The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

See Interschool Race As Wide-Open Affair Four Way Tie Due to Be Broken' When Rivals Resume Schedule With Pair of Games 7 10 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, MONDAY, MAY 1- A .1 19, 1947 1 ALL ANGLES by VIC WALL The emphasis, in the major leagues, all baseball for that matter, is strictly on home run hitting. But if you happen to alter your ball park with home rung in mind, you are likely to run Into criticism, whether you are trying to help your own club and your fans or seeking only to aid player for whom you have paid a lot of money. The last reference is to Field in Pittsburgh. where the left field was. changed to -ald lank Greenberg in hitting home run for hia pow club.

No change can help, you add, where an ailing elbow is concerned. so Greenberg hasn't had a chance to test the new' barrier. has been criticism, though, despite the understandable desire of the Pirates to cash in on their huge investment- Different Story It's a different story with the change at huge Municipal Field in That. park long has been a hoodoo for home. run.

a paradise in every sense of the So it: appeared to be smart on the part of the energetic Bill Veeck to. crect a fence within a fence to give the hitters more of a chance to slam out their specialities. Ole, too, has been criticized but he defends the change with some fairly pertinent comment, as follows: No Favors "I do not believe that ball parks should be messed around with just to create A favorable situation for a certain player. However, I have done nothing to favor one player. W'hat I have accomplished is for the good of all players, and the fans, as well.

Before we put up that the playing area in Municipal Stadium, was much too large. It had "built with lavish and perfect intentions. But it was too vast for a good ball game. old Picture Bad "You could hit a. ball with all your power, you could hit it with.

scientific and get nothing out of cffort. Now, things are different. The old picture was. bad for your players, it. was bad for every man on the visiting teams.

The tremendous outfield imposed serious mental handicaps on the hitter's. And the defenders, too. It just was not right to ask any club to play even 11 games on that ficid, let alone 77 which the; "Indians had to contest there. In putting up the fence -which took some ten minutes to erect and could he taken down in even less time-I did not bother the foul line distances. However, change starts right near the like Power.

heightened They Favor It "Now let nie examine what the fence has done for the spectator. The sports lover lik's power. Time WAS when the fans admired pitching, duels. They Now want they want knockouts acin the ring. Grandpa.

used to dote on 20-round exhibitions of science. Before we up the fence, there not enough action, not sufficient lateinning tension. Now interest is "That the spectators-very important factors in professional sports the change has been proved bevond all doubt. W'e have taken poll In the Stadium and some 89 per cent of those who pay the freight are in favor of the fence. The minority dissenters are chiefly old timers who still shark back to the days when a 2-1 gate was regarded as this side of "heaven.

However, the Old Guard will come around to me way of thinking or my name isn't Bill Veeck, Pitchers, Too "Another angle. When I broadcast the matter of putting up the fence there was a lot of talk about the pitchers, not liking the change. The unreduced outfield had been called the hurlers paradise. Well. I have yet to run Into pitcher who is not for the fence.

cannot win. without batting support. They see the wire-mesh fostering the scoring of more runs, and they are for it. "I maintain that, in 90 far as it is possible, playing conditions in the moor leagues would mako for equal chances at home and abroad. I want to make it clear, though, that if at any time there.

is proof that I have made a the fence will be taken down. Meanwhile, the experiment is successful. And 1 do not believe there another outfield which needs similar treatment-another field In. which I would applaud a similar barrier." Governor Mass. Nine Win Amherst, May 17-The presence, of Gov.

Robert Bradford, Ineut. Gov. Arthur Coolidge and many members of the legislature inspired the of buseball andetennis teams to emerge with victories over their weekend rivals. The baseball team came out of a protractive alump to defeat University of Vermont 5-3 while the netman scored their second triumph in four starts by defeating A.I.C. 5-2.

The baseball had all the earmarks of a big league opening day ceremony with a short talk, predicting, victory, by Gov. Bradford. While Senator Ralph Mahar called the balls and strikes, Lieut. Gov. Coolidge took the mound with Rep.

George tarpon 'his receiver. The Lieut. Gov. wad unable to fog any past Rep. John H.

Valentine, who connected: safely twice. Once more it WAS A. fine pitching joh by Bill Winn that proved the margin of victory for the Maroon. Winn limited the Cats to five hits and was tight in the clutches. KETTLEBROOK VICTOR Tire Kettlebrook Club.

of Windsor Locks defeated the Sacred Hearts, 5-2 Saturday at Emily Bill playground. This club Is looking for games with Western Mass teanis and clubs intorested are asked to communicate with Manager. Ernie Merlo, Kettlebrook Club. Windsor Locks, Conn. The Hearts will play the Mohawk' AC, Tucsday night at Emily Bill playground at 65.


i Thanx to MAX MINTZ, 89 E. COLORADO, COPR. 1947, KING PRATURES SYNDICATE. WORLD RIGHTS RESERVED 5-20 PASADENA, CALIF. Johnston Meets Barrow In Holyoke Ring Tonight Middleweights Top.

