Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.



Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

1. Ed. Pate, Silver Creek Township, candidate for District Clerk.

2. Albert P. Johnson, candidate for County Attorney.

3. W. E. Tansey, Vernon Township, candidate for District Clerk.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

County Commissioner.

We have heard it stated that Capt. S. C. Smith would refuse a nominationfor County Commissioner for a second term. We now state authoritativelythat such is not the truth. He will not solicit the Republican nomination,will not ask anyone to support him, and if the convention should see fitto tender him its nomination he will accept, and, as a matter of coursewill be re-elected and continue to be one of the best County CommissionersCowley County ever had. We believe his course in that office has met withuniversal approbation by his clear business judgment displayed on everyoccasion, his firmness in the right, and his earnest work for the best interestsof the county in which he has expended his time without stint and with verylittle remuneration. It is customary to endorse a good officer by givinghim a second term and it is the only way that such approval can be substantiallyexpressed. A failure to compliment such a one with a re-nomination is anexpression of disapproval. It is only human that such an officer shoulddesire some expression of approval such as a re- nomination would be, andwe therefore assume that Capt. Smith would appreciate such a demonstration.

During his present term, his pay under the law has been limited to themerest pittance. Now, from next January the pay will be increased enoughto made it an object financially for a man with moderate views as to salaryto hold the office, and it is but just that he should be given one termwith reasonable pay after serving one term without it, and it is not thesquare thing to change to a new man the moment that it pays.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Shooting at Caldwell.

Oscar Halsom and Mr. Barfoot shot City Marshal Raynor and his deputy,of Hunnewell, on the 13th. The cause of the shooting was an old feud betweenBarfoot and the marshal. Raynor was shot in the leg, and his deputy in theneck. The latter may die. Particulars cannot be learned this early.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

We find in a biographical sketch of Gov. St. John, published in the Easternpapers, the following statements, which are new in these parts.

"When 12 years old John ran away from his father's domain, a littleisland in the White River. At 19 he was married, but found himself a widowerat 20. He was one of the rough- and-tumble pioneers of the California golddiggings. Once he was chased by Indians for two days, running barefootedover interminable fields of ice. Starting for South America, he was wreckedamong the Sandwich Islands without money or clothing."

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

A severe shock of earthquake was felt at 2 o'clock Sunday, the 10th,in New York City and vicinity. No damage was done, but buildings were shakenand the public greatly alarmed. The vibration and rumbling lasted from oneto two minutes. The shock extended to Boston, and was slightly felt in Maine,to the northeast, and as far southwest as Philadelphia and Baltimore. Itwas the first earthquake shock in Philadelphia since 1817.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.


Next Term opens September 3rd. All the regular College Courses in additionto a thorough Preparatory Department. Special facilities for the study ofFrench and German. Expenses moderate. Experienced teachers in each department.

For further information address the President.


Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.


I, Jeremiah Murray, living in Liberty Township, Cowley County, Kansas,do testify that I and my sons drilled in with a McCherry drill, and a SmithRoller attachment, attached to said drill, during September and October,of last year, about 130 acres of wheat. We averaged a little less than 3/4bushels of seed to the acre. I am fully satisfied that said wheat will averagefrom five to ten bushels more per acre on account of using said attachment.I esteem it very valuable to all wheat raisers. Given under my hand this28th day of July A. D. 1884. JEREMIAH MURRAY.

Add five bushels and ten bushels together and then divide that amountby two, thus 5 + 10 = 15-2-7 ½ bushels which makes Murray's trueaverage of increase as he testifies. Now multiply 130 by 7 ½ thus,130 x 7 ½ = 975 bushels of an increase. Add to the 975 bushels thesaving of 1/4 to ½ bushels to the acre, say 1/4 bushels to the acre,amounts to 33 ½ bushels, and it makes the total increase on the 130acres of 1007 ½ bushels of wheat, which at 50 cents a bushel makesa gain to Murray and sons of $503.75 for the use of Roller Attachment soldthem by S. S. Holloway.

My use of the Smith Roller Attachment to wheat drills has fully satisfiedme that it is very valuable for all wheat growers. I estimate my increaseto be five bushels to the acre on about thirty acres, on account of usingsaid attachment. DANIEL DRESSLER.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.


I am here to stay, and in a few days will open the best selected andmost complete stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, AND LADIES' AND GENT'S FURNISHINGGOODS ever shown in Cowley County. My stock is direct from the New Yorkmarket and am able to sell FIRST-CLASS GOODS! at LOWER PRICES than everbefore known. I cordially invite you to call and see for yourselves. S.KLEEMAN'S NEW STORE, NORTH MAIN STREET.

Two doors South of Hoosier Grocery.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.



Now has his immense business all under one roof


The wonderful bargains he has been giving during the past few weeks willstill continue, and should be embraced by every man, woman, and child inCowley County.




Are emblazoned on the wall of

J. P. Baden's "Headquarters," Never to be removed.

EVERY CITIZEN OF COWLEY COUNTY should step in and look through the LargestMercantile Establishment in Southern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

The Winfield Markets.

Wheat brings today (Wednesday) 60 cents. Some has sold at 62, but theruling price is 60. Corn brings 30 cents. Hogs $4.50. Oats 20 cents.


Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

A good span of large work horses for sale. W. A. LEE.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Dr. T. B. Taylor has been very sick for the past two weeks, but is nowslowly recovering.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

E. H. Nixon left Sunday afternoon for a visit to his parents in Iowa.He will be absent several weeks.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

"Does Prohibition Prohibit?" will be the theme of Rev. Graham'sdiscourse next Sabbath morning at New Salem.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Miss Hattie Thornton, of Pleasant Hill, Missouri, is visiting with herAunt and Uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hendricks.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Richie Mansfield came in Monday. He and Harold will start a drug storeat the new town of Attica, in Harper County.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

The late rains came in time to help the late corn to a great extent,but the early corn is too far along for it to do much good.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

A private letter from Spring Creek Township says they had the biggestrain and hail storm Monday they have had in ten years.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

There has been an unusual amount of sickness in the community duringthe past few weeks, attended with greater mortality than ever before.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

A. B. Lemmon, of the Newton Republican, came down Monday to getsome points on our fair grounds. He is the Secretary of the Harvey CountyFair.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

MARRIED. Married, at the Baptist parsonage in Winfield, August 13th,1884, by Rev. J. Cairns, B. C. Way and Miss N. S. Pratt, all of Douglass,Butler County, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

DIED. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Johnson were called upon Sunday evening to partwith their youngest, a bright baby several months old. It was sick but ashort time.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Messrs. Horace McComb and Lute Combs, accompanied by Misses Minnie andKittie Baugh, came up from the Terminus Saturday and "took in"the rink Saturday night.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Sheriff McIntire has a small army confined in the jail at present. Thereare fourteen all told inside and on Monday, the yard was full in addition.They are all in for small offenses.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Quite a pleasant social party was given by Mrs. A. D. Hendricks at herresidence on 11th Avenue to eight or ten couples of the young people inhonor of Miss Hattie Thornton, of Pleasant Hill.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Miss Clara Brass, who has been spending several weeks with her sister,Mrs. Kretsinger, left Tuesday for Medicine Lodge. Lamar Kretsinger accompaniedher. She will probably return and spend the winter here.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

The Olds House is again opened for boarders. This popular and pleasanthouse has been thoroughly overhauled and will be kept up to the higheststandard. Mrs. Brown, a lady from Lansing, Michigan, is the proprietor.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

The fall term of the Kindergarten will open Sept. 1st. Those wishingto enter their children will please do so before that time. Tuition threedollars per month for single pupils, five dollars when there are two fromthe same family.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Cowley County has one of the best and most active sheriffs to be foundin the state. His action in suppressing the whiskey dens at Arkansas Citywins for him many laurels. We hope he will continue in the good work. CambridgeNews.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Mrs. Sim Moore, of Burden, is suffering very severely with her hand.Some time last week she went to the barn to fix an animal that was looseand got her thumb caught in the rope, tearing the flesh badly. Sunday thehand and arm began to swell and pain terribly and Monday a man came downfor Doctor Emerson to amputate the hand. Her sufferings were excruciating.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

A young boy by the name of Jones was brought from Maple City last week.He is a son of the man who used to keep groceries in the old Tony Boylebuilding. The father got to drinking ran away, and left the boy to shiftfor himself. He became rather reckless and will now be placed in the reformschool. He calls himself Lindsay Gillespie and repudiates his father's namefor that of his mother, on the ground that his father is a rascal.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

DIED. We were very much surprised on Friday to learn of the death ofMr. D. P. Herndon, which occurred at his home in this city Thursday evening.On the Monday proceeding we had seen him on the street as strong and heartyas ever. He was taken Tuesday morning with inflammation of the bowels andin thirty-six hours was a corpse. He came here in February last from Kentuckyand went to work at his trade, that of a stone mason. He was an excellentworkman, honest, industrious, and soon won the confidence of all with whomhe came in contact. Although but thirty-eight years of age, he served throughthe war as a gallant Kentucky union soldier, in Co. H, 40th Kentucky VolunteerInfantry. He leaves a wife and brother, John. The funeral was attended bythe fire companies in uniform and the hearse was escorted by Winfield PostG. A. R., bearing arms reversed. Many friends of the family were also present.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

The State Historical Society has accepted an invitation to cooperatewith the Kansas Old Settlers' Association in a celebration at Bismarck Grove,Lawrence, of the 13th anniversary of the settlement of Kansas. The celebrationwill take place on September 3rd, 1884. Hon. P. F. Baker, President of theHistorical society, will deliver an address on the subject of "TheUses and Value of Historical Societies." The meeting is intended tobe a general gathering of the early settlers of Kansas, and of all interestedin the stirring events of the period of early settlement. The Kansas Territorialex-Governors, Denver and Stanton, Gen. John A. Logan, and others from abroad,have accepted invitations to be present.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Messrs. A. Ray and W. W. Andrews have both favored the writer with liberaldonations of choice fruit from their orchards this week. Mr. Ray broughta lot of splendid apples very large, finely formed, and as fine-flavoredas a Belle Flower. He is not acquainted with the variety, and it seems tostump even such well-informed horticulturalists as Mr. Hogue. Mr. Andrewsbrought a collection of peaches which we have never seen surpassed in anycountry, either in size, beauty, or flavor. The specimens are highly appreciated,not only as indicating the wonderful adaptation of our county for fruitraising, but as a delicacy that is most palatable and refreshing.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Sunday afternoon Sheriff McIntire captured one R. H. Black, an agentfor an Ottawa nursery, at Cambridge, with a woman named O'Harra, of ArkansasCity. The fruit-tree man had met the woman at the Central Hotel, where heboarded, and induced her to leave her husband and go with him, whereuponthe forsaken husband became wroth and got the Sheriff to assist him in bringingthe destroyer of his domestic concerns to justice. The fellow was eggedby the citizens of Cambridge as he was being taken to the train. The womandidn't even have the excuse of "a handsomer man" as the fruit-treeagent was not above par in personal appearance.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Last Wednesday evening, the authorities of Hunnewell telephoned to SheriffE. F. Henderson for assistance, stating that the town was full of cowboys,who were making their brags about what they proposed to do shortly. Thecalls for help were repeated and finally arrangements were made for a specialtrain down. Sheriff Henderson arrived in Hunnewell about one o'clock withabout twenty-five armed men; but everything was quiet, the cowboys havingleft shortly before without doing any particular devilment. WellingtonPress.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Hendricks & Wilson had a wonderful display in their window Saturdayevening. It was made up of gas jets in every conceivable kind of burnerand globes. The burners were arranged by Gus Goegel, their gas fitter, whocan carry a gas pipe where any person can carry a tow string. There wereover a dozen of the jets running and they attracted much attention. He willsoon have the firm name set forth in letters of light in front of the storeby means of a pipe made of perforated gas pipe neatly joined into letters.Gus is a genius and understands the plumbing business clear through.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Just as we go to press, a report comes to us that Joab Smith, of OxfordTownship, fell off a stalk of corn yesterday and broke his leg. He was climbingup to see whether his corn would do for roasting ears. Wellington Press.

We want to call the attention of Harry Lester of Beaver, and S. C. Cunninghamof Ninnescah, to the above statement made by the Editor of the Press,in his moments of calm, cool, and deliberate judgment. We thereforerest our past statements of the corn crop on the above from Sumner County.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Mr. I. Winters left in our office this week a stalk of the famous Johnsongrass, which stands over seven feet, and would do very well for a fishingpole. When thickly sown, this grass grows slender and about four feet tall,yields two crops per year, is hardy and not hurt by dry weather. Mr. Wintershas great faith in the grass, and says he is going to raise a crop of itnext year right on top of the hill north of the schoolhouse. CambridgeNews.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

DIED. Mr. Elbert Bliss received a dispatch Monday morning announcingthe death, in New York, of B. C. Clark of Leavenworth. Mr. Clark was thesenior member of the large wholesale queensware establishment of B. C. Clark& Co., with whom Mr. Bliss has been connected for the last few years.Mr. Clark was a noble and enterprising businessman and his loss will bedeeply felt.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Things on the fair grounds are assuming a lively air. SuperintendentKretsinger is erecting an additional amphitheater, fencing the inside ofthe speed ring, putting up forty new stallion stalls and a hennery, andclean everything up in readiness for the biggest fair ever held in SouthernKansas. It begins four weeks from next TuesdaySeptember 23rd.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Squire Callison was up Thursday from the Grouse Valley farm for the firsttime in four months. He brought with him some splendid specimens of fruitfrom his orchard for the COURIER's collectionapples as large as coffee-cupsand peaches large, ripe, and luscious. The Squire has one of the best ten-year-oldorchards in the county.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

A few of the faithful Democrats met in conclave last Saturday and electedas delegates to the state convention C. G. Thompson, D. Cole, R. Hite, E.Harned, T. McIntire, S. L. Gilbert, and Dr. Vawter. They meet in Topekatoday (Wednesday) to re-nominate G. W. Glick.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Our peach crop is something to be proud of this year. Mr. D. Robertsonbrought us in a twig from one of his peach trees Thursday. It was sixteeninches long and bore fifty peaches. They were seedlings, but as thick ashair on a dog's back. The branch is here on exhibition.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Under Sheriff Rarick brought Earnest Kimmell and Frank Hillmore up fromArkansas City Monday for "holding up" one McComber, the eveningbefore, near the bridge, and relieving him of eighty dollars. This additionto the occupants of the jail makes it about as full as sardines in a book.[?not sure of last word?]

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Elder Thomas is erecting a fine residence east of the reservoir. It istwo stories and a basem*nt, thoroughly ventilated and arranged, and willbe one of the best and most convenient residences in the east part of thecity. Mr. Layco*ck is engineering the mechanical part of it.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

DIED. Last Sunday also witnessed the death of Roy Jackson, the beautifulbabe of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Brown, of Beaver Township. The funeral serviceswere held on Monday, Rev. P. B. Lee officiating. The bereaved parents havethe sympathy of many friends.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

The Second Quarterly meeting for the United Brethren Church in this city,will be held the coming Saturday and Sabbath. The Presiding Elder, Rev.P. B. Lee, will conduct the services. A cordial invitation is extended toall friends to be with us. J. H. Snyder, Pastor.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Mr. G. L. Sherrard has sold his half interest in the Woven Fence Factoryto Henry Zimmerman, and will retire from the firm. All accounts must bepaid immediately to Geo. Robertson at the shop.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Wanted by a first class Baker, a situation. Understands baking on allbranches, understands ornamenting, and all branches of cake cooking. Directto C. R. Fee, Parsons, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Wm. Hayden brought in a number of his "May-flower" tomatoesto the Horticultural meeting Saturday. They were the finest thing in thetomato line we have ever seen.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

The famous Georgia Minstrels have made an engagement here for Thursdayevening, the 28th. It is one of the best minstrel troupes on the road.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Miss Sue Conway of Muscatine, Iowa, is visiting with Mrs. John Smedley.She will probably remain during the winter.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

The Juvenile Band will play at the rink Thursday instead of Saturdayevening hereafter.

The skating rink is getting to be a very popular resort.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Winfield Primary Election.

The Republican primaries of Winfield to elect delegates to the countyand district conventions were held in both wards on last Friday, August15th, from 3 to 7 o'clock, p.m.

The principle contest and interest was centered in the office of countyattorney between Henry E. Asp and A. P. Johnson, candidates. The votingfor delegates was by ballot, each ballot containing the choice of the voterfor the several offices to be filled, by way of instructions to delegates,as well as the names of the delegates voted for. Two tickets were in thefield: the one known as the Asp ticket and the other as the Johnson ticket.

The result was:

First Ward: Asp, 189; Johnson, 70.

Second Ward: Asp, 137; Johnson 58.

Totals: Asp, 326. Johnson, 128.

The delegates elected are:

First ward: J. C. Long, M. G. Troup, Frank W. Finch, T. R. Bryan, AlbertMcNeal, W. J. Wilson, and J. T. Hackney.

Second ward: G. H. Buckman, M. B. Shields, T. B. Myers, Wm. Whiting,J. L. M. Hill, and Spencer Miner.

The delegates are instructed to support Henry E. Asp for county attorney;E. S. Bedilion for clerk of the district court; H. D. Gans for probate judge;A. H. Limerick for Superintendent of public instruction; Frank S. Jenningsfor state senator; and Ed. P. Greer for representative.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Our Horticultural Society.

The display of fruit at the meeting of the Cowley County HorticulturalSociety held in the COURIER editorial room last Saturday was magnificentbeyond our powers of description. Apples were brought that were all butperfect in every way, grapes of every variety, peaches as fine as ever producedin any state, and garden vegetables the equal of any. The discussion onthe various topics of planting, pruning, grafting, and training, with theresult of different methods before them was most interesting and valuableto those who were so fortunate as to be present. The growth of the societyhas been gratifying to the COURIER, not alone for the good it is accomplishing,but as a compliment to President Jas. F. Martin, Messrs. Nixon, Mentch,Short, Cairns, Robertson, Hogue, Maxwell, and the few other faithful andenthusiastic members of the Society who have stood by it in all the strugglesand trials of its infancy. They have persisted in the work until today itis fast becoming a power for the dissemination of practical knowledge thatwill result in much good in Cowley in a most material way. To all personsinterested in fruit growing we say come out and attend these meetings andour word for it will be abundantly repaid.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.


For the purpose of taking observations last Sunday night, Marshal Clevelandapproached somewhat nearer the sacred threshold of Lipscomb's paintico-liquorshop than was pleasing to the mind of the dignified proprietor, who salliedout to expostulate the officer on the impropriety of instituting such rigidcensorship over a harmless paintshop. Wrathful words soon brought on a seriousconflict between the wielder of the mace and the manipulator of the brushand beer mug. The marshal avers that Lipscomb assaulted him and when heattempted to arrest him, resisted with violence, while Lipscomb claims thatCleveland was the assaulting party and he only used sufficient force todefend his precious body from the blows of the marshal. At any rate a roughand tumble fight ensued involving the marshal and officer Forsyth and theartist aforesaid. It is said that the officer got the better of the battle,but Lipscomb escaped capture. On Monday Lipscomb was tried for assaultingan officer and resisting arrest, but the evidence did not satisfy the policejudge that a case was made and he was acquitted. Lipscomb then filed a complaintagainst the marshal and his deputy for assault and battery, the case beingtried yesterday before Justice Caldwell and a jury. The jury, after deliberatingon the case overnight, were unable to agree, and were discharged. All isquiet at the paint shop at this writing and the liquor traffic flourishesthereabouts. The authorities should break up this dive if it requires allthe able bodied men in town to do it. Since David carried on a similar rancheon Lincoln avenue, there has not been so stubborn a case in the city. Wellingtonian.

Lipscomb is well known here and was at one time a respectable and industriouspainter.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Visitors from Lawrence.

Last week our city was visited by Paul R. Brooks, and Alexander Shaw,of the Lawrence council, and Messrs. Wm. Draper, J. C. Walton, and JohnWalton, county commissioners. The last named is a brother of our commissionerWalton. They were examining our Water Works system and stone quarries. Oneof the Walton's is a contractor and has been using Junction City stone.He much prefers our stone and will make an effort to use it. The gentlemenall expressed themselves as highly pleased with our city and its prospects.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

MARRIED. Married on Thursday evening, August 14th, 1884, at the residenceof the bride's father, Hon. J. J. Johnson of New Salem, Miss Allie Johnsonand Dr. L. S. Downs. The bride is one of Cowley's best known ladies, handsomeand accomplished, and passes a large circle of admirers in this city. Dr.Downs is one of our rising young professional men and the union is a mosthappy and auspicious one. The best wishes of the COURIER and many friendsof the contracting parties in Winfield go with them.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.


The township primaries so far as heard from indicate the nomination ofMr. Asp for county attorney by a large majority. The contest for DistrictClerk is about evenly divided between Messrs. Pate, Bedilion, and Tansey.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Ice Cream Festival

There will be an ice cream festival on Thursday night, Aug. 28th, inthe Walnut Valley Presbyterian Church, ten miles north of Winfield. A cordialinvitation is extended to all.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

DIED. It was with feelings of great sorrow that we learned on Mondayof the death of Joseph Vermilye, which occurred at Magnolia Farm Sundaynight. He was one of Cowley's brightest and best citizens, possessing manyqualities of mind and heart, endearing him to relatives and friends. Hewas unmarried and in the prime of life. His death occurred after an illnessof two weeks with Malarial fever. The funeral occurred Monday afternoonand was attended by a large number of friends from Winfield, and by Mr.Williams, who came down from Frank Wichita. He was thirty-four years ofa*ge, and a graduate of both the literary and law departments of ColumbiaCollege. In intelligence and moral worth he had few superiors, and Cowleyloses in him one of her most promising sons.

[Frank Wichita??? That is what paper had???]

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

The roller skating rink is getting to be quite an attractive place, andnot like most rinks with boisterous crowds and rowdies, but the highestclass of society attend. It is now only opened three evenings in the week,the Juvenile Band playing on Thursday evenings. They have just receivedfifty new pair of skates, which makes them about 200 pairs, and on Tuesdayevening every skate was out. Mr. Stull, the manager, understands his businessand will make a grand success of the rink.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Mr. Sam Kleeman, late of Shelbyville, Illinois, is making arrangementsto open a new dry goods store in the room next to Brotherton & Silversseed store. Mr. Kleeman is a bright, energetic young man, and will makethings go in his line. He comes among us with the highest recommendations.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Rev. J. Cairns, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Mary Cairns, and MissRose Rounds, left Wednesday for Colfax, Washington Territory, where theywill remain for about five months for their health. May their trip be apleasant one.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

The Southwestern Land office, Harris & Clark, proprietors, have commencedon their fall sales and have sold in the last few days about $15,000 worthof real estate, including farm and city property.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

A Temperance Meeting will be held next Sabbath night in the Rock ValleySchoolhouse, two miles east of Rock post office. All the people of the vicinityare cordially invited.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Still the fruit comes in. This time it is a lot of peaches from the orchardof Mr. Wm. H. Counts of Beaver Township. One of them is ten inches in circumference.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Mrs. F. H. Crosby, of K. C., Mrs. T. L. Vamer, of Lyndin, Osage County,and Miss Dollie Holmes, of Rock, are visiting Mrs. Clif [?? Word messedup] Levitt this week.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Miss Flora Sherburn of Oxford and Miss Edinston of Wellington are visitingin the city for a few days, the guests of Miss Lena Walroth.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Charles Fuller lost his new umbrella, Monday. The finder will receivethanks by leaving the same at the Winfield Bank.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Dr. W. R. Davis came in Monday. He looks hearty and is dressed up likea New York fashion plate.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Wanted. A situation as housekeeper in a private family. Inquire at ConstantsBoarding House.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Highway Robbery.

A bold attempt at highway robbery was made last Wednesday night justeast of Silver Creek, on the Dexter road. A traveler with his wagon andfamily had sold fifteen head of cattle at Cedarvale, which brought him quitea sum of money. He deposited it in the bank at that place and passed onuntil he camped on Silver Creek. In the evening two men rode up, commandedhim to hold up his hands at the same time covering him with revolvers, anddemanding his money. He gave them all he had, about $9.65, and they rodeoff much disappointed. They had evidently seen his sale at Cedarvale andfollowed him. We are indebted to C. W. Frith for the above facts.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

The Teachers.

The following is a list of teachers granted certificates at the lateexamination.

Hattie Andrews, D. T. Armstrong, Mahlon Arnett, W. D. Askin, Anna F.Barnes, Laura C. Barnes, Fannie Ballard, Thornton Baker, Cora [?E.?] Beach,Hettie M. Brown, T. W. Bowles, Mary L. Berkey, Jennie Bringle, Lizzie Burden,Belle Bartgis, J. C. Bradshaw, Dido M. Carlisle, Villa Combs, Mollie Coonrod,Ivy Crain, Wm. Clover, F. E. Craven, Myron Cronk, A. R. Carroll, Amy Chapin,Mannie Crum, C. A. Daughtery, Hattie Daniels, A. O. Elliott, H. A. Erheart,Rosa A. Frederick, S. J. Gilbert, Lizzie Gilbert, Anna Hansbrough, BelleHansbrough, Lida Howard, Allie Harden, F. E. Hongley, R. B. Hunter, JamesN. Harris, Ella Hunt, Fannie Himelick, Maggie Herpich, Ora Irwin, Sade Jesserand,W. E. Ketchem, Ella R. King, Ella Kempton, Anna Kuhn, Ida Kuhn, Viola Krow,Zoe Kephart, Lizzie Lawson, Matie M. Linn, Emma Lycan, W. H. Lucas, JosephMoore, C. H. Messenger, Mary E. Miller, Fannie McKinlay, Mary R. Manser,Erma La McKee, H. G. Norton, Eva B. Preston, Sadie E. Pickering, S. E. Pollock,Belle Page, Carrie Plunket, Anna Primrose, Grace Powers, Josie Pixley, CyrusPerkins, Amy Robertson, Anna Robertson, Mary Randall, Ed. G. Robertson,T. L. Shaffer, Jno. Stevenson, Olive Stubblefield, Jno. R. Smith, MaggieSeabridge, Minnie Sumpter, Maggie Stansbury, Fannie Saunders, Cora Shreves,Eliza Taylor, Minnie Turner, Haidee Trezise, W. C. Tidd, Millie Taylor,Hattie Utley, Horace Vaughan, Lottie Wilkins, Allie Wheeler, Lizzie Wilson,J. W. Warren, Lotta Wolfe, Charles Walch, Viola Winters, H. S. Wallace.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Special Meeting Horticultural Society.
August 16th, 1884.

Society called to order by President. Minutes of last meeting read andaccepted. President appointed Messrs. Gillett and Secretary committee onfruit exhibition. Discussion by Messrs. Adams, DeTurk, and Martin on theprolongation of the grape and training. Mr. DeTurk would train low on thetrellis.

Communication from State Secretary read and passed.

Posts 25 feet apart No. 8 wire below and No. 12 above, vines 15 feetapart.

Mr. Cunningham set grape posts 12 feet apart, well braced.

Mr. Thirsk preferred corn shucks for bud bindingconcurred in by Messrs.Martin, DeTurk, et al.

J. P. Short, Esq., appointed committee on part of Society to preservespecimens of fruit for state committee. All members and all others requestedto leave specimens at meeting of Society on first Saturday in September.

Mr. Jno. Richards stated that his quince were fullhe threw strong brineover his trees several times during the summer. He used soft soap and limethree times and used whitewash two times during the summer.

Fruit notes taken from display on table of Society aug. 16th, 1884.

A. DeTurk shows very fine specimen of Delaware grapes; regards it asone of the most desirable varieties to grow in this locality. Mr. DeTurkalso exhibits very fine bunches of Elvira Diana, Norton's Virginia, andanother, probably Dracut Amber, also Early Washington.

Mr. Cunningham exhibits specimens of grapes resembling Concord and finebunches of Amber, probably Dracut.

P. B. Lee shows specimen of apples very fine, but erroneously markedTalman Sweet.

W. D. Roberts exhibited Maiden Blush apple and Martha grape.

M. B. Rhodes exhibits very fine early Crawford peach.

T. R. Bryan fine Maiden Blush apple, Crawford Peach, Northern Muscadine,and extra Concord grape.

Mr. Broadwell shows fine specimen of cooking apple resembling KeswickCodling.

President Martin exhibits cling peach, unable to name.

Wm. Hayden has on the table fine specimens of tomatoes of the May Flowerand Livingston varieties.

