United States' Telegraph from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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i If Ten Dollars Aniitiin IA' 15 re HE SUBSCRIBER publishes the following ESPECTULLY offers his' Commission for the information of those IX ry departmentot ha profts 'I I a THE' Subscriber purposes opening ah Eng lish and Mathematical School for young 5 ft If i VS i jin 1 JNEW STAGE LINE a CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO CARNAL 3 BL 'M 4 Si i vv 9 Grmrourfl Doctor Bohrer Rev Horatio Cray John Lille Druggist Af esq rancis Key esq Clement Cos esq John Kurtz esq HAIR CUTTING ET Xk SHEPPARD Next Door East and Wat to the two Mr Wil liwuone? Hotels Pcnnsyvunia Avenue IN all the various fashions of our country to the taste of every person and with all the ease and comfort that can be wished for front the hands of an artist "Aho Shaving Razors set in the very best manner and at the shortest potiee 1 (ET No hair cutting onr Sundays A Noy 6m 3 GARDEN SEEDS tom the Society of Shakers in the Stafe ofN I I Ss1 AL OICEor taking Depositions and AcknOwledg merits of Deeds A rlXHn bUBsCulBtK puobshe JL Commission fur the inform having any business to transact embraced within the range of the authoritywithwhich he is thereby vested and as many other States have the ab ject of appomtingrimlar Commissioners under consideration and as he has possessed himself of the iawS'Of the respective States relative to the mode of taking evidence to be used on trials tu their several Courts hetendei i his services to parties litigant either in taking evidence un der commissions to him directed by any court or in obtaining 'duly authenticated of official documents from the Public Offices DOS: WATSON eb 28th 82 3 7 GIDEON TOM UNS ESQ i Governor and Commander in Chief in and ovpr the State of i Connecticut JOSEPH WATSON Esq of Washington in the Dis trict of Columbia Greeting: jIUrpsi no special trust and confidence in your learning skill and integrity I do by virtue and in pursuance of the provisions of a Statute of tins State entitled An act to authorize the appointment of Commissioners to take tiic acknowledgment and proof of Deeds ani( In struments under Seal and name and appoint you a under said Act within and said District to continue in StEAL ESTATE MART AND GEN erailagency OICE Opposite Jyight's Auction Rpoms AflDS Houses and Lots Goods and Per 1A tonal Property of every description sold it this Office on the following terms to wit 1 or each tract of Land House and Ixt or Lot ntrred for sale two dollars will be chargedr persons at a distance may enter three 'byying five dollars A description of the proerty offered for sale at full length should be ile When a Stic is made of property Real or a commission is charged of from two a half to file er cer according to the HOUSES RENTED' Houses the city or vicinity will be regis cred for Rent and the greatest pains taken totew them for a commission of five per cent Jiiless sum exceed two hundred dollarshen three per cent No charge unless a House reoud 1 C0LL1CTI0NS MADE Rents due or hints against Government or invite individuals CONVEYANCING Deeds Trustees Execntors Administrators Guardians Accounts and Returns and I' 3 CITY HOTEL ajL 'This Iprgd and commodious building fiVail immediately west of Man sion Hotel has lately been fitted up inthe most thorough and complete manner Its contiguity to the House Pub lic Offices and the residence of the different oreign Ministers renders it a most desirable stopping place for' gentlemen visiting the Me tropolis either on business or pleasure The City Hotel has been furnished in a hand some and genteel style by the The various suites of rooms are admirably calculated for private families being especially suited for their comfort and convenience Thb price will be so low as to make it an object with persons remaining any length of time in the City WM WILLIAMSON dec dtf TH subscriber propriet ir of the nrry at Lmnean Hillrttn ashington