Arena Program; Parker in Six Round Semifinal With Peletier Holyoke, May 18-Risking a main bout with Jose Basora in l'uerto Rico late this month, Johnny Johnston, Philadelphia middleweight who has dropped only one decision in 22 fights, will face a hard punching opponent tomorrow. night when he meets Hankin Barrow of Panama in the Valley Arena's '10 round head-: liner. Made Real Hit Johnston, who stole. the show and narrowly missed decision in his 10 round battle with New England middleweight champion Red Priest of Boston here four weeks ago must win it he is to get the Bosora fight. Barrow, rough, tough middleweight impressively showed his wares here in his American debut when he kayoed Ike Menendez of New York.

After that match Barrow was disappointed for Menedez, A young and strong club-fighter, was an 11 hour substitute for Davey Andrews of Lowell. This time Barrow will meet up with opponent more even in every angle as a boxer, 'puncher and in gumeness. Barrow has impressed ring-siders at Stillman's gym in. New York the past several weeks by his punching ability and practically all agree he soon will be ready for the best the middleweight division has to offer. Johnny Parker, Springfield 145- pounder and Vernon Peletier of Lewiston will clash in the six round semifinal.

Peletier is making his first appearance. He has boxed feature matches in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Eddie Morton of Albany, 150- hit pound slugger who recently made a here, and Norman Bennett of Lewiston will clash in a six rounder as Archie Goodby of 1-pounder and scrappy Doug McHartford, Donald of Albany. Opening the show will be Henry Norman of and Coleman Burell of Springfield Chicopee in a four rounder at 138 pounds at 8.30. A cooling system will be in tion for the next several weeks the Valley Arena.

at Lowell Stops AIC Nine Here American International baseball team which defeated College field College here Friday Springfor its sixth victory in afternoon, a row, was when finally Lowell stopped Saturday at Blunt Park Textile won, 8 to 6. week. MIC has two games listed The Aces play Ft. Devens for this at following Park Friday afternoon. The Worcester.

AIC meets WPI at day Cantlon Fifth Driver to Place liam Indianapolic, 18 (AP) -Willis, eleven (Shorty) Cantlon of mile times a starter the 500- became the Day auto race, today Memorial fifth qualifier for this year's classic. Indianapolis motor speedway Cantlon averaged 121.462 miles hour in a 16-cylinder Miller. Henry Banks of Lynwood, qualified car last year but it stalled on the. 31gt lap. Ted Horn of Paterson, won the pole position in opening tions yesterday, followed by Cliff Bergere of Toledo, Mauri Rose Chicago, and Merrili (Doc) Williams of Wyandotte, Mich.

The number of veteran drivers the field, already shrunken by "more money" holdout of the American Society of Professional Automobile Racers, was reduced again day when old -tinier Chet Miller Glendale, announced he had his car to Richard Cott of Detroit would not drive. He said he probably would quit racing entirely, Miller competed in last year's race for the 15th time and took 18th money. His best year was 1938, when placed third. 4. 3 NEFFS MEET COLONELS Neffs will play the Chicopee Colonels tonight at Forest Park at 6.

Neffs defeated Club Silhouette, 8 to 1, here Saturday. Irwin Hill pitched a twohitter. Larry Antaya batted in four runs. Neffs. want a game for Saturday afternoon.

Call 6-4212. SEEKING GAMES Thomas and Nims senior and junior baseball teams and the Rainbow girls softball team are looking for games. Teams interested are. asked to contact Lou Lambertini, 86 Maple Terrace, West Springfield. The- St.

Thomas Midgets were defeated Friday I night by the Ta'tham Midgets, 4-2. Triple A Opens With Two Contests Tonight Bosch, Defending Champion, Meets Spalding and Chapman Valve Takes on Monsanto 14 By Dutch Robbing The Springfield Interschool. League settles down to its second week of. this afternoon and after what happened the first week, It's anybody's guess what the. future holds.

Right now the four rivals are all tied with one victory and one defeat each. Classical bent Cathedral but was rudely jolted by Trade. Tech trounced Trade but then was humbled Two Games Today Classical and Tech will have it this afternoon at l'orest Park at 3.30, while Trade and Cathedral will doing battle at the same time at Blunt P'ark. Thus the four- way deadlock become a wo-way tie for the lead fans will await Thursday when Tech meets Trade at Blunt Park I Classical takes on Cathedral at Forest Park. -Ag the Valley League resumes play today, eyes are on Holyoke High and Turners Falls High.

They -have come up with three straight league I triumphs to share the lead. Holyoke's fourth test today 18 Greenfield High a game Mackenzie Field in yoke. Turners Falls has Chicopee deal with at Turners Halle and Skiptowners only defeat was. a setback at the hands of Holyoke. The other league games today haR Westfield at Northamtpon.