Report of committee on fruit on exhibition on table, as follows:

Wm. Hayden, also Crookneck Patty pun and gem. Several other fine specimenswere shown, the names of the exhibitors were not given us; among these,is a limb bearing 32 fine peaches. A. R. GILLETTE, Com.

Society adjourned to meet first Saturday in September.

J. NIXON, Secretary. J. F. MARTIN, President.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

The Greenbackers.

Proceeding of the Greenbackers Delegate convention which met in Winfield,Aug. 16th, 1884. Meeting called to order by Mr. Wallis.

On motion F. W. Schwantes was elected chairman and W. C. Briant was chosenSecretary. On motion the following named members were elected delegatesto District convention which meets at Independence Aug. 21st, 1884. J. J.Johnson, F. W. Schwantes, C. C. Kronk, N. H. Brown, and W. C. Briant. Onmotion, R. C. Stevens, Mr. Wallis, W. A. Tipton, L. Walton, and J. A. McCullenwere elected delegates to State convention at Topeka, Kansas, August 27th,1884. Moved that we invite the Independent voters of Cowley County to meetin mass convention at Winfield Saturday, September 20th, 1884, to nominatea county ticket.

On Motion, the Secretary be instructed to send proceedings to CountyPapers with request to publish. On motion, adjourned.

W. C. BRIANT, Secretary. F. W. SCHWANTES, Chairman.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Ministerial Association and Church Dedication.

We have just published a program of the Ministerial Association of theWinfield District of the U. B. Church, which will be held five miles southof Oxford, Sumner County, commencing the evening of August 28th and embracingthe Sabbath following. On Sabbath the new church, in which the Associationmeets, will be dedicated, Rev. J. H. Snyder, of our city, officiating. Agood time is anticipated.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

The wife and sisters of D. P. Herndon, desire to thank the members ofthe G. A. R. and the Fire Companies and Citizens of this City, for the kindnessthey were shown during our brother's sickness and we would especially thankthe members of the G. A. R. and Fire Companies of this city, for takingpart in the burial. D. P. Herndon was born in Nicholas Co., State of Kentucky,and enlisted in the 40th Kentucky Infantry, during the rebellion and serveduntil he was discharged by expiration of term of service. During his stayin this city, he was an honest, steady man and made many friends by hisupright dealing, who now mourn his loss, and extend their sympathies toall the members of the family whoever they may be. (Signed) MANY COMRADES.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Teacher's Examination.


An examination of applicants for teacher's certificates, will be heldat Winfield, beginning at 8 o'clock a.m., Sept. 5th, 1884, and continuetwo days. Applicants will please appear promptly at that time. Nellie M.Aldrich, and C. T. Atkinson, Assistant Examiners.

A. H. LIMERICK, County Superintendent.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Shooting Gallery.

$20.00 for the best shot in the county next week. Nobody barred.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

A Valuable Farm for Sale at a Sacrifice.

A chance for big money to be made. Before renting for another year, Iwill sell my farm adjoining the City of Winfield for less money then itwill ever be offered for again. This proposition will hold for 10 days only,after which it will be for rent. Parties desiring a bargain and the bestbargain now on this market, will find it to their interest to call on meat office of Troup & Jennings, for the next five days, or on Albrightand Limbecker Real Estate Agents for the next ten days; after this, it willbe withdrawn. I mean business.

W. R. DAVIS, M. D.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Must and Will be Sold.

Now is a good opportunity to obtain a first-class instrument at yourown price. Two elegant organs and an upright Emerson Grand Concert piano.Call on Dr. T. B. Taylor.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Card of Thanks. The family of Joseph H. Vermilye desire us to extendtheir heartfelt thanks to the many friends who so kindly assisted in caringfor their loved one, during his illness, consoling them in the dark hoursof bereavement and doing so many acts of neighborly kindness and friendlysympathy. Remembrance of these kindly acts will ever be cherished by eachand everyone of the family.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.


Newsy Notes Gathered by the "Courier's" Corps of NeighborhoodCorrespondents.


Mr. Edgar is off again to his claim.

Mr. Reid has been quite sick, but is better.

Items of interest seem to be a scarce article, so I will cease.

Mr. Walker's sale was quite well attended and business went off pleasantly.

Mr. L. M. Dalgarn had a very pleasant visit out at Oxford recently withold friends.

Cutting millet, putting up hay, plowing for wheat, and threshing keepsthe Salem farmers busy.

Olivia feels more like resting in the "City of the dead" atpresent than writing items for criticism.

Salem is lively, and Messrs. Davis and Johnson have their store in runningorder and are trying to please customers.

Mr. J. A. Hoyland, of Monroe, Wisconsin, has arrived since my last letter,to see his dear kindred that are still at Cambridge.

Mr. Lucas is not so well since attending Normal as before; hot weatherand earnest devotion to books don't agree with some.

Mrs. Hamilton is entertaining the sixth son, a fine fellow of 12 pounds.It is a pity that Mr. Hamilton must be favored with all the help.

Mr. McMillen has hunted in every direction for a fine brood sow thathas strayed from his premises. Anyone will confer a favor if they can tellof its whereabouts.

MARRIED. "Olivia and friends" were not nice enough to attendthe wedding, but the following notice was "taffied" with a boxof very nice cake. Married, on the evening of Aug. 14, 1884, at the residenceof the bride's father, Miss Allie Johnson and Dr. L. [??cannot read initialand last name of groom??], New Salem, Kansas. Who the guests and what thepresents and the order of the program we do not know. Happiness attend them.

The M. E. Social was a success in every way. Such a crowd; the noiseof trampling feet, busy tongues, and the band playing made a plenty of music.Everybody seemed to be enjoying life, and twenty gallons of cream was disposedof long before the hour to separate had arrived. I have not learned whobought the beautiful cakes, nor how much they sold for. Olivia was favoredwith a handsome bouquet, presented by Mrs. Samuel Marling, of Prairie Home.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.


The Gray Bros. are doing a rushing business in shipping fruit.

O. O. Brown is buying stock hogs and paying good prices for the same.

There is a rumor that we are to have a new butcher shop here. Wonderif it is so?

Steele & Co. are erecting a large grain house at this place; as isalso Dale & Werden.

C. S. Bradley's house was struck by lightning during a thunder showeron the 15th inst.

At last the duck pond in front of Bullen's lumber yard has been drainedby order of his highness, D. D. Kellogg.

Tom Kelly is busy attending the physical wants of the good people atthe camp meeting on Antelope Creek four miles west.

Geo. Harvey, our jolly station agent, is enjoying the solicitude of bachelorlife, Mrs. Harvey having gone on a visit to Great Bend.

Harvey Hildebrand's new house is fast approaching completion and it willbe a cozy residence too; reflecting with credit and taste on the builders.

Dell Akers is drilling a well to supply water for his new stone buildingwhich, when completed, will be an arrayment to our city in which we willtake just pride.

Green & June has received an immense stock of glassware; the largestand finest that has ever been brought to this place, and are disposing ofthe same at ruinously low prices.

Mrs. Bonifield, a lady from Wichita, met with a very painful and melancholyaccident on the 18th inst., while on the train to this place. A misstepwhile going through the car broke the Femur bone in her limb about two inchesfrom the upper joint. Drs. Werden and Banta set the fractured limb, butrecovery is considered very doubtful as she is a very old lady and is alsosuffering from a cancer.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Wilmot Primary Convention.

The primary convention to select three delegates to the District Conventionto be held at Burden on the 20th, met at Summit schoolhouse Friday, August15, at 2 o'clock p.m.

T. R. Carson was elected chairman; N. J. Larkin, secretary.

The following named delegates were selected: D. C. Stephens, J. P. Groom,and Marion Daniel.

And alternates, to-wit: J. S. Hamilton, J. R. Thompson, and Phillip Stuber.

The convention instructed to vote for Maurer for candidate for Representative.

The following resolution offered by N. J. Larkin was unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That we are in favor of a law prohibiting the railroadand express companies transporting or delivering any and all intoxicatingdrinks to be used as a beverage over their roads or lines to any point orplace within the state of Kansas. And we hereby request our representativeto use his best efforts to procure the passage of such a law.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Richland Primary.

The primary convention in Richland township met at Summit schoolhouseon August 15th at 2 o'clock p.m., to elect delegates to the County Conventionto be held at Winfield on August 23rd.

T. R. Carson was elected chairman; N. J. Larkin, secretary.

Delegates elected were J. R. Cottingham, Willis Wilson, H. H. Hooker,and T. R. Carson. Alternates, J. S. Hamilton, J. H. Irwin, Capt. Stuber,and G. W. Barstow.

The township central committee was then selected.

D. C. Stephens, chairman, and member of county central committee, N.J. Larkin and J. R. Carson.

Convention adjourned.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

For Sale. On account of poor health, I desire to sell my blacksmith shop,house, and lots and other property. For particulars, address John Lindation,Udall, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Interesting for Ladies. Those elegant Jersey Jackets which fit the formso neatly can be obtained at M. Hahn & Co. They have just received anew line in different styles and qualities.


Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Farm for Sale. Wishing to change my business, I offer for sale, my farm,containing 160 acres, located one and a half miles west of Winfield. Thisis one of the most desirable and best improved farms in Cowley County120acres under a high state of cultivation; 30 acres enclosed for pasture;5 acres in orchard, of apple, peach, cherry, pear, and apricots, all bearing;large house containing 6 rooms, splendid cellar, two never failing wellswith pumps in them; granary and cribs sufficient to hold 2,000 bushels ofgrain. In a word, everything in first class order for profit, comfort, andconvenience; terms made easy, will take some city property in exchange.For particulars call on the undersigned at the office of Shivvers &Linn, or address through the Winfield post office. S. S. LINN.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

I am prepared to furnish large or small orders of anything in the Bakery,Ice Cream, or Confectionery line. Frank L. Crampton, successor to Bacastow& Crampton.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Go to J. S. Mann's for nobby Hats.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Farm for sale: 140 acres bottom land one mile east and two miles northof Oxford. Robt. Hosbrough, Oxford P. O.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Wanted. A business partner with $2,000 in cash to enter the general merchandisebusiness in a live town in Kansas. Address Z COURIER office.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

Grapes! Grapes! We can furnish families all the grapes they want, choiceand fine, in large or small quantities. Send in your orders, Wallis &Wallis.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

I have a large, four hole Ottawa sheller for sale. This sheller is asgood, if not the best we have sold, and will make a discount to anyone wantinga power sheller. Come and see.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

We have a drill made on the same plan of the Gundalack Drill. We thinkwe have a much better made drill and a better feed. Parties wanting a hoeDrill, come and see this.

W. A. LEE, Agent.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

RECAP. District Court. Alonzo Howland, Plaintiff, vs. George H. Spragueand Carrie L. Sprague, Defendants. Judgement, sun of $124 + and costs forsale of certain land. S. D. Pryor, Plaintiff's Attorney.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

RECAP. District Court. J. C. Fuller and W. B. Caton, plaintiffs, vs.I. B. Stone, County Treasurer; the City of Winfield, Cowley County; J. S.Hunt, County Clerk; and W. H. Forry, defendants. [W. H. Forry, a non-residentof the State of Kansas.] Re property acquired at tax sale in 1881, etc.McMullen & Leland, Plaintiffs' Attorneys. To be heard Sept. 12, 1884.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

RECAP. District Court. Gideon Lease, plaintiff, vs. Luther Keeney andMathias Hoyt, defendants. Re warranty deed delivered by plaintiff to defendantsfor property. To be heard Sept. 30, 1884. W. P. Hackney, Attorney for plaintiff.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.

RECAP. Justice Court, before G. H. Buckman, Esq., a Justice of the Peaceof the City of Winfield. Jackson Green, Plaintiff, vs. Ike Bennett, Defendant.Sued for $260. Seeking personal property of defendant. To be heard Sept.8, 1884. Dalton & Madden, Attorneys for Plaintiff.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.


1. R. R. Conklin, Plaintiff, vs. Rebecca A. Withrow, Emily E. Withrow,Amanda F. Withrow, and Eby D. Withrow, Defendants.

2. David Hood, Plaintiff, vs. Elijah W. Burge, Phalby Burge, and WilliamReynolds, Defendants.

3. S. M. Jarvis, Plaintiff, vs. John N. Sicks and Nancy J. Sicks, Defendants.

4. R. R. Conklin, Plaintiff, vs. Wm. W. Whiteside, Amanda M. Whiteside,and Fred R. Foster, Defendants.

5. R. R. Conklin, Plaintiff, vs. Eliphus W. Hanning, Carolina Hanningand Wesley McEwen, Plaintiffs.

All to be sold by Sheriff September 8, 1884.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.


The following proclamation of the president of the United States is publishedfor the information and guidance of all concerned.

WHEREAS, It is alleged that certain persons have within the territoryand jurisdiction of the United States begun and set on foot preparationsfor an organized and forcible possession of and settlement upon the landsof what is known as the Oklahoma lands in the Indian Territory, which territoryis designated, recognized, and described by the treaties and laws of theUnited States and by the executive authorities as Indian country, and assuch is subject to occupation by Indian tribes only; and

WHEREAS, The laws of the United States provides for the removal of allpersons residing or being found in said Indian territory without expresspermission of the interior department.

Now, therefore, for the purpose of properly protesting the interestsof the Indian nations and tribes in said territory, and that settlers maynot be induced to go into a country at great expense to themselves wherethey cannot be allowed to remain; I, Chester A. Arthur, president of theUnited States, do admonish and warn all persons so intending or preparingto move upon said land or into said territory; and I do further warn andnotify any and all persons who do so offend, that they will be speedilyand immediately removed therefrom by the proper officers of the interiordepartment and, if necessary, the aid and assistance of the military forcesof the United States will be invoked to remove all such intruders from thesaid Indian Territory.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

FIVE DRAFT STALLIONS. Mr. S. Allison has built a new barn and moved hisfine draft horses, which he has been keeping at Sol. Smith's stable, tohis own place in the Baptist Church addition in the southeastern suburbsof the city, where they are at any time ready for service.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

JOHN BOBBITT, FEED AND SALE STABLE, Ninth avenue, opposite Courthouse.Horses and Ponies bought and sold on commission. Money advanced on stockleft for sale. Particular attention given to the Territory and Texas trade.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

G. W. HUNT, MERCHANT TAILOR, Ninth Ave., Winfield. Keeps constantly onhand a full line of samples. All persons desiring work done in his linewill do well to call on him at his place of business, two doors east ofKadau's shoe shop. Cutting done on short notice.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

S. H. CRAWFORD. CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. Job work of all kinds and chargesreasonable. Also Manufacturer and Dealer in the Four Peg Washer. Ordersfrom a distance solicited and promptly filled. Shop on Ninth Avenue, eastof Main street, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. CORNER of Main Street and 12th Avenue, Winfield,Kansas. Instruction given on Piano, Organ, Guitar, Violin, Cornet, etc.;also Thorough Bass and Voice Culture. Call at our Institute, and by examiningour pupils you will find that we have the largest number of the most advancedand thoroughly taught music pupils in the city. C. FARRINGER, Principal.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

JAS. H. BULLENE & CO., DEALERS in Pine Lumber, Hannibal Lime, LouisvilleCement, Plaster and Plastering Hair, National Mixed Paint, Cleveland (onlygenuine) Rubber Paint, Building Paper, Carpet Felt, etc., South Main street,Winfield.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

WINFIELD KINDERGARTEN, MRS. E. D. GARLICK, Kindergartner. All the apparatusand appliances found in a first-class Kindergarten. Terms, $3.00 per monthfor single pupils or $5.00 where there are two pupils from the same family.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY; ANYONE wishing to obtain a copy of the Scriptures,who is unable to pay for it, can have the same by applying at the Depository,Brown & Son's Drug Store.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

E. PERIGO, PROFESSOR OF FINE GRAINING AND GRAINER for the trade. E. P.stands at the head of the profession, and parties wanting fine work donewill please drop a card in the Winfield Post Office to E. Perigo.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

THOMAS J. JONES, PRACTICAL PAINTER. House, Sign, and Carriage Painting,Graining, and Papering. Shop on Millington Street, near Christian Church.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

E. H. NIXON, ABSTRACT OFFICE and Notary Public. Office in Winfield BankBuilding, upstairs. Telephone connection.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

J. R. SCOTT, HOUSE PAINTING, Paper Hanging, Kalsomining and Glazing.Shop back of J. L. Hodge's Billiard Hall.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

O. M. SEWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice in the State and FederalCourts, and promptly attend to all Legal Business entrusted to his care.Office over Harter's Drug Store, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

W. H. TURNER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Winfield, Kansas. Loans money on realestate on short notice. Money loaned on chattel mortgage security and notesbought on reasonable discount. Office in Fuller & Torrance Block.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

DALTON & MADDEN. [SAMUEL DALTON./WILL T. MADDEN] ATTORNEYS AT LAW,Winfield, Kansas. Office over Farmers Bank.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

D. C. BEACH, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Office on East NinthAvenue, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

J. F. McMULLEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Winfield, Kansas. Ninth Avenue. Practicesin all courts.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

HENRY E. ASP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Winfield, Kansas. Office in Hackney Building,opposite the Courthouse.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

PROFESSIONAL NURSE. Permanently located at Winfield, Kansas. Ladies whodesire to be successfully treated for local and general weaknesses, willplease call upon Mrs. E. A. McCoy at the Central Hotel. Go to the Parlorupstairs. Office practice only. Hours 9 a.m. to 12 and 1:30 to 5 p.m. Consultationand medicine $1.00. Treatments $2.00.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

F. H. BULL, DENTIST, Main Street, Winfield, Kansas. Rooms first buildingNorth of Johnson's Drug Store. MY SPECIALTY IS SAVING THE NATURAL TEETH.Don't have your teeth extracted because they ache, or are badly decayed.Call and have them examined free of charge. All work warranted.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

MRS. N. A. PIERSON, PHYSICIAN. Treats scrofula, cancer, and catarrhs.Female diseases a specialty. Office over McDonald & Miner's store. Openfrom 9 till 4 o'clock. Residence on east 12th Avenue.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

WRIGHT & PUGH. [W. T. WRIGHT/C. E. PUGH] PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS,Winfield. Especial attention given to chronic and surgical diseases. Officein Torrance-Fuller block, upstairs.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

S. R. MARSH, M. D. Offers his professional services to the citizens ofWinfield and vicinity in the practice of medicine and surgery. Office overthe P. O. where he may be found at all hours day or night when not professionallyengaged.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

C. S. VAN DOREN. DENTIST. Office on 9th Avenue. "Laughing Gas"constantly on hand for the painless extraction of teeth.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

DRS. PARK & MILLS, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Winfield, Kansas. Officeover Hudson Bro's Jewelry Store. Residence on Eighth Avenue, 8 blocks eastof Main street.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

DR. C. C. GREEN. OFFICE in McDougal Building. Residence fourth housewest of Spotswood's store, north side of street.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

G. P. WAGNER, M. D., PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, and ACCOUCHEUR, Dexter, Kansas.Will attend especially to Surgery and Diseases of Women. Reference: twelveyears practice among you.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

DR. GEO. EMERSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office over Harter Bros. drugstore. Tuesdays and Saturday will be devoted exclusively to office practice.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

A. S. CAPPER, M. D., PHYSIO-MEDICAL PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office inresidence on 10th Avenue, seven blocks east of the courthouse, Winfield,Kansas. All bills due after thirty days.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.


The county convention met pursuant to call, and was called to order byD. A. Millington, chairman of county central committee. After the readingof the call by the secretary, E. A. Henthorn, of Silver Creek Township,was nominated for temporary chairman and E. G. Gray, of Creswell Township,for temporary secretary.

On motion of J. C. Long, the chairman appointed the following committeeon resolutions: J. C. Long, M. C. Headrick, C. L. Swarts, J. J. Broadbent,H. H. Martin, Thos. McDonough and A. A. Mills.

On motion of W. P. Hackney the following committee on credentials wasappointed:

W. P. Hackney, Wm. Trimble, C. W. Bailey, Thos. Walker, R. F. Roberts,A. W. Carr, and J. R. Cottingham.

On motion of G. H. Buckman the following committee on order of businesswas appointed: G. H. Buckman, W. H. Grow, J. B. Splawn, J. A. Cochran, W.H. Gilliard, Owen Shriver, Willis Wilson.

On motion of S. E. Burger a committee on permanent organization was appointed,as follows: L. K. Bonnewell, A. H. Broadwell, M. G. Troup, P. B. Lee, J.S. Rush, J. A. Goforth, and S. E. Burger.

[After adjournment reports heard.]

The report of the committee on credentials was then submitted, and thefollowing parties reported as entitled to seats in the convention.

BEAVER. L, K. Bonnewell, Wilson Shaw, Isaac Beach.

BOLTON. J. J. Broadbent, C. R. Mitchell, Wm. Trimble, Ben Wing, H. Davis.

CEDAR. A. B. Arnold, L. Funk, J. Wilson.

CRESWELL. F. M. Vaughn, C. L. Swarts, E. G. Gray, T. Fairclo, F. E. Pentecost,Dave Lewis, L. E. Woodin, O. S. Rarick, W. D. Mowry, Jas. Ridenour.

DEXTER. H. R. Branson, Thos. McDonough, James Nicholson, Peter Thompson.

FAIRVIEW. M. C. Headrick, Wm. White, J. O. Vanorsdal, E. Rogers.

HARVEY. J. S. Rash, S. Sweet.

LIBERTY. J. Fisher, J. A. Cochran, N. Hall.

MAPLE. J. H. Willis, Z. Foster, A. W. Carr.

NINNESCAH. H. H. Martin, G. S. Cole, D. W. Pierce.

OMNIA. A. Hattery, W. H. Gilliard.

OTTER. A. A. Mills, J. Bartger, J. Chandler.

PLEASANT VALLEY. H. Harbaugh, D. S. Sherrard, S. S. Linn, A. H. Broadwell.

RICHLAND. J. R. Cottingham, W. Wilson, H. H. Hooker, T. R. Carson.

ROCK. W. H. Grow, B. W. White, A. Brookshire.

SHERIDAN. E. I. Johnson, B. Shriver, O. Shriver, D. Treadway.

SILVER CREEK. E. A. Henthorn, C. W. Jones, W. C. May, J. A. Goforth.

SILVERDALE. J. B. Splawn, J. J. Estus, J. N. Fleharty.

SPRING CREEK. J. B. Callison, C. W. Bailey.

TISDALE. W. R. Bradley, T. Walker, H. McKibben.

VERNON. P. B. Lee, W. J. Bonnewell, T. Thompson, J. E. Wooley, M. B.Rhodes.

WALNUT: S E. Burger, S. Allison, S. Cure, E. M. Reynolds, W. P. Hackney.

WINDSOR. J. A. Irwin, R. F. Roberts, L. H. Phenis, B. H. Clover.

WINFIELD1ST WARD. J. C. Long, M. G. Troup, F. W. Finch, T. R Bryan, AlbertMcNeal, W. J. Wilson, T. J. Hackney.

WINFIELD2ND WARD. G. H. Buckman, M. B. Shields, T. B. Myres, Wm. Whiting,J. L. M. Hill, Spence Miner.

The committee on organization recommended that the temporary organizationbe retained, with M. G. Troup and Wm. White as assistant secretaries.

Resolutions passed, among them the following.

Resolved, That the Hon. W. P. Hackney has for the last four yearsrepresented this senatorial district in the state senate with distinguishedability, fidelity, and success, has fully redeemed every pledge, and nowretires from the office by his own choice and with our hearty approval ofhis course as state senator.

Nominations then being in order, Hon. W. P. Hackney placed the name ofF. S. Jennings before the convention, for the office of state senator, andmoved his nomination by acclamation. This was done, and Mr. Jennings cameforward and thanked the convention, pledging himself to ever work for thebest interests of the people.

Mr. Roberts, of Windsor, nominated Judge Gans for probate judge, andHon. C. R. Mitchell presented D. P. Marshall. Mr. Gans was nominated onthe first ballot by a vote of 88 to 11.

Nominations for county attorney then being in order, the rules were suspendedand H. E. Asp was nominated by acclamation.

Mr. Jones, of Silver Creek, then nominated Ed Pate for district clerk;Mr. Troup nominated E. S. Bedilion, and F. E. Pentecost presented Capt.Tansey's name. The first ballot resulted as follows: Bedilion, 32; Tansey,26; Pate, 41. Second ballot: Bedilion, 28; Tansey, 22; Pate, 49. Third ballot:Bedilion, 28; Tansey, 14; Pate, 57. Pate was then declared the nominee,and was pledged the support of the other candidates.

A. H. Limerick was renominated by acclamation, for county superintendent,after which the various delegations reported the following names for committeemen.

Beaver: J. R. Sumpter. Bolton: J. D. Guthrie, west precinct. Bolton:R. L. Bayeat, east precinct. Cedar. A. B. Harold, east precinct. Cedar:Wm. Tumelson, west precinct. Creswell: L. E. Woodin, Sr. Dexter: S. H. Wells.Fairview: J. H. Curfman. Harvey: S. J. Neer. Liberty: J. A. Cochran. Maple:Wm. Wise. Ninnescah: G. S. Cole. Omnia: A. Hattery. Otter: J. B. Graves.Pleasant Valley: S. Johnson. Richland: N. J. Larkin, north precinct. Richland:D. C. Stephens, south precinct. Rock: S. P. Strong. Sheridan: J. Burt. SilverCreek: E. A. Henthorn. Silverdale: L. J. Darnell. Spring Creek: J. J. Shreeves.Tisdale: W. C. Douglass. Vernon: T. Thompson. Walnut: John Mentch. Windsor:W. B. Todd. Winfield: W. J. Wilson, 1st ward. Winfield: G. H. Buckman, 2ndward.

Adjourned. E. A. HENTHORN, Chairman.

ED. G. GRAY, Secretary.

The delegates of the county convention of the first commissioner districtorganized by the election of W. P. Hackney, chairman; and J. C. Long, secretary,and the following ballots were had for commissioner: 1st. S. C. Smith, 16;E. M. Reynolds, 12; J. W. Millspaugh, 5; D. L. Kretsinger, 3. 2nd. Smith,18; Reynolds, 13; Millspaugh, 5. 3rd. Smith, 19; Reynolds, 12; Millspaugh,5; and S. C. Smith was made the nominee by acclamation.

Convention adjourned.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.


Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The Winfield Markets.

Wheat brings today (Wednesday) 60 cents. Some has sold at 62, but theruling price is 60. Corn brings 30 cents. Hogs $5.25 to $5.60. In producethe prices are: eggs 10 cents; butter 20 cents; grapes 3 cents; cabbage2 cents; peaches per bu. 20 to 80 cents; potatoes 50 cents; sweet potatoes$1.00; chickens $2.00 per dozen; Watermelons $18.00 per hundred.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Cheap Coal. We will sell for cash at our yards on Santa Fe Tracks.

Pittsburg coal per ton: $5.00.

Osage Shaft per ton: $5.50.

Trinidad Coal per ton: $6.75.



Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

City residence to trade for Sheep. Inquire at this office.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

A good span of large work horses for sale. W. A. Lee.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

T. S. Green advertises his fine farm for sale in this issue for $38,400.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Business House on Main street for rent; inquire of F. S. Jennings.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Miss Lotta Wolfe has been engaged to teach in District 9, south of townthree miles.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Miss Fannie Stretch has been quite sick for the past week, but is betterat present.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

DIED. Olive Heffron, a daughter of George Heffron, died Tuesday of lastweek, of malarial fever.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Girl Wanted: To do work in small family, good wages will be paid. Applyto J. S. Mann.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Miss Loui Stretch has just returned from quite an extended visit withthe family of J. K. Woods, residing near Burden.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Go to J. H. Hetherington & Son for the best and latest styles ofpainting, graining, paper hanging, kalsomining, and decorating.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Anyone wishing or desiring the privilege to save hay near the city ofWinfield can secure it by calling at the Winfield Bank.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Sid Majors and Jim Schofield have leased a hotel in Pierce City, Missouri,and will take charge next week. They will make a good hotel team.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Tom Lowry is building a residence near the corner of the fair groundand just across from his ice cream parlor at the entrance of the park.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The Fair Association have allowed J. Wade McDonald the privilege of pasturinghis fine colts on the Bluegrass inside the ring on the grounds.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

If you want to buy a good farm or city property cheap, go to Smith &Bro. on 9th avenue East, Main Street. They have got 4,000 acres of goodland for sale.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The entry books for the fair are now being prepared in the Secretary'soffice, and will be ready for entry Monday. Everyone should make their entriesat as early a day as possible so as to avoid the rush.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The Olds House is again opened for boarders. This popular and pleasanthouse has been thoroughly overhauled and will be kept up to the higheststandard. Mrs. Brown, a lady from Lansing, Michigan, is the proprietor.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

DIED. Mary, wife of Nicholas Bellville, died at her home on east 7thAvenue Tuesday. The funeral was held from the residence Wednesday, a largenumber of Relatives and friends being present.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The COURIER was complimented last Saturday with a splendid basket ofgrapes from the vines of Mr. P. P. Powell, living just south of the city.They were very fine and highly relished by members of the COURIER force.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Mr. M. W. Tanner, the popular and efficient salesman so long in the employof J. P. Baden, has been engaged by Mr. Sam Kleeman and will hereafter befound with that gentleman at his new dry goods store on North Main street.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The fall term of the Kindergarten will open September 1st. Those wishingto enter their children will please do so before that time. Tuition threedollars per month for single pupils, five dollars when there are two fromthe same family.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The case of R. H. Black, the tree agent who absconded with another man'swife, was tried Thursday before Justice Snow. It resulted in the man beingfined $200 and sentenced to jail for six months and the woman was fined$25 and sentenced to jail for thirty days.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

A party of young folks consisting of Messrs. Will Stull, Clint Austin,Charlie Hodges, and Misses Susie De LaMeter, Anna Hyde, and Mary Majors,took a flying trip to Arkansas City Friday evening and "took in"the masquerade skating. A pleasant time is reported.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Mr. H. C. Hawkins brought in a string of mammoth bunches of Concord grapesFriday. The clusters would weigh over a pound each. They were highly relishedby the grape- famished horde of Fair Association directors and visitingstatesmen, who, unfortunately for us, were present when Mr. Hawkins broughtthem in. Sam Strong, of Rock, ate five pounds.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

During the electric storm of Thursday night, Sampson Johnson's barn,in Pleasant Valley Township, was struck by lightning. The bolt passed downthrough the hay mow, burning a clean cut round hole in the hay and knockinga rafter to splinters. Mrs. Johnson, who was sleeping in the house, wasknocked out of bed by the shock. It was a very close call for Mr. Johnson'sproperty.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

We clip the following relating to one of our late acquisitions in businesscircles, from the Shelbyville, Illinois, Leader:

"Samuel Kleeman has decided to go into mercantile trade at Winfield,Kansas, and is now in New York City, buying his stock of goods. Mr. Kleemanis a Shelbyville boy, born and raised in this city, and is known by everybodyas an exemplary young man. Being a son of Max Kleeman, one of the oldestand most successful merchants of our city, his opportunities have been excellentand he has made the most of them by close attention to business, and istherefore armed and equipped with the needed experience and capital to startout in business on his own hook and make a success of it. The good peopleof Winfield will find him honest and worth of their patronage and any favorthey show him will be appreciated."

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Young Roosevelt, who was arrested for stealing a watch, escaped fromjail last Sunday. He had been very sick and was getting better, so the Sherifflet him out to get some fresh air. As soon as the officer's back was turned,he made a break and ran over into Col. Loomis' corn field. A large lot ofmen were out searching for him without avail. The last heard he was seengoing over the hill south of town like an antelope. How he could run inhis weak condition is a mystery for the officers. A reward of twenty dollarsoffered for capture.

LATER. He was captured Monday at Udall, where he had stopped to workat corn shelling.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

An item published last week relating the story of a boy taken up by theSheriff last week at Maple City, charging his father with drunkenness, provesto be a pure fabrication on the part of the boy, to shield himself. Responsibleparties inform us that the trouble lies with the boy, whose wayward dispositionwas always a constant source of trial to his father.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The greatest curiosity in the fruit line we have yet received was broughtin Saturday, by Capt. J. B. Evans from his Vernon Township farm. It wasan apple twig, bearing in a length of four inches nine large well formedapples. The apples were almost perfect in coloring, and as a lady who sawthem observed, looked like a "fruit bouquet."

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The loss of his six horses by lightning was a very serious blow to Mr.Clark Bryant. It left him without working teams to do his seeding. His neighborsrealized this so went to work to help him out. On Monday several of themwent around among the citizens and made up a purse, all giving liberally,until sufficient was made up to get him a team.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

DIED. We received the sad announcement on Tuesday of the death of theonly son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. McDorman, of Dexter, which occurred at theirhome last Sunday morning. It was the first visitation of death in theirfamily, and the bereavement falls heavily. They have the sympathy of manyfriends.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Spence Miner's white plug hat did good duty Saturday. When the enthusiasmwas at its height that plug hat would rise up out of the second ward delegationand go sailing out over the heads of the outlying townships in the mostemphatic way. Spence is one of those Republicans who believe in workingat it right along.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

DIED. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foults are again afflicted by the loss of theirlittle baby boy, whose death occurred last Saturday afternoon. The funeralservices were held at the residence on Sunday, Judge Gans officiating, andthe remains were followed to the cemetery by a large concourse of friends.This is the fourth child they have buried.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Jas. Fahey has completed his residence on east ninth avenue and movedin last week. It is a very fine place, two stories and a basem*nt, ninelarge rooms, thoroughly ventilated and fitted with gas and water throughout.It is one of the most comfortable and commodious houses on the east side.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The Fair Association have ordered baskets and plates for the use of ourhorticultural exhibitors at the fair, will fruit men make a note of thisand let the secretary know what number will be wanted. Jacob Nixon, Secretary,County Horticultural Society.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Our collection of agricultural curiosities was enlarged last week bya donation from Mr. Reed, of Cedar Township, of a peach twig ten incheslong, covered with peaches as thick as they could stick. They resembleda bunch of Delaware grapes.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

We received this week, through the courtesy of Mr. F. W. M. Lacey, ofFairview, two large peaches of the golden yellow variety. They were verylarge, finely flavored, and with small pits. The variety is worthy of widepropagation.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The COURIER Cornet Band were out on the street Saturday evening and favoredour citizens with some of their excellent music. They are keeping up a highstandard of excellence in musical matters and improving weekly.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The Ladies of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold a meetingin the Park on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 7th, at four o'clock. The meetingwill be addressed by able speakers.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

DIED. Word was received in this city Monday of the death of Isaac Harris,grandfather of Mrs. E. P. Greer, at his home in Bushnell, Illinois. He wasin his eighty-first year.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The Greenback-Labor convention for this congressional district met lastweek and nominated Judge W. A. Tipton, of this city, as their candidatefor congress.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Memorial services on the death of Mr. Jos. D. Vermilye were held at theCourthouse last Sunday morning by Rev. Brittain, rector of Grace Church.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

There was a gathering of mill men at the Brettun Tuesday from all aroundover the country to discuss the general outlook of the milling interest.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The new bank notes of the "First National Bank of Winfield"are out bearing the signatures of M. L. Read, President, and W. C. Robinson,cashier.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

For sale on Monthly payments, twenty-five lots in, or near Courier place.Also a new dwelling house. W. D. Mullen, with H. G. Fuller & Co.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

For Sale. 160 acre stock ranch, $7 per acre. Also 1700 acres under goodimprovements, $10 per acre. W. L. Mullen, with H. G. Fuller & Co.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The County Superintendent has received Cowley's semi-annual apportionmentfrom the State School fund. It amounts to 40 cents per capita.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Winfield has one thousand and forty-six school children. There are eightthousand and forty children of school age in the county.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Wanted. An elderly lady to act as housekeeper in a small family. A pleasanthome and good wages. Apply at this office.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Wanted. Farm and city property. We are unable to suit all our customerswith our present list. W. L. Mullen, with H. G. Fuller & Co.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The display of lightning Thursday night was the most terrific. Mr. Bryant,north of town, had six horses killed in his pasture.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The Ladies' Library Association holds its next regular monthly meetingin the Library Rooms on Tuesday, September 2nd, at 3 p.m.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Jim Schofield and Sid Majors were loading their effects into a freightcar Monday for transportation to Pierce City.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The Winfield Reading Room Association are arranging to run one of thestands at the fair.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Good board and good rooms, for a few, 9th Avenue, next to Mr. Fahey'snew house.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Mr. C. Crawford, of Pleasant Valley, has gone to Ohio on a visit to relatives.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Tony Agler has secured a large tent and is getting together quite a circusand Menagerie.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Miss Wood of the Oxford Register, spent a part of last week inthe city as the guest of Miss Hattie Andrews.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Mr. McCartney and family left for Clark County Monday, where they willmake their residence for a few months.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

The Misses Phet and Fannie Woods of Burden and their sister, Mrs. Jackson,of Oskaloosa, Iowa, were down last week looking over our city and visitingthe Misses Stretch.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Mr. Anderson, of Floral, has opened a cobbling shop in the rear of O'Meara& Randolph's shore store. Mr. Anderson bears the reputation of beinga good and honest workman.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Capt. Tansey was the recipient of a pleasant call from Lieutenant Hartenbower,one of his old officers in the war, last Monday. Mr. Hartenbower is nowa resident of Sumner County.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Mr. Emerson Martin, of this city, has one of the finest collections ofshells, pea ferns, and coral we have ever seen. His specimens of coral arerare and valuable and comprise every variety.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Mr. A. F. Hardwick of the Atchison Patriot was in the city Monday.He has heretofore been a contractor and large purchaser of Cowley Countystone and was here to examine our quarries.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

E. H. Nixon returned from Iowa Tuesday. He says the Republicans of Iowaare enthusiastic and that bets are freely offered that Blaine and Loganwill carry the state by sixty thousand majority.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Mr. W. H. Watson has purchased a half interest in the Blue Front grocerystore, on South Main street. Mr. Watson is a genial, accommodating, andobliging gentleman, and will no doubt assist in building up an excellentbusiness.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Mr. H. C. Bryan, of Battleground, Indiana, near LaFayette, has for thepast week been the guest of the family of Johnathan Stretch. Mr. Bryan comesfrom the former home of Mr. Stretch. He is well pleased with what he sawof Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Mr. M. L. Robinson returned Wednesday from his tour through the mountainsof Colorado. He reports a most delightful trip, which his improved appearancefully justifies. He returned with a store of energy that will make the FirstNational boom.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Mr. John Cobean came in from Wellington Wednesday and spent a few daysin our city. He came from Delavan, Illinois, about a month ago and wentinto business in Wellington. John is a bright young businessman and willmake things boom.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Mr. David Lugton, a partner of T. H. Group in the cattle business, whowas severely injured by a steer in the Territory recently, is lying verylow at Mr. Group's with fever. After being hurt he was caught in a severestorm in the Territory, which exposure brought on the fever.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Uncle Wesley Paris returned last week from a trip to Comanche and Barbourcounties. Although through his blindness he was unable to see any of itsbeauties, he gives us the most accurate description of its soil, climate,and the number of people flocking in that we have had.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Miss Susie De LaMeter left Wednesday for Wellington, where she will engagein teaching a kindergarten school. Miss Susie is quite a favorite amongthe young folks and will be greatly missed in our social circles. The goodwishes of many friends accompany her to her new home.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Mr. Tom Richardson was in the city Monday and Tuesday in the interestsof the Wichita Eagle, and secured a number of subscribers. The Eagleis one of the best dailies in Kansas, and reaches Winfield twelve hoursahead of any other daily with full dispatches.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

We were favored Monday with a call from Judge Harvey, late of Clay City,Indiana, who will hereafter make his home among us. He is an accomplishedmusician and will take an instrument in the COURIER Cornet Band. Judge Harveycomes here largely through the influence of Mr. Geo. Crippen, who has beenin correspondence with him for some time.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

We are indebted to Dr. Headrick for a copy of the Chicago Daily Inter-Ocean,dated Oct. 14th, 1876, containing a letter written by Theodore Carpenteron the probable outcome of democratic rule as drawn from their past record.It is a most thrilling narrative and we regret that space will not admitof our publishing it.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith, of Canada, who have been visiting with Mrs.Smith's sister, Mrs. Mabee, of this city, returned to their home last week,and were accompanied by Miss Fannie Mabee, who went with them for the purposeof visiting the place of her childhood, and to regain her health which hasbeen failing for some time. Miss Fannie contemplates being absent for sometime.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Messrs. John D. Maurer, candidate for the legislature for the 68th district,Roll Maurer, and W. K. McComas, of the Burden Enterprise, were overMonday and spent a pleasant hour in the COURIER office. They were in thecustody of Geo. Gardenhire, the Staunch old Democrat of Grouse Valley, andwhen we last saw them, had him nearly converted. There is a faint ray ofhope for George yet.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Mr. John A. Eaton, of Bucyrus, Ohio, who visited this city some timesince, will in a short time become a permanent resident of Winfield. Hebecomes a partner in the Farmers Bank, and will on his arrival assume themanagement of that institution. Mr. Eaton bears the reputation of beinga thorough businessman and a fine lawyer and we have no doubt will provea valuable acquisition to the business interests of our city.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Messrs. James Lorton and Charlie Fuller have been "keeping house"at J. C. Fuller's residence since the family left for their summer's jauntin the mountains. Friday evening they kept "open house" to a fewlady and gentleman friends, upon which occasion the festive watermelon,fricasseed with ice cream and other seasonable dainties were freely dispensed.The informality of the occasion rendered it most pleasant.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Mr. Provines brought us a twig of regular old Canada Thistle Monday.He had found it along the road near Mr. Sumpter and Mr. Ray's farms in Walnut,and says there are several bunches of it along the highways in the vicinity.Every effort should be made at once to stamp it out before it seeds. Thisis the first we have heard of in the county. Since the above was writtenthe Senior, who was brought up on Canada thistles, has seen the specimenand pronounces it nothing of the kind.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

DIED. Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Wells, of Vernon, lost by death last week,their twin boys, Edgar and Edmond, aged ten months. This is the sixth timethey have been called upon to part with loved ones, and everyone of theirseven children have been claimed by death. It is indeed an affliction tohave these bright jewels given to them only to be taken away before reachingan age where they could be a source of comfort and support to the parent'sdeclining years. They have the sympathy of many friends in this seven foldaffliction.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

D. W. Pierce and wife came down from Seeley and spent Saturday and Sundaywith J. S. Rothrock's family. D. W. is one of Cowley's oldest settlers,coming to Kansas fifteen years ago, and located on the farm that he nowlives on. His farm contains 320 acres, all of which is in high state ofcultivation. He has made his farm just what it is and he has around himstock of all kinds. When the writer first knew him, he had one cow and shewas blind, and on the night of the 11th of June, 1878, she drowned in CrookedCreek, leaving him without a cow. He now has forty head of cows, fifteenor twenty young cattle, and is prosperous in all things.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

There will be a District Camp Meeting for Wichita District, held at Haysville,Kansas, commencing Sept. 5th, and closing about the 16th. A large numberof Ministers will be present and assist in the services. Boarding, withoutlodging, will be provided for all who may wish, at reasonable rates. Tentholders will come prepared to care for their own households, only.No booths, wagons, or stands engaged in the sale of anything will be tolerated.Excursion rates will probably be obtained on the A. T. & S. F. to Derby,the nearest R. R. station. Transportation to and from which place will befurnished to all who apply to Rev. B. C. Swarts, on or before Sept. 1st,giving date when they will be at said station, at the rate of 25 cents each;for parties of not less than six persons. Come everybody, bring your tentsor order one through Rev. B. C. Swarts at the following rates, for two weeks,viz. new tents, 14 x 16 $4.00; 12 x 14 ft. $2.50; 10 x 12 ft. $2.00. Allthese are wall tents. A. tents $1.50. A few old tents cheaper. Come to worshipGod, to renew your covenants with Him, your consecration to Him. Bring yourBibles, your Methodist Hymnals, and other devotional books of song. Cometo study the word, to sing His praise, to work for Him, Aug. 14th, 1884.B. C. SWARTS, Haysville, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

A Business Change.

A week ago Col. J. C. McMullen resigned his position as president ofthe Winfield Bank and was succeeded by the election of H. B. Schuler. Mr.Schuler comes among us with a very heavy capital and business characterand reputation of the very highest grade. He has had many years experiencein the banking business as cashier of Illinois and St. Louis banks of heavybusiness and capital and is well known as an honorable, prudent, gentlemanlysuccessful businessman.

Col. McMullen retires with the respect and best wishes of the community.He is one of the early settlers in this county and much of its growth andprosperity is due to him. Probably no other man has invested so much moneyin making improvements in this county as he, and few have so well meritedthe high regard for intelligence, honor, and business qualifications, withwhich he is held. He has been in business so long that a rest will be gratefulto him and his fortune is such that he may now live as much at ease as hemay desire.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Rev. James Cairns.

We announced last week the departure of Rev. Cairns to Washington Territory.We now learn that he has resigned his pastorate of the Baptist Church hereand will probably leave us for other fields. If this is the case, Winfieldwill lose one of her most noble minded men, ever devoted to principle andto every good cause that looked toward the spiritual, moral, or materialwelfare of her people. In benevolence and charity he was the friend of all.Whenever there was sickness he always found his way to the bedside withcheering words and kindly encouragement. Whenever there was sickness healways found his way to the bedside with cheering words and kindly encouragement.Wherever there was poverty, his hand was always extended carrying warmthand light and joy into many a cold and desolate home and numerous charitieswhich came in a mysterious way have been traced to him. No church, no creed,no station bound him in these acts. His love for humanity was deep enoughand broad enough to reach beyond mere sectarianism and assist the needyand suffering wherever they could be found.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Increased Premiums.

The Board of Directors of the Fair Association have increased the sweepstakepremium in the cattle department. "Class B" lot 7 as follows:

No. 43. Bull any age or blood: $25.00

No. 44. Cow any age or blood: $25.00

No. 45. Bull with 4 of his offspring: $25.00

No. 46. Cow with 4 of her offspring: $25.00

ED. P. GREER, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Grace Church.

A service memorial of the late Jos. H. Vermilye was held in the Courthouseon Tuesday last, before a sympathetic congregation. After the singing ofa Processional, the Rector read portions of the Burial Service, also thePsalter of the day. The first lesson was the 40th chapter of Isaiah, thesecond from 1st Corinthian 15th chapter. In the course of his sermon theRector made feeling allusions to the deceased, but, said he, "We arecomforted with the thought that our loss is his gain, and humbly shouldwe bow our heads and say, the Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, Blessedbe the name of the Lord."

Immediately after the service the following preamble and resolutionswere unanimously adopted.

WHEREAS, It hat pleased Almighty God with whom are the issues of lifeto take to the rest of Paradise the soul of our brother, Jos. H. Vermilye,late junior Warden of this parish; therefore

Resolved, That while we bow submissively to our Father's will,we still are comforted when we reflect upon the good example left us byour departed brotherhis amiability of manners, his unostentatious piety,and his zeal and love for the church.

Resolved, That in offering to his aged mother, and the other membersof the family our deepest sympathy in their sad bereavement, yet we cannotbut believe that the deceased is now enjoying the rest that remaineth forthe people of God.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the familyof the deceased and that they be published in the local papers, also inthe Churchman, in the Living Church, and in the KansasChurchman.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Akron Snubs.

Weather warm with some rain.

Farmers are busy plowing for what and threshing.

Earnest Wilson has a new buggy. Who will the lucky girl be?

Mr. Barrick contemplates making an extended visit in the east this fall.

BIRTH. Another person has come to stay with J. Barrick. He will votein about twenty- one years.

BIRTH. Charley Baxter hasn't been able for duty of late. It's a girland Charley is doing finely.

The Willet heirs intend to stay on their farm the coming year and Mr.Yeoman has purchased the swan place.

Mr. Hanlin has improved the appearance of his premises by the erectionof a new barn. May others do likewise.

A good deal of sickness in the neighborhood. Mrs. Covert is not expectedto live and Willie Burt has been sick, but is now convalescent.

There is to be a Union Sunday School picnic in T. S. Green's this Friday.Let all come and bring filled baskets for a good time is anticipated. Mr.Winner has recently emigrated to Grand Summit and the ostensible talk ofthis community is that they will be missed here. The well wishes of manyfriends follow them to their new home. DOLLY.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Card of Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foults desire to express their mostheartfelt thanks to the neighbors and many friends who so kindly assistedduring the illness of and after the death of their darling babe, Pearl.The kindness shown and sympathy extended them in the hour of their greataffliction will ever be remembered and appreciated.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Merchant Tailoring.

A. Herpich has just received his fall and winter stock of cloths andtrimmings, which he will make to order in style and at reasonable prices.A cordial invitation is extended for an examination of goods, which willsatisfy anyone that he keeps not only the largest assortment but also thebest qualities of goods and trimmings in the city. Will also sell goodsby the yard. Cutting done promptly. Over Hudson Bros. Jewelry Store.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

To the Public.

I have this day received from O'Meara & Randolph the organ offeredby them as a prize to customers. I held number 339, the one drawing theprize, and I am more than pleased with the organ and with the fairness andimpartiality displayed by them in the drawing.

James Coulter, Tannehill, Beaver Township.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884. Winfield, Kansas, August 23,1884. To exhibitors of fruit for fair. "Leave all stems attached toapples, wrap each apple and peach in newspaper to prevent bruising."Our state society is expecting Cowley County to furnish the perfect fruitfrom the state for the New Orleans exhibition. Jacob Nixon, Secretary, CowleyCounty Horticultural Society.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Temperance Picnic.

There will be a Temperance Basket picnic in Peabody's Grove at Dexter,on Thursday, September 4th. Rev. B. Kelly, of this city, will be presentand deliver an address. Ministers, Lawyers, Doctors, and the public generallyare invited. The committee expect to make it one of the pleasantest gatheringsof the season both socially and in aid of the cause of temperance. Committee.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Dr. Taylor will spend a week or two at the country place of O. W. Youngin Wilson County, after which he hopes to be strong enough to see his friendsand patients in his office.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Fred Ballein returned from his eastern trip in the interest of Baden'sMammoth Double store. He purchased a big stock which will be on in a fewdays.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

German Lutheran services at the McDougal Hall over Baden's store. PastorR. Ehlers.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Letter from Dexter.

MR. EDITOR. Perhaps you would like to know something about the way thingsare going in this part of Cowley. Doubtless you have noticed the stand takenby the Dexter Eye, of late, against Prohibition. The action of whichcalled fourth some little rebuke from the Friends of Temperance in thisvicinity; which has been thrust back through the columns of this paper,in a strain of threatenings and abuse. This has been quite a surprise tothe good people of Dexter and represented himself to be a temperance man,and a strict prohibitionist, and exhibited to the writer at the same timethat he made his statement, a certificate of membership to the I. O. G.T. and an officer of the order. But like Judas of old, he has betrayed theinnocent blood and sold his inheritance for a few pieces of silver.

That an action so treacherous should be denounced by all lovers of Prohibitionis beyond a doubt, and because there are people in this community who areadvocating the cause of prohibition and they are denouncing his course.They have been grossly insulted and falsely accused, such has been the courseof this paper, that it is deemed necessary for a number of the best citizensof Dexter for someone of the community to answer some of the accusationsmade against us, and give an explanation of some kind why such things shouldhave been said. But doubtless the reader of this letter has already suspectedthe reason from what has already been said.

Now Mr. Editor, we are called fanatics, ring nose clicks; Idiots, anxiousto be called Godly ministers. Guilty of kicking up a fuss and stealing thelivery of Heaven, to serve the Devil in, and indeed if the decision he hasrendered against us to be final, we are guilty of the grossest crime, anddeserve to be banished from the land.

Now when people are accused the thing to be done is to inquire into thecause of the accusation, and from whence it cometh, and what are the factsin the case and this is just what we desire the people to know. In the firstplace, we do not deny having done somethingfor we have notbeen idle since we came to Dexter, neither do we intend to be in the future.One among other things we have done, and not the last either, is we havebeen

guilty of holding a Temperance meeting in this place, and advocatingthe cause of Prohibition, and have declared war against King Alcohol anddenounced whiskey, beer, and ale. We have sent out a decree to the effectthat he shall not reign over us, and that we intended, God helping us, todo all we can to overthrow him.

We have even gone so far as to invite a citizen of Winfield, Mr. Soward,to come to Dexter and advocate this doctrine to the people we have beenadvocating, a reform which is near and dear to the hearts of every Americancitizen, who loves his country and that ought, to be dear to every man,woman, and child in the land. We have been publicly denouncing every Practiceand Principle that recommends anything less than a strict Prohibitory lawin the state of Kansas. We have declared our intention to vote for and lendour influence to assist Temperance candidates who are strict Prohibitionistsin preference to all others who are not.

And when the Dexter Eye came out denouncing our cause, pronouncingit a failure, and advocates the cause of the liquor traffic and declaredwar against prohibition, we withdrew our support from that paper and condemnedthe course it had taken. If this is kicking up a fuss, we do not deny thecharge. If this is stealing the livery of Heaven to serve the Devil in,we expect to keep on serving him right along in this line. If this is fanaticism,may the Lord give us more of it for the country is just now in need of moresuch fanatics. Nay, we have been watching the course of this paper for sometime, which has been full of the abuse of man, and in fact contains scarcelyanything else of late, at least in the editorial department. Some time agothis little sheet began this dirty work by assailing one of the best citizensof Dexter, for the only reason that he was a supporter of Mr. Asp, who isnot the Eye's candidate; and he is a man who advocates prohibition.Next came the continued effort to injure Mr. Asp, who is a well known gentlemanof your city, and an honored citizen of Cowley County. But this foul sheetcould scarcely find language suitable to gratify its lust or desire in defeatingany man towards whom he does not lean, and now simply because we denouncedthe course of this paper although we did it in an honorable way and toldhim of his fault in the presence of others, he has sailed out upon us asthough he would endeavor to stop the mouth of everyone who dared to sayanything against his course and with threats if he hears anything more hewill trace up men's records and publish to the world.

Now we want to let this man know that all his threats and bulldozingwill not keep people from expressing their opinion upon the course he hastaken. And we also wish the Editor of the COURIER and people in generalto know that the Dexter Eye does not represent the opinion of buta small part of the people of this community, and the cause of prohibitionstill lives in Dexter. There is a large number of our best citizens whoare enlisted in the glorious cause, and in spite of all the opposition whichmay be brought to bear, they will be found true to its principles. Respectfully,T. C. WARREN.


Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Always Ahead. First in market with the largest and best selected stockof Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Notions, and Clothing in Southern Kansasand our prices are the lowest.


Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

$10 Reward. Strayed from my farm in Vernon Township, 6 miles northwestof Winfield, on Thursday, July 21sta bay mare Texas pony, about 8 yearsold, thin in flesh, wild; had on halter with short rope. The above rewardwill be paid for its return. H. HAWKINS.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

Farm for Sale. 1,280 acres, on Walnut River, in Fairview Township. 800acres first-class bottom land, 140 acres of which is timber. 480 acres ofpasture land, well watered. All under board, wire, and rail fence. Finedwelling house, granary capacity for 10,000 bushels; corn cribs, capacityfor 20,000 bushels. Price $38,400: one-fourth cash, one-fourth in four years,and balance on time as desired at 8 percent interest.

Address T. S. GREEN, Akron, Cowley County, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

RECAP. Probate Court. In the matter of the Estate of John Wesley Snider,Deceased.

To Mary M. Rhodes, Alonzo M. Solder, Laura B. Morain, Drucilla Snider,Oscar B. Snider, Walter Snider, heirs of John Wesley Snider, deceased, andto all and every person or persons in any way interested in said Estate.Notified that Nancy J. Snider, Administratrix of Estate, asking for orderfrom Court so that she can sell real estate, to be heard on Sept. 11, 1884.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.

RECAP. District Court. Notice for Service by Publication: Francis V.McGregor, Plaintiff, vs. John J. McGregor, Defendant, a non-resident ofthe State of Kansas. Divorce petition. Plaintiff to have sole custody andcontrol of minor children: Clyde E. McGregor and Ralph Montie McGregor;defendant to pay costs of this action. HENRY E. ASP. Attorney for Plaintiff.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.


25 head of good grade Durham Heifers and Steers, 1 and 2 year olds; 1thoroughbred SHORT HORN BULL; 1 thoroughbred young JERSEY BULL. If not soldbefore, the bulls will be on exhibition and for sale at the County Fair.For particulars, address me at Winfield or call at my farm, 5 miles southeastof Winfield. F. A. A. WILLIAMS.

Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884. [KAY...YOU SAID QUIMBY IS CORRECT!]