offer to tlie public at reasonable prices a very eten eiveand cnoice collection of I itUll TliLKs conrstingx Apples Peachvs Pears (Jienics Apncois PlumaC ectr nes Qu 8c with a variety of garden fruit viz gooseber ries currant raspberries and strawberries gentlemen on IBtli matirit ra the pleasantly situated room mentioned above There will be taught the various branches pertaining tp a substantial and useful English education' oeterms and to enter pupils parents will please call at the residence of the Subscriber 9th Street West North of Pennsylvania Ave nue ROD McCLENACHAN eb 6td A BEAUTIUL ESTATE SALE gYHE subscriber is authorized to sell 800 acres I I nflAND with nlomnt imnrnTBmftta in A Member1 of Congress or iny other gentleman wishing to obtain a desirable residence in the neighborhood would do well to call at his of fice where they may see a general description of this as well as smaller farms offered on mo derate terms JNO CROMWELL General Agent opposite Auction jap eoff sIeridian hill TE'OR sale or rent the valuable estate of Com rnodore Porter known as Meridian Hill The Mansion House commands a view of Wash ington Georgetown Alexandria and the Potomac it is spacious welh builtpnd convenient The tract of land contains 12tJ acres the greater part highly improved with a farm house barn stables Persons wishing purchase or to can examine the premises and by appbcaUon to Mr Porter ascertain the terms eb eodtf TTiafr iolo fka LIH cup 1V uuui cxpressiy for a public Hotel is advantageously laid but for the comfort and convenience of those who put up at it who will always find the accom modations and fare much better than is usually met with The Subscriber will as usual spare no pains or expense to make his guests as comfortable as possible and his terms are one dollar and fifty cents per day His private apartments are fur nished in a very splendid style and families put ting up at his house may rest assured ofevety attention being paid them He has also a great variety of choice and well selected wines of va rious kinds from the oldest established wine merchants in the United States all of which he can afford to sell at vety reduced frotn 75 cents to 53 50 per bottle' JOHN GADSBY Dqc 2Z keotf Lt pASlk paid for RAGS by JAMES MILES a Coavtsi'iox tremie 1 tvCi A 15 VrllU Commissioners of the Chesapeake and 110 Canal Company having decided to ks subscriptions itfiatr forty iys Notice is hereby gwen ie to the said Canal will oJ AtS aCtin? the A CARDy a 4 if 4 HA1tj)ENif)ental Sur geon euo a a IMS 311 YJVCSg Hl dpnAPfrBMIt r4 IitM frvlha zens of Washington Georgetown aqd the Dis trict of Columbia generally Mr IL having determined to tettle perma nently in Washington has taken a residence bn a tew doors below 14th street facing sj lyinia Avenue where he will be happy to wait upon those who may honor him with their coqfidencq The following extract 'of letters from Hayden Esq of Baltimore to seve ral gentlemen in this City is inserted advisedly I he near ami intimate connexion existing be tween him and myself forbids my entering into atrain of encomiujas upon bis professionalskill and atuUies dt will suffice to be informed that he has been instructed in the various parts of this branch of medical science by mvself and under my particular direction lias attended the regular lectures at our Uhive sify for two seasons and as before has been in successful practice for several years in Savan (Georgia) as will be shown bv letters from a number of respectable citizens of that prices: in all cases will be regulated by those of Mr Havden who has several times vsited tliis City in his profes sional capacity REERENCES gsen trasfungtun Doctors Watkins 1 SewalL Huntt Tench Ringgold esq Joseph Gales jr esq Phdip endall esqt jan Th North street mear 10A By green Jarvis Dailv paper per annum Three tmes a week during the session of Corigreks and twice a week during the recess (if not paid in advance $6) or monthsv 3 Once a week'! 