington that TEN and SIONf:D by a relpon,lble person. - Here was a time when the Il'overnment f~rces within the GOP are mapping a counter FIELD HOUSE SWIMM NO Next xarninaUon wlll be guaranteed a floor on farm prices while the oHer to lure farmers away from the Branntln POOL will be opell for mixed July 30. mal'kef prices soared through the ceiling. Here plan ill 1950. 'l'he issue in these men's minds, apparently, Is not subsidy and control versus qwimrning each Tuesday and fi'rI - Nf:W SUI STVDENTS ma1 was a time when the government guaranteed day 7-0 p.m. throughout summ er many workcrs a minimum of 4(} cents un Jittle 01' no aid for farmers. It is ratHer ho\v essio n begInning June 17. Fur­ obtain the Junc Iss ue of Frivol, ' hour while labor's money income soared to much subSidy and centrol Is wise for tho nish own towels and suits. No camplis hUm ol', moga"lne, at th" record heights. farmer and the economy as a whole. admissio n charge. Op n to uni­ Daily l owan bUS iness olfice to ...... • • ill • versity students, employees and East hall throughout this week. If the new deal political outlook was at a In short, the roUer-coaster curve of tho wives, No children. ORADE 7·12 STUDENTS. Be. disadvantage during a depressi()n, it is re­ business cycle is also the temperament ther- ginning June 15; U-hlgh will DUel gaining an advantage as the price lovel slowly . mometer of the nation's poiltical thought. As PII. D. EXAMIN.ATION in 9 typing class to , luden!. It recedes, rrhis, essentially, is the theme of the business conditions slump (J Il, propolBls for French reading will be given In jlradc 7- 12. Cia! will continue Des Moines meeting, It wlJl p(obably be the individual security and overall economic health through AUjI. 10, with sectiON .. ,oom 314, Schaeffer hall from Ii and 10 a.m., five days a week. receive widespread attention - and votes. theme of our entire political symphony be­ 8-10 a.m., June 25. Application Tuition is $6, It Is suggested that fore to:> long. By the 1050 election, this mny wcll be the must be mnde by June 23 . by Intrrrsted studrntA coil the pMn. 'lite two lar,elt farm orranl.atlons have key thought behind tho strategy of all polltlc,ll slKnlng sheet posted on bulletin clpal's oftice, x2259, to enter a bi.' frowned upon tbe Brannan plan. But the parties. board at rOom 307 Scha Her hall. tor th cl 89.

• u ' • . ~nly 39 Take Medical Exams Dean Welcomes Pharmacy Board Pharmacy IExams Thirty-two sur med ica l co llege graduates today will complete For 3S Graduates Sell "Extra Baggage" of mObey. the t.hree-d ll Y seri es of cxamioll tions given by the State Boa rd of Medica l Examin el's. '['hey must pass the exa ms in order to be­ To Continue Today lary." ' come licensed p h ysic i a l1 ~ in 10· . tting that by twice a year, here at SUI in Thirty.nve sur pharmacy and it will wa. June and in Des Moines in De­ graduates began the annual stale A 1·l)tal 01 39 medical coli eKe cember. board of pharmacy Jjcensing ex­ With a Want: Ad the supreme rr_duates from MJnnesota, Wls­ aminations yesterday morning In Q. legality of IlOlIJiD, Mlchltrll.Jl, Illinois, Neb· the chentistry building. llemyn said. Overcoat, Footlocker • ------. Autos for S

by the Iowa state board of phar­ thousand thing,? H__elpA- __W an__tod~ ______41 3111, Ext. 204, Dr. Bostrom. macy composed of four members. Do It the fast economical way Part lime student lountain hE'lp. AparLm nl lurnl. hed or unfur- P. J. Jepson, Newton, chairman; with "Handy Haul" trallert. nished. R 'pomrlble graduate John F. Rube, Des Moines, secre­ Apply Racine,. publtu U••• r .. By the hour, day or week. student, one child. Summer or per­ In Ibl ...... tary; L.R. Henderson, Muscatine. Experienced saleslady, full lime. 41.paleb... "Why wife no ridum horse? She no gottum horse." man nt.. Phone 3652. and George W. Gillman, Fort IOWA CITY TRAILER MART Frohwein Supply Company. Dodge. All members except the 141 S. RJverside Drive ------Miscellaneous for sale lot POP EYE secretary a:-e practicing pharma­ Dial 6838 WJlnted: LadY for hoo cwork and cists. "By the Dam" care of children. 