RECAP. Guardian's Notice. District Court. Notice given re Letters Guardianshiphave been granted to MARTHA A. QUINBY, on the estate of Eliza S. Null, ofCowley County, a Lunatic. Dated the 15th day of August, 1881, vice G. S.Story, deceased.

MARTHA A. QUINBY, Guardian of the Person and Estate of Eliza S. Null,a lunatic.

August 25th, 1884. W. P. HACKNEY, Attorney.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

RECAP. Long article re Sells' Bros. Circus coming to Winfield Saturday,September 20.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.


News has reached this city of an important newspaper change which affectsour neighbors of Sumner County. The Hon. Jacob Stotler, for twenty-fiveyears editor of the Emporia News, has sold his interests in thatpaper and purchased the Sumner County Press, one of the oldest andmost successful papers on Southern Kansas.

For twenty-five years, in sunshine and in shadow, has Mr. Stotler spenthis life in faithful work for the upbuilding of the fair and prosperouscity of Emporia; for a quarter of a century have all his energies, bestthoughts, and hard earned savings been devoted to the one leading life aimof making Emporia a leading city of the State, and now after the realizationof his highest hopes, he casts his lot with a new people. Wellington isto be congratulated, Emporia commiserated.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

The Winfield Markets.

Wheat brings today (Wednesday) 55 cents, corn 30 cents, hogs $4.50. Producesame as last week.


Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Don't forget the cantata Sept. 17th & 18th.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

The First National was illuminated with gas last week.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. Lace Tomlin has taken a position in the First National Bank.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Miss Campbell has her own special scenery for the Cantata, Sept 17 and18.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Anna, little daughter of Capt. Siverd, is confined to her bed with malarialfever.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

The new Jennings & Crippen brick business building has been rentedto a dry goods firm from the east.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Judge E. S. Torrance is quite sick with malarial fever and will not beable to hold court for some weeks to come.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. James Fahey has rented the Brettun billiard rooms and is carpetingand fixing them up in a very attractive way.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

BIRTH. And now comes the announcement just as we go to press that M.G. Troup is the happy dad of a new boy, come Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

DIED. Died, at Arkansas City, August 31, Guy Vincent Oly; child of Mr.and Mrs. E. A.

Barron, aged seven months and four days.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

MARRIED. Mr. Jos. Groviden and Miss Emma Gardner were joined in the holybonds of matrimony last week by Squire Young, of Tisdale.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. A. P. Johnson has been absent in Arkansas since the 22nd ult., havingbeen suddenly called there by a telegram announcing the death of his mother.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Some fiend threw Justice Buckman's docket out of the back window intothe alley last week. What his intentions on the docket were have not beendivined.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

We believe every wheat raiser who fails to use Smith's Roller Attachmentto their drills this dry, windy fall will make a great mistake against themselves.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Dr. T. B. Tandy, from Malta Band, Missouri, a graduate of the LouisvilleMedical College and a practitioner of many years, has located here and takenrooms in the McDougal block.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

A pleasant note from H. Baxter in his Ohio retreat says: "No lifein politics yet. Blaine stock rising every day. Keep your eye on Ohio inOctober. Tell us about the weather in Kansas."

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. Case brings us a beautiful apple from his orchard very large andof fine color. It also is an "orphan" and he wants it named. Wewill submit it to our horticultural friends on Saturday.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

The COURIER received a pleasant call from Mr. A. P. Riddle, the nextLieutenant Governor of Kansas, Wednesday. He is one of the brainy men ofthe state and made a mark in the Senate during the last two sessions.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

The COURIER was presented with the first bucket of peaches of the seasonlast week by Mr. John T. Bailey, of Rock. They were all as large as teacupsand averaged eight inches in circumference. Mr. Bailey has our thanks.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Squire Norman was down from Udall Thursday. He informs us that the citizensof that place have had three propositions for the erection of flouring mills.They will probably secure one of a hundred and fifty barrel capacity.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Messrs. Van Meter and Sidle have purchased the George Miller meat market,just south of the banks. They are fitting it up in good shape and expectto keep the choicest and best meats and run the markets up to the higheststandard.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. Elmer Clymer, for some time assistant bookkeeper in the NationalBank, has taken a position as bookkeeper and Cashier in W. A. Lee's ImplementHouse. Elmer has been faithful and efficient, and deserves success.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

The Secretary has received upwards of a hundred applications from fakersand gamblers all over the country for permission to run gambling contrivanceson the grounds during the fair. Nothing of the kind will be allowed on thegrounds.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

J. B. Lynn comes to the front with a column this week. He has had thesidewalks around his store obstructed with boxes of goods arriving for somedays past and will have a genuine "grand opening" soon. Lynn isalways up with the times.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Miss Hattie Thornton, who has been visiting with her Aunt, Mrs. A. D.Hendricks, for some time, returned to her home in Missouri Tuesday. Sheis a very bright and accomplished young lady and her presence will be missedin our society circles.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Samuel Kleeman's goods have arrived at Winfield, and he has commencedbusiness. We recommend him to the citizens of that place as a gentlemanand a businessman, honest and worthy of their patronage and highest regard.Shelby County (Illinois) Leader.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Timme, the Tailor, of Kansas City, Missouri, will be at Winfield September10th with a full and complete line of samples, comprising of the finestFabrics of imported and domestic manufacture. The order taken will be madeup under his immediate supervision. Prices moderate.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

It seems that Wilber Dever has been guilty of the unpardonable atrocityof sporting a Cleveland hat. The following from the Topeka Capital tellsthe story.

"Lakin Garvey, the assistant in the Santa Fe ticket office, and`Doc,' the cashier at the depot, donned white plug hats yesterday, and boardinga hand car took a run down the main line east to the scene of Tuesday'swreck. As the car hove in sight, and the section men and wrecking crew caughta glimpse of the Democratic beavers, an unearthly yell went up, which almostlifted the hats and their wearers from their car. With unflinching braverythey approached closer and this is the greeting they received: `Arrah, wouldye moind the judes now?' `Look at that purty man with the Dimocratic cady,'and more remarks of the same nature. The boys were at first determined tobrave the storm, but it became more furious, and they were obliged to mounttheir special observation car and propel themselves back to the city. Thetrue Irishman has always been dead against white `churn' hats."

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. Sheehy, whose wife died August 2nd and was buried Sunday, August3rd, from the Baptist Church, returned August 23rd. Mr. Sheehy, in prospectingfor a home to settle on in the western part of the State, was wholly ignorantof his deep loss until two days before his return, when he struck the railroadwhere he could hear from home. He lost no time in getting here, and whilehe was almost bewildered by his loss, he showed an honest appreciation ofthe kindnesses bestowed by neighbors and friends. He expects his sisterto keep house for him and care for his motherless little ones. In additionto promptly paying all bills during his absence, he was very grateful tothose who furnished what was needed.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

The Cantata of the Sun and the Planets by twenty-two Misses and childrenin costume, to be followed by a dramatic recitation by Miss Flo. Campbell,who has made a specialty of Elocutionary work, all to close with a beautifuldrama, the "Guarding Spirits," performed by seventy-two childrenfrom 6 to 12 years of age. The Canta and drama re both composed by MissCampbell, who has produced a first class entertainment to which is addedthe accessions of good music and fine scenic and mechanical effect. Theentertainment will be given at Manning's Opera House Sept. 17th and 18th.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

A New Enterprise.

This month J. S. Mann opens up a wholesale business in connection withhis well established retail trade. Judging by the size and number of casesof goods that have been delivered at the rear of his store in the past tendays, we conclude he not only expects to supply our county, but the wholeState with Clothing, Hats, Boots, etc. J. S. has always carried a first-classstock and his business has constantly increased to an extent to warranthim to embark in this enterprise. The COURIER wishes him all the successto which his energy and vim entitle him.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

John Stalter, a Democrat of thirty years standing and a prominent manin this community, joined the Blaine and Logan club last Saturday nightand declared his intention to vote the Republican ticket this fall. DouglassTribune.

Mr. Stalter is a resident of this county. He is one of our leading wool-growersand has felt the full tight of the Democratic industrial policy of freetrade. He don't want that kind of diet, and there are about fifty otherold line democrats just like him in this county.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Charlie Bradford, son of Dr. J. H. Bradford, of Mulvane, killed a rattlesnakein the Territory last week sixteen feet and eleven inches long. It was threeinches thick and ten inches in circumference and had twenty rattles. Theboy says that when he ran onto it the snake coiled up and raised its headover four feet from the ground with its mouth wide open. It looked likeit could swallow a man. He shot it with a Winchester. This is a pretty bigsnake story, but seems to be reliable.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. John Will Cottingham, of Fairview, brings us this week a productionof the soil that beats the record. It is a bunch of "Johnston Grass"nine feet three inches high. If any skeptic believes that Cowley can't raisetame grass as high as a house, let him wander into this office and reclineunder the shade of a stem of "Johnston grass." Mr. Cottinghamwill have a bunch of it at the fair where everyone can examine it.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. G. Gillman, of Omnia Township, adds to our agricultural collectionthis week four ears of corn this year's growth. One ear is of the yellowvariety eleven inches long and well matured. Two others were not so long,but carry sixteen rows, which makes the ear very large and heavy. Mr. Gillmanwill be after P. H. Albright's corn premium at the fair.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

The Mayor and Council should provide an extra police force for fair week.The fame of Cowley's fair has gone abroad all over the land and the rushwill bring with it the attendant evils of pick-pockets, burglars, and thelike. Already reports come to us from a detective agency in Kansas Citythat several gangs of them are heading for this place.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mrs. J. W. Withers, who with her little daughter, has been the guestof Mrs. W. J. Wilson for two or three weeks, has returned to her home inFort Scott. Mrs. Withers is a charming and intelligent lady, an early friendand schoolmate of Mrs. Wilson, whose namesake little Kate Withers is a perfectbeauty.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. E. F. Burnett, special traveling agent for the Santa Fe, was in thecity Tuesday, looking up the probable attendance at the State Fair nextweek. He says it is to be the biggest and best of Topeka's fairs. The farefrom here for the round trip is only four dollars.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Dr. Mendenhall and family returned from their western trip last week.He dropped back into his professional ways so quietly that even his nextdoor neighbors didn't know when he returned. The frequent ringing of theoffice bell informed us of the fact.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Curns & Manser's new office is going up rapidly. It is furnishedwith gas and will be finished throughout in the neatest and best style.They will have one of the most complete office buildings in southern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. L. F. Johnson brought us in a splendid box of peaches last week.They were grown on his Arkansas Bolton farm and of course were of extraquality and flavor.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Applications for space for displays at the Fair are pouring in already.Last year's fair was a good one, but it will not compare with the one oldCowley will show this year.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

The managers of the skating rink wish it distinctly understood that theyreserve the right to deny admittance to any person or persons they may wishto exclude.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

The COURIER Cornet Band will furnish music for the "merry sliders"at the skating rink Thursday evening. They will be out in full uniform.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. T. R. Bryan is able to be around again after a severe sick spell.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

The Last Share Subscribed.

Last Saturday evening the last share of the two hundred shares of theCowley County Fair and Driving Park Association was subscribed. The capitalas authorized by the charter of incorporation issued by the State, viz:"Ten Thousand Dollars divided into two hundred shares of fifty dollarseach" is now all subscribed and by January 1, 1885, will be fully paidup. Its "statement," therefore, at the present writing, is asfollows:


Present value of grounds, 53 ½ acres at $150 per acrea low estimate:$8,025.00.

Actual cost of improvements put on grounds to date as shown by the

Secretary's books: $5.249.38.

Net profits of 1883 fair: $1,489.38.

TOTAL RESOURCES: $14,763.76.


Capital Stock: $10,000.00.

BALANCE: $4,763.76.


So it will be seen that each share of stock is actually worth today forty-eightpercent premium. The first subscription to the capital stock was made byHon. W. P. Hackney, on the 27th day of April, 1883. Messrs. Jas. F. Martin,H. Harbaugh, J. W. Millspaugh, D. L. Kretsinger, A. H. Doane, R. B. Pratt,M. L. Robinson, and Ed. P. Greer also subscribed at the same time. The nextday, April 28th, a committee consisting of D. L. Kretsinger, A. T. Spotswood,and Ed. P. Greer waited on the citizens and secured subscriptions for aboutfour thousand dollars of the stock. Half of the amount of each subscriptionwas to be paid within sixty days and the other half on the December following.Upon these assurances M. L. Robinson and W. P. Hackney contracted for thegrounds. When the 1883 fair opened the Directory had used all the moneythey had taken in on the sale of capital stock, and had borrowed upon theirown personal security three thousand dollars more, in order to erect thenecessary buildings. It was a big risk, but they were determined to seeit through, and so cheerfully carried the burden. In addition to this they,with those who were also stockholders at the time, refused to accept theprofits of last year's work but returned it to the treasury, so that thegentleman who subscribed for the last share Saturday evening gets just asmuch as those who paid in their money over a year ago. There are one hundredand sixty-three shareholders who own the two hundred shares: an averageof a little over one and a quarter shares to each person, so the associationat the present time is anything but a "monopoly." One hundredand twenty-six shares are held by persons living outside of Winfield, andone hundred and nineteen by persons now engaged in farming so that the farmersof Cowley County own and have the power to absolutely control their fairas they wish. We hope that every stockholder, especially the farmers, willhold on to their stock, no matter what flattering offers they may receivefor it. If it is worth a hundred percent premium to someone else, it isworth it to you and much more, for upon the control and management of thefarmers interested in it depends much of its future success and usefulness.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Representative Nominations.

We neglected to announce last week the unanimous nomination by the Republicansof the 68th district of Mr. John D. Maurer as their candidate for Representative.John Maurer is so well known and highly respected all over the county thatany personal endorsem*nt we might give is unnecessary. He was one of Cowley'searly county commissioners; is an energetic, upright, thorough going citizen,fully alive to the needs of the people and one in whose hands their interestsmay be safely trusted. He will be elected by a large majority.

The convention of the 87th District was held at Arkansas City, Saturday.There were four candidates: J. B. Tucker of Creswell, Dr. Carlisle of Bolton,S. G. Castor of Liberty, and Louis P. King of Beaver. Each had about equalstrength. After 89 ballots were taken, Mr. King received their nomination.

Among the many bright, energetic young men of Cowley County, Louis P.King has no superior. With strong convictions, fearlessness in expressingthem, a thorough acquaintance with the needs of his district, a bright mind,and an active temperament, he combines in a large degree the elements whichwill make his administration of the office an honor and a benefit to thedistrict. He owns a fine farm in Beaver Township, on which he lives andenjoys the respect, confidence, and esteem of everyone who knows him. Heis a strong candidate and will grow stronger every day, as his many qualitiesof mind and heart are brought to the knowledge of the people.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Henry E. Asp.

The Arkansas City Traveler pays Mr. Asp the following handsomecompliment. "The few who, before the convention, were opposed to Mr.Asp for county attorney were completely won over by his speech thankingthe delegates for their unanimous nomination. Mr. Asp surprised even hismost intimate friends by his eloquence. We doubt if a more ringing speechwas ever heard in that opera house, and the great possibilities of our nextcounty attorney were thus made apparent to the most doubting. The speechwas evidence enough of his ability. No amount of abuse from Democratsnogarbled lies or distorted assertionscan destroy the impression made uponthat convention by our eloquent young friend, who then and there placedhimself squarely before the people and outlined his course. Mr. Asp's triumphantnomination will be followed by an equally triumphant election, and our citizenswill never have cause to be less proud of him than were those who heardhim last Saturday."

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

We received a pleasant call Monday from Mr. A. J. Lyon, who has latelyremoved here from Dallas County, Iowa, purchased the Frank Barclay residence,on tenth avenue. He is a very pleasant and intelligent gentleman and hasfor twenty years been one of the leading citizens of Dallas County. He isa valuable acquisition to our city.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. N. C. Clark has opened up a hardware and coal business at the newtown of Kellogg in Vernon Township. He has erected a building 22 x 48 andwill keep a first-class stock of everything in the hardware, implement,or wagon line. He has a very large acquaintance and popularity and willdo a good business.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

DIED. Mrs. Mahala T. Covert, mother of Thomas S. Covert, of FairviewTownship, died Tuesday. Mrs. Covert was forty-seven years of age, and hadbeen for some time a sufferer with cancer. She was a woman of many excellentvirtues, and her loss is deeply mourned.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. J. L. Horning returned from his mountain trip last week, having Mrs.Horning at Silver Cliff, where she will remain for a time. From his refreshedand invigorated appearance, we should judge that he had subsisted largelyon "mountain dew" while out west.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. M. B. Rupp left several very large fine apples on our table lastweek. They were orphans and he wanted them named. A prominent horticulturalistwhose attention we called to them, says they are the "King of TompkinsCounty."

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Deputy Treasurer Wilson did quick work with the tax sale Tuesday andfinished it before noon. The bidding was lively, most of the tracts beingknocked off at five acres. There were a large number of bidders present.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. Geo. Crippen, leader of the Courier Cornet Band, ordered for theJuvenile Band last week a new set of silver plated instruments. The boyswill be nicely equipped with their showy uniforms set off with silver horns.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

DIED. Bryant Warren, fourteen year old son of Rev. T. C. Warren, of Dexter,died last week from injuries received by a runaway team. The funeral washeld Saturday from the residence of Mr. Lundy, of this city.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. John Case, of Vernon, left us several fine peaches Friday. They were"George IV"one of the finest flavored peaches we have. This wasthe opinion of several fruit growers who examined them.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. Ab. Holmes has been raising Amber cane for feed. He has cut witha binder and bound into bundles over 12 tons per acre and is satisfied thatit will make the very best of feed.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Messrs. Warner Brothers came in from Clay County, Indiana, last weekand will locate here. They are contractors and builders and come highlyrecommended.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Mr. Edward Reese, son of Mrs. J. T. Hackney, came out from Logan County,Illinois, Tuesday and will visit for a short time with his relatives heres.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Arthur Van Sycle, a young attorney, of Delaware, Ohio, spent part oflast week in the city, a guest of Mr. Hill Jennings.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Miss Annie Service came in last week and is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.James Kirk. She will probably remain some time.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

DIED. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Dicken, of Richland, lost by death last Mondaytheir infant daughter.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

The State Fair.

The State Fair at Topeka next week, commencing Monday, the 8th, and closingSaturday, the 13th, promises to be even a greater success than any of thefairs held in former years.


Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

County Surveyors Fees.

ED. COURIER: For the benefit of citizens of Cowley Co., I ask for informationthrough your paper. What are the lawful charges per day for the labor ofCounty Surveyor or his deputies? I take it for granted that extortion isnot one of the prerogatives of the office. Please give the public the desiredinformation.

Rock, Kansas, August 27, 1884. W. H. GROW.

The section in the Statute relating to the matter reads:

"The Co. Surveyor shall receive $4.00 per day for the time actuallyand necessarily employed in going to and making a survey and returning tohis office. For copy of plat of land or cost of survey, $2.00, making outcomplete report on all surveys made, by authority for county or township,$2.00, for recording surveys, per folio, 20 cents." If the survey isdone by a deputy, the same fees prevail. Chairman and workers are allowed$1.50 per day each.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

County Central Committee.

The Republican County Committee met at the COURIER editorial rom at 2o'clock, Saturday, August 30th, and organized by electing W. J. Wilson,of Winfield, chairman; W. C. Douglass, of Tisdale, secretary; and Geo. H.Buckman, treasurer. An executive committee of two from each representativedistrict was appointed as follows.

From the 66th District, [left blank].

From the 67th District, John R. Sumpter, of Beaver, and L. E. Wooded,of Creswell.

From the 68th District, Dr. Hornaday, of Rock; and E. A. Henthorn, ofSilver Creek.

After the transaction of some other business and the appointment of severalspecial committees, the committee adjourned to meet at the COURIER officeat 2 o'clock on Saturday, September 13th.

W. C. DOUGLASS, Secretary. W. J. WILSON, Chairman.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Farmers Attention.

Do you notice that wheat is higher in the markets than it was a weekago while it is from 5 to 10 cents per bushel lower here? Why this? Thereason is obvious. So many farmers have put their wheat on the market herethat the city mills and elevator are full; hence their buyer is off themarket, and now the shippers are buying wheat at 55 cents and shipping it,and next spring the city mills will want this wheat at from 90 cents to$1.00 per bushel, and will be obliged to ship it from Kansas City and otherplaces at that price. Hence we would advise the farmers to bin their wheatand hold it for a better market, and feel sure if they will consult theirown interests in this matter, they will do so. FARMER.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

66th Representative District Committee.

The Republican committee of the 66th representative district met in theCOURIER rooms on Saturday, August 30th, at four o'clock p.m., and proceededto permanently organize by the election of J. L. M. Hill, of Winfield, aschairman and W. C. Douglass, of Tisdale, as Secretary. The committee thenadjourned subject to the call of the chairman.

W. C. DOUGLASS, Secretary. J. L. M. HILL, Chairman.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Entry Book Opened.

The entry books for the fair are now opened at the Secretary's officein the COURIER rooms, and will remain thee until Monday evening, Sept. 22nd,at which time the office will be removed to the grounds. Already hundredsof applications have been made for entries, stalls, and privileges to bemuch greater than last year. Everyone should make their entries as soonas possible.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.


The latest news from the narrow gauge is to the effect that Mr. Schute,the contractor, is now sub-letting and one hundred and fifty miles of thework which brings it to Winfield is to be completed by January 1st. Everyday seems to strengthen the feeling that we will get the road.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.

Card of Thanks. Mrs. Kirch desires us to return her sincere thanks forthe many kindnesses shown the family during the sickness and death of herhusband.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.


It raineth upon the just and the unjust immensely these times.

The Narrow gauge is still the talk. Rumor has it that work began Aug.3.

The new Opera Hall is fast approaching completion and we expect JohnMcCullough, by Christmas.

C. U. McHugh was tried for violation of the Prohibitory law, last week.Jury hung, 10 to 2 in favor of conviction. The case will be tried over againsoon.

Our flouring mill is ready for the roof and will be in operation soon.It is only to be regretted that conflicting enterprise, and indecision ofbusinessmen, was cheating us out of a mill so long.

Several of our citizens returned from a trip in Comanche County, a fewdays ago. They report the country dry, with hills, timber, and few inducements,but think that if regular rains ever visit that section, it will be a finecountry in time.

No election excitement here. Uncle John Lee thinks Glick will get there,since returning from the Democratic convention. If he does, Jasper is abusted community for he has bet a cotton neck-tie and a pair of suspendersthat Glick will drink his lager in private life after this.

This town has had a wonderful rest on balls, circuses, and operas, andas the place begins to recuperate, the myrtle turneth green again. The charmingmother Hubbard cometh to the front with dazzling effect, and the drugstoreclerk feels the collection of nickels in his right pantaloons pocket graduallyassume in proportion which indicate the presence of 75 cents.

Cedarvale, one of the most prosperous places in this county, is morethan holding its own this year, in the building line especially. Cox's newstone Business block, the last of several good business houses erected thissummer will soon be completed, while the town acknowledges the accessionof several new residences to correspond in cost. In this connection it isunnecessary to state that Cedarvale has the best regulated balls, and thehandsomest girls (one of whom has a mortgage on your correspondent) thatcan be found in Chautauqua County. As ever, JASPER.

Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.


H. M. Banta made Wichita a visit this week.

John Bybee of Topeka is here shipping peaches.

Geo. McIntire succeeded in capturing his escaped prisoner here last Monday.

Nopsinger & Co. will be in within a few days with another large herdof ponies which will be offered for sale.

The Shipments of peaches from this place are perfectly immense. For thepast week there have been loaded on an average of 300 crates per day.

C. Bachs has bought a half interest in the city meat market. Bachs isan old butcher and his patrons can always rely on a choice steak from him.

J. H. Bullen is laying a stone sidewalk in front of his block, a muchneeded improvement worthy of imitation by a number of businessmen.

We are all satisfied and well pleased with the nominations of the Republicanconvention and predict a rousing majority for all the candidates in November.

Will Higgins has been suffering by an over-dose of Sanctification receivedat the Camp Meeting on Antelope Creek produced from too close contact withthe Wild Ivy.

Jas. Naples is giving the City Hotel a thorough renovation, having closedthe house for that purpose; hence Burnham, mine host of the Commercial,is fairly overrun with custom.

MARRIED. John McCallister and Miss Isadora Mentz became tired of singleblessedness and hence made a visit to Squire W. H. Norman's office, wherethey were united in the sacred bonds of matrimony, in the presence of afew chosen friends.

Mr. Patrick is shelling out his cribs of corn, will have about 80 carloads. S. S. Thompson is also shelling his, will have about 40 car loads.This gives our town a lively appearance and takes the energy of Harvey,the R. R. Agent, to keep them in cars, as well as the other shippers.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Monthly Meeting of the Horticultural Society.
September 6, 1884.

The Horticultural Society met in regular monthly session on the abovedate.

The Society was called to order by R. I. Hogue, President, Martin beingabsent.

Meeting appointed John Mentch, Secretary pro tem, in the absence of theSecretary.

President appointed committee on fruits and horticultural products onthe table.

Messrs. G. W. Robertson, A. DeTurk, and Richardson, committee.

Report of committee as follows:

J. R. Richardson has apples of the following varieties: Fall Pippin,Priors Red, Pen Red Streak, two varieties unknown; all ver large and fine.

Mr. Jennings: Fall Pippin and Pen Red Streak, fine.

G. W. Robertson: Rambo, Grimes Golden, Willow Twig, Johnathan, Rome Beauty,Finks Seedling, Maiden Blush, English Russett, Domine, Ben Davis, and Medium.

Mr. DeTurk: Apple unknown, Peon, duch*ess De Angolene, Clapps Favorite.Grapes: Norton's Virginia. Peach: Gross Mignonna, Ward's Late, Foster, LateDelaware, unknown; all fine.

C. J. Brano: Jonathan Gravenstein, Ben Davis; all very large.

J. Nixon: Apples, Pa Red Streak or Wine, Autumn Strawberry, two varietiesunknown.

Wilson Shaw: St. Lawrence apple; very large.

Dr. Van Doren: the grape "Prentiss."



A. DeTURK, Committee.


JOHN MENTCH, Secretary pro tem. R. L. HOGUE, President.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

The Winfield Markets.