4 Three Subscribers unitingand forwarding ten dollars iu purrent paper postage pal will each receive number of the weekly paper for "one rear 7 identify ng them and feels confident of their one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the United States and that everysuch Deposition All orders will meet with prompt atten ion Affidavit or Affirmation so made before and Catalogues can be ha! by applying to the pro certified by you will be as good and effectual prietor at the store ol Thomas Levering to all intents and purposes as if taken before near tbe General Post office in Washington an Officer resident in tins State and compel and of Edward Linthicum corner ol Bridge tent to take the same But before ylou pro and High streets Oeorgeiowu who as agents 'ceed to perform any duty under said act and by will receive a forward orders virtue of th is appointment you are to take and Catalogues can also be had and orders left at subscribe an oath or affirmation before a Jus the stall of the proprietor in the Centre Mar tice of the Peace in the city or county in which ket on market mornings you reside well and faithfully to execute and Trees intended to go a distance will be eare perform all the duties of SucU Comlhisstmer and fully packed in straw with moss about the causr such oath or affirmation to be tiled in the' roots to prevent them from drying' office of the Secretary of this 'State JOSHUA PEIRCE In testimony whereof I have hereunto set eb eodlOt may hand and caused the seal of said State to oe amxea at tairncta tne zotiiday ot Decern eight hundred and twenty seven and of the In dependence of the United States the fifty se cond By JIis Excellency the Governor GIDEON TOMLINSON Thomas Vlt Seactary uq lozr xBnuzar 29 1828 1 1828 Satvbbat: Mixes OR SALE OR RENT 1 HL valuable estate Georgetown CUilcrl ruit mA Ornamental Trees Shrub and 'Green House Plants CLOTHING? Of every description the latest fashion jHOSE who are disposed to be economies)I and wish to cautn themselves at New York prices (which are lower than almost any other city in the United States) ought to apply at tlie Store next to i iTiA The Proprietorassipes tlie public that his Clothing is made up by the best workmen and are cut by a person who in the States ba: no Good fits and first rate work manship may be depended anJ at a price uucommonly low As Age'ntfor Ira Perege of New York line censor to Webb "just received a supply Of Sus penders Cravat Stiffuers Ac Ac which he will be glad io furiush dealers or individuals at actory prices Russian Delta' hiiriilv recommended tn twr uf itJjy the mosteminent physi cians Nextto fmt tf ACARD 'LTEB CLARKE lgv! leave to return Ins luniks to iitsrold friends and custom ers and to the public generally for tlteir lb eril patronage shown Jittniaird hopes to merit continuation of it He embraces this oppor tunity to inform the public tbat lie has given Mr LEWIS A POOLE (who has been fore man tor Mr Hunt for the last fourteen months) an interest in his establishmentwhose known qnslifications as a Boot and Shoemaker is al ready siifiiciently established to need any other recommendation' 1 he Ladies are informed that they can be fur nished with as good and fashionable Snoes at this establishment as at any other in the Dis 'S' All orders will be promptly attended to' and faithfully executed at the Old Establishment aSt ofthe Golden Boot Pennsylvania Avenue nearly oppte Hotel March w3w( i aim Kerurns ano other Writings executed and prepared and posted on moderate terms? who wish to purchase or rent will Prrct ive the advantage bl calling where t'siness of the kind is concentrated All oom be post paid i JOHN CROMWELL? eb 1 General Agent A MONG tlie necessary aiticlos of a Gen Wardrobe it is allowed by every one that fix well made Shirts are KEAN (opposite and nearly opposite Hotel) has just received ght dozen superior fine LINEN SHIRTS ruf tied and plain in order for immediate use Linen Collars a great improve menlm this article' They are generally worn and are very convenient to