Should Holyoke and Turners Palls be successful today then the big battle for first place. will be on the books for Thursday when the divo teams meet at Turners Falls. Enfield High and Ludlow High have the jump on rivals in the Valley Wheel with three straight victories apiece. They go looking for 'No. tomorrow afternoon with Enfield playing West Springfield and Ludlow meeting Easthampton.

Agawam is Palmer and South Hadley at Ware. The Hampshire League, which has been reduced to five teams with the decision of Smith Academy to drop baseball, has Arms Academy riding high with three straight victories and gunning for its fourth in a home game with Amherst High today. Deerfield High is at Smith's School. The High School of Commerce this city has two games in the offing and is looking forward to that first victory of the season this week. The Crimson tossers meet Monson at Ruth Elizabeth tomorrow afternoon at 3.30 and travel to play the Wilbraham Academy Jayvees day afternoon.

The schedule of games this week: Today-Classical VS Tech, Forest Park, 3.30; Trade vs Cathedral, Blunt Park, 3.30; Greenfield at Holyoke, Chicopee at Turners Falls, Westfield at Northampton, Deerfield at Smith's School, Amherst at at Arma, Lee at Dalton, Wilbraham Monson Academy, Monson Jayvees at Wilbraham Jayvees. Tuesday -Monson at Commerce. Ruth Elizabeth, 3.30; South Hadley at Ware, Agawam at Palmer, Easthampton at Ludlow, Weat Springfield at Enfield, Williams at at Searles, Windsor Locks at Suffield High, Hinsdale at Bernardston, Northfield at Winchester. Wednesday -Sacred Heart at Holyoke, Athol at Templeton, Greenfield at Orange, Westfield Trale at Holyoke Trade, Williamstown at Adams. St.

Joseph's at Bennington, Drury at Dalton, Lenox at Pitt-field. Nichols at, Monson Academy, Williston at Amherst Frosh, Suffield Academy at Romford, Wilbraham at Loomis. Thursday--Tech at Trade, Blunt Park, 3.30; Classical at Cathedral, Forest Park, 3.30; Holyoke at Turners Falls, Northampton at Greenfield, Westfield at Chicopee, Commerce at Wilbraham Jayvees, Entiell at wam, Amherst at Hopkine at Smith's School. Friday- Ware at Springfield Trade, Blunt Park, 3.30; Enfield at Agawam, South Hadley at Easthampton, Ludlow at Palmer, Holyoke at West Springfield, Williamstown at a Pittsfield, ome Bloomfield at St. at Mary's, Suffield Lee.

High, St. at Williams, Lenox at Searles, Northfield at New Salem. Saturday--Holyoke at Keith Academy, Orange at Turners Falls, St. Joseph's at Drury, Dalton at Pittsfield. Adams at Bennington, Vermont Academy at Mount Hermon, Monson Academy at Worcester Academy, Deerfield Academy at Loomis at Suffield Academy, Cushing Williston, at Wilbraham.

New York, May 18 (AI') -Melio Bettina, the -squat, southpaw slugger from Beacon, N. who is howling for a shot at heavyweight king Joe a Louls, "name" will get his first chance against fighter since leaving the army when he clashes with light heavyweight champion Gus Lesnevich in Madison Square Garden Friday night. A former 175-pound titleholder, Betand tina served four years in the army resumed campaigning as a fullfledged heavy last July. He has scored five straight triumphs against ten mediocre with opposition and his non the veteran Cliffside, N. fighter will be his first against a known foe.

into Bettina could project himself solidly the contender picture with a decisive conquest over Lesnevich: As for Lesnevich it is just another opportunity to pick up a big bundle of dough as the 175-pound champion is not seeking to cut into Louis' territory. Bettina Gets Chance Friday Turners Falls Defeats Athol in League Game Athol, May 18-Athol High nine 11 was defeated by Turners Falls High, to 6, Saturday in a slow- moving Franklin League game. Ferrari led the home club in hitting with a triple and A single. Athol's played very poorly in the field. Score: R.

H. E. Turners 330 001-11 11 4 Athol 010 001 100- 6 9 8 Lion and Croteau; Kennedy and Cetto. MOUNT HERMON WINS: Northfield, May 18-Mount Hermon baseball team turned back Williston Academy here Saturday afternoon, 8-3. In The Ring Willie Pep Has First Informal Workout Since His Accident By Harold W.