Wheat brings today (Wednesday) 55 cents, corn 30 cents, hogs $4.50. Producesame as last week.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Storm King Boots, at Prather's.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Business House on Main street for rent. Inquire of F. S. Jennings.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

If you want to rent a No. 1 stock farm, look up J. P. Short's ad. inthis issue.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Will Higgins, of the Sentinel, and C. G. Furry, of the GeudaHerald, were in town Thursday.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Louis Zenor and Ben Matlack made a flying visit to Ben's cattle ranchin the Territory last week.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

The United Brethren Church at Constant will be dedicated the second Sundayin October, the 12th.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Banker McKinley was down Monday looking over the hub. He reports thevillage of Udall flourishing.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

W. R. McDonald and wife returned from the east Monday. Mrs. McDonaldhas been absent seven weeks.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Sam Kleeman has a sixty-seven pound watermelon, raised on the ArkansasRiver, on exhibition at his store Saturday.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Mrs. G. W. Miller and children, have returned from a two weeks visitwith relatives and friends in Southwest Missouri.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

The entry books of the fair opened Monday morning and over a hundredentries of stock were made before noon.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

The Courier Cornet Band was out in full uniform at the rink last Thursdayevening, and furnished some fine music.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Messrs. Horning & Whitney have the contract for tin roofing the Hasieblock at Arkansas City and are now at work on it.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Children's wool hose for 15 cents a pair at Hoosier Notion Store. Ladieswool hose for 35 cents a pair at Hoosier Notion store.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

The colored boys have bought the band instruments from Ed Farringer usedby the Juvenile Band and will organize in a short time.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Dr. Van Doren brought us some splendid specimens of the Prentiss grapelast week. The flavor is as fine as any grape we have tasted.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Mr. W. L. Vandever, of Beaver, left us some very fine specimens of the"Russian Crab" apples last week. They were the finest we haveseen.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Mr. D. S. Sherrard brings us a bunch of eight foot Johnson grass grownfrom seed planted in June. He says it is especially fine for his sheep.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Mrs. Bishop, the popular Superintendent of the telephone service in thiscity, returned from a visit to friends in Illinois last week and is againat the Central office.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Mr. S. H. Crawford has completed a neat shop on Millington Street andhis removed his location from Ninth Avenue to that place. S. H. is a rustlerand a first-class merchant.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Mr. M. Hahn returned from his eastern trip last week, having taken inthe sights at Newport and Long Branch and bought an immense stock to replenishthe depleted shelves at the Bee Hive.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

O. F. Boyle came down from Durango, Colorado, Monday. Mrs. Boyle hasbeen spending the summer east and is expected here today when the two willspend some weeks here among their old friends.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Mr. John Stalter lost two cows by lightning on the night of August 12th.They were insured in the German of Freeport and the other day he receivedeighty dollars, the amount of the insurance. Noble Caldwell, of this city,is the agent for the German.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Mr. J. J. Carson of Richmond, Kentucky, was in the city several dayslast week looking out a location for a large clothing house, has contractedfor a business house to be ready for the spring trade, and will be one ofus in the future. Come on, Mr. Carson, we are ready to welcome you.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Mr. O. F. Boyle came in from Colorado Monday and will spend several weeksamong his many friends here. He looks rugged and healthy and enjoying mountainlife. All the old Winfield fellows wander back regularly. Tony is highlytaken with our city's improvement.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

We received a pleasant call from Mr. Samuel G. Owen, National Bank examinerfor this district last week. He came down and made an official examinationof the First National, and reports everything in guilt-edged shape. Mr.Owen is a very pleasant gentleman and a thorough expert in banking.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

The German Insurance Company, of Freeport, Illinois, through Noble Caldwell,district agent, paid during the month of August, the following losses bylightning: G. C. Orand, 1 horse; John Stalter, 2 cows; Wm. Aumann, 1 cow;D. McMillian, 1 cow; K. M. Barbour, 1 steer; E. B. Bradley, house damaged;School district No. 56, Sumner County, house damaged. This company makea specialty of farm insurance, and being a western company, knows the wantsand customs of the western people, and in addition to insuring against fireand lightning, insures against tornado and cyclones. If you want to insureyour buildings, stock, grain, farming implements, etc., and in a companythat pays 100 cents on the dollar, call on or address Noble Caldwell, agentfor Cowley and Sumner Counties, or G. E. Lubin, soliciting agent, Winfield,Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

A woman's relief corps was formed here on Monday last. This is an organizationin connection with the Grand Army of the Republic, and is one of the mostinteresting and useful helps towards the advancement of the objects of theG. A. R. in existence. The meetings are held every Thursday at 3 p.m., untilfurther notice. The success of the Corps is largely due to the exertionsof Comrades H. H. Siverd and J. H. Finch, committee of the

G. A. R.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Capt. Stuber and wife of Richland leave Thursday to visit their old Illinoishome at Peoria. One of the captain's old friends is a candidate for Congressin the Peoria district and he takes considerable interest in the campaign.If there is a man in Kansas who would travel five hundred miles to say agood word for a friend or a principle in which he believed, that man isCapt. Stuber. The COURIER wishes them a pleasant visit and a safe return.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Mr. John A. Eaton has purchased an interest in the Farmers' Bank andassumes the position of cashier. He will return to Ohio, wind up his lawbusiness, and return with his family at an early day. In Mr. Eaton Winfieldgains a splendid citizen, a perfect gentleman, and one possessed of muchmore than ordinary ability. He is at present a law partner with the AttorneyGeneral of Ohio.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Will White brought us down a couple of sweet potatoes from his Fairviewfarm last week. They were mammoth fellows, as large as a water pitcher.Mr. White said he had no idea that he was raising such potatoes and wasvery much surprised when he dug them out. He will have to raise the balanceof the crop with a crowbar.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

A lamp exploded in J. J. Mann's clothing store last Wednesday evening,throwing all over the goods, and destroying and damaging nearly a thousanddollars worth of goods. There was considerable excitement for a time andthe fire companies were out, but did not turn on the stream. Mr. Mann hadgas pipes ready, but was waiting for fixtures before taking out his lamps.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

The ladies of the Christian Church have secured Dining Hall privilegeon the Fair ground which will be run in first class style. All members andfriends are solicited to donate as liberal as possible in the good work,and can leave donations at Bryan & Lynn's Grocery Store or will be kindlyreceived at the Dining Hall at any time during the fair.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Wednesday, word was received here that the soldiers were playing sadhavoc with the Oklahoma cattlemen. On Capt. Nipp's ranch they destroyedhis wire fence entirely, consuming two days in the operations. Dr. Lovewas arrested by the militia and taken to Rock Falls. There they gave himhis freedom

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Prof. Farringer and family left for Chicago last week, where they willprobably locate. The Professor understands his business and we are sorryto see him leave. The COURIER wishes him and his estimable family successin whatever place their lot may be cast.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

We received an excellent article from Dexter this week, but cannot publish*t under the rule that we must have the writer's full name on all occasions.Correspondents will please remember this. The name is not for publication,but simply for our own information.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Everybody knows that Winfield has more musical talent among the youngfolks than any town of its size in the state. If you don't believe this,go to Mannings Opera House on the evenings of Sept. 17 and 18 and you willbe convinced of the fact.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

DIED. Mr. and Mrs. Steward, residing on East Ninth Avenue, mourn theloss of their boy, who died of typhoid fever last Thursday evening. Theyare also much alarmed at the condition of two others of their children andwho are very low with the same disease.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

There will be a meeting at the Schoolhouse hall at New Salem, on Fridayevening, the 12th of September, for the purpose of organizing a Blaine andLogan club.

W. C. Douglass, Chairman, Republican Central Committee of Tisdale Township.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

A gentleman left a very fine apple with us last week to have its varietydetermined, but before we could get hold of a horticulturist, some hungryfriend got hold of the apple and so its identity will have to remain undetermined.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Prof. Graham Smith, from Augusta, Kentucky, is visiting this city andwill open a select school if he has sufficient encouragement. He is a gentlemanand scholar and will doubtless give ample references as to his qualifications.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

The cornerstone of the new M. E. Church at New Salem will be laid onWednesday, the 27th inst., with appropriate ceremonies at 2 o'clock, p.m.Rev. Kelly and Thomas Andas, Presiding Elder, will be present.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

The Juvenile Missionary Society of the M. E. Church will give a MissionaryTea at lecture room of the M. E. Church between the hours of 5 and 7 o'clocknext Tuesday P. M. A cordial invitation is extended to all.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

The card of Messrs. Frazier & Harvey, plain or ornamental plasterers,appear in this issue. They are first-class workmen. They are at presentdoing up Mr. Rogers' new residence on east Ninth Avenue.

PLASTERING. The undersigned have formed a co-partnership in the plasteringbusiness, and will take contracts for work, plain or ornamental, to be donepromptly and in first-class manner. Estimates furnished on short notice.Leave orders at Warner Bros. shop in old Foundry Building. CHAS. FRAZIER,A. R. HARVEY.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

The famous Copeland flock of thoroughbred sheep were entered for ourfair Monday. Also a flock of Liecestershires and Southdowns. The sheep exhibitwill be as fine as ever seen in Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Cheap Bread for the Millions. Webber to the Front. No more famine priceswith wheat at fifty cents per bushel. None genuine except Webber's brands,Queen Bee, Mayflower, and Grip.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

No more hungry Families while Webber's Standard Brands can be had atall the live grocery stores in Winfield. Guaranteed better than any otherbrands in the market.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Mr. T. B. Myers has just finished putting in a lot of fine opera chairsin the hall. They add greatly to the comfort and convenience of the house.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

The new woven-wire fence men on South Main Street advertise in this issue.They make a neat, durable fence and very cheap.

AD. Fence your Yards, your Gardens, Fence your Farms, with -THE- CLIMAXCOMBINATION PORTABLE FENCE. It is composed of five two-strand cables ofthe best annealed Bessemer steel wire, firmly interwoven with pickets ata uniform distance of 2 ½ to 3 inches apart, making it much strongerand more durable than plank. It is stronger than barb wire, and being visible,stock will not run against it and injure themselves. The pickets are alsostrong and durable. It is portable; it is cheap; it is dog proof; it ischicken proof; it is pig proof; and the handsomest, cheapest, and best fencein the world. Two men can take down, remove, and put up 160 rods in oneday, and 80 to 160 rods can be handled in a single load. Anyone can setit up or take it down and experience no trouble. For further informationcall on or address McCRORY, ORR & CO., Winfield, Kansas, 2 blocks Southof the Skating Rink. Manufacturers of the Climax Combination Fence.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.


A. J. KINNEAR, at His New Store on East Ninth Avenue, Winfield,

Is offering special inducements to all parties on Hardware. Having fittedup by far the finest shop in Winfield and employed an excellent tinner totake charge of it, I can fully guarantee all Tin and Sheet Iron work placedin our hands. Builders will find it to their interest to call on us beforeplacing their orders, as we make a specialty of


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.


TO THE LADIES: Our stock of Dress Goods, consisting of all the latestshades and novelties, is the best selected in the city, and prices are lowerthan the same goods are sold for in larger cities.

We desire to say to ladies who have been ordering goods from Easterncities that we have made arrangements by which we save you postage and expresscharges. Bring us your samples and entrust us with your orders, and we willduplicate prices and guarantee satisfaction.

Orders sent out every day at 4:30 P. M. S. KLEEMAN.

50 Dozen Towels at 25 cents each, worth 50 cents.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Mrs. Morgan and Miss M. Rinker, sisters of Mr. G. L. Rinker, came infrom Indiana last week and will remain until after the fair.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Mrs. A. Herpich left Sunday morning for Wellington, where she will visitfor a week with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Cobean.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Good board and good rooms, for a few, 9th Avenue, next to Mr. Fahey'snew house.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

More Big Corn.

And now the big corn begins to come in. Last week we had a couple ofbig ears, one eleven inches long and another with sixteen rows of grains.Tuesday morning Mr. D. Byers, of Ninnescah, brought us in samples from hiscorn field, which make a most acceptable addition to our collection. Oneear is twelve and a half inches long. Another has twenty rows of grainsand weighs two pounds. He brings us also two stalks each of which bearstwo mammoth ears. The stalks are ten feet high. These are splendid productionsand show the remarkable fertility of Cowley's soil. With twenty-eight bushelsof No. 2 wheat to the acre and such corn crops as these, no wonder thatour people are prosperous.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Albright's Special Premium.

Mr. P. H. Albright's special thirty dollar premium should be competedfor by every farmer in Cowley County. Bring in a bushel of your best cornon the first day of the fair and let the World know what Cowley can do inthe corn line. Mr. Albright's premium is as follows:

THIRTY DOLLARS: For the bushel of corn grown in Cowley County this year,weighing seventy pounds and containing the least number of ears. The Premiumis drawn in as follows: Fifteen dollars to first; Ten dollars to second;and five dollars to third. Corn must be entered on the first day of thefair and judged on the last.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Woman's Relief Corps.

The Woman's Relief corps, No. 39, was organized in Winfield on Monday,the 8th of September, by electing the following officers.

President, Mrs. E. P. Hickock.

Senior Vice President, Mrs. J. S. Hunt.

Junior Vice President, Mrs. George Crippen.

Secretary, Mrs. Rev. Kelly.

Treasurer, Mrs. E. B. Dalton.

Chaplain, Mrs. J. H. Finch.

National Inspector, Mrs. Bates.

Conductor, Mrs. W. H. Shearer.

Guard, Mrs. T. B. Myers.

They were installed by order of the Deputy President, by Commander C.E. Steuven, of Post No. 85, G. A. R.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Cowley in the Worlds Exposition.

Last Monday, Mr. J. P. Short, as committeeman for the Cowley County HorticulturalSociety, shipped his collection of fruit for the World's Exposition at NewOrleans. The collection was made under his supervision and is very fine,embracing specimens of every variety of our fruit. They will be exhibitedas the Cowley County, Kansas, collection." Cowley is always in thelead.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

All Should Go.

All parents having little children in the Cantata 17th and 18th, shouldgo and take their neighbor along in order to see their little ones takean active part in the most beautiful performance ever presented in our "QueenCity."

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Heywood's New York Mastodons.

This great troupe of 30 performers will appear Monday, Sept. 15. Theytravel in a special car of their own. Our exchanges speak of them in themost flattering terms, and pronounce their entertainment first-class inits line. There are no long interludes, but a constant chain of interesting,delightful, and side-splitting performances. Let all attend.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Miss Campbell, the manager of the Cantata, to be presented Sept. 17thand 18th, comes highly recommended, and will undoubtedly present an interestingperformance.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Concert. A "Bran" new orchestra, composed of "WinfieldMusicians," will furnish some splendid music at the Cantata Sept. 17and 18.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

The COURIER acknowledges the receipt of tickets to the Caldwell Fair,which comes off on the 6th, 7th, and 8th of October. Tell Walton is Secretary.One of the features is a regular Mexican blood curdling bull fight. We thinkwe will go over and see how Tell demeans himself as king of the arena.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

J. P. Baden has been receiving an immense amount of new goods duringthe week and the shelves of his mammoth double store are being fairly loadeddown with new and elegant designs in ladies goods and everything that humanitywants to wear or eat.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Jim McLain was the recipient Monday of a handsome solid silver star andbadge of tasty design and neatly executed. It was made and presented tohim by Messrs. Fred Greenlee and John Hudson. It is needless to say thatthe gift is highly appreciated.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Mr. Wm. Hayden received news Wednesday of the death of both his fatherand mother, which occurred some weeks ago at their home in Virginia. Thefather was seventy-eight years old and the mother seventy-two.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

The Directors of the Building and Loan Association met Monday eveningand loaned over sixteen hundred dollars to persons who will build homeswith it. The association is doing a great deal of good in the community.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

We received a pleasant call from Mr. Samuel Roseberry, of Indiana, anda brother of M. S. Roseberry, last Monday. He has been taking in the beautiesof Cowley for some weeks.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Clerk Hunt was engaged Wednesday in making out tax deeds on sixty ArkansasCity lots to Frank Hess. Frank bought these in 1881 and seems to have strucka bonanza.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

A man by the name of Algeo was shot in Silverdale Township last Mondayby a Mr. Prindle. A woman was at the bottom of it. Algeo will probably recover.No arrests.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Miss Anna Maher, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. T. Madden,of this city, since last November, returned to her home in Washington, Indiana,last Thursday.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

The passenger train going east Tuesday evening on the Southern Kansaswas delayed by a stone car breaking down on the main track near CharleySchmidt's quarry.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Mr. F. M. Friend returned from the east last week. He purchased a heavyline of fine millinery goods, besides taking in the sights and visitinghis old home.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride's parents, Sept. 3rd,1884, by Rev. B. Kelly, Mr. William E. Gilbert, and Miss Lydia L. Horner,all of Cowley County, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

DIED. Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Rowland's little baby boy died Tuesday and wasburied Wednesday afternoon from the residence of G. B. Rowland.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Charlie Schmidt, Jr., went up to Topeka Monday to take in the State fair,and will remain during the week.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Mrs. W. W. Andrews and daughter returned last week from an extended visitto friends in New York.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Messrs. Finkleburg and Perry came up from the City Sunday and passedmost of the day here.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

August Gogoll went to Topeka Tuesday to take in the State fair and visita week with his family.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Profs. Beaty and Vaughn have organized a writing school and began worklast week.

[Not sure of the word Vaughn...paper had Vaugh???]

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Our County Fair.

But two weeks will elapse and then comes the week of the Fair. From everyindication we expect a very large exhibit in every department. The utmostefforts are being put forth by the Board in preparing to accommodate exhibitorsin such a manner as not only to please them but also the thousands of visitors.There are now 140 stalls for horses and cattle, built in the most approvedmanner; also sufficient and convenient pens for hogs and sheep. Sufficientenclosures for herds are going up, and Additional room for agriculturaland fine art exhibits are being provided. The amphitheatre is doubled inseating capacity and it, with the quarter stretch, will up to twelve o'clockof each day be free to all visitors. The exhibition of stock and the awardof premiums will be given during the forenoon of each day in the grand ringin front of the Amphitheatre. The Grove of seventeen acres is in splendidcondition and with the abundance of good water will make it pleasant tovisitors and their teams. The grounds will be properly policed by men bothcompetent and gentlemanly, who together with the officers, members of theBoard and stockholders; all of whom will wear badges suited to their position,will be pleased to answer questions and in any other way add to the pleasureof visitors.

They expect, under the rules of the Board and from the exemplary characterof citizens, the same good conduct that was so noticeable last year.

Stockholders, on applying to Ed. P. Greer, Sec., will be supplied witha badge to be worn during the attendance at the fair; also a stockholderticket. This arrangement is made for the convenience of the stockholderand his family. The member can wear the badge and his wife and minor membersof his family retain the ticket and though they may be separated, the holderswill be permitted to enter and leave the grounds at all times and also freeadmission to the quarter stretch.


It is with pleasure I speak of this subject. Gambling and gambling devicesand games of chance; also the sale and use of intoxicating drinks are, byan unanimous vote of the Board, positively prohibited. The Dancing Floor,however enjoyable it may be to some persons, has frequently from well knowncauses been rendered disreputable and a source of annoyance, consequently,it will not be on the ground.

In all of its management the Board has acted with commendable wisdomand moral dignity, to have the fair not only a place of pleasure and profit,but also a place where parents may come with their children and realizethat all may be free from evil temptations.

Friday, Sept. 26, will be children's day. On that day all children underfifteen will be admitted free, when accompanied by parents or guardian.Boys and girls riding, also Bicycle riding, and other performances willtake place for their special benefit.

All persons designing to compete for premiums either regular orspecial, on Butter, Bread, Cake, or Pie, are specially requestedto bring such on Wednesday morning, Sept. 24. They will be adjudged on thatday. The entries on the same may be made up to 9 o'clock on Wednesday morning.The request is made that these articles especially may be examined whilethey are alike in a fresh condition. By referring to the premium list, youwill find that all entries must be made by Tuesday evening, Sept. 23, exceptionsin the above cases are made for the reasons above given. Any dissatisfactionin regard to the word of awarding committee or other reasonable complaintsshould be promptly reported to any member of the Board, the Secretary orto the undersigned. JAS. F. MARTIN, President.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

DIED. Little Ida May Harvey was born February 29th, 1883; died Sept.5th, 1884, aged 18 months, 8 days.

Go to thy rest, fair child,

Go to thy dreamless bed,

While yet so gentle, undefiled,

With blessings on thy head.

Fresh roses in thy hand,

Buds on thy pillow laid.

Haste from this dark and fearful land,

Where flowers so quickly fade.

Because thy smile was fair,

Thy lips and eyes so bright,

Because thy cradle care

Was such a dear delight.

Shall love, with weak embrace,

Thy upward wing detain?

No! Gentle angel, seek thy place,

Amid the cherub train.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

To the Public. I have recently associated with me my sister, Miss AnnaMcCoy, who has received preparation from the best musical instructors inNew York City, and who will be prepared to give thorough instruction inboth vocal and instrumental music. She shall be able to furnish every recommendationto pupils, and respectfully solicit the patronage of parents who are desirousof supplying their children with either vocal or instrumental instruction.Terms will be furnished upon application.

Respectfully, Nettie R. McCoy. Residence of J. S. Mann.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.


September 3rd. At his home seven miles South of Dexter, P. M. Spurgar,aged 53 years.

September 4th, at her home near Dexter, Mrs. Bullington, aged 76 years.

September 5th, Harry, son of J. P. and Nancy Stewart, aged two years.

September 5th. At the parent's home, near Burden, Edith, daughter ofCharles and Susan Wirt, age 3 years.

September 5th. At her home near Floral, Mrs. Minnous, aged 56 years.

September 5th. At his home in Winfield, Derby Jackson, colored. Aged22 years. He was buried by the Colored Odd Fellows, of which order he wasa worthy member.

September 6th, at the parent's residence in Winfield, Millie, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, aged 2 years.

September 7th. At the parent's home on Grouse, Ida, infant daughter ofT. M. and Jane


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Five Great Shows.

The St. Louis, New Orleans, Louisville, Chicago, and Milwaukee Expositionare five great shows. They are of estimable value to this country. Visitas many as you possibly can. At each there will be a fine display of carriagesand harness made by the Elkhart Carriage and Harness Manufacturing Co.,of Elkhart, Indiana. This firm ship anywhere with privilege to examine beforepaying one cent, and sell at retail or wholesale prices. Eighty page cataloguesent free. Address W. B. Pratt, Secretary, Elkhart, Indiana.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Must and Will be Sold. Now is a good opportunity to obtain a first-classinstrument at your own price. Two elegant organs and an upright EmersonGrand Concert piano. Call on Dr. T. B. Taylor.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.


Geo. T. Frazier was thirty-six last week Friday, and received from hiswife, as a birthday present, a handsome gold watch charm, with a cross andcompass on one side, and the characters A. O. U. W., on the other.

The most of the wheat shipped from here goes to the mill at Winfield.This is a good thing all around as it keeps that much more capital in thecounty, and the farmers get from two to three cents more per bushel thanKansas City prices.

At Mulvane Wednesday, a man supposed to be named Chas. Williams, whileendeavoring to board a freight train while in motion, fell under the wheels.One of his legs was cut off, the other one was badly hurt, his head wascrushed, and a hole knocked in his back. His injuries are such that he canhardly live.

Sheriff McIntire passed through town on the evening train Monday, havingin charge a number of Osage and Big Hill Indians, whom he was escortingto Wichita. They will attend court there as witness in a pony stealing casein which they are also plaintiffs. The Indians were burly, hideous lookingfellows, well smeared up with grease and paint, and decorated with feathersand beads. They would be a bad, cruel lot if at large with hatchet, bow,and arrow and scalping knife.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.


Mrs. F. C. Gross has been in Winfield several days visiting her parents.

Uncle Johnny Wilson visited Winfield last Saturday. He was surprisedto find Winfield improving so rapidly, it being so far removed from Burden.

Ed. Campbell of Winfield came over Sunday, got his foot hacked by a cornknife, and went home Monday. He will probably keep out of the rural districtsfor a week or two.

The Cowley County fair this year will be simply immense. Cowley Countycan furnish exhibits that would astonish the world, and our people are makingpreparations for a grand display.

MARRIED??? W. P. Strother took a claim in Omnia Township last spring.It seems, however, that he had filed on a claim previous to his coming here.At least, he came home last week after a visit of several weeks to Kentucky,having "proved up." He brought his claim with him. She is a goodclaim, and we claim the right to wish them happiness through life.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

MARRIED. Married at the M. E. Parsonage, Winfield, Kansas, by Rev. B.Kelly, Mr. Henry Hendon and Miss Isabell Harbour. All of Cowley County,Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

NEWS FROM UDALL. [From Correspondent.]

Public school opened here on the 1st; Prof. J. W. Campy as principaland Miss Strong as assistant.

Mrs. D. C. Green has been suffering from a severe attack of malarialfever, but is now convalescing.

The musical concert of Prof. Jones on the 4th was a grand success, especiallythe winging of Miss McKinley and Miss Martin.

Mrs. Hallie White returned from Illinois a few days ago. Her "worser"half will be here the 13th with a car load of choice horses.

During the last month Udall has shipped one hundred and forty-eight carsof corn and twenty-eight cars of wheat, and yet the good work goes on.

"Metropolitan," that's the word, cause we done had a circusin our town. Tony Agler's "grand combination of curiosities" visitedus on the 6th.

This week Squire Norman will present to Judge Torrance the complimentsof our citizens and request him to grant an order for our incorporationas a city of the 3rd class.

We would suggest to the caricaturist of the Sentinel a subjectentitled "Will Higgins at the town meeting with Dale and Martin partakingof the feast while he stands or rather sits in the background a pictureof sad despair."

And now comes Squire Wm. B. Norman who saith to the boys, "You mustnot `crack loo' anymore for pennies or else the weighty hand of the lawwill be laid heavily upon your shoulders," and the boys went sorrowfulfrom his presence.

Messrs. Steele & Co., have erected a large and commodious warehousefor grain, which will be changed into an elevator at an early day. The capacityof the storing rooms is about 10,000 bushels. Messrs. Dale & Werdenhave also built one of the same capacity.

John W. Boyle and his estimable lady started for their native hills ofOhio on the 8th. Father Boyle will see many changes that have taken placesince he left there over 40 years ago, more than tongue can tell or pendescribe. We wish them a safe and happy visit.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.


Mr. W. C. Douglass is out west with friends.

Putting up hay and millet is the order of the day.

Mrs. Gilmore has also returned to her Salem home.

Mr. Edgar and family are off to their claim in Harper.

Mr. J. D. Dalgarn has returned from his trip out west.

Mrs. Mollie Fitzgerald visited the dear ones at home last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Everett, of Topeka, are guests in the Johnson manor.

Doctor Downs and wife have returned from their visit in Hutchinson.

Mr. and Mrs. Pennington, of Oxford, are the guests of the Misses Dalgarns.

Miss Mary Dalgarn has been having a fine time down at Oxford with friendsin that vicinity.

Mr. Mack Hutchison has returned to Salem and has been well shaken byhis many friends.

Mr. J. A. Hoyland has returned to his home in Wisconsin as the friendshere were better, but far from well.

Mr. Correll will teach the old Salem school this winter. Mr. Lucas willagain be principal at New Salem.

Mr. Rufus Hoyland, nephew of J. W., arrived from Pennsylvania on the6th. He is pleased with breezy Kansas.

Some of the young people surprised Miss Frankie Miller on the eveningof the 23rd and let her know it was her birthday.

Miss Ettie Johnson will spend several weeks in Topeka, the guest of Mrs.Everett, and will also attend the State Fair while there.

Salemites received a treat in the form of temperance speeches from Messrs.Judge Gans and Henry E. Asp on Thursday evening last.

Mr. McMillen's cousin, from Olathe, on his way to see the western partof Kansas, stopped off long enough to make them a little visit.

Mrs. Mansfield, of Old Salem, has been very sick with the measles, butis convalescent. Her brother, Alonzo Crane, also had them but is all rightnow.

DIED. Mrs. Mansfield's mother is consigned to the silent tomb today,a victim to the fell destroyer, consumption. Our sympathy is extended tothe bereaved ones.

Mr. Chapell, Sr., has a nice new buggy, and Mrs. Bovee and Isaac Craneare not behind in that line. Salemites can sing "Jump into the buggyand all take a ride," or, "wait for it."

Had a fine time at the picnic. Plenty of goodies to take home. Prof.Limerick favored us with an excellent speech. Rev. Graham and Rev. Irwinalso made short speeches both full of good things.

Mr. John Irwin has again gone off to college, and his nice S. S. classof bright young ladies miss him in the Sunday school, as he is an excellentteacher and can point and lead them through the narrow path of Christianlove and duty. May he return ere long with his wealth of laurel.

Doctor Downs and his good wife will be missed in Salem S. S., and elsewhere.He has gone to Ohio to attend medical college, and Mrs. Downs accompaniedhim. In their search for happiness and fortune may they always think theycan be found in all purity, grandeur, etc., only in heaven, but may thefind a goodly share of the good things of this life allowed to them here,and in the end find perfect joy.

Mr. Fitzgerald was very sick at the Indian Government school in the Nationand sent for Mr. Joe Hoyland. He immediately hastened to him and insistedon him returning with him to his home in New Salem. But he did not feelable that day to endure the journey, but when his physician was consulted,he said it was the best thing he could do, so the next evening found himthe invalid guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hoyland, and he is now convalescent.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Prof. A. H. Bach, formerly professor of music in the Bowling Green, Kentucky,female college, will be at Friend's Temple of Music and Fashion on Monday,the 15th, inst., between the hours of two and five p.m., and would be pleasedto meet the music loving public, or anyone interested in procuring the servicesof a first class professor of music. The Prof. comes to us highly recommended,and has had fourteen years successful experience as a teacher of piano,organ, vocal culture and theory, and will doubtless permanently locate withhis family at Winfield, provided he receives the encouragement he deserves.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

For Sale. Some high grade short horn 2 and 3 year old steers. W. O. WRIGHT.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Hogs for Sale. Six piggy sows and fifteen shoats for sale. Inquire ofJoe Miller.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Stone fence builders: Wanted, estimates for erection of stone wall aboutone half mile, stone quarrying included. For particulars apply to I. Freedie,Mount Lothian, on Muddy Creek, Douglass.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Lost or Stolen. 1 brown horse, a natural pacer, saddle and collar marks,splint on inside of right fore leg, 15 hands high, weight 1,000 pounds.A liberal reward will be paid for the return of the horse or informationthat will lead to his recovery.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Stock Farm for Rent. A splendid stock farm containing over four hundredacres, eighty in cultivation, forty in timber, balance hay and grazing land.Walnut River runs through place, also fine spring branch. Will lease tothe right party for a number of years; possession given March 1st, next.Address or apply to J. P. SHORT, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

RECAP. District Court. Divorce Petition: William Bridwell, Plaintiff,against Louella B. Bridwell, Defendant. To be heard October 15, 1884. W.P. HACKNEY, Attorney for Plaintiff.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

RECAP. Final Settlement, Probate Court, Estate of Alfred E. Johnson,William H. Johnson, Administrator, to be held first Monday in October, 1884.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

Hunters Take Notice.

