The Marysville Tribune from Marysville, Ohio (2024)

Page Three' MARYSVILLE TRIBUNE, MARYSVILLE, OHIO Thursday, August 25, 1938 MARSHAL AT CONVENTION. filled basket and an enjoyable time --Church I MILFORD CENTER Ada Davis; Cor. EAST, YORK Mrs. M. Bhumway, Cor.

ANSWERS FILED. In the suit, of Fred GabrleL administrator oi the estate of" Ella S. Blue, deceased, against Harry G. I Announcements 3 had by all. George Singer served as marshal Mr.

and Mrs. C. H. Holycross and Tuesday afternoon while mother Mrs. Milligan and son Ja-Brown attended the convention at cob were Sunday guests of Mr.

and Columbus of Veterans of Foreign Mrs. E. H. Holycross. 1 Southard and about 60 other defendants, answers have been filed 1 iU.

Wars. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rees of at the O'Shaughriessy Dam, Wednesday. .7 Wedding bells rang again in over vicinity Saturday for Edward Bruerd and Miss Glendola Bird.

The ceremony was performed by George Herd at Methodist Church at Byhalia. Congratulations from our community. Mr. and Mrs. Rannie Oberdior of Marion spent Sunday with Mr.

-and Mrs. William Ruhl." Mr. and Mrs. J. H.

Bryan were Saturday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sherman of York. Dover were Sunday dinner guests 1 of Mr. and Mra Walter Williams.

few days at Toledo, last week. Phyllis and