Heinz RATTLE BARKS--World Featherweight Champion Willie Pep of Hartford walked into a gym last Wednes-1 Jay to try out his leg and arm muscles for the first time since his fistic career was interrupted by injuries in A plane crash at Midville, N. on Jan. 5.. It wasn't a real workout, according to Trainer Bill Gore, because Pep's not ready en yet for strenuous Willie went two rounds with stablemate Nick Stato of this city but a report, on the unheralded workout boys were only "Kibitzing There is no way yet, say his handlers, of telling what effect the plane injuriesslightly fractured vertebrae and a broken leg- will have 011 the speedster, who has compiled the greatest ring record of all time. Long Layoff Pep's layoff has.

been a long lIe has not fought since Nov. 27, that rematch occasion knocked out Chalky Wright, ageless Negro from whom he won the bout was held in It was Pep's 108th victory against setback and a The records so show that it was Willie's eighth knockout' in his last nine This and Johnston of Philadelphia, the boy who defeated. Red Priest but didn't get the decision, faces Iankin Barrow of Panama the feature 10-rounder at the Arena Immediately the fight Johnston boards a plane Puerto Rico to: meet. Jose He also has match with Baby lumbar in Havana There is before a rumor returning around that the West Side club may take fling at outdoor amateur boxing grams this T-Ville club opens its simon pure season the VFW Arena Thursday. Two Hub Programs Two programs are booked in Boston this it will be Cowboy Billy Peterson of Billings, against Johnny Cesario at the Friday night Johnny Shkor, Boston, Lee Savold, Paterson, N.

heavyweights, tangle in: the Garden Promoter Sam Silverman is said to have offered Joe Baksi a $20,000 guarantee to meet the winner of tonight's New Ilaven bout between Nathan Mann and Bill wants the attraction for a Boston ball There doesn't seem to he much chance of the Ilub seeing Baksi, however, the Kulpmont, battler apparently has changed his mind and will now take on Joe Louis at the Yankee Stadium on Sept. 18... That, the Louis- Baksi match Is practically made WAS seen in a statement made by Nat Rogers, matchmaker: of the 20th Century Sporting Club, other Nat said, "We are pleased with the London news that Baksi is willing to fight Louis." Lightheavyweight Champion Gus Lesnevich and Melio Bettina are the New York Garden headliners Friday much-talked about George Dunn- Dennis Patrick Brady match is said to be all set for June in The 20th Century Club has Ezzard Charles under Tommy Jessup has been lined up for a series of appearances on the West Priest and Billy Walker are the Waterbury. main-bouters Friday Charley Noel, the lad who upset the dope bucket by defeating Joey Angelo last Monday upthe -river, has been offered a. bout with Doll Rafferty in Montreal is angling for a Gus MellJohnny Greco Joey Peralta, durable Mex, battles Walter Stevens a week from today at Newark.

Pro Golfers to Quality Today New York, May 18 (AP) -Profes. sional golfers congregate at 28 sites tomorrow to determine the 100 swing-for-gwag players who v. ill join the exemptees at Detroit's Plum Hollow club on June 18 for the national pro championship. With every member of the association eligible to compete there is; no cxact indication how many players will seek to qualify for the trip to the Motor City. Neither is the number of qualifying places at.

each of the cities definite until it 13 known now many enter, In addition to. the 100 who qualify tomorrow, approximately 36 players are assured being included in the starting group automatically Those exempt includes all the past champions, the members of the 1941 Ryder Cup team, the quarterfinalists of the 1'16 meet at Portland, where Ben Hogan triumphed; the home club pro, Sammy Byrd; and the winner of the 1947 U. S. open title at St. Louis on June 12-14, if he is a professional.

This year, because of the crowded all non-Texans why finish among the top 30 in the Houston Open of last week and the Fort Worth Colonial Invitation that concluded today are exempt from the sectional, however, trials. must Texans in those earn their spots in the field tomorrow over the 36-hole route. Bobby Locke. South African open champion and, victor over Sain Snead in a series of exhibitions during the winter, won the Houston Open and is thus eligible to try. for the U.

'S. crown. PLAY MASS NINE Hadley, May 18-Because Smith Academy has dropped baseball for the year, the game scheduled here MonIday afternoon -between Hopkins and Smith will not be played but Hopkins has arranged a contest with A nine from the Universtiy of Massachusetts. 4 Buffalo Rider Wins Feature at West Side Track 10,000 Jam New Springfield; Speedway for Opening Races Taking the lead at the start. A1 Keller of Buffalo, N.

won the feature race of 23 laps Saturday night before a crowd of 10.000 persons who Jammed Springfield Speedway at West Springfield for the initial card of the 1947 season. Blair Second P4 Driving a speedy new Offenahuser, Keller took the Number one while Bobby Blair of Boston won spot. ond and Alvin (Jeep) Colkitt A took third place. Chet (Wildcat) Gibbons won a hard-driving fourth and the best Bill Schindler could do was 10 cop a seventh place in the fast field. The biggest crowd ever to attend a midget auto race in Western Massachusetts was on hand for the opener which was run under clear skies.