3 or more doys The bc~t co·\ Ie. .. FULLER a week 3654. BRUSHES. Call 2387. Where Shall We Go Woman's blcyci . Good condition. Nursing Applicants MAHER BROS. TRANSFER C4I1l 2678. For efficient furniture Hank lells Ilboul the cat th at was named Ben until it had kittens Hollywood b d. Phone 6253. Movinl Arriy,ing 4-Per-Day - then they named it Ben Hur. and Grab a charlot and take off for Want 10 Buy 102 • Applicants for admission to the Bagga'e Transfer the ANNEX, wheth r you're him school of nursing are arriving at German Mauser Model 11 8 r lflea. the rate of four a day for physi· Dial - 9696 - Dial or a hur. 13est cash prices. Phone 22 111. cal eXlIminations, interviews, pre­ LOOil--s------=71 Bring to 328 South Governor. nursinll tests and tours of the CASH FOR YOUR CAR hospitals, Amy Frances BlIOwn, n $$ $ $ $$ loaned on cam­ Music and Radio 103 assistant professor of medlcal All makes and models eras, guns clothing, jewelry. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Now you can record your wedding. nursing, said yesterday. elc. This priceless keepsake of your 6.15 1939 Ford Tudor $525 Miss Brown said this schedule Reliable Loan. 109 E. Burlington. most treasured moment Is avail­ will be stepped up next week and EHRKE AUTO SALES able tram WOODBURN SOUN.D for the next three weeks, with 1132 S. Linn 11lal 8- 1521 _lna_b_u_cti_·_o...;.-.D ______8_ 1 SERVICE, 8 E. College. Perfect the registrar's office inviting eight Ballroom dance lea ons. Mlmi fidelity assured by th most mod- BLOND IE CHIC YOUNG candidates per day for five days XXV, NO. 221 a week. Keuffel & Esser Youde Wurlu. Dial 9485. ern eQuipment. Oall 8-0151 today In addition to the exams and and make an appoinlment. WAIT A MINUTE.' IT interviews the applicants parti­ R_oo_ma__ f_o_r_R_e _n_'_ _ ___-.:...;91 Guaranteed repairs for all make. AR COULD eE A CHECK·· cipate in a well-rounded social log log Decitrig Room for one boy. 12512 S. Du­ Home and Auto radio. We pick­ GIVE ME TIME 'TO n-lINK program including teas and pic­ h. Presldeafl THIS OVER buque. up and dell v r. Sullon Radio Serv­ nics. They are housed overni ght SLIDE RULES ice. 331 E. Market. Dial 2239. in Westlawn when necessary, Rooms for ~ tudent men. Dial 746 0. ference, Iowa Miss Brown said. Technologists, Mrs. Frank Nye, Wesllawn ALSO Summer rooms for men or eo u­ pIes in spacious high ceilinged WANTEDI es. housemother, is hostess for the teas. She is assisted in plannin home. Plenty hot water. Showers. une 23 Pickett & Eckel Metal Slide the social events by Janel All­ 906 E. College. Dia l 8-0357. d Develo pment Doorman baugh, president of the freshman Rul es, aDd aJl other p opular on Conference" class in the school of nursing. maketl, priced from $1.00 up­ Id CapItol. Clark'. Home Bakery Part-time work One tea was held Monday and W8 1·ds. ference. Iowl another will be held tomorrow in Speciallzlng in Tec~ ologlsu. the parlors at Westlawn. Kola<:hes, rohllke. and pie. es. I Apply .------109 E. Burlington Dial 8-10211 ieal Education RIES IOWA Chamber, 014 M. Ludwig Named No deU verlea Manager, Students are gelUng their ne 2' :; HENRY CARL ANDERSON BOOK STORE Englert Theater ieal alucatioD summer housing now. Be sure Chamber, Old: To Journalism Plost they kn(lW of your room. , Merritt C. Ludwig, 118 Central Call 4191 today ch Department park, has been appointed assis­ Dally loWGD Want Ad. Read them ••• use theml ies, Mrs. Ber·1 tant to the director of the SUI Alin Talks dn New Senate Cham , school of journalism, Prof. Leslie G. Moeller, director, announced Boxed Summer Candies I Hydraulic Methods Daily Iowan Want Ads will Monday mmer SesslollJ Delicious creams and bon-bans teU you of bargain. io ser­ d, Orlentall He succeeds Paul I. Lyness who A ,new method of utilizing un· is taking a leave of absence from derground water power was dis­ in pastel coatings that vices and merchandise. Be usl lorlum. defy the heat. his administrative duties. Lyness cussed by Prof. A.L. Alin ()f the sure you check them