We, the undersigned, hereby give notice to all persons that we will prosecuteto the full extent of the law all persons who may be found hunting uponour premises.

E. Rogers, Wm. White, H. N. Rogers, R.V. Case, C. C. Anderson, W. H.Butler, J. O. Hawley, Elijah Cubbison, John Martin, C. [?O.?] F. Huston,J. O. Vanorsdal, J. W. Douglass, W. Darling, Wm. Sapp, J. G. Anderson, SamAndre, Jess Triby, S. R. Sapp, R. B. Carson, William Johnson, J. S. Savage,H. T. Hittle, F. J. Moore, F. Swan, W. K. Taylor, F. Gretzinger, J. M. Wolf,J. M. Guches.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

RECAP. Final settlement Estate of William H. Smith, deceased, Administratrix,Edna I. Smyth, October 6, 1884.

Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.

T. B. TANDY. Physician and Surgeon, Office in McDougal Block.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Notice to Hunters.

Hunters are hereby notified not to hunt on our premises, Those who dowill be promptly arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Robert Weakly, Frank Weakly, A. Weakly, Wm. Schwantes, J. A. Rucker,B. D. Hanna, N. R. Wilson.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

DR'S. VAN DOREN & BAILY. SURGEON DENTISTS. Office two doors westof Post Office on 9th Avenue.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

AD. TO THE PUBLIC. I will open in a few days in the new Jennings-Crippenbuilding, front rooms upstairs, a Merchant Tailoring Establishment. My stockof Cloths will be first- class in quality and finish, and will be made upcomplete to order. I have had over twenty years' experience as a Tailorboth in Europe and America, and have worked in all the large cities of thecountry. This experience enables me to assure the public that work entrustedto my hands will be perfect in every way. No work will be allowed to leavemy establishment until satisfactory.

I have the honor to refer by permission to Bullene, Moores & Emery,Kansas City, with whom I have been for several years, also to any merchantof standing in that city.

Hoping that the citizens of Winfield and vicinity will oblige me withtheir orders, I am

Respectfully, JULIUS GOCZLIWSKI (Late of Kansas City.)

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.



CAPITAL: $50,000.00

SURPLUS: $18,000.00.

Oldest Bank in the County. Established 1871. [Skipped Correspondents.]

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

The Winfield Markets.

The markets are steady and about the same as last week, with wheat 50cents, corn 32 cents to 33 cents, oats 20 to 22 cents, and hogs $4.50 to$4.75 per cwt. Smaller produce is abundant with butter 20 cents, eggs 121/4 cents, potatoes 60 cents to 75 cents. Peaches are in demand at from50 cents to $1.50 per bushel.


Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

"The Fairies Mission" at the Opera House tonight.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

All text books used in Cowley County for sale at Goldsmiths.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

S. S. Stivers has sold his Ninth Avenue restaurant to Wm. Saunders.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Only first class work done and warranted at M. A. Boyer, the Jeweler.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

"Who have ears to hear, let them hear." Mrs. Perkins Sundayat 4 p.m. Positively no failure this time.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Welch & Bourdette have moved their lunch counter to the Mendenhallbuilding, several doors east of their former stand.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Miss Mattie Marshall, niece of Judge T. H. Soward, returned last weekfrom a lengthy visit with a sister in Quartz, Colorado.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Hickory Township, Butler County, voted Monday on the bond propositionof the Kansas City and Southwestern railroad. It was carried by a largemajority.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

You will find at M. A. Boyer's, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware,etc., twenty-five percent cheaper than ever sold in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Some burglars broke into Eli Read's store at New Salem, Saturday night,and took about a hundred and fifty dollars in merchandise. They pried opena back window.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

The finest lot of peaches ever laid on the COURIER tables was broughtin last Saturday by Mr. A. Bookwalter, of Pleasant Valley. They were theIndian Red and anyone of them as large as your double fists.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

New Salem organized a Blaine and Logan club of thirty members last Fridayevening. Henry E. Asp addressed the meeting. Long ears here and there inthe assembly indicated a slight sprinkling of Democracy, but not enoughto cool in the least the Republican ardor.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Still the Mammoth productions roll in! The latest addition to our agriculturaldisplay was made by Mr. James Hubbard, of Ninnescah Township, in twelvehuge ears of mixed corn, anyone of which is fourteen inches long and appearsto contain grains enough for a good "feed." A half bushel wouldhardly contain the twelve ears.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

BIRTH. Owing to its oddness and the fact that no cigars made their appearance,we neglected to mention the blessing which came to Cap. Whiting a week ago,in a bouncing boy. Cap. has become pretty well acquainted with the prattlerby this time and "knows how it is himself." If that boy isn'tas pretty as a peach, it isn't the fault of his papa and mamma.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

They Visit Cowley Two Hundred and Seventy-Five Strong with aView to Location.

That Cowley's fame is abroad in the East was confirmed last Thursdaywhen the Santa Fe train came rolling in with two hundred and seventy-fiveexcursionists from "Old Kaintuck." The excursion was inauguratedat Hustonville, Kentucky, and was brought about through a railway war, bringingthe round trip fair down to nine dollars. Over four hundred started forKansas, the number given above headed straight for Cowley. Winfield wasflooded with excursionists Thursday, and our real estate men were kept busyshowing up our attractions. The visitors "took in" different partsof the county, all "rounding up" on Friday at Arkansas City fora visit into the famed Indian Territory. Hotels everywhere were chuck full.After a few days in Cowley, the excursionists moved on to Harper and othercounties, but not without having made a number of investments here. Theywee all charmed with our county, and the number of Kentucky farms whichwill be disposed of for a removal into the Banner County, and differentparts of the west, will be almost equal to the number of excursionists.They were mostly men of familieswell-to-do enterprising men, who could appreciatethe sterling worth and substantial condition of our county, and whom weare always glad to welcome.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

The Prohibition Mill.

Justice Buckman has had his hands full during the past few weeks in entertainingArkansas City unlawful dealers in the ardent, introduced by Sheriff McIntireand his assistants. So warm has the atmosphere of the Terminus become forwhiskey vendors that few of them have had time to look back as they madea hasty exit into the Territorywhat few escaped much costlier justice. E.C. Mason, who appealed a case to the district court two weeks ago, was re-arrestedagain Monday. He deposited seventy-five dollars and the case was continuedto give him a chance to raise the remaining fines and costs. W. N. Lewislies in the county jail awaiting a trial next Friday, aside from a fiftydollar fine in Judge Kreamer's court at Arkansas City. One Bluebaugh isalso in the toils. This onslaught of justice cast consternation among theother violators and Bercaw, Griffith, and others of the Terminus skippedfor the dark recesses of the Territory.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

RECAP. Jas. R. Waite's Union Square Theatre Company to appear at OperaHouse, Winfield, five nights during next week, commencing Tuesday, Sept.23rd, with "Uncle Reuben Lowder."

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

The State Superintendent of Public Instruction has notified SuperintendentHammond that the State cannot buy any more school bonds before the firstof next January. This is likely to check the building in several districtsin this county, which have voted bonds for the building of new schoolhouses,principally those at Cheney, Goddard, Greenwich, Clearwater, and severalother districts. The bonds, however, may be negotiated with other parties.Wichita Eagle.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

The contracts for the new third ward school building have been let. WarnerBros. from Indiana, gentlemen of experience and reputation who have recentlylocated with us, were given the contract for carpenter work and the everreliable Jim Conner the contract for stone work. Its location is in thesouth part of the Courier Place, and work will be commenced at once. Theplans indicate a substantial, roomy, and convenient building.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

DIED. Jack Tully, aged 20 years, a brother of Mrs. C. Cohen, died Tuesdayafter an illness with typho-malarial fever of twenty-eight days. He recentlycame here with his parents from Independence, and was a bright, industriousyoung man. The funeral took place from the family residence, corner 6thAvenue and Loomis Street, yesterday morning, Dr. W. R. Kirkwood officiating,and the Episcopal choir furnishing the music.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

The Republican County Committee are busy with making campaign arrangements.They have completed arrangements for a grand rally at Winfield Oct. 13thand are at work for similar meetings at Dexter, Burden, Arkansas City, andother places in the county. Every famous Republican speaker that can beobtained will be heard somewhere in the county during the canvass.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Dr. C. S. Van Doren has associated with himself in dentistry H. C. Bailey,of Knoxville, Indiana. Dr. Bailey appears to be a man of experience andbusiness ability and the firm of Van Doren & Bailey will no doubt soonwin public favor and continue the excellent patronage Dr. Van Doren hasso well established.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

It is desired that all the children of the City meet at the PresbyterianChurch Friday afternoon to form a Juvenile Temperance Club. The club willbe organized under supervision of Mrs. E. D. Garlick and others. This isa move which will undoubtedly result in much good and should receive theheartiest encouragement.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Agent Branham, of the Southern Kansas, is selling round trip tickets,good for fifteen days, to the Louisville Exposition, for thirty one dollars;also round trip tickets to Indianapolis for twenty one dollars and ten cents.Rates of travel are coming right down and many of our people are on thewing.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

"The Fairies Mission," a charming cantata, will be presentedat the Opera House this (Thursday) evening. Seventy-five of the city's prettymisses take part and a splendid display of Winfield's superior musical talentwill be given. It was presented last night also, with good effect.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Curns & Manser have moved into rooms over the post office until theirnew building is completed and Gen. A. H. Green is again holding forth athis old stand. The new office of Curns & Manser will be one of the mostcomplete in the city when finished.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

A bridge meeting will be held at the Courthouse in Winfield, at two o'clocknext Saturday, for the purpose of considering the public bridge questionas relating to the people of the county. Let all turn out. Order of Com.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Frank L. Crampton, proprietor of the Winfield Bakery, has put on a deliverywagon for the convenience of his customers. Leave your orders at the Bakeryand the freshest, purest bread will be promptly delivered.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

The Cowley County Teachers Association meets next Friday evening andSaturday morning in the High School building in Winfield. A full attendanceis desired.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

For sale on Monthly payments, twenty-five lots in, or near Courier place.Also a new dwelling house.

For Sale. 100 acre stock ranch, $7 per acre. Also 1700 acres under goodimprovements, $10 per acre.

W. L. MULLIN, with H. G. Fuller & Co.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Forest Rowland was over from Cherryvale Monday.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Col. J. C. McMullen came in Sunday from a two weeks absence in Chicago.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Mrs. Wm. Ingersoll, of Pueblo, Colorado, is visiting in the city withMrs. H. Brown.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Sam. Gilbert is absent most of the time nowadays attending to his dutieson the State Board of charities.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

J. M. Sibbitt and family are visiting the family of J. Stretch and seekinga location in "Sunny Kansas."

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

J. W. Henthorn, the bristling editor of the Burden Enterprise, wasperambulating over the "hub" Saturday.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Mr. Scott, of Clay Centre, brother of Winfield Scott, after whom ourcity was named, was in Winfield Monday.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Mr. John Andrews returned, from his sojourn in New York, last week, andis once more "at home" on his ranch near Maple City.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

DIED. Mr. Wm. Badley, of Silverdale Township, died very suddenly on the13th inst. He was an old and respected resident of the county.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. C. VanDerbolgen, of Delphia, Indiana, have been for thelast week the guests of the family of J. Stretch, of whom they are intimatefriends.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Dr. and Mrs. Taylor returned to the city on Sunday last. The Doctor'shealth is considerably improved and he intends to be ready for active workagain soon.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Mr. David Wilson and family have recently returned from a three monthsvisit in Scotland. He says overcoats were often acceptable in that climeduring the Summer.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Mr. Ezra Meech came in from a two weeks visit in Norwood, Michigan, Sunday.Mrs. Meech and daughters are still in the east and Mr. Meech, with Ezra,Jr., will "batchit" for some time yet.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Miss Hattie Fisher has resigned her position in J. P. Baden's store andaccepted one with A. E. Baird at the New York Store, where she will be pleasedto meet her friends and customers.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Frank Manny and family returned last week from their visit in Germany.Frank looks as sleek, happy, and illustrious as ever. His laugh is especiallyvigorous and now resembles a mighty earthquake.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

James Dorsey, not the notorious Jim of Star route fame, but our own gentleJim, got in Monday from a seven weeks' visit in Edinburg, Indiana, his oldhome, being mustacheless, rejuvenated, and ready for business.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Mr. Lewis Grimes of Tisdale, was in town Monday. He will bring his cowwith her three calves, triplets, born in February last, to the Fair. Theyare all fine large, well developed heifer calves, and are perfect beauties.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Mr. M. A. Boyer, our new Jeweler, has at his store one of the famousfour hundred day clocks. When once wound it runs four hundred days. We noticean article in the Mechanical News, of New York, referring to it.It is an European invention.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Mr. Geo. Crippen has supplied himself with a "C flat" cornetespecially for church choir purposes. It is silver-plated and the tune issuperb. Such an instrument in the hands of a finished musician like Mr.Crippen, charms the ear, and its presence was plainly noted in the Methodistchoir Sunday.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Messrs. Young and Latham of the Kansas City & Southwestern RailroadCompany, were in the city Saturday. They went from here to Hickory Townshipin Butler County, where a proposition was voted on this week. They reportedeverything going along smoothly and that the road will surely be built.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Mr. Wm. Bailey, of Rock Township, left the COURIER Saturday stalks ofcorn which would make the eyes of an incredulous Easterner bug out. Theshortest was over twelve feet in length and the largest fifteen feet andthree inches, all bearing flinty white ears of enormous size.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Miss Cora E. Reynolds, of Dundee, Michigan, a classical graduate of HillsdaleCollege and a teacher of several years experience, has been engaged as teacherin our High School. Miss Reynolds comes among us highly recommended as alady of refinement and scholarly attainments.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Rev. and Mrs. N. L. Rigby came down from Topeka last week and have beenspending several days previous to a removal to Los Angeles, California,where they will reside hereafter. Mr. Rigby filled our Baptist pulpit Sundayevening. He has resigned his Topeka charge and will seek renewed healthin other vocations on the Pacific slope.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

The following parties have been authorized to commit MATRIMONY by theProbate Judge, during the past week.

Robt F. Lee and Sarah Miller.

John W. Miller and Mary Provines.

Henry Ruzee and Josephine Howe.

Joseph Saltmarsh and Anna Miller.

The whole Miller family seem to have gone off at once.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

We received a pleasant call last week from Mr. Wm. Cayton, of Tisdale.After an absence of two years, he once more joins the COURIER's circle ofreaders. He says truly that he has seen too much of Andersonville to giveeven half a vote to Democracy by staying with greenbackism. The only issuesthat party ever had have been accomplished through the Republican party.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Judge J. Wade McDonald has been retained by the Oklahoma Boomers to presenttheir case to the United States Court. The Judge made a ringing speech onthe subject before a very large audience in Wichita Friday. It was copiedin full in the Wichita Beacon of Saturday, and is not only eloquent,but a very clear exposition of the merits of the case.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Mr. A. E. Baird returned last Friday from America's great mart, New York,where he struck the dry goods market at its lowest, and secured such bargainsas will soon make the New York store even more popular than heretofore.Mr. Baird buys all his goods direct from headquarters and gives his customersthe "middle man" benefit. His goods are rolling in and the storeis getting "fuller'n a goat."

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Fair Notes.

There were two hundred entries made on Tuesday.

Capt. Siverd as manager of the police force will keep everything runningright.

The new addition to the amphitheatre raises its seating capacity to ninehundred.

Thursday will be "Winfield Day." On that day Winfield willturn out enmasse.

General Superintendent Kretsinger has everything about the grounds infirst-class shape.

The famous trotters "Joe Young" and "Fred Douglas"will take part in this free for all on Friday.

The race horses with their grooms have begun to come in and the speedstables are filling up rapidly.

The space between the two wings of the amphitheatre has been enclosedand gives lots of additional room.

Mr. Wesley Paris has taken the contract to keep the grounds sprinkledand the dust down and has fitted up all his wagons and teams with whichto do this work.

The two-cent per mile ticket will be put on sale at all the offices onthe Southern Kansas from Cambridge to Harper Monday. An immense number ofpeople will take advantage of the low rates and attend Cowley's grand exhibition.

The gold badge for the champion bycicler at the fair is now on exhibitionat M. A. Boyer's jewelry store. It is a beauty and will be a most beautifultrophy. The race for it comes off on Thursday afternoon and will be contestedby ten uniformed riders. This race will be one of the most novel and interestingof the fair.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

A New Train.

Last Sunday the extra passenger train on the Southern Kansas, which hasbeen coming only as far west as Independence, was continued on through toHarper. This gives us four passenger trains daily on that road, which, withthe two on the Santa Fe, give us most excellent traveling facilities. [SkippedTime Table.]

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

NoticeTo Those Interested only. It has come to the notice of the WinfieldWater Company that consumers and patrons are abusing their privileges asper contract, and notice is hereby given that a continuance of such abusewill result in shutting off the water from said consumer. By order of theCompany. D. L. Kretsinger, Superintendent.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

[At Wellington: Frank Jones, Insane, Shoots Up Town; Later Lynched.]

Wellington was thrown into wild excitement early last Saturday morningby the sudden appearance on her streets of Frank Jones, firing with a Winchesterinto the houses of various citizens. His first charge was on the residenceof John I. Anderson, where he fired several shots into the house. He thenwent to the home of J. M. McKee, through which he fired about twelve shots,mashing windows and furniture and badly wounding a small child of Mr. McKee.The alarm spread like wild-fire and in a few minutes many citizens wereup in arms. Jones was mounted on a pony, and while galloping up WashingtonAvenue discovered Wm. Gaines, the street commissioner, on the sidewalk,and at once opened fire on him. One ball took effect in Gaine's shoulder,the ball ranging upward, coming out just above the collar bone, inflictinga very dangerous wound. Jones then rode rapidly to the house of his brother,Sylvester Jones, and discharged several shots into it. The former happenedto hear of his coming, and had escaped to a neighbor's. He then fled tothe country, but was pursued and captured about a mile from town. Abouta week ago Jones was brought before a jury to have his sanity passed upon.The trial elicited considerable interest, but the jury did not feel authorizedunder the testimony to adjudge him insane. Since then he has threatenedthe lives of all who testified against him in the case, and Saturday morninghe was endeavoring to carry the threat into execution. He seems to havebeen imbued with the same devilish spirit that characterized Guiteau throughoutthe different stages of the tragedy with which that murderer was connected.Public opinion seemed divided as to Jones' insanity, many attributing hisfreaks to incarnate fiendishness. The threats of lynching were partiallysubdued until Monday morning about two o'clock, when fifteen or twenty maskedmen quietly surrounded the jail, took him out, and hung him from a gangplank used by the workmen on the new Courthouse building. Jones exhibiteda braggadocia spirit all day Sunday, declaring that he would finish hiswork of killing all the men who had anything to do with his trial for insanity;but when taken out by the mob, he begged piteously. While the citizens ofWellington breathe much easier in the absence of so desperate a character,much indignation prevails that so terrible an act was committed as the lynchingof a man of uncertain mind. The insufficiency of the jail guard causes muchcensure from the people in general.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.


Owing to the absence of Councilmen McDonald and McGuire, the former inVirginia and the latter Chicago, the city government has been "allbroke up" since August 4th, as far as meeting was concerned, untilMonday evening last, when they ground out the pending grist.

An ordinance dividing the city into five wards, and regulating fire alarmswas passed.

The petition of H. H. Siverd et al, for a four foot sidewalk on the southside of blocks 171, 191, 2121, 231, and 251 and lots 7, 8, and 9, in block271, was granted and an ordinance ordered.

Petition of A. G. Wilson for appointment as city weighmaster for thesemi-annual term ending March 6th, 1885, was laid over, and Councilmen McGuireand Hodges were appointed to examine into the matter.

The following bills were ordered paid.

E. F. Sears, crossings, $55.08.

E. F. Sears, for fixing crossings, $1.50.

Cal. Ferguson, team and carriage, $2.00.

J. D. Lee, making water troughs, $14.61.

Frank W. Finch, boarding city prisoners, $34.50.

City officers salaries for August, $129.98.

J. C. McMullen, rent fire department building for August, $25.00.

A. H. Glanden, crossings, $62.90.

D. L. Kretsinger, services as chief fire marshall, $12.90.

Wm. Moore, stone for crossings, $25.63.

Hose Co. No. 1, fires at Whiting's, Mann's, Kirk's, and call of mayorto exhibit water- works in May last, $42.00.

Hose Co. No. 2, fires of Whiting, Mann, and Kirk, and call of mayor toexhibit water- works to Independence officials, $43.00.

A. W. Makle, city prisoner serving out fine in county jail for assaultand battery, was released.

Appointment of B. McFadden as a special police was confirmed by the council.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

A Mysterious Case.

Mr. T. C. Price and David Nicholson, of Vernon, were out on the ArkansasRiver Sunday grape-hunting; and in a secluded place, came across a boatsunk in the sand, and on the bank was a small show case with a number ofpipes, a cigar, and several plugs of tobacco inside. A little further onwas a wagon-sheet, a quilt, and a woolen blanket. In another place was founda lady's shawl with a name, "Amelia Barnard," on it. In otherplaces scattered about in the bushes and along the bank was found coffee,sugar, bacon, and cooking utensils. Everything indicated that the thingshad lain there some time. the oars belonging to the boat were found nearby.The case is a mysterious one and the many things scattered around indicatedgreat haste. The boys are making further search and will unravel it, ifpossible.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Excursion Rates to the Fair at Winfield Next Week.

The Secretary of the Fair has received word from General Passenger AgentHynes, of the Southern Kansas, that that road will sell excursion ticketsto the Cowley County Fair, at two cents per mile, from Cambridge on theEast, and Harper on the West. The tickets will be put on sale Monday, the22nd, and will be good to return on Sunday, the 27th. This will make theround trip fare as follows.

From Cambridge: 88 cents.

From Torrance: 80 cents.

From Burden: 68 cents.

From New Salem: 36 cents.

From Oxford: 36 cents.

From Wellington: 80 cents.

These rates will allow everyone to visit the grandest fair ever heldin Southern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Winfield Public Schools.

The city schools will open Sept. 29th, under the superintendency of A.Gridley, Jr., with the following corps of teachers.

Miss Cora E. Reynolds, High School.

Mr. W. C. Barnes, (A) Grammar room.

Miss Lois Williams (B) Grammar room.

Miss Allie Dickle, 2nd Intermediate (east ward).

Miss Sadie Davis, 1st Intermediate (east ward).

Miss Retta Gridley, 2nd Primary (east ward).

Mrs. Leavitt, 2nd Primary (east ward).

Miss Jessie Stretch, 1st Primary (east ward).

Miss Fannie Stretch, 2nd Intermediate (west ward).

Miss Mattie Gibson, 1st Intermediate (west ward).

Miss Mary Hamil, 2nd Primary (west ward).

Miss Mary Bryant, 1st Primary (west ward).

It is desired by the Superintendent that all pupils who intend to enterschool and do not know to which room they belong, should meet him in theHigh School building on Saturday, Sept. 27th, at one o'clock p.m., thatthey may be assigned to the proper grades.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

The State Fair.

The writer attended the State Fair at Topeka last week on "Ben ButlerDay," and is prepared to confess that the caricatures devoted to "OldBen" by Puck and Judge are absolutely flattering as tobeauty. Ben is not at home as a stump speaker, especially in stalwart RepublicanKansas, and his speeches elicited very little enthusiasm. The Fair was somethingto make blooming, happy Kansas prouder than ever, and an advertisem*nt ofincalculable benefit. Every department was complete. A look at the magnificentdisplays proved the feebleness of words to express the gigantic possibilitiesof the garden spot of the world, Sunny Kansas. We noticed on the groundsfrom Winfield: Misses Lizzie and Margie Wallis, and Messrs. R. E. Wallis,J. O. Taylor, W. H. Turner, A. H. Green, S. H. and A. H. Jennings, J. P.Short, Harry Bahntge, Chas. Schmidt, A. Gogoll, and Tom Matherson.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Impressions of Washington, Alexandria, Mount Vernon, and ArlingtonHeights.

The Mecca of the Winfieldite on visiting Washington City is the pleasanthome of Col. and Mrs. E. C. Manning, situated on East Capitol, one of theprettiest streets of the city. It is a roomy, tastefully furnished residence,with all the modern conveniences, and its doors are thrown open to all visitorsfrom Winfield with that hospitality characteristic of the Colonel and hisfamily. Being one of the founders of Winfield and having been prominentin her magic development, the Colonel takes an interest in her residentswhich insures them the greatest pleasure in a visit to Washington. MissMay, Ben, and Fred, under new influences and the various advantages affordedby a residence in that city, have developed the genuine qualities of ladyand gentlemen and are prominent lights of a happy home, mistress of whichin the gentlest and truest sense is Mrs. Manning. To Ben, especially, isthe writer indebted for many kind attentions during his stay in Washington.The Colonel is Inspector of Public Improvements for the District of Columbia.

Washington City, with its lovely parked streets and avenues, its magnificentpublic edifices, and elegant residences, is certainly the most beautifulcity in the Uniona true realization of which can only be had through actualsight, the imagination being too feeble. But the city is contemporaneouswith the Capitol. Previous to the establishment of the seat of governmentat this place, there was but a small trading post where now stretch thebeautiful city's broad avenues, and were it not for the guardian care ofUncle Sam, our own dear city of Winfield would, probably, today be morefamous than the village on the Potomac. Alexandria would now be a greatcity, instead of bearing the suggestive title of "ancient ruins."

The grandeur of the plan of Washington and the distances of the publicbuildings from each other make it the "city of magnificent distances,"but these distances have been long since filled with elegant parks, gardens,and residences. Washington is a complete system of parks and flower gardens.The different avenues running out from the Capital, named after differentStates, make numerous "cutoffs" in the rectangular blocks, whichare utilized for public parks, causing the pedestrian a continual feastof exquisite beauty, especially at this season. The streets are concretedand as hard and smooth as a floor. The officials, too, care for them asthe gentle housewife cares for her floor, by having them swept every evening.As it would take some time to get over them "by hand," immensetruck brooms, drawn by four horses, are expeditiously used.

The first thing to attract the Washington visitor is the beautiful whitedome of the Capitol as it springs so airily into the sky. At any time itis visible for miles around, but at night when lit up with electricity,it is especially resplendent. The Capitol has a noble and commanding appearanceand as you wander through its immense dimensions you realize that, likeRome, it was not built in a day. Its exterior and interior is elaborate,while the parks and vistas surrounding it are exquisite in the extreme.Nothing could be more charming than the view from the corridor door outover the large plaza and the east grounds. After you wander through thegrand corridor, statuary hall, the supreme courtroom, congressional library,the Senate Chamber, the House of Representatives, the President's Room,and the lobbies, and gaze in your round on the magnificent statuary, paintings,bronze, and the numerous works of art, you at once decide that when thepeople of your district rise up in their might and call you to Congress,you will accept; but when you view farther, see the palaces in which Congressmenmust live; how they are expected to entertain early and often and on a grandscale, and instead of having everything furnished them, as it is for thePresident, they must furnish it all themselves, you begin to see how feebleis the few thousand a year compared to the worry and responsibility, andsettle down to the fact that, while honor is acceptable, peace and quietin your two-dollar-a-day vocation at home is more acceptable than workingfor "the dear people." Though you might accept the Presidencyunder pressure, you would never fill a seat in the marble halls of Congress!Oh, no! And the people will please take notice! A look through the Capitolwould be incomplete without ascending the three hundred and fifty iron stepsto the top of the dome and viewing the surrounding landscape. The eye, fromthere, can follow the placid waters of the Potomac until they meet withthe ocean waves. From this elevation of three hundred and seventy-five feetis where the real beauty of Washington can be appreciated.

The relic hunter is continually abroad in the National Capitol and somequeer forages they make. In the plaza of the Capitol stands a colossal statueof Washington, by Greenough, which cost forty-four thousand dollars. Thepedestal is huge, and George is seated gracefully in a large arm chair.One foot is drawn back and the other rests just near enough to the pedestaledge to allow the big toe to extend over. And thereby hangs a tale. Alongcame the "blarsted" relic hunter and with his little hatchet severedthe great toe from the Father of His Country, in the darkness of night.George now has a plaster-paris toe and justice, on fiery wings, seeks theculprit. Should you see a man displaying a marble toe, report him to UncleSam that he may get the allotted twenty years.