Nearly 3000 were turned away, leading Promoter Bill Tuthill to promise that stops would be taken at once to provide more seats. 1st heat (10 laps): Schindler, Ringer, Gibbons, Conklin, Cross. 2.51.23 2d heat (10 laps): Keller, Rice, Duncan, Zeke, Brooks. 2.41.80 301: heat (10 laps): Sostillio, Blair, Disbrow, Rice, Van ITeusen. 2.50.60 heat (10 laps) Duffy, Bonadies, Colkitt, Ielt, Christopher.

2.46.51 1st semi-final (13 laps): Keller, Conklin, Schindler, Gibbons, Cross, Ringer. 3.59.4 2d semi-final (13 laps): Blair, Colkitt, Duffy, Duncan, Bonadies, Christopher. 4.04.01 1st class (10 laps): Walasek. Nazurak, Malley, Troutwine. 2.50.045 2d class (10 laps): Morris, Root, Tatro, Consolation Shurter.

(15 2.40.9 laps): Morris, Zeke, Helt, Nazurak, Brooks 4.07.2 Novice (10 laps): Johnson, House, Gelasko (no time) Feature race (25 laps): Keller, Blair, Colkitt, Gibbons, Bonadies, Duncan. 6.41.01 First Entries For Meet Here Entries for the New England 25 kilometer championship race to be run at Blunt Park Memorial Day in connection with an open track and field meet, already are coming in, Pith George Pike of Saugus, Ollie' Manners of Gardner and. John P. Poluch of Chicopee the first in the field. Northeastern University has entered these men in the track events: Frank McCann 220, Brian Cassy, 220 and 440, Tabor Rodman.

220, 410, William Martin, Rohert Carter, 440, George Georgeman 100 and Payson Kenysor 880 and mile. McCann won the 440 and placed second in the 220 in the 1942 meet here. Classified Ads Start Here Business Announcements 4 NEW RAINSPOUTS ROOF $120. -Now Metal GUTTERS or CONDUCTORS now avAilable SIDING $193 pay $6 type houses. EAVE TROUGHS repaired or replaced, save money, our estimate.

3-8770. -C WINDOW -Cleaning Service, floors, woodwork, walls. Tel. 6-1709. CELLARS- Vacuum cleaned.

painted, asher rubbish removed. Loam hauled. 8-0077. CLOGGED DRAINS Electric 'Razor Kleened" 01 no charge. No digging.

Roto Rooter. Any bour, any day. Tel. 4-3764. GRIFFIN'S--Tree and landscape service pruning, cavity work, transplanting.

Trees cut down. Lawns put In. 4-2830. "HANDY -Cleaning Service, upholstery expertly' cleaned. also rugs shampooed, Dial 7-4532.

HOME CURTAIN -Laundry guaranteed work 24 hr. Service. Call for deliver, 9-0858. HOME OWNERS Landscaping service, complete lawn work. trees trimmed and removed.

Loom and cinders. Lawn: mowed Nc job too big or small Giordano Bros. Tel. 7-7724. LANDSCAPING- Complete lawn work colprovia driveway by Fred Lyncosky West.

Spild. 3-7073. LANDSCAPING and gardening done by experts. By day or contract. T-1.

C-8170. perts LANDSCAPING And gardening done by exby day or contract. Also Tree surgery. Tel. 2-8170.

LAWNS -Mowed, yards and cellars clegned Rubbish removed. Tel. 0-1973. Florists 8 FLORIST -Attention -new extra good green waxed tissue. J.

Loder, West Springfield. Personals FEW -Family washing and ironing to do in my home. Tel. BAKER'S REST HOME For Convalescents, Invalids, and Aged. Good Food, Cheerful Atmosphere Nurses and Male Attendant On Duty Day and night.

We are now in a position to accommo date a few more patients, 38 WARNER ST. PHONE 3-7162 Forest Park Section pringdela Visiting Hours 2-4 and 7-5 p. m. GARDENS Northwest St pinned, narrowed. Hollis Kane, Beading Hills.

Call 6-8970. meet NURSERY 3-6 PLAYSCHOOL-Limited enroll. Experienced vrs, 14 and full dav sessions. teacher. 2-8519.

PERMANENT board and room for child in Lic. Home. Call 4-4061. elderly REFINED--Comfortable home for healthy Protestant lady, loving care and exory consideration given. $30 per week.

Tel. 7-3746. TRANSPORTATION TO Springfield by Westfield resident, working hours 9-5, Sat. 9-12. Phone Westfield 1380-R.

WANTED PASSENGERS- Driving to Los Angeles, Calif. with new lieferences exchanged. Leaving 1d week of June. Box 379, Union Office. WILL CARE For child 3 or 4 years old, day time.

Phone Chic 1149.J. BAND. Music for all occasions Tel. 4-7722 Lost and Found 10 BLACK Phone DOG -Lost vic. King St.

Tag 3-5389. BLACK -Key case lost containing 5 keys. registration, license issued to Laura L. Carson call Chic. 1939-W for reward.

LADY'S GOLD -Hamilton wrist watch. Ini. Lost vic. Fri. morn.