evel'1 will remain on tbe journalism SUI mechanics al)d hydraulics de· Ilhedule, DIXIE'S day. d capIWi.) staft as a part-time instructor. partment at the fourth SUI hy­ 5 South Dubuque Ludwig received his M.A. in draulics conference at University journalism from SUI last Friday. theater yesterday morning. Read and use the Want Ada. He ·received his B.A. here in 1948. Alin addressed about 400 hy­ TYPEWRITERS Costs are low, result. are While an undergraduate, Ludwig draulics engineers on "Present­ Stop in and see the new lood. Today, call 'I editor 01 TbtI was cit,y editor of the WSUI news day Trends in Hydraulic Engl. Ro,a1 Portable. musl be ••b- . bureau,' a Daily Iowan reporter, neering." We repair all makes at type­ Ihn will NO'f and editor of the Villager, SUI European engineers are con­ writers. Victor Adding Machinea GlRLY WIlT- married stuiients' housing area 'structlng hydro - electric power for immediate deUvel'1. 4191 snAKETT P A U L ROB INS 0 N weekly newspaper. stations deep in(() mountains, he " Th. People'. Marketplace ~~;::~;::;;;;~rr}r:;;:::=~::;=::;::::;:;:;::::::=-"=:::;- · F.=:-::-:-:-:-:-:=:::=:::WM;;;7;~~~"""'"7~~~~~~='="i· . During the past year he has said. A Dew and strictly Euro~an • WIKEL wlLl be lived I . 'fESi . ~Il'ALl" .!' yOu WANT - done research on Wallaces' F'arm- development, It is claimed to be TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Dall, Iowan WaD' Ada SAHOVN WELL 10 001 er an~ served as research assis- cheaper than the conventional 12fJ,i E. CoUeee Phone 8-1051 ANO I A~AYS ' tant in radio journalism. method under favorable eondi- JlENTS rna, ~~~ l ti~ sue or Frlvol,' Joh.uon County Woman A military advantage of the GOOD CLEANING PAYS OFFI Ilgazine, at th(' plan is that the underground ess (l ffi ce 10' A5 k 5 Divorce, Property water passages and stations are out th is week, Lula Kutchenwriter filed suit less susceptible to aerial bom­ UDINTB. s.. , for divorce in Johnson county dis- bardment, he said. trict court yesterday from Frank -hilh wIlL off" to , tudents It Kutchenwriter. APPROVE EXPENDITURE She asked for an equitable will conUnu. INDEPENDENCE. IA. (.4')­ Ith sectiolll .. share in tihe division of their farm 10 miles west of Iowa ('lty. The Iowa legislative interim corn­ c days a week. mittee yesterday approved ex­ suggested thal She also asked for complete own­ penditure of more than $500,000 call the pMn­ ership of household equipment, a for equipment and expanSion at COD CLEANERS , to enter a bl.' pick-up truck and tor casis ot the ~ aclion. the Independence S~te hospital, Dill _ua ..J ,J ~. ;" , WI.:.!Jx,:"",1JlE DAILY IOWAN. Wf;DNESDAY, JUNE '15. 19." It Gets In, But Not Out:1 Car-Tiue lcciaent iaw Graduates Begin Exams I. Police Go to Rescue . 1 Injures One Woman While the rest of the SUI students started the summer session Pollee were called out on a standing in registration lines and looking for new classrooms, 50 l'escue mission yesterday after- An Iowa City woman was in­ Are You R~ady for the ,graduates from the law school were perspiring o~er the first part noon to the Funk residence at jured in a car-truck accidEnt yes- lof their bllr examioations. . 1122 Keokuk street. terday mornIng on highway 6, ac- Together with 10 students from------There Lhey discovered a locked cording to driver's information. other law schools, theSE: student.s bathroom and several worried Ethel Skarda, 630 E. Church women', who soon explained the street, received hlp bruises whim })egan a three-day session of writ­ situation. I a car driven by Joe M. Skarda, ten and oral examinations yes­ AGusher! · The door was locked from the I 630 E. 