The writer was fortunate in hearing the National Marine Band, of sixty-twopieces, as it gave its regular Saturday afternoon concert in the White Housegrounds. It is the largest, and said to be the best, band in the Union.It is a government luxury, and its music has indescribable charms. On Mondayafternoon of each week it gives an open air concert in the National Navyyards; on Wednesday afternoon from the Capitol portico, and on Saturdayafternoon at the White House. Its members are drawn from the regular MarineCorps. At these concerts you see the aristocracy of Washington in all itsglory. Thee seems to be a general vieing here to see who can put on themost agony. After these concerts the Executive Mansion is thrown open andan opportunity given the visitor to look through the public rooms, whosesplendor the eye can untiringly look upon. These rooms can also be seendaily from ten a.m. to three p.m. On viewing the many beauties in and aroundthe White House, you are almost tempted to become President yourselfbutluckily the impossibility conquers the temptation.

The Government Botanical Garden is a feature of never ending interest.From this garden, while Congress is in session, each member is furnishedevery morning with a lovely bouquet. Here can be seen plants, trees, andflowers from every climethe date, fan, oil, panama, hat, and sugar palms;the screw pine of Australia, with its funny corkscrew leaves, and rootsin the air; the cinnamon tree, the banana, and the dumb cane of South America,which possesses the power of taking away speech if the root is tasted; theIndian rubber plant, the passion flower, the bread tree, the coffee plant,the camphor and tallow tree, and many other famous and curious productions.

The Arsenal, Smithsonian Institution, and National Museum were next "takenin," the latter being of especial interest as containing, stuffed andin wax, a representation of every race of men and of every animal of theknown kingdom; also relics innumerable, among which, is the historic printingpress used by Franklin over a century ago. Its crudeness is in vast andstriking contrast to the presses of today.

In the Department of Agriculture the Kansan sees displays from his ownproud state, made by the Santa Fe railroad, which are creditable in thehighest degree. In a large glass case is the forelock and horns of a Texassteer. The horns are eight feet long and nestling in their center are twoshort horns two inches in length. Over them are the words, "Ten Years"

showing the wonderful improvement in stock in that time. All our differentsoils, fruits, and vegetables are represented, and Kansas has the best displayin the building; a splendid exhibition of the Santa Fe's great enterprise.In the Agricultural Conservatory you see "the President's grapes,"a large arbor bearing the choicest grapes of the world, especially for theuse of the President and his cabinet officers.

Near the Agricultural Department is the Bureau of engraving and printing,where Uncle Sam makes his greenbacks. The visitor is here required to registerhis name, residence, and occupation, when he is furnished with a pass anda pretty young lady guide, a number of whom are employed for this purpose,and conducted over the building. The process of engraving and printing U.S. Bonds, National Bank Notes, and Internal Revenue Stamps is very interesting.A greenback goes through fifty-seven different hands and is handled thirtytimes by women before it is legal tender. That honesty is our governmentalpolicy is plainly proven here. Every employee is required to balance hisor her account daily, and should a single blank or printed sheet be missedby the "counters," not an employee can leave the building untilit is found.

In the old Ford Theater, where Lincoln was shot, is found the NationalMedical Museum, where you see the skull with its gaping bullet hole, ofWilkes Booth, and the bones of Guiteau, together with the varied monstrositiesof nature. It is a strange coincidence that the skull of Booth hangs withina few feet of where he shot the fatal shot, and within ten feet of whereLincoln fell. Just across the street is seen the house and room in whichLincoln died. At the East Washington jail you are shown the scaffold onwhich Guiteau paid his penalty, and the relic hunter usually gets a pieceof the rope which is said to have suspended him. But it looked too new forme. That Guiteau rope has proven something less than a million feet long.The hemp doesn't seem to weather beat rapidly enough to supply an insatiablepublic.

The patent office, cash room in the Treasury Department, City Hall, andThe Museum in the War Department were next visited. In the Treasury departmentyou get to behold, nicely ensconced in vaults, the hundred and fifty milliondollars that the Democracy are making such ado over, and several good sizedpiles they makeenough to furnish the "Dems." a daisy "barl"could their clutches make the grasp. At the City Hall was seen the venerableFred Douglassin fact, our perambulations revealed several persons of Nationalreputation, among whom were Lynch, the Register of the Treasury and thefamous colored Senator; Bob Lincoln, Secretary Frelinghuysen, the President'sdaughter, as she leaned from the mansion window to hear the Marine Band,and others. The President was out of the city, but I got to sit in his Episcopalchurch pew, at least. The church is open to visitors, and, of course, Icouldn't resist the temptation to test the feeling prompted by a moment'ssitting in the President's pew; but it didn't take me to heavenin fact,the feeling was common in the extreme. In the War Museum are seen stuffedand in battle array, the bay charger rode by Grant at Vicksburg; Sheridan'sblack, and several other famous horses, together with numerous war relicsand all the different war paraphernalia of ancient and modern times.

The Great Washington Monument is nearing completion, but is only remarkablefor its extreme height. It is eighty feet square at the base and at itssummit of over five hundred feet, is fifteen feet in the clear. Nothingartistic is claimed for itmerely a gigantic structure to the memory of Washington.The interior walls are being ornamented with the numerous specimens fromall parts of the world. Kansas is represented by a huge block of her peculiargranite-like stone, from what section I failed to learn.

Congressional and Oak Hill Cemeteries took a share of my time. In theformer are erected a hundred and forty-seven cenotaphs in memory of thosemembers of Congress who died during the term for which they were elected.Among the distinguished dead buried in the latter are ex-Chief Justice Chase,ex-Secretary Stanton, Prof. Joseph Henry, Gen. Eaton, and others; also theremains of John Howard Payne, author of "Home Sweet Home."

Among the wonderful "print shops" of the world, that of theGovernment eclipses all. The building is three hundred feet long, fiftyfeet deep, and four stories high. All the printing and binding of the governmentis done here, and over three thousand persons are employed. To a discipleof the Art Preservative of all Arts nothing could be more interesting thana ramble through this wonderful institution, where can be seen, runningall at once, over a hundred "power" presses.

At the Washington wharf are always to be found excursion steamers whichgo down the Potomac River different distances, some of them out into theChesapeake Bay and the blue waters of the Atlantic. A visit to Washingtonwould lose half its interest without a trip down the Potomac.

Six miles down the river is Alexandria, which it was once thought wouldbe the greatest inland port in the world, but whose buildings, at leastmany of them, are like the haunted castles of olduninhabited and dilapidated.Weeds and grass are growing promiscuously among the cobble stones of thestreets and the whole place bears a deserted appearance. Here is seen Christ'sChurch, of which Washington was one of the vestry. His pew, a hook-nosed,upholstered one, still stands as he occupied it. Here also Robt. E. Leeattended church from Arlington.

Twelve miles further down the river, if you are aboard the "Corcoran,"the only steamer which stops, you are landed at Mount Vernon, the tomb andhome of the immortal Washington. In passing up the road to the mansion isseen the vault in which repose the remains of the Father of His Country.The vault door is of iron grating and only a few feet within are seen twomarble sarcophagi, one containing the remains of Washington and the otherthose of his wife. Mount Vernon is visited daily by over two hundred peopleand the sum of a dollar a head is used in beautifying and keeping up thepremises. The house and grounds are the property of the "Mount VernonLadies' Association of the Union," composed of two ladies from eachState. Under such government I did not wonder at the splendid appearanceof everything. The grounds are lovely and exhibit everywhere the superiortaste of woman. The Mansion is very quaint and interesting, and in George'sday, no doubt, considered elaborate; but it looks tame compared to the palacesof today. The house is of wood cut in imitation of stone, and very ancientindeed appear the servants' quarters. Furniture, rooms, and all surroundingsare preserved as near like they were when left by Washington as possible.Circling grates bar the doors, allowing visitors to wander through the hallsand gaze into the rooms. The furniture is ancient looking beyond description.You see the room in which Washington died, and the bed on which he lay.Just over it is the attic room in which Martha died, and across the hallis the room occupied by Lafayette. The situation of the house is superb,overlooking from the sloping summit the Potomac and the old summit; thePotomac and the old forest trees, shrubs, and flowers are charming. MountVernon is certainly replete with historic and scenic interest.

Next to Mount Vernon, I appreciated the half day spent at Arlington Heights.This is undoubtedly the prettiest place in the Uniona perfect heaven onearththough in point of relics it is inferior to Mount Vernon. Here is seen,on an elevation of two hundred feet above the Potomac, the former home ofGeo. Washington Park Curtis, adopted son of Gen. Washington, and later thehome of Gen. Robt. E. Lee. It resembles very much the Mount Vernon Mansionand, like it, is open for public inspection, much of the old furniture andmany relics being visible. This place contains two hundred acres and isa perfect Garden of Eden. Its winding drives, lovely representative flowerborders, trees, shrubs, and numerous artistic attractions almost entrancethe mind. In the south part of these grounds is the National Cemetery, whererepose the bodies of sixteen thousand soldiers, marked by as many marbleslabs. Could there be a more lovely home for the dead? It is exceeded onlyby the upper abode of the righteous. Not far from Arlington House is a granitesarcophagus, appropriately inscribed, placed over the bones of 2,111 unknownsoldiers, gathered from the fields of Bull Run and the route to the Rappahannock,after the war. The vault in which the remains are placed is 30 feet deepand 220 feet in diameter. What reflections come to the mind in viewing thiswonderful grave!

My diary is exhausted and I have only given a feeble description of themany attractions in and around our National Capital. Too many of the thingsbeggar description. I have given a gist of my impressions and notes of onlythose things which would most interest the casual reader. Other cities paledinto insignificance on being viewed after a look through Washington City.Even Philadelphia loses much of its historic interest when compared to ourNational Center. F. H. G.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

People's Convention.

A Mass Convention of the people of Cowley County without regard to pastpolitical affiliation who are opposed to monopoly rule in the government,and who favor a rule of the people and the election of Gen. Butler to thePresidency will be held at the Courthouse in Winfield on Saturday, September20, 1884, at 10 o'clock a.m., for the purpose of placing in nomination acounty ticket. By order of Committee. W. A. TIPTON, Chairman.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.



R. R. East daily at 4:45 and 9:00 p.m.

R. R. North daily at 2:30 except Sundays.

R. R. West daily at 9:20 a.m.

R. R. South daily at 10:25 a.m. except Sunday.

Douglass hack daily at 7:00 a.m. except Sunday.

Dexter hack daily at 2:00 p.m. except Sundays.

Salt City hack Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 8:00 a.m.

Polo hack, Tuesday and Saturday, 1:00 p.m.


By R. R. from East daily at 7:30 a.m. and 11:10 a.m.

By R. R. from North daily at 12 noon except Sundays.

By R. R. from West daily at 5:45 p.m. except Sunday.

By R. R. South daily at 3:30 p.m. except Sundays.

By Douglass hack daily at 6:15 p.m. except Sunday.

By Dexter hack daily at 12 noon except Sunday.

By Salt City hack, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 5:15 p.m.

By Polo hack, Tuesday and Saturday, 12 noon.

POST OFFICE OPEN, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. except Sundays 12 noon to 1:00p.m.

Closes week days from 10:15 a.m. to 12 noon for distribution of the largemails from the East and North.


The rents for post office boxes for the last quarter of 1884 are dueOctober 1st.

THOSE NOT PAID BY OCT. 10th WILL BE VACATED in strict compliance withSec. 301 of Postal Laws & Regulations. Key deposits will be forfeitedunless the rents are paid or the Keys returned by Oct. 10 for in such casesnew locks must then be put on for new renters and the old Keys will be valuelessto the postmaster and department.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

For sale at public auction on Saturday the 20th day of September, thecelebrated running horse, "Last Chance," formerly owned by TomWright, slightly crippled in last race, will now be sold as a work horse.A bargain for someone. Walter Denning, Auctioneer.


Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Come and see our library lamps, the like never was in the city before,at Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Something new. The Bent Wood churn is the best kind, call and see themat Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Take your peaches to Baden's Headquarters and get the highest price incash or merchandise.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

J. P. Baden wants twenty thousand choice peaches, for which he will payfrom fifty cents to a dollar and a half per bushel.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Wise Axle Grease made from the best and purest vegetable oils, takesless and wears longer than any other kind. Try it. Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

The best flour on the market is Webber's Queen Bee, May Flour, and Grip.We guarantee satisfaction in quality and prices at Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Cattle Sale. We will sell on Tuesday, September 23, at the residenceof C. E. Guernsey, six miles north of Cedarvale, to the highest bidder,211 head of native cattle consisting of 80 head of cows, balance yearlingand two year old steers. The steers are cash, cows on six months time withoutinterest. C. E. Guernsey; M. S. Ratliff.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Adm. Notice. Probate Court. Mary L. Page, named as Administratrix ofthe Estate of Wm. S. Page, Deceased. Dated August 8, 1884.

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.

Adm. Notice. Probate Court. T. S. Covert, named as Administrator of theestate of M. T. Covert, Deceased, September 11, 1884.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

SENATOR JOHN J. INGALLS, Hon. John A. Martin, and Congressman W. W. Perkinswill address the people at Winfield on Monday, October 13th.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

The water works of Newton have been accepted by the city council. Satisfactionwith the system is generalalmost everybody being pleased with it.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.


On or near the first of August the writer, accompanied by friends, boardedthe train at Winfield, via the K. C. L. & S. R. for place above mentioned,arriving at Chicago two days later. Was there met by friends, and a weekof pleasure and enjoyment ensued. I need not encroach upon your valuablespace by giving any description of Chicago, suffice to say it bids fairto be the metropolis of our grand old union. After delightful drives throughparks and boulevards, and alongside of the then quiet Lake Michigan, wepassed through one thorough-fare after another, till the more squalid andless prosperous streets were reached and the all frequent sign of Beer,Wine, and Liquors met our view, and drunken men and tipsy looking youthssauntered up and down the streets, or leaned for support against some lamp-post, too drunk to care whether soul or body were cared for or not; thenwe realized the true worth of our own temperance State.

Even in this Province, I've seen more drunkenness in the one week I havebeen here than in all the six years that I have been a resident of CowleyCounty. We continued our journey by rail as far as Port Huron, Michigan,where we took a steamer for a run down the St. Clair River, wending ourway along its picturesque shores. We found them truly delightful.

We do not find Canada as attractive or thriving as the states. The townsand cities seem to be waiting "for something to turn up." A greatmany of the people have erroneous ideas of the states, particularly thoseof the West.

Next we arrived at the quiet city of Toronto, noted for its educationalfacilities and fine colleges. Nakanee and Kingston, the limestone city,lie between Toronto and the grand old city of Montreal, situated on an islandthirty-two miles long and ten miles wide; it has been styled the city ofchurches, being the proud possessor of the cathedral of Notre Dame, oneof the largest churches on the continentit is a massive structure builtof stone and capable of seating ten thousand persons. In one of the towersis a fine chime of bells, the largest of which weighs twenty nine thousand,four hundred pounds. Montreal is also noted for its numerous hospitals,scientific institutions, libraries, and universities. All are edifices ofwhich to be proud.

As it is impossible to describe all within so short a chapter, many placesof interest must go by untouched, and probably ye Editors have a limit topatience (as well as the readers of your interesting paper), I'll not infringetoo much on kindness. GRACE DARLING.

Odessa Canada, Province of Ontario.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

The Winfield Markets.

The markets are steady and about the same as last week, with wheat 50cents, corn 32 to 33 cents, oats 20 to 22 cents, and hogs $4.50 to $4.75per cwt. Smaller produce is abundant with butter 20 cents, eggs 12 ½cents, potatoes 60 to 75 cents. Peaches are in demand at from 50 cents to$1.00 per bushel. Spring chickens bring $2.00 to $2.50 per dozen. Onions50 to 60 cents per bushel, and cabbage 3 cents per pound.


Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Opening week at Friend's.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

See Prather's $2.00 Goat Shoe.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Storm King Boots at Prather's.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

St. Joe boots for sale only at Prather's.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Full line Holbrooks shoes at Prather's.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

See the Bryan Brown Boots at Prather's.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

John Kelley's Fine Shoes for sale only by Prather.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Go to H. Brown & Son for your school books.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Smoked Bacon at 10 cents per pound by the side at Holmes & Son's.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Business property, improved and unimproved, for sale by A. H. Green.


Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Hon. B. W. Perkins will address the people of Cedarvale on Tuesday, September30th.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Foultz Bros. have erected in front of their tonsorial establishment afine new barber pole.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Agent Kennedy and family of the Santa Fe, are absent on a six weeks visitin Pennsylvania.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Gen. A. H. Green, the pioneer real estate man of Winfield, has againresumed business at his old stand.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

The trial docket for the October term of the Cowley County District Courtwill be found on our fourth page.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

The Children's Temperance meeting will be held on Friday, October 3rd,instead of Friday of this week, owing to the Fair.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

If you want good Boots and are willing to pay a reasonable price forthem, go to Prather's; if you want shoddy goods, go elsewhere.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

J. F. Axtel purchased, last week, through Harris & Clark, the CentralHotel of this city, and after a few weeks vacation in the east, will takepossession of the same.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride's mother, in Vernon, CowleyCounty, Kansas, by Rev. P. B. Lee, Tuesday evening, September 23rd, 1884,Mr. Daniel F. Schwantes and Miss Carrie Stewart.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

The alacrity with which the managers of the Democratic Circus, Saturday,swapped off so-called principles for official phantoms was very creditableto the past record of that brilliant (?) party.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

MARRIED. Married at the Presbyterian parsonage, Saturday evening, Sept.20, by the Rev. Dr. Kirkwood, assisted by the Rev. S. B. Fleming, of ArkansasCity, Mr. Hugh C. Pattison and Miss Belle Hargrove, both of Dexter, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

The salaries of Cowley teachers are advancing perceptibly. By referenceto another column, it will be seen that a large number of them get $50 permonth, and the lowest, a very few, get thirty-five. this shows an increasein the standard of our teachers. First-class teachers and good prices isa good motto for any school district, and we are glad to see so many adoptingit.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

A very interesting feature of the meeting of the Blaine and Logan ClubMonday evening ws the Winfield Glee Club, composed of Messrs. Buckman, Blair,Snow, and Shaw. The Campaign songs brought down the house. The Glee Clubwill be an interesting feature of our great political rally of October 13th,when Hons. Ingalls, Martin, and Perkins will address the people of Cowley,at Winfield.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

The fire departments were called out last Thursday in a flurry owingto a fire having been discovered in the twenty tons of coal in the basem*ntof the East Ward school building. The basem*nt was full and airless andthe fire seemed to have originated from spontaneous combustion. Severalhours of constant playing of the hose were required in extinguishing it,and a close watch has since been kept. It seemed to have been graduallydeveloping for several days.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Mr. Hayes, of the Kansas City Indicator, is here taking notesof Cowley's Fair.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Sidney Carnine came in last week from a two months' sojourn in Indianapolis.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Allen B. Lemmon came down from Newton last Saturday evening and spentSunday in this city.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Miss Cora Robbins returned last week from Marion, Kansas, and will againjoin Cowley's noble band of teachers.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

N. C. Myers, now a resident of chilly Nebraska, is on the Fair Groundswith his celebrated race horse, "White Rose."

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Sam L. Gilbert left Saturday evening for Chicago to get in a lick forCarter Harrison and see the great Chicago Exposition.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Mrs. A. B. Lemmon returned to her home in Newton yesterday, having beenvisiting her relatives in this city for the last ten days.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Will Higgins, of the Udall Sentinel, came down Saturday to takein Sells' circus and attend to other matters in the Metropolis.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Mrs. Spence Miner and Mrs. Frank Raymond spent a part of last week withKansas City friends and viewed the great exposition.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Ed. G. Gray, of the Arkansas City Traveler, was perambulatingaround the Metropolis Monday. The white sacred elephant drew him.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Mrs. A. H. Limerick returned Friday last from a two months visit in theEast. The Professor was glad enough to end his widowerhood experiences.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Dr. F. M. Pickens, from Terre Haute, Indiana, has located in Winfield,with rooms in the Jenning's block. He is a physician of ability and experience.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

S. H. Wells, of Dexter, came in this week from a visit in Indiana. Hesays that state is going straight Republican this year, and no foolishness.Rah for "Ingeany!"

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Mr. Ralf Field, traveling correspondent of the Wichita Daily Eagle,is here taking notes of our Fair and soliciting subscribers. The Eagleis rapidly coming to the front.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

The family of Mr. H. B. Schuler, President of the Winfield Bank, arrivedlast week from St. Louis, and are permanently settled in the commodiousRigby residence.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

James Lamont got his hand very badly lacerated last Saturday in FrankCrampton's ice cream freezer. No bones were broken, but the bruises willlay him up for some time.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Mrs. N. L. Olmstead in her school will pursue the Public School methods.The term commences Monday, Sept. 29th. There will be two daily sessionsfor Primary and other classes.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Judge E. S. Torrance left Saturday for a short eastern rejuvenating tour.His recent illness has left him in a dilapidated condition, but he hopesto return able to cope with the October term of our District Court.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

C. P. Ward, of Vernon, left us two orphan apples, Saturday, to be named.Several horticulturalists pronounced them the "Rambo." Eitherof them would fill a quart measure. They were perfect beauties.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. Clatworthy, of Elmira, New York, father and mother of ourJames Clatworthy and Mrs. W. H. Albro, came in last week and will visitsome weeks. They are greatly pleased with the appearance of the "WildWest."

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Miss Jessie Millington returned last Monday evening from a three months'sojourn in New Mexico. She reports a good time and quaint and curious arethe descriptions of life as seen among the ancient Pueblos and the moremodern greasers. She may be induced to write up some of her observationsfor the COURIER.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Prof. B. T. Davis and Brother have commenced the preparation of a CountyDirectory. It will contain the name, military record, real estate, and personaltax and post office address of every taxpayer of the county and will bea complete book of reference. This enterprise is one which will receiveencouragement and in the hands of Prof. Davis will certainly be successful.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Rev. J. F. Hendy, President of the Emporia Presbyterian College, spentseveral days of last week, and a part of this, here in the interests ofthat institution, filling our Presbyterian pulpit Sunday evening. The Collegestarts off this year with substantial prospects. The best instructors havebeen procured and already the enrollment is quite large. With so learned,energetic, and popular a man as Rev. Hendy at its head, the Emporia PresbyterianCollege cannot fail to accomplish all its mission implies.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

DIED. Wm. H. Vanhook, a young man for fourteen years in the employ ofGeo. W. Miller, our cattle man, and the last four years manager of Mr. Miller'sTerritory ranch, died last week at Hunnewell. He was taken a few days before,while in the Territory, with typho- malarial fever. Mrs. Miller and Dr.Emerson left here as soon as apprised, but before they reached him, thegrim destroyer had done his work. The body was brought to Winfield and buriedFriday from the Christian Church, Rev. H. D. Gans officiating. The attentionsof Mr. and Mrs. Miller could not have been exceeded had the young man beenan own son.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Judge Gans has been issuing, since our last report, certificates of unalloyedbliss with a lavish hand. No wonder the smiles chase each other so rapidlyover his handsome countenance. Following are his victims. [MARRIAGE LICENSES.]

Warren Caster and Emma Mathers.

Wm. Weaver and Mary E. Lawrence.

Danl. R. Baird and Linda Conaway.

Frank H. Brown and Hannah M. Ramage.

O. M. G. Hoyt and Victoria Goldsberry.

Edward C. Hoyt and Sallie M. Richardson.

Cyrus M. Scott and Maggie M. Gardner.

Frank J. Hess and May A. Johnson.

Hugh C. Patterson and Belle Hargrove.

John Buhrlage and Dottie M. Walck.

Danl. Schwantes and Carrie Stewart.

Harry N. Perry and Lizzie E. Copeland.

Joseph R. Phleton and Lizzie Fulton.

Henry G. Bailey and Belle Hart.

Joseph Curns and Ella Holly.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Petition for Fishways.

It has been an evident fact for some years that the fish facilities ofthe crystal Walnut were not what they should be, and as a result its supplyof the finny tribe was gradually exhausting. With an eye toward a remedy,Mr. Q. A. Glass recently inaugurated the following petition and got thesignatures of over two hundred of our more prominent citizens.

To the State Fish Commission of the State of Kansas:

We, the undersigned, represent that there are several mill dams now constructedand maintained in the County of Cowley, State of Kansas, across the streamsof this county, but principally across the Walnut River in this county,which are obstructions to the passage of fish, and in violation of the lawsof the State in this case made and provided. Said dams are not providedwith fish-ways as by law required, and we respectfully urge that you makean examination of said dams to the end that, if in your opinion the damsought to be provided with fishways, the owners thereof may be required toconstruct them. We further represent that the Walnut is a considerable streamof extraordinary clear and pure water, equal in this respect to any streamin the State, and superior to many; it is fed by springs, and is well adaptedto the growth and propagation of the better varieties if fish, and we respectfullyask you to examine the same and if proper and possible, that you place someof the fish stock for general distribution in this State in the said WalnutRiver.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Of all the wagers that were ever made, the one between two of ArkansasCity's most prominent young men whereby they took out marriage licenseswithout first having sought the consent of the young ladies implicated,and without even a previous matrimonial thought, takes the cake. It wasreally more serious than they anticipated, and unless a remedy comes inthat little word, "Yes!" two unparalleled cases of petition fordivorce from wives the petitioners never had will furnish our tribunal withemployment. The boys are "all broke up." For further particularsconsult the license record, in another place.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Waites Union Square Theatre Company commenced their five nights engagementin this city Tuesday night, with "Uncle Reuben Lowder," and morethan sustained their reputation. Uncle Reuben, the fearless, uncouth, big-hearted,level-headed old farmer, kept the audience convulsed with laughter. Everypart was well taken, though, of course, the stars, Miss Neilson, Jay W.Carner, and Mr. Waite elicited the most approval. Last night was presented"The Mountain Pink," with marked success and a big audience. Thiscompany certainly excels any which has yet visited us.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

A situation wanted as buggy or house painter by one experienced. AddressClarence Brown, City.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Dick Zeale, the former clerk at the Central Hotel, has opened a restauranton 9th Avenue, near Main street. Parties wishing oysters and general lunchesor cider will do well to call on Dick.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.


The great Democratic show of Saturday has come and gone and all pronounceit the grandest exhibition of Democratic management that Cowley ever saw.The scenes were awe- inspiring and the little audience of thirty, most ofthem Republican spectators, swayed to and fro under the Opera House canopylike a forest beneath a tempest. The lion roared and the hippopotamus pawedand the grizzly growled from the moment the ring-master entered the arena,making an aggregation of sounds which could emanate from nothing but a trulyOriginal Democratic Circus and Menagerie. The ring-master would call silenceoccasionally long enough to introduce the different performers. The principalattractions were just from the jungles of Arkansas City, twelve in number,representing two factions and both factions claiming to be the Only Original.Their ferociousness was explained by the Committee on Credentials and aselection of three from each faction recommended to the audience. Then ensueda lively performance, and the different "superb stars" introducedthemselves in address similar to the following: "I was born and bredon a Democratic bedstead and I'll swing to the Grand Old Democratic Showas long as a cord of the old bed lasts. I am of that species of manhoodthat isn't hardly capable of taking care of itself, but I'm going to freezeto the old menageries. What is the use for us to pull and haul and fightand brawl when we are going to git there anyhow? That's a settled fact,and don't you forget it!" And then the Dems. yelled.

Number two was introduced and with aesthetic movements vented himself:"I've lost my vote for twenty years, but I see glory awaiting me thisfall! Let us have patience and harmony!! Like the old woman's mush-pot,is this showtoo much meal to make the mush palatable."

The Arkansas City lion came out at this juncture with a growl that madea cold chill traverse the spine of the party after his meat and sent theopposing six out on their ear. Everything seemed to be uncaged and all gushesfor reconciliation, peace, and harmony fell fruitless upon the desert air.Everything was wild confusion! The vivid lightning flashed and shook itsfiery darts upon the Democracy of Cowley.

But salvation came. The Greenback side-show came in from the Courthousetent, with generosity in its heart. A seance was had behind the curtain.Harmony was established and the Only Original Democracy tumbled itself overbody and breeches. "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours,"and our grand aggregation of wonders will nest appear, Saturday, October4th, as a combination of defunct principles under the title of "A People'sMass Convention." The corpse of the Cowley Democracy was next exhibited,and its ghostly, appalling appearance caused a stampede from the Opera Housetent.