3-6889. LOST BROWN SUITCase containing la dies' clothing from auto trunk on highway between Spfld, and Northampton. Tel. 2-3111 between 8 and 5, ROUND gold earring lost downtown. Reward.

Call 4-0721. SMALL Princeton BLACK -Purse lost bet. Wellesley Sts. Mrs. Chauvin.

4-0491, Rew TWO FEMALE -co*ckers, tack And white, 8 mos. One brown in outa white, ful. grown. Vac. Wilbraham-Hampden line.

Reward. call North Wilbraham 12:12 PAIRS children's Brown White shoes lost downtown sect. Friday poult. 7-8730. The Triple A Baseball League, with American Bosch as the defending champion, moves into new tonight, starts with two games scheduled.

the defense of its title playing Spalding at Blunt Park at are the other teams in action on open6.15. Chapman Me Valve and Monsanto 'ng night. They meet on the diamond in Indian Oorchard at 6.15. Only Nine Clubs Organized as a 10 team circuit, the popular Dusty league has been reduced to nine clubs with the decision of Armory not to field a team this season. This has brought about of the schedule.

Westinghouse also was -slated to open tonight but must wait until later in the week to get the ball rolling. Four other teams will open tomorrow night when -Sanford of Thompsonville meets Smith Wesson at Forest Park and Gilbert Barker takes on Indian Motocycle at Blunt Park. As is usually the case before the season gets under way, rival managers are pretty much in the dark ag to what they will be up against this season. Bosch is expected to field an. other strong team.

Bigelow and again are looked upon as leading contenders and Smith Wesson always can be counted on to come up with a hustling club. Bad weather has been a handicap to all clubs in getting ready campaign but several of themshave managed to get in a few practice tests. 3. Saturday Sports In Brief Form he one alin Valley after for Colto a pro- at Golf 4. Davis Cup Tennis Paris, May 18 (AP) -France's Davis Cup tennis team completed a sweep of its second round European zone elimination series with India today.

by wining the final two singles matches for a 5-0 victory. The visitors failed to win a set in the five matches. Today Marcel Bernard defeated Sumant Misra, 6-4, 6-3, 6-1, and Bernard destremau trounced Dilip Bose, 6-0, 6-1, 6-2. Two for Eire two Dublin, May 18 (AP) -Eire won meaningless singles tennis matches from Yugoslavia today as the visitors already had clinched the second round European zone Davis Cup series by, capturing the first three matches. C.

A. Kemp the Irish first triumph, by defeating J. Pallada, followed 4-6, up 6-1, by 6-3, downing and J. J. P.

Saric, McHale de 6-1, 7-5. Prague, May 18 (AP) -Czechoslovakia's formidable tennis team, one of the most! on the continent, won the final two singles matches against! Switzerland today to capture the second round. European zone elimination Jans Spitzer and Bohous Cernik conseries, Jaroslav Drobny defeated quered Ians Huounder. Both victories were won in straight sets. England Wins tennis team won its way into the Warsaw, 'May 18.

(AP) -England's third round of the European zone Davis Cup eliminations today by de- feating Poland three matches to two before a record crowd of 10,000 at Legia courts. Mottram won the series for Britain by polishing of 27- year -old Wladyslaw Skoneczki, 6-4, 6-2. 6-0. Earlier Jozef Hebda had defeated England's Derek Barton, 3-6, 6-2, 6-4, 4-6, 6-4, to tie the series at 2-all. Robinson Wants Fight in France New York, May 18 (AP) -Welterweight champion Ray Robinson has received offers for bouts in Manila land Gainsford Paris said and his manager George today tht the Harlem ace was more interested in fighting France.

Robinson has been offered $35,000 to meet either of two prominent Filipino welterweights, Flashy Bastian or New Orleans-born Bernard Docusen, in Manila in July or August, the manager said. At the same time Gainsford said that Paris promoter Joe. Longman had proposed that Sugar Ray meet a French middleweight some time in June in French capital. Good Week End For Maroon Teams Springfield College athletic teams enjoyed a very successful week end. The varsity baseball team came up with is sixth victory of the season by beating Bates at Pratt Field, 3-0; the varsity track team finished third Eastern Intercollegiate championships at' Worcester: the varsity, tennis undefeaed "team ranks knocked with a RPI 5-4 victory at Troy, N.

the jayvee baseball team beat Monson, 4-1; and the jayvee track team turned back Nichols Junior. College. Curt Baker came up with 3 threehit masterpiece, for Coach. John Bunns Maroon tossers. A big sixth in which all the run scoring took place brought about the victory, The Maroons record.

is' now six victories in eight games. They go on the road this coming week end for two contests, mecting New Hampshire at New Hampshire Friday 'and Providence at Providence Saturday A doubles victory by Tatum and Renken gave Springfield netmen their victory over PRI. It was RPI's first defeat in six matches. Springfield finished third to Tufts and Trinity in the track championships, picking up a total of 24 5-6 points. Tufts was tops with 35 and Trinity next with 28.