'Church street, was in­ terday under the watchful eye of inside, the bathroom lights were volved in an accident with a light SUMM~R S~SSION? ' 'II llye-man board of examiners. Students May Have out Ilnd there were no windows. truck driven by Owen L. Jayne~, A hefty shove by police officers 627 Orchard street. fte wrlt&en examinations will Kansas Bonanza forced the door open. Out walked The driver of the car involved 'be eomple&ed tomorrow noon. An SUI st u den t may be little Nancy Lee Yedlik, 2, 748 estimated $300 damage to the JUNE I 'aD' the oral examination wUI kneeling on the steps of Old Cap­ Grant street. the cause of all the front of the Skarda machine, and YOU WILL- If you bring your orders to us and let t .be beld In 106 Law building itol Monday, apologizing to his commotion. I no damage done to the truck. SUN MON TU£ WED THU FR' SA.T Frida, mornln&'. four business partners for his lack ----- Drivers involved in an accident us fill them. We have a complete stock of text· Attorney General Robert Lar- of faith in their oil well invest­ New Polio Patient Sunday afternoon Ilt 24 1-2 S. ( ' ment. Clinton street reported $100 dam­ books and supplios and will be happy to get you lOri'S , first assistant, .Donald Hlse, Pete Hackes, G, Pelham Manor, l age to the two cars, police said. I! the chairman of the board of N.Y., promised his comrades thllt Placed on I Active Ward M. Coulter, 2106 Musca­ examiners. Other members are he would publicly retract his tine avenue, estimated $30 damage prepared for th e new semester. Remember to tel Valery Jean Rogers, 7, Water­ T __ W PD ' R E "doubting Thomas" attitude If the to the trunk lid of his car. He mi ~n . owers, . enlSOn; . . loo, yesterday became the 12th oil well venture in Kans·as that reported he was backing from a get your gym needs, drawing kits, art supplies, co: Hatter, . Marengo; H. G. Cart- he and his comrades invlllted in polio patient to be admitted to parking stall when the accident wright, Marshalltown; E. P. Don - "paid off." the "active" ward at University occurred. 'etc., here. If we don't have exactly what you ~hue, New Hampton and Wilson . The four stttdents, other. than hospitals since the first of the The student-driver of the ·other year, hospitals authorities re­ gr Cornwall, Spencer. Hackes, who have an Int,erest car, Laurel Lloyd Haring, 323 N. First Day of the Summer Session want we'll order it for you. ported. Capitol street, estimated $:10 dam­ ml '1' Hatter, Cartwright and Corn- In Ute well are Keith Glugow. , A4, Clement Hess, G. a,nd James Authorities said her condition age done' to the right front fender, e~ tie rod and tpring of his car. wall ; have been members of the Larson, A3. all of lowa- City. ~as "fair" yesterday. • ve: board for several years, and pow-I and Donald Gossard. G, Council They listed as "serious" yes- ,rs recently · ~eturned to the board Bluffs. · terday the condition of Susan thl a.fter b~1ng discharged from the Glasgow. mutually appointed Simpson, 2 1-2-year-old San An- HI army. leader of the five, is a close friend gelo, Texas, girl. She was ad- Dial 4153 ,e • TIle rB!'ults of the examlna- of Wallace A. Haney, Glenwood, mitted to the hospitals June 7 COl who has . been successfully..,il lor polio treatment. for Your ti~ ,U... will be announced. Friday See Us First for All prospecting for eight years. ----- . at&er the Impromptu oral ex­ 19 Haney offered Glasgow and his Two Fail to Appear 2~.Hour G! i amlDatlon Is CODlP)"ted. comrades a chance to buy part, f ," . '. SUI graduates taking the ex­ of one of his ventures and Forfeit CQurt Bonds Dry Cleaning Service amination are Donald G. Albee, the students "acted first and Two persons forfeited- their, in Robert Frlmklin Barclay, Ches­ thought later," Glasgow said. bonds when they failed to appear Summer Equipment School- til: ~r R. Bentz; Raymond F. Breen1 They scra.ped up $'7,000 to pa.y in police court yesterday morn- Free Pickup and. Delivery tal 'Walter R. Brown, Gerald D. Car­ lor their part 01 the lease on ing. , sli Penter, William .]I. Douglas, John the land and to share part of According to the police docket, Free Mothproofing B. Foley, George E. Flagg, John the drllllng costs, M.J. Hungerford, Iowa City, for- wi F. Gallagher, J(lseph M. Gantz Jr., The well is being drilled in feited bond set at $,15 when he th Donald L. Goranson, Serenea Heng Bal'lelsville sand, highest oil pro- failed to appear on a charge of Buy Them Today • Zipper Note