Official record of the performance: "No OrGanizaTionnonOminatIoNsnorainingAll coWardlyPowWoWINgandthedEvilistopAyHaDesNothiNgtOdoAndnot hrndONerEPuBlicaNwAlkaWaYwehadallbETTerneenDrunKerNaBineDOWL!!!"

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Displays Splendid in Every Department and All Expectations FullyRealized.

Providence seems to have specially favored Cowley's Fair this year. Forseveral weeks past the ground has been parched and dry, the dust was flyingprofusely, and people were all eagerly hoping for rain. Monday noon a gentlerain set in and continued, with varying intervals, until Tuesday morning,completing laying the dust, and making a pure, balmy atmosphere. As a result,the second annual exhibition of the Cowley County Fair & Driving ParkAssociation opened under auspices unexcelled.

Every large exhibition lasting through several days has its period ofpreparation and on Tuesday and a part of Wednesday Cowley's Fair was passingthrough this period. The numerous superintendents and exhibitors were busyarranging the displays, and were not in shape to give details, so the reportermust leave details for next week, when the great "show" will beover and a full report can be given. The entries are larger this year thanlast, everything exhibited is highly creditable to the Garden Spot of theWorld, and our Fair promises to be another great advertisem*nt of our materialwealth and prosperity.

The ball got fairly started yesterday and large numbers of persons wereaccepting of the many facilities for transportation to the beautiful FairGrounds, the thoroughfare being continually thronged all day. Omnibuses,express-wagons, and all kinds of vehicles, together with "Walkers Line"and "Shanks Mare" were doing a rushing business.

Today and tomorrow will witness an immense throng, when the exhibitioncan be seen in all its greatness. Many fine race horses are on the groundsand some splendid tallies of speed are being made. The Courier Cornet Bandis out in full uniform and is furnishing superb music.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

The Blaine and Logan Clubs of the city have ordered over two hundredCampaign suits and torches and will likely order more in a few days. Greatpreparations are being made for a grand procession on the evening of October13th. Hon. Ingalls, Martin, and Perkins will be given a rousing reception.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

The picture of abject misery, which rested upon the visage of Geo. C.Rembaugh, Saturday, as he watched the Great and Grand Democratic Party ofCowley crawl into the greenback bag and dwindle into nothingness, was thebiggest sight of that whole circus.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

The members of the Woman's Suffrage Society are requested to meet onTuesday, September 30, at 3 p.m., for the regular election of officers,at the residence of Mrs. M. S. Gates, southeast corner of Eleventh Avenueand Maris St. Mrs. J. Cairns, President.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Mr. James Bevington [?Bovington?], of Galesburg, Illinois, who purchased,last spring, from the Southwestern Land Office, of this city, a sectionof land near Seeley, for $13,000, arrived this week with his family. Hewill remain in Winfield till spring, when he will build on and extensivelyimprove his farm.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Mr. George Bahntge, of Charleston, South Carolina, is spending some weeksin this city with his brothers, Charlie and Harry. He is so well pleasedwith our county and city that a removal among us permanently is not improbable.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

James McCormick, who purchased some time ago, through Harris & Clark,the T. F. Axtel farm in Pleasant Valley, will arrive next week from Clinton,Indian, with his family.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

In order to continue in consonance with the Cowley Democracy, the Telegramwill now take up the great battle ax of greenbackism.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Mr. Eastman purchased last week, through Harris & Clark, the EdwardCampbell farm in Pleasant Valley, for $3,000.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

The temperance lecture of Mrs. Perkins in the Park Sunday afternoon waswell attended and highly appreciated.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Sells Bros. were very much chagrined at having their show so terriblyeclipsed by that of the Cowley Democracy.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Where the Teachers of Cowley Teach this Winter.
Their Names and the Salaries They Get.

Floral, Ora Irwin, $35.

Akron, R. B. Corson, $50.

Rock, Emma Robins, $45.

Omnia, Millie Taylor, $35.

Tisdale, T. P. Vaughn, $50.

Excelsior, Lottie Wolf, $45.

Tannehill, Anna Kuhn, $40.

Red Bud, Miron Cronk, $35.

Maple, W. E. Ketchum, $50.

Constant, Lizzie Wilson, $40.

Fairview, H. S. Wallace, $45.

Seeley, Fannie Gammon, $35.

South Bend, O. M. Akers, $40.

Silverdale, Grace Powers, $40.

Richland, Jennie Bringle, $40.

Cambridge, H. F. Alberts, $67.

Baltimore, Mrs. Craven, $33.50.

Silver Creek, Nannie Crumb, $35.

Grand Summit, Allie Wheeler, $40.

Dist. 75, Vernon Township, R. S. White, $40.

Oldham, Vernon Township, A. Staggers, $50.

Theaker, Bolton Township, S. J. Gilbert, $50.

Walnut Valley, W. P. Beaumont, $50.

Bethel, Walnut Township, Lida Howard, $40.

Chase, Tisdale Township, Rose Frederick, $35.

Shriver, Sheridan Township, T. W. Bowles, $40.

Quier, Sheridan Township, Belle Hambro, $40.

:Parker, Creswell Township, S. E. Pollock, $45.

Gilstrap, Silverdale Township, Horace Vaughn, $40.

"Blue," Ninnescah Township, Belle Varner, $40.

Coburn, Silverdale Township, Lozetta Pyburn, $40.

Udall, J. W. Camp, $50; Lida Strong, $45.

Glenwood, Dexter Township, Laura Phelps, $40.

Fairview, Dexter Township, Edith Holland, $40.

Old Salem, Tisdale Township, Anthony Carroll, $40.

Rose Valley, Liberty Township, Anna Mark, $40.

District 106, Vernon Township, Amy Robertson, $40.

Enterprise, Beaver Township, Amy Chapin, $40.

Box City, Harvey Township, D. W. Ramage, $40.

District 7, Dexter Township, Jno. Smith, $40.

Spring Side, Bolton Township, Alfred Wing, $40.

District 133, Ninnescah Township, Mattie Linn, $35.

Olive Branch, Walnut Township, May Miller, $33.

Valley Center, Fairview Township, W. G. Tidd, $50.

Prairie Grove, Fairview Township, R. B. Hunter, $40.

Lone Star, Creswell Township, Minnie Sumpter, $40.

Prairie Ridge, Liberty Township, Lizzie Lawson, $35.

Victor, Pleasant Valley Township, Mrs. Snyder, $45.

District 8, Vernon Township, J. W. Arren, $47.

Rose Valley, Creswell Township, S. G. Phillips, $40.

Crooked Elm, Tisdale Township, Ed G. Roberts, $37.

Mount Vernon, Harvey Township, James S. Tull, $45.

District 111, Spring Creek Township, S. P. Overman, $45.

Lone Tree, Richland Township, Anna Danham [?Dunham?], $40.

Green Valley, Ninnescah Township, Clara Green, $40.

Moscow, Silver Creek Township, Thornton Baker, $35.

Centennial, Beaver Township, Cora Beach, $45.

Dexter, Anna Vaught, $45; and Laura Elliott, $40.

Queen Village, Richland Township, Sade Jasserand, $40.

Maple Grove, Walnut Township, S. W. Norton, $50.

Mount Washington, Beaver Township, Frank Chapin, $50.

Valley View, Vernon Township, Amy Barnes, $40.

Queen Valley, Rock Township, Carrie Plunket, $35.

Prairie Home, Tisdale Township, F. E. Haughey, $45.

Mount Carmel, Fairview Township, Villa Coombs, $35.

Grand Prairie, Maple Township, George Whitson, $40.

Odessa, Pleasant Valley Township, Celina Bliss, $45.

Prairie Home, Richland Township, Sarah Hollingworth, $40.

Rock Valley, Rock Township, J. O. Bradshaw, $45.

New Salem, W. H. Lucas, $50; Clara Davenport, $40.

Wrights Canyon, Pleasant Valley Township, Jos. Moore, $40.

Science Valley, Walnut Township, Miss Laura Barnes, $40.

Arkansas City, principal, Prof. J. C. Wier, $1,100 per year.

Torrance, Horace G. Norton, $50; Irmie McKee, $35; Mrs. Elliott, $40.

Burden, R. B. Moore, $80; Lizzie Burden, $40; Ella Kempton, $35; MaryBerkey, $40.

A number of teachers have failed to send a notification to the CountySuperintendent, from whom we obtained this list; therefore, it is incomplete.Nearly everyone of the one hundred and forty-three districts of the countyhave engaged teachers and by October 1st a majority of the schools willbe in full blast.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Meeting of Blaine and Logan Clubs and a Flambeau Club.

A meeting of the Blaine and Logan Club of Winfield was held at the CourthouseMonday evening. The meeting came to order by electing Mr. A. H. Limerick,Chairman, and W. A. McCartney, Secretary. The object of the meeting wasstated by W. J. Wilson. Speeches were made by T. H. Soward and W. P. Hackneyin favor of the complete organization and equipment of a Blaine and Loganclub. It was decided to organize the club into three companies of torch-bearersand one Flambeau club. The following officers were elected: Colonel Whiting,Commander of battalion and D. L. Kretsinger, Adjutant; Spencer Miner, Captain"Co. A"; Frank Finch, 1st Lieutenant; M. B. Shields, 2nd Lieutenant;T. J. Harris, 3rd Lieutenant; Capt. J. B. Nipp, Captain of "Co. B":W. P. Hackney 1st Lieutenant; John McGuire, 2nd Lieutenant; H. H. Siverd,3rd Lieutenant; Cap Steuven, Captain of the Flambeau club; H. G. Norton,1st Lieutenant; W. A. McCartney, 2nd Lieutenant; Frank H. Greer, 3rd Lieutenant.The election of officers for "Co. C" was deferred until Tuesdayevening. A meeting of the officers of the different companies was calledfor Wednesday morning for the purpose of appointing various committees,and deciding on the kind and number of suits and torches to be ordered.After the completion of business of the meeting, Henry E. Asp was calledon, and responded in one of his characteristic speeches, after which themeeting adjourned.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

More Glory for Cowley.

Cowley County never fails to climb the golden stair wherever a trailis made. Her latest score was made at the St. Louis Exposition, where theWinfield Roller Mills flour carried off the premium over the famous Minneapolisand St. Louis flours. This is a big feather in the cap of Messrs. Bliss& Wood, and a recognition which our county appreciates.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Our Cotton Crop.

Mr. W. L. Morehouse harvested his cotton crop last week and left a coupleof pods at this office. The samples are on exhibition in the COURIER roomsand it will pay anyone who has never seen a cotton plant to call and examineit.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Anthracite Coal.

For the next ten days we will take orders, to be delivered in October,at $13.00 per ton. Special rate on five ton lots. Winfield Coal Co.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

For sale on Monthly payments, twenty-five lots in or near Courier place.Also a new dwelling house.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

For Sale. 670 acre stock ranch, $7 per acre. Also 1700 acres under goodimprovements, $10 per acre. W. L. MULLIN, with H. G. Fuller & Co.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

A. F. McClarin, of the Terminus, bought through Harris & Clark, lastweek, the Vanorsdal farm 8 miles northeast of Winfield, for $4,000.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.


Mr. John Walker is building a new house.

Miss Gay Jackson is visiting friends in Burden this week.

Mrs. Wolfe made a relative in Grenola a short visit this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert McEwen are attending the fair at Emporia.

Mr. Frank Willard, of Lawrence, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Pixley.

Peaches are fixed up in every imaginable way by the busy housewife.

Mr. Fitzgerald has gone back to his post at the Indian (government) school.

Mr. Bryant will start for West Virginia on a visit to his old home thisnext week.

Mr. and Ms. McMillen are keeping house for her parents during their absence.

Mr. J. E. Hoyland had six fine hogs run over and killed by the passengertrain on the 19th inst.

Messrs. Chas. and Albert Rhodes and Mr. Dunbar were the guests of Mr.Dalgarn, also of Mr. King this last week.

Mrs. Pixley and Mrs. Bovee attended the State Fair. Messrs. Berry andJudd went off on the train somewhere the same day.

Rev. C. P. Graham will take a short vacation and visit relatives andfriends in Illinois. He will start on the 23rd, nothing preventing.

Messrs. McMillen, Hoyland, Chapell, and Grieves will start on Tuesday,23rd inst., to see the unoccupied prairies of the western portion of Kansas.

Mrs. Oxford visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archer, lately. Mrs. Archeris visiting friends and relatives in Wisconsin and elsewhere at present.

Rev. Camden, of the Christian Church, preached an excellent sermon (weare informed) on last Sabbath eve to an attentive and appreciative audience.

Mr. Hartman had a serious time with his nasal appendage. Was taken withnose bleeding and bled till he is still very weak. Dr. Irwin was called.

Mrs. Miller is taking a rest and visit in Sumner County. Her boardersare stopping with Mr. Reid and wife. Hope Mrs. Miller will have an excellenttime and come back refreshed in body and spirit.

TO BE MARRIED. Mr. Joseph Irwin went back to Pennsylvania some weeksago and has taken a claim, intends to bring said claim to Kansas. May hiseastern bride find her Kansas home all she anticipates. Happiness and prosperityattend them.

The young people have formed a society called the "Quivive ReadingClub," and expect to meet at different member's homes and have a goodand pleasant time. I'm and "old folks," I guess, and I do notbelong. I wish them success in their good undertaking.

Quite a daisy robbery was committed in quiet, honest Salem on Saturdaynight, September 13th. Some thieving sneaks broke into the store of Mr.Eli Reid and helped themselves to wearing apparel, boots, etc. I do notknow how much Mr. Reid lost, but quite a considerable, as a watch and somejewelry were taken.

MARRIED. Mr. DeWitt has sold the "Central Hotel" to Mr. DanielReid; so Salem will have a new landlord and a good landlady in the personof the amiable Mrs. Reid. By the way, Mr. DeWitt has taken a wife and isno longer a Salem bachelor; but as he has not brought his wife to Kansas,we have not had the pleasure of knowing her. May they float gently o'erthe matrimonial sea.

The M. E. Church laid their cornerstone on Wednesday last and Salem willsoon be the proud possessor of a trim little church. I regret very muchthat I could not attend the cornerstone ceremonies. I for one like to seechurches going up in our quiet, peaceful county, and congratulate our M.E. brothers and sisters, and trust they may be blessed in church and home.

Brother "Clyde," please accept congratulations of "Olivia."May your cup of happiness be full and running over.

"Oh happy state! when souls each other draw

When love is liberty, and nature law,

All then is full, possessing and possessed,

No craving void left aching in the breast;

E'en thought meets thought ere from the lips it part

As each warm wish springs mutual from the heart."

Messrs. W. P. Hoyland, E. D. Franklin, and Wilbur Watsonberger are offvegetating in the west.

The Presidential candidates, viz Blaine, Cleveland, and Butler calledon "Olivia" last Saturday evening, and they seemed determinedto raise my spirits as high as theirs, by trying to make me laugh and begay. They were all dressed in black and their garments, if not themselves,looked quite manly. Three of my friends out masquerading. I don't thinkBlaine is quite so short in stature. Come again, my dear fellows, and staylonger. Guess I'll play I'm Mrs. Belva Lockwood next time and help fillthe list of Presidential candidates.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.


A fine shower occurred on the 13th.

J. R. Staton is visiting Winfield this week.

Dell Akers' stone building is fast approaching house-like dimensions.

We are all coming to the show, that is, everybody and his best girl.

We are glad to notice Uncle Joe Hornbeak on the street again after hissevere illness.

Udall can boast of the first car of new cor, if not the first in theState, shipped Sept. 18th, to Chicago.

Steele & Co. Elevator looks well in its new coat of paint. C. Friedlydid the job and a good one too.

Chas. White arrived here with his stock the 13th inst. Charley says Kansasforever in place of Illinois for a year.

Mr. Albert Copeland, the father of Mrs. [?] J. Kelley from Prairie City,Illinois, has been visiting his daughter for the past week.

Mr. Roberts, formerly of Winfield, has rented the City Hotel and willrefurnish it throughout preparatory to opening a first class house.

The Christian denomination have raised sufficient money to build andequip a very nice church at this place through the efforts of Elder J. N.Hampf.

Robt. Ratliff just received another car load of furniture the 16th inst.Rob is a rattler and can dispose of more furniture than any other man inthe state.

Mr. Geo. Willson, formerly of this county and now of Cloud County thisstate, is here visiting friends. Geo. is well pleased with the northernpart, yet is free to say "Cowley leads them all."

O. O. Brown says that the lives of Great men are constantly beset withtroubles and vexations. The one great reason of O. O. feeling so bad isthat the freight train killed one of his most valuable horses on the eveningof the 12th.

A Protracted meeting will commence here the 12th under the auspices ofRev. Burgess of Mulvane. Other bright lights of the Gospel will be in attendanceand we trust the good work will be carried on to a successful culmination.

Quite an excitement was aroused on the morning of the 15th, when H. W.Martin opened the drugstore of Martin and Werden, for an examination, disclosingthe fact that their wareroom had been broken open and a keg of choice AppleBrandy containing 5 gallons and one of Black Berry brandy of same capacitytogether with about 10 gallons of choice Whiskey had miraculously disappeared;that is, some poor thirsty soul had a stronger desire within his heart topartake of those fiery liquids as a tonic, which prohibition prevents, hadeffected an entrance through a window and then opened the door leading intothe alley and the way was clear for a wholesale steal, which was most effectuallyaccomplished, the thief or thieves leaving not the slightest trace or clueas to who they were. Smith & Hildebrand request them to return the jugswhen empty that they took from their store.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.


Tucker Darnell is home again.

A little more rain is needed in this part.

Mr. Willard Cue will leave in a few days on a visit to Iowa.

Mrs. Tunstall of Burden, was the guest of Miss Cue last week.

Two wagon loads of Indians passed through town last week.

Rev. Tull preached at Cambridge last Sunday week.

Quite a number of boys went to the show last Saturday.

J. W. Hoyland of New Salem was the guest of Capt. Rowe Tuesday.

Boade [? CAN'T READ?] Foster and family and D. T. King and wife visitedBurden, Monday.

Mr. G. W. Rowe spent Friday and Saturday in Winfield, also Jas. McClellanof South Prairie.

David Syland spent a few days in this vicinity last week. He talks ofmoving back on South prairie.

Rev. Warren preached at Windsor last Saturday night. The Sabbath schoolat that place is also in good condition.

Cutting millet and prairie hay seems to be the order of the day in thisvicinity. Some are beginning to cut their corn.

Cambridge was visited by a "sharper" Saturday and took in whatloose change the boys had. How do you like candy, boys?

Watermelons are raging and so are the chills. Capt. Rowe had a shakea few days ago and many more have been shaking.

Miss Rhea Harris of Cedar Creek has been quite sick, but at present isconvalescing. Also Clyties has been on the sick list for a day or too, andMrs. McClelland has been chilling.

D. F. Rowe and D. T. King and families of Dade County, Missouri, sonand son-in-law of Capt. Rowe, arrived at this place last week. Still theycome. They are highly pleased with the country and expect to locate here.Also Mr. Will Beck of the same place is a guest of the Rowe's.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

DIED. Card of Thanks. We desire to return our most sincere thanks tothe people of Winfield for their kindness and assistance during the prolongedsickness and death of our beloved son, Jack Tully. Although strangers, everyattention was attended to that could have been received from the most intimatefriends.

Mr. and Mrs. James Tully. Winfield, Sept. 17, 1884.


Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will sell at public auction to the highestbidder, about halfway between Arkansas City and Winfield, near the SouthBend schoolhouse, on Monday, Oc. 6th, 1884, commencing at ten o'clock a.m.,the following property: One span of work mares, one five-year-old gelding,one two-year-old colt, one spring colt, three good milk cows, three springcalves, three good brood sows with pigs, 14 splendid shoats, about 30 acresgood corn, 150 bushels wheat, about 160 quarts canned fruit, also householdgoods, plow, harrow, wagon, harness, 200 Plymouth Rock chickens, and othergoods. Terms, all sums under $10 cash in hand; $10 and over, 12 months'time will be given with approved security. Seven percent off for cash. EDWARDCAMPBELL. Walter Denning, Auctioneer.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will sell at public auction, to the highestbidder, at my residence, nine miles south of Beaumont and near the headof Grouse Creek, on Thursday, October 2nd, 1884, commencing at 10 o'clocka.m., the following described property: 1,300 head of high grade Merinosheep, 12 head of pedigreed rams, 30 head of high grade rams. They are allfree of scab, and in good healthy condition. The original stock came fromMichigan, and sheared 8 lbs. on an average the present year. Will also sella sheep corral, one span of work horses, one Indian pony, one lumber wagon,one set of work harness, two saddles, several hundred feet of pine lumber,a pump, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terns: All sums under$10 cash in hand; $10 and over, 12 months time will be given purchaser withbankable note at 10 percent interest. Five percent off for cash.

THOMAS MOORE, Walter Denning, Auctioneer.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Cowley County District Court, First Tuesday, October 7th, 1884.

1. State vs. Frank Manny.

2. State vs. Grant Dover.

3. State vs. John Kearns.

4. State vs. A. L. Thomas.

5. State vs. Thomas Jones.

6. State vs. John Graham.

7. State vs. Elias Burton.

8. State vs. Thomas Jones.

9. State vs. T. E. Johnston.

10. State vs. James Stansbury.

11. State vs. L. D. Skinner.

12. State vs. William M. Campbell.]

13. State vs. Chester Ring et al.

14. State vs. E. Kimmel et al.

15. State vs. Edgar C. Mason et al.

16. State vs. Dennis P. Hurst.


1. Assignment of Daniel Read.

1. Joseph Likowski vs. J. M. Alexander.

3. M. G. Troup vs. A. J. Fullerlove.

4. Bliss & Wood vs. Wm. Colgate.

5. Bernhard Geiser vs. Antonia Daleschall.

6. Warden, Bushnell & Co. vs. H. E. Noble.

7. Chicago Lumber Co. vs. Emma Chenoweth.

8. Henry Hansen vs. Joseph Davis.

9. Elizabeth Davis vs. Nancy A. Baldwin.

10. Mary Stokes vs. J. S. Hunt, County Clerk.

11. Houghton & McLaughlin vs. J. W. Brown.

12. Francis J. Sessions vs. John P. Strickland.

13. Wm. M. Sleeth vs. Sarah A. Drennon et al.

14. Byron Farrar vs. Sarah A. Drennon et al.

15. J. C. Fuller et al vs. L. B. Stone, County Treasurer.

16. Dwight Repley vs. D. A. Millington.

17. A. J. Hodges vs. H. H. Martin et al.

18. Assignment of Goss & McConn.


19. Winfield Bank vs. Wm. A. Hybarger.

20. Wm. M. Null vs. Neil Wilkie, et al.

21. Thomas S. Krutz vs. John C. Curry, et al.

22. Thomas S. Krutz vs. Wm. Greenhaw.

23. Thomas S. Krutz vs. R. B. Mitchell.

24. S. K. R. R. Co. vs. L. B. Stone, County Treasurer.

25. Appeal of C. W. Gregory.

26. Assignment of Conway Bros.

27. M. L. Read et al vs. Wm. A. Wright.

28. Nellie Harbough vs. H. Y. Churchill.

29. James Jordon vs. Winfield Township et al.

30. J. N. Noles vs. C. Ferguson.

31. C. A. Bliss et al vs. C. C. Harris et al.

32. M. L. Read et al vs. Winfield creamery.

33. John P. Hill vs. S. K. R. R. Co.

34. C. C. Black vs. A. A. Jackson.

35. David McKee vs. Hull Bixby.

36. A. P. Carmon et al vs. R. B. Temple.


37. Wm. B. Grimes Dry Goods Co. vs. W. D. McClintock.

38. Victor B. Buck & Co., vs. Wm. D. McClintock.

39. J. A. Field & Co. vs. Brotherton and Silver.

40. C. E. Foss & Co. vs. Phillip Sipe.

41. Wm. J. Hodges et al vs. F. M. Stewart.

42. David Hahn vs. Isaac Wood.

43. Mary A. Phelps vs. Lemuel A. Phelps.

44. Ridenhour, Baker & co. vs. Wm. D. McClintock.

45. School District No. 13 vs. School District No. 133.

46. Elizabeth Weekley vs. Jacob W. Weekley.

47. L. C. Green vs. A. H. Green.

48. L. D. Randall vs. Roy Randall.

49. John Murry vs. Frank Lorry.

50. Fannie Wilson vs. James Wilson.

51. Mudell Prime vs. C. S. Shue et al.

52. Bartlett & Co. vs. A. T. & S. F. R. R. Co.

53. Wichita & S. W. Ry. Co. vs. L. B. Stone, County Treasurer.

54. Winfield Bank vs. Hugh Reiley.


55. Fannie E. Lewis vs. Irwin Cole.

56. S. M. Jarvis vs. John F. Miller.

57. Hartford Life Insurance Co. vs. G. C. Compton et al.

58. R. R. Conklin vs. James Galliner et al.

59. C. A. Bliss et al, Condemnation.

60. R. R. Conklin vs. Ira D. Black, et al.

61. City of Winfield vs. Henry Brown.

62. D. S. Smith vs. A. T. & S. F. R. R. Co.

63. W. E. Smith vs. A. T. & S. F. R. R. Co.

64. A. Howland vs. G. H. Sprague, et al.

65. D. S. Rose vs. J. S. Null.

66. R. O. Lutes vs. T. A. Chambers.

67. Scott McGlasson vs. E. H. Gilbert.

68. M. S. Williams vs. Mary Williams.

69. W. P. Hackney vs. E. S. Bliss.

70. Jennie Reynolds vs. J. W. Reynolds et al.

71. J. F. Gilliland vs. F. G. Gilliland.

72. E. S. Covel vs. J. E. Covel.


73. Schuster Tootle & Co. vs. G. B. Sigler.

74. Smith, Frazee & Co. vs. G. B. Sigler.

75. Stout & Wingest vs. S. S. Baber.

76. Stout & Wingest vs. Schuster, Tootle & Co.

77. Mary H. Buck vs. Charles Storr, et al.

78. Evan Shriver vs. Mary M. Shriver.

79. Nannie C. Fuller vs. Cowley County et al.

80. City of Winfield vs. Stephen Van Buren, et al.

81. Gideon Lease vs. Luther Keeney, et al.

82. Rosie E. Hixon vs. Geo. B. [?R.] Hixon.

83. James H. Pulliam vs. Susan Columber, et al.

84. David Hollenbeck vs. D. McDonald et al.

85. O. M. Stewart vs. D. A. Merydith et al.

86. T. F. Axtel vs. H. D. McCormick.

87. B. D. Weger vs. City of Winfield.

88. J. J. Merrick vs. Bliss & Wood.

89. Frances McGregor vs. J. J. McGregor.

90. B. F. Barton vs. F. M. Hurst, et al.

91. J. A. Bullen & Co. vs. S. S. Gentry, et al.

92. Laura Jones vs. J. L. Jones.

93. W. P. Carpenter vs. F. M. Godfrey, et al.

94. James Jordan vs. Elihu Wood.

95. F. W. Schwantes vs. C. A. Bliss, et al.

96. Wm. R. Bridwell vs. L. B. Bridwell.

97. John Cronin, vs. Winfield Brick & Tile Co.

98. M. Ingram vs. P. Fouts, et al.

99. T. J. Kelly vs. John Rogers.

100. M. F. Worden vs. L. O. Worden.

E. S. BEDILION, Clerk.


Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

Farmers, Attention! Having now got complete FLOURING MACHINERY into mymill, and all running in good order, I am ready to supply a First-ClassStraight Flour. Bring on your grists.

West of Lynn's Store, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! I have recently opened a first-class Grocery andQueensware Store In the building formerly occupied by Tomlin & Webb.My stock is LARGE AND FRESH and will be sold at prices which defy competition.Call and be shown through my establishment by accommodating salesmen, andnotice some of the extraordinary bargains. COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT &SOLD. Remember the place: first door north of Myton's. JOHN C. LONG.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

For Pure Drugs, Medicines, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, FANCY GOODS ANDPERFUMERY, Go to L. M. WILLIAMS, Druggist, Winfield, Kansas.

(Successor to Sohnston & Lockwood.)

[NOTE: Think it should be Johnston rather than Sohnston. Believe thisad has been put in paper for a long time.]

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