Maroon men picked up three first places and a tie for first in another event. Adams won the two mile event, being timed at 9.52.1. Pennington took the pole vault with a leap feet 6 inches. Rees' toss of 178. feet, 8 1-2 inches was good for another first in the javelin.

while Whitham finished in three way tie for first in the high jump with a jump of five feet, 10 3-4 inches. t. St. Andrews, Scotland -U. S.

team won Walker Cup, 8-4, after winning six out of final eight matches from British. Horse Racing New York--Faultless followed up Preakness victory by taking Withers Stakes in 1 38 for mile and I paying $1.30. Brabancon was second, Stage. Kid third. Jet Pilot, Kentucky Derby winner, was fourth.

Winner's slice was $20,950. Louisville, Ariel Ace ($8.80) won Desert Light I'urse over six furlongs in wind mud in 1.12 Shaw's Pride photoed Jack's Jill, the favorLite, for place. Chicago--Gee "Whiz, ($10.80) won 20th running of $10,000 added Stakes at Hawthorne, beating Joliet! Helen and Safety First. Five fur- longs time on sloppy track. was 1.02 Havre De Grace, Md.

Legion ($6.60) boosted lifetime earnings to $17,365 by winning 29th running of Potomac Stakes. Mityme was second, Canargo Time for mile and an eighth was 1.50 $10,000 added on Constitution Handicap Boston -Atomic Power ($3.80) won at 'Suffolk Downs by lengths over Jobstown before 34,287, season's largest crowd. Bull Tar was third. Media, Pa. -Edward won, $600 Gloucester Fox Hunters Plate, mile timber test, in 6.29 beating Never Worry and Duke.

Crew Princeton, N. won varsity and Jayvee on Lake Car. negie course in second annual regatta of Eastern A Association of Rowing Col. leges in which 28 college tights participated. Harvard varsity beat Navy and Cornell in final, after morning heats.

Harvard jayvee beat Penn and Princeton; Princeton frosh beat Navy and Yale. New York--American International College, Springfield, won from when latters boat sunk at mile mark of mile and five-sixteenths race, on Harlem River, Hanover, N. University varisty won third straight race, defeating Dartmouth by length and a quarter in mile and five-sixteenths race. Jayvees won. from Dartmouth by 12 lengths.

Cambridge, Harvard's undefeated 150-pound varisty regained Joseph Wright Trophy by besting Princeton by length and a quarter in sevenshell feature on Charles River. Yale, followed. Cornell, M. I. and Columbia Track Cambridge, Harvard agonal track title after five-year lapse with 48 points against eight Ivy Others: Navy Army Penn Yale Columbia 19; Princeton 16; Cornell Dartmouth Chapel Hill, N.

Carolina won 23d annual Southern Conference track meet with record-breaking 83 points. Others: Duke 12; Maryland North Carolina 26; V.P.I. 16. Birmingham, Ala. -Louisiana State won Southeastern Conference track meet for 12th Georgian 15 years with points.

Tech WAS second with 47. Others: Auburn Mississippi State 26; Tulane Florida Alabama 11; Tennessee Georgia Mississippi and 2 apiece. Des Moines- Oklahoma Aggies won seventh straight Missouri track title with points. Others: ton Drake Wichita 16; Creighton, St. Louis and Tulsa scoreless.

New Brunswick, N. won 35th annual Middle track meet with points. Others: Atlantic Franklin Marshall Lafayette Swarthmore St. Joseph's (Phila.) Lasalle (Phila.) and Haverford, 13 each; Muhlenberg 10; Johns College Hopkins Lehigh Washington burg and Delaware 8 each; Dickinson 6, Buckness Drexel and Albright 3 each: Ursinus Alfred Juniata and Penn Military scoreless. won New York--New York University 14th metropolital outdoors track meet with 112 points.

Others: Manhattan 86; Fordham 16; CCNY St. Francis College St. John's Brooklyn 0. feated Madison. track -Wisconsin's undedual meet, team' defeating won third straight previously un' beaten Minnesota in rain, to diana, Columbus, 75 to' 54 State beat Inin 'dual track meet in mud.

Ann Arbor, won rainswept track meet from 80-49. Michigan, Worcester, Tufts successfully defended title in trackannual Eastern Inter collegiate with 35 points, Others: Trinity 28; Springfield 24 Bowdoin 20; Boston University' 18; Connecticut Middlebury Worcester Tech Massachusetts Vermont 2, Colby 1. Maroon Entered In Track Meet Durham, N. May 18 (AP)Twenty member colleges have entered A total of 389 athletes for the 60th New England intercollegiate track and field championships here at the University of New Hampshire next Friday and Saturday, it was announced today by Edward S. Parsons of Northeastern University, the association's secretarytreasurer, This year's meet marls the return two-day competition which was suspended during the war.

Trials will be held late Friday afternoon, with all of finals on Saturday. The New Englands have not been held here since 1939, when Rhode Island State registered a close victory over Brown and Cross, Rhode Island State, meet champions five times. in the last nine years, will he the most powerful numerically with 46 entries. Brown has, entered 39, New Hampshire 38 and title -defending Tufts 31. Tuffs appeared extremely well -balanced in almost every event while winning the "Easterns" at Worcester, Mass.

on Saturday, Bates The 11, other Boston colleges and College their 23, entries: Boston University 18, Colby 5, Holy Cross 18, Springfield 23, Connecticut 23, Maine 25, University of Massachusetts 8, Vermont 13, Wesleyan 2, Worcester Tech 4. V. 3 BELGIUM WINS Brussels, May 18 (AP) -Belgium de. feated a Scottish team 2-1 in a soccer match played today in Heysel Stadium near AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 HIGHER CLASS OF BETTER USED CARS SEDANS. COUPES CONVERTIBLE: AND PANEL TRUCKS.


2-9805 CLUB CONVERTIBLE-1912 Dodge. Exc. cond. 7-4719. AMERICAN BANTAM -Roadster 1039.

Good cond. New tires And battery. 23 Cass W. S. 3-5515.

AT PACKARD SPRINGFIELD 38 cyl. sedan. 40 Packard sedan, excellent. 11 Packard, 6 cyl. sedan, color black, low mileage.

excellent motor tires, covers. Heater defrosters. TRADES AND TERMS PACKARD SPRINGFIELD, INC 721 STATE ST. 1-5681 AT PARAMOUNT MOTORS HIGH GRADE USED CARS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES New Mercury Club Conv. New Ford Club Conv, New Plymouth Sedan.

1942 Chevrolet Club Conv. 1941 Chevrolet Station wagon 1940 Ford Station wagon 1012 Buick Sedan' 1041 Chrysler Sedan 1910 Packard (6) Sedan 1933 Packard (6). Sedan 1947 1936 International ton pickup All Indian Chief Motorcycle tioned and these cars are thoroughly recondiguaranteed. Also Distrihutors for the new AUSTIN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TRADES AND TERMS OPEN EVENINGS 419 Walnut City 1942 Buick super sedan, AT PINE POINT MOTOR SALES Pontiac 8 Chieftian, 1912 Studebaker Champion sedan, Chrysler sedan, fluid drive. 1941 Packard Club coupe, 1911 1941 Studebaker Champion sedan, Pontiac 6 sedan, h.

1940 P'lymouth sedan, 1937 Studebaker 8 sedan, Trades And Terms 1 1306 PINE POINT MOTOR SALES State St. Tel. 7-4335 AVAILABLE NOW '46 Buick Super Sedan Buick Buick Roadmaster Sedan 20,000 mi. Super Sedan Gray Buick Special Sedan door Tan 3: Buick. Sedanette Gray Cadillac 61 Sedan 4 door Green Pontiac Sedan 1 door Tan '42 Oldsmoblle 78 Sedanette Maroon 78 Sedan Black '16 Ford Oldsmobile Club Coupe Hydromatio Super DeLuxe Coach Chrysler Sedan 4 door Black 11 l'ackara Sedan Green CONVERTIBLES Buick Roadmaster Club Conv.

'46 Chrysler Winsor Club Conv. '46 Buick Super Station Wagon '11 Buick Super Club Conv 12 Cadillac 62 Club Conv. Black Gray Cadillac 61 Club Conv. Blue 42 Pon'iac 6 Club Conv. Tan 11 Dodge Club Conv.

Ivory 2 Cadillac 16 YOUNG cy Conv. MOTOR Sedan 4 door 310 Main St. Tel. CO. OLDSMOBILE DEALER BUICK good condition.

1011-Century door dan Granville, Mass, 3446. R. $650. Apply 1935--4 De. sedan.

Good BUICK BUICK 1940-Super Gas Station at the Jenney condition. H. New tires. Very dr. trunk sedan.

4 BUICK clean. 1049 Dwight St. overhauled. 4 1912-Special new tires, door sedan. Reo.

$1450. Tel. 2-3803. No radio and heater. BUICK, 1041-Convertible club dealers.

Defrosters. Ford club coupe RAH. extras. 1941 Ford, 4-door coupe, many mileage, like new. Jim secan, lom State St.

6-9063 Moffett, 1579 Chevrolet BUICK-1938 4 door sedan, 1941 town sedan. R. I H. DeSoto 1942 4 door sedan, like new. drive and overdrive.

R. H. fluid Bill Leonard Tel. 2-5375 510 Allen st. equipped with 1946-Sedanette, very BUICK, all Buick low mileage.

beautiful car, will trade extras. truly Tel. Holyoke 2-2795. for oider car..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

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Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.