travellers Ac eb if English and Mathematical School llth Street West over the City Library DE WITT CLINTON BO TYLER respectfully informs his friends ind the public that be has received 100 copies of an elegant engraved likeness of J)s Witt Clixtox surmounted with beautiful em blems Ac of bis public life 50 cents each He has also a few copies of Adams President Hairy Ctay Wmi ll Crawford Gen eral Jaduan Calhoun ami John Adams late President of the United States also fac similsutf the Declaration of the Independence of tlie United Stales March 3 6t PAPER WAREHOUSE EC E1VED this day and for sale by JAMES XX MILES Commission Merchant Pennsyl yxmaxvenue 5 ut ISO rmw fine medium 120 do republican LVSTOHEP Imperial good and common Mediums Book Royal 4fo Post Medium Ac i March eo3t A uvsj nwpAuiMi jvvl wiiLiiM iuka lursaiu ijuincip uj cuiiunue vines and cuttings of foreign and native grapes office during die pleasure' of the Governor of fur table use and wine' 1 thiaState withauthontytotaketheacknowledg Ornamental evergreen and deciduous forest I meat and proof of any Deed Mortgage or Con trees for streets and lawns lowering shrubs veyance ofiany Lands Tenements or Heredi of almost every description with a rpiendidj laments lying or being in this State or any otli cnllection of EXOTIC LANTS tilling one of I er writing ynderseal to be used or improved the largest green houses in the United States i in this State with full power authority to which lie expects shortly fpm Philadelphia also to administer an oath or affirmation to and New York 12 to 1509 dollars worth of rare any person who shall be desirous or willing to and valuable Plants To this branch of nis make oath or affirmation before you and to establishment he particularly solicits the pa take depositionsand to examine witnesses under Ironage of the public who are invtud to visit any Commission or Commissions emanating Il 1 't' Also on hand two or three hundred thou 1 UOIpj ErassCopper Steel and Tin Polishirg 'PreservativeOWDER manuftrtur edat 53 Nassau St New York 7 Cotnrmerce St Baltimore and Offire eMablished at ranklin Hotelfffashingtdn THE Proprietor of tlie above article respect fully informs the 'citizens of H'7tehingfunt that Ire has amyed with his article knd solicits ashare of their patronage Individuals wishing uwij me article testea may oe convinced of its virtues by applying at the ofi the Subscriber in rank! Hotel cor ner ftof street istxi "Eiiith street Vf in WaMnfitan' JOHN directions see the tet the brass copperj steel or tin be made perfectly free grease by the Anne with warm soap suds let the article dry then apply ue powder' in small quantities on a piece tf bvcwskm perfvttly and the metal will re gain its original polish and become as brilliant as new Its qualities are: perfectly innocent andn iising it saves the housewife themilitwv iv waiter a vssx acai ot lanor and expense' In its use it cleans the above' metals an one third the time of any thing asyel invented and in its economy and cheapness it has not been excelled A box may furnish a family if used with care for a year or and the price only 12A centrper 5 As i egregious impositions have been pawned upon tlie public for my article 1 caution the public against imposition and when purchasing i see Abate the labels are printed JOHN' Th directions on the boxes i how to use the same as 1 employ no person i to vend it unless advertised in the Journals of i the day tr from my awn hand I offer a re wardot $50 for the first transgressor in any i 8tate in the Union and all expenses for appre i bension of such offender oh offenders i Price to wholesale dealers S1Q peri gross $1 per dozen and to individuals 123 cents per box JOHN HUNTLEY' Iwentor and sole Proprietor ranklin Hotel corner street and Sth street VV Washngton (D C) eb 21 SAMUEL CRAYCROT Brass ounder and Machine Maker No 42 South Sth St PHIXAnm PWT a 11 HERE Brass Castings of all descriptionsv will be made large and small Clock Cast ings Cotton actory Castings and all