Books (( Type Pods .15· .35 5tl Green and Gerard J . Glaza. dueing formati<)n in Kansas and failing to stop for a red light. $3.05 tax included be . Walter T. Hart, Ruth Hartkopp, Oklahoma, just outside of Yates G.G. Mihalevich, Kirksville, VARSITY Cleaners ~l: sl! 4\ddison R. Hayne, Carl M. Hig­ Center, Kiln. Mo., charged with intoxication, 23 E Washington • ShJdy Lamps Wor k started May 23 and forfeited a bond of $10 when he at don Jr.. Rate A. Howell, War­ • Other Note Books $2.95 up ial ten C. Johnson, Eugene P. Kuhn, shoof lhisuld beweek. comlJleted An old bywell the driller end ~~id~niotiia~PiPeiairi' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.i~~;;~~i;~iiiiiiiiij :Eugene V. Kelfer, Richard G. Kel­ who has missed oil only four the men'. shop Iowa Supply! .75 up iogr, Robert E. Knowlton, Darl times in hjs life is doing the • laundry Cases C, Kyle, ~ Albert K. Mathre, Jack drilling, and his reports, Glasgow ~, MerrirT),.ti : 'Robert D. Mershon, • Desk Blotter Pads .75 $2.45 up I said, are encouraging. He is using John J."M((:arthy and Donald L. a cable-type drill whlc'h is slower ONLY 1.ieJ.spn . ' ;J than a rotary drill but more ac­ • Spiral Note Books • Fountain Pens . Robert .Dl Nords trom. Talitha curate. $1.50 up Pascili. Marcus F. Payton, Fred­ An SO-acre plot of land has .10 to .30 1 erick 'It P~fferle, Seymour M. been leased and if the first well 4 ", ~aben, ' ,William D. RYIlD, Louise produces, seven more will be • • Fine Line Pencils A E. Schuler, "Herbert S. Selby, Wil­ drilled, Glasgow said. . • Note Book Fi ll ers .15 $1.00 up ni lam CalJin Smith, Ralph E. Sta------­ SHOPPING DAYS aT ley, .Maurice E. Stark. John H. €C Stevens, Keith J. Stinson, A. Dale ,,' er Swanson, John V. Synhorst, Don­ You can sell tblnqs you dl pi ald H. Thompson, Harold W. don't need , •• 'til Father's Day, June 19 Trease, Warreil J. Wolt and Want Ads will sell articles you MOST DADS PREFER: PI Charles F. Warden. • SI have no use for, but whIch D?ay Arrow Shirts and Ties : . T/le ~O gradulltes from other ART SUPPLIES ENGR. SUPPLIES 9! Schools are Roy Alvin Bush, Notre be bargains to someone else, COHAMA TIES al Dame; James Paul Coshman, Call 4191 today and place your Arrow Handkerchiefs • Grumbacher Oils and Water Colors • Dietzgen, Post & V meo Drawing Sets w Drake;' James E. Cro ~s, U. S. C.; tt ad. Costs are low, results usually Puritan Sportswear 'Harold C. Lounsberry, Harvard; • Bellini Oils Drawing Suppli 5 Charles D. Waterman Jr.. Har­ good, occasionally wonderful. • Shiva Casine Colors • Dietzgen, K & E, Post, and P. & E. Slide el vard; Charles J. Munson. NorLh­ CI western; D .. C. Shull, University the men's shop • Grumbacher and Delta Brushes Rules ir Ibf Michigan; Allan D. Vestal, Yale; Dally Iowan Want Ada • Tracing and Drawing Papers n< Alan J. Kane, Loyola university 105 E. College • Over 50 Different Art Papers al _nd Sydney A. Thomas, Univer­ The People'. Marketplace Ed Miltner Roy Winders • Canvas and Stretchers, all sizes • Drawing Boards and T Squares fe ,tty of Mi~hlgan . • Hundreds of Other Miscellaneous Items • Dozens of Other Useful a nd Necessary sl " You Need Equipment II 81

- -- --. . ------II . ~ - ~ , ':' f'io~ open ... Your NEW C: , , 8 '. ./ . , sl CI o 8 TEXTBOOKS ~ I ' ROOT ,A&W , !BEER STAND , for all cou rses ... After the show, mid.afternoo~ or for a late.snack - you'll go for our~ \ \ and if we don't have them, we'll order theml I * Delicious Hamburgers * Hot1)ogs I * R'eally Cold A& W Root Beer Check our stock of: I r I I { • Lab. Supplies and Kits t t I '. Engineering Drawi~g Equipment t 1: f • G) , .1 Suits - Shoes - Socks . t J • Sports Equipment for Classes

s k Vets,. bring your requisitions fo us! r I

on these hot summer days by driving out to ..the new A & W Root Beer Stand. Come out todayl We'r. Open from 10 a.m. to 12 Midnight ,10Q0 S. Riverside Drive 1 Block South of ~ew Benton S~reet Bridge

'. .,

(Iowa City, Iowa), 1949-06-15 (2024)
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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.