kinds of Machine Castings warranted to be of the best larc co*cks IYHE public are informed that tlie line of Stages from Alexandria through auquin' I ISreTnd'ex the J)lakc 1 Society and expect (daily) a general assort lVine ri EE) SucU sol1 It leaves Alexandria and Charlottesville on removto Viini Monday and Urniay and rens through a nrr tance of 1 16 miles in two davs i street opposite the Catholic Church The country through which it passes is mi I ean accomnuklate three or four Members of fishing highly picturesque and intelligent the Congress cr other Gentlemen or a amily 7 accommodations cheap and good and every with most exceJent apartments well furnished exertion shall be made to please I yr ndi boRrl j41l jy are through $9 Classical and Mathematical Bcademu r' in lhQ yeuf our Lord one thousand a enreet rpilIS institut on wil be opened by 'tlie sub 1 scribrrs on Monday 3dMarct he house rmer'y occupied by Mr Young on street north 'ew doors east 'of 13th street conve nient to the old Bancb Brink The system of education mlonted in Bit Acsdt mv nnmorio tytog Leeching BW Arithmetic English Grammar omiXMition Ar Elocution? Geography with the use of the Outl drawing of Teelh Globes Ancient and Modem History 'Mathe subscriber respectfully informs' his inatics the Latin Greek and rench Lan 'JL friends and the public that he has removed guages Mr Kelly will give Lectures on hb office to llth street two doors North of Philosophy three times a week to Which the ad Pennsylvania Avenue and adjoining the office ilnced pupils of the Academy will be admitted of Professor Henderson Washington City without any extra qliarge Convinced of the I "A SAMUEL CLARK jrest importance ot a correct pronunciation I All orders in the above line left at the office md graceful delivery he shxil ay the strictest or at his dwelling on Bridge street three doors ittention to both in his Elocution Qlasa from the corner of Higl street Georgetown Parents and Guardians are invited to visit will be promptly attended to the Academy once a month to witness the im will refer to the following rtiedical gen provement of the pupils whose interest the tiemen Drs Huntt Bohrer Worthington subscribers shall endeavor to advance by eve Warfield: McWilliams Cutbush Henderson ry possible means The business of the tea' iPUTpll txr I lemy will commence half an hour after ise May Kiley Collins Lovell Sim SUuehton and very morning 1 Randall 6 YOLliLNo 61'0 situated at the 'upper end of High Street and known as the residence of the late Samuel Tur ner It has a commanding view of Washington City Georgetown Alexandria and the Poto mac and also an extensive prospect of the sur rounding country The dwelling house is lawe and finished in the best style The garuc: contains about two acres and is well improved with some choice fruit trees A good carriage house aid stable and also a pump of good water with two large green houses and many other advantages make stone of the most desirable dwellings in the District' Persons wishing to purchase or rent will please apply to Mrs TURNER at her resi dence on Pennsylvania Avenue opposite the Centre Market or to the Editor of the United Telegraph Octa NATIONAL HOTEL IYRIS New Establishment about raidway be tween the and Capitol Was opened in the early part of last Summer by the Subscriber i i The furniture isall new and mad ofthe best tS vLfoftv Rtenals and the house bein btiilt exnARqhr wr2L 4 Ur 1 '7 WASHINGTON ALEXANDRIA AND Baltimore Steam Packet Company THE new and elegant Steamboat' rede ricksburg will leave Washington in a few days for Balt' none preparatory to her first trip from thence on Saturday the 1st March next at 5 or freight or passage on that trip apply on board' the Boat at Com merceSrect Wharf Baltimore'' urther particulars will soon be published as to the days of departure from Washington stopping places on the route rates i 5 I eb ot A CARD TORN Bi BOONE Co have commenced the Boot and Shoe marnitaCtnring business ji the store 1 ormer iy occupied by Messrs Dy sort bmith lunder'Mra' Boarding House and opposite to the Centre Market where Ladies and Gentlemen can be furnished with ots and Shoes of the heat quality and made in the most manner 'Urey nrfve engaged Mr Williams as korrmari who i vsvy well known trv the citizsns in Jus pro fis inn They have in store and will keep a good assortment of low priced Boots and Shoes all'of winch will be sold on Hie ffiosi reasonable terms Orders thankfully received and punctually attended to for cashnb March Jawlw 1 A good supply ofthe best Portuguese LEECHES expected in a lew days from New i such as arc well calculated for the pre sent season of the year dec cotf VALUABLE WESTERN' LANDS OR THE undersigned 'cffers for sale the fof lowing tracts of land lying in Dickson Coiinty in the State of Teinessee viz 'one tract containing four thousand acres lying on llarpeth River five miles from its junctionwnh the Road There is an ex tensive site on tins tract for Iron Worksor other machinery to go by water The water power is great and there is on the tract a great abundance of Iron Ore of the first quality and likewise timber for building or for fuel There is one hundred acres of ths tnct in cultivation is a good dwelling and outhouses an or chard Sec Also another tract containing fifteen hundred acres ly ing in the vicinity of the town of Charlotte in said County of Dickson 'There are several banks o'f Iron Ore on this tract antin cxirellant for a furnace Also a town lot In the town'of Charlotiri well improved having on it a dwelling house stfe house and other convenient buddings I "The above property is offered fr sale ahd may be divided into such lots as to suit pur chasers To gentlemen of capital who may wish to invest in real estate in the Western country either for the purpose of agriculture or the manufacture of iron few sanations cart be found combining so many 1 Will sell the whole or any part ofthe property very lbw for cash Persons wishing further particulars wil please tn address' the signed at Nashville nnessee STERLING BREWER Jan a odlf cty nuouiug Terms made Known by calling on either of the Subscribers at the Academy JOHN KELLY Hb eodtf from any or the Courts ot this State relating to anv cjiiisp rlpnnHinfp? nr tn brniicrht in sand plants of the Amefiran hedging thorn and any of said Courts And I do hereby make Pyricantlia or evergreen thorn of sizi suitable known that every such acknowledgment or nlantuifr hirih ran he DUt UD in boXCS SO nrnnf nf anv nr nfhnn rnnvnv as to be transported to any partof toe country ance aforesaid taken or made before you and I Quality Brewers and largc co*cks with perfect Safety at a small expense certified by you in your said capacity of Corn 1 ma(le end warranted Artificial Mineral Water In tlie establishment are about five thousand i missioner pursuant to the provisions of stud I PP'Utus made and warranted same repaired peach trees selected principally frum the cel' 1 act will have thesanieforce and effect and be I 011 a ncw ant sae plan without any trouble rated orchards of Mr Clumel near Baltimore as good and available in law for all purposes i 0 user Bottle Moulds made for all kinds where the proprietor has bad an opportunity df i as if the same had been made or taken before ffss or pewterwork Turning in its various uraucnes nose screws mane to pattern SteelTraps and Die Plates all kinds of Experimental Machinery and' Brass Work of everv descrip tion Orders post paid will be strictly attended to The very best references can be given as to good work Sept tf ANCY STAPLE GOODS qrniE subscriber has just received ffad lijlK open on Monday a variety of Desirable and cheap DRY GOODS bought for cash at prices which canrot Taij to give satisfaction They are i Gold and Silver Lama Trimmings aijdjQdno Velvet lowers" from Mr factory i A variety of Silk and Gauze Handkerchief Assorted narrow Ribbons andcsmmM sttt i Italian Lutestring jind India Levantine i 1 Colored figured Gros de Naples at 50 cents 7 Cotton and Worsted Hosiery in i treat riety A fresh supply of tlie i Plaid Ginghams One case of Irish Linens assorted and cbekp Bobbinett Laces' Thread do tf Black and white watered Gros de Naples White Velvet' Black Hollands WctftiT lounces Black and white Bobbinett VeilsPfiJkii 1 Collars 1 Plain Bobbinett! and ooting very lojv 1 bale of Crash for Towelling 6J ctA aVtqd Every kind of Domestics White and red lannels Blinkctirific not necessary to particularize BAMUKta ROBINSON opposite Gadsby's Tiyejh Col) COOK WANTED TKTANTED immediately white woman tr IV serve as' cook in a small family whera tliereare no black The highest wages wilf be given and undoubted recommendations jrill Sa Mniiikarl re: ES' i 1'w iVUUllkU XIIUUHU AS SUU UIULU I I1 march 1 3UST RECEIVED A Aidwky between xx fa IGtfi Streets a fine aatortment of extra perier Waterproof Beavers of fa Baltimore Philadelphia'' New York Hats of various qualities with age J' neral assortment of Casters menJ boys Mats: of various factories all of which he trill sell low for caabor on short credit to particular customers Pwsofts wishing to purchase are requcsttdto tall trtl mv ifnies fwm lkmaliae re i The subscriber can also aecausodat or five young tnep with gcntcel board perteft wishing to locate themselres in this hhmediate newntxniruooo can ixoty aoore Jan St IN THE STORE 1 NEXT HoteVwne door from thw corner gentlemen will find a large assort ment of fashionable CLOTHIN and the great ret part cd Which has been just received from New York and made in the latest fashion blue black ohve mixed blue Jfac do do fac a WJ re Bingup Pantaloons ofevery description 1 'C'tsor do do do xnj every thing essential in comptetehr ping a gentlexum 4 The proprietor ia agent foe a manufactory of' Neck which ai warranted at leasts re rt)ual to any and which he will sell wholesale or much lower than they cah be procure yii elsewhere' invites gentlemen to call 1U Aatnine luem ana also Ala uaco Grant's' Itrh Wh' fre ka iitu 'Ll rer'i ta Jtfa hve neier beenZil As the stay here is limited (hose who maV wish supply thuuselvvsat an uncommon lox price would do well to cilL The goods will all be sold as lou ij not lower than thev CXiv be had in the United States Thr nmni irtai agent for Suspenders Russian Btiltf' Cravat St ifl'ners Pantaloon Springs ic snd will fill orders from dealers and others factory prices An assortmentef superior Linen and Cotttifjre Shirts on hand in order for immediate use Citizens and grangers are assured ifiaV tfie goods will be soid uncommonly low snd as tba 'J stay will be very short a speedv call would be the best at 1 Next door (wesfof) Gadsly's poreh March at SALE 'h'r VERY excellent two story HOUSE on aCKrlOth street west containing ten coinforta ble rooms with three apartments In the cclfar 7 The property Js very near the Pennsylvania Avenue and convenient to the Marsh Market: Inquire at NATHAN ALES? cornet of Pennsylvania Avenue and lOth streets west eb d6t re NOTICE JAMES GREGORY being desirous of 4: closing his business in tliis city' at a veiv re early day requests those indebted to him wiif'v make immediate payment otherwise he Will be compelled to place their accounts in otlier hands for collection lie now offers his entire stock ofbry GootJjv at cast for cash only 1 March 3 St OR RENT OR LASE TH AT noted Tat erii stand in SheperilsfBwn re Jtffeison County Virginia known As'ther GLOBE TAVfiRJT' MThis establishment commands many adVhfttg gesand top'rsonwellqiianfi'edtokrepaTitgt rate tavern would be rented low Shepherilit a town it situated omthe margin of the PotoraJc river in a fertile country is a coruiderabtrf place snd may be evpected to increase ih ipr portance Several Turnpike raids are now in progress likely sonn to be completed a bridge is about to becommenced to be erected acT'ps the Potomac at nr near Hie town the Chf8a 7 peake and Ohio Canal which niav be camfflcnA ced in the course of twelve months hen under taken most pass near It Mope might be saiK i but it is expected persons wishing to rent wili' i sc wiu juuge me inenneivrs rented possession will bo givcittfre first April next EDWARD LtfCAS Shepberdstown Nov w4m" VENETIAN WINDOW BLIXOS? TYHE subscriber respectfully inform 'Tiirf friends and the public in general tfiat has commenced manufacturing VENETIAN WINDOW BLINDS ON THE ULLY PRINt CIPLE' the comfort and convenience of tlirf above article in churches nubGo offices Andi private dwellings lias been fully tested by them reneral me in Baltimore PhilMfUlnhist ra 1 ra jmssm XMtV 'j' New York The subscriber Will execute Aik ordefawith neatness and despatch Apply at 8 Paper Hanging store fis a Tps Browns hotel WM GAULT NB MMd Blinds nec'Ty repaired 'and re printed cbL2 a re re ZTk re require Wfterairsm SV Ol 1 re 1 ira it ra MS' re 4 i i A i'A' reAre raei re 0 rare SC w'C 1 I jr4 i rrre' rt re art 1 1 ra 1 ra fc I reWAarae tH A 0 gr 7 1 ITNTT RIT STi Wm 1M id 'vr' 1 Hl BL iif raVJ KH i MO jl fl BM 2 Mre 7 EA AH BI4g II 1 qi 1 7 4 ZZ MATA fa re Are ta POWER IS 'ALWAYS ROM THE I1ANY TO THB 1 I rara i re'yAsiIRiGTO Ji for Sale desirable resldence for a faihUy 1 1 The subscriber oilers for rale the three story BRICK DWELLING and lOT now occupied by him and where he has resided for the fast eight years The house is pleasant ly situated in the most populous and improved part of the irst Ward and in an excellent neigh borhood Besides the basem*nt story in which there is an Office Store Room 'antiy and Kitchen there are seven a frame Sta ble is attached to the premises This property will be sold on bberal terms: several years credit may be had for tlxr major part of the purchase money but a small portion being required in band The payments will be made so easy that 'any gentleman? connected with the public offices or otherwise could by doubling his rein secure to himself in a few years the premises or further particulars inquire of JOHN MOULDER 1 Near West Market House search 3 od6t' GERMAN LLENS IN Store and for sale by the subscribern lertnsas low as can be had elsewliere the iilluwmg seasonable GOtDS imported in De cember last by the Sheitaudoali from Bremen re Burlaps No and 6 Iburgiis fine and superfine 'do do Brown Hempen and Osnaburgs Hessians fine and coarse Brown Bolls do do 'Twilled and plain Bagging various quail ties and Wldtita i' i re Sail Duck 1st 2d And 3d qualities white and brown in small boxes of various qualities suited to the South American and West India markets BelfielJ Shirting Linens arescriltas or wlnte rolls" various qualities Cres a la Morlaix excellent for sheeting and for shirtings ine DamasK Table Linens and Napkins of various sizes In setts to match A'w llfew setts yet beautiful pat 1 5 terns IJ' Hamburgh and Dutch Qudls' of superior quality no io eu jo 4j and 50 Af Red Linen Tapes and Sealing Wax Hlf pint Tumblers in boxes of 50 dozen A few setts of handsome Cut Glass Hamburgh Demijohns i Black Bottles in Hampers of I gross each quarts and pints tor porter wines fac 15j bales Rags various qualities 1 SMITH tJeorgetown' March d4w itV 1 3 ICE BY HIE CARGO OR SALE IE subscriber has for sale a considerable quantity of Ice which be will selbin par cels less than 50 tons but preferring not to make sale of less than a hundred tons in any one lot He has obout two ot three thousand tons cut in square blocks from twelve to twenty inches in thickness aiid will be sold by tlie ton o' 2240 pounds fir cash only re Application through the Post Office to the subscriber at Boston will be attended to Let ters 'to be post paid The precise quantitv wanted to be mentioned and if to be sbipped the purchaser is to say what freight per ton be is witting to give PRENTISS HOBBS Riston eb 23 march SJtaU fiw Pftgj tri tf I 1 SS re tr is BaJS' jfc HV fa A Z'WreV re tara Wfare rejra 1 re! ki jMl r1 re a 1 A 'V a SW: VJ1.

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United States' Telegraph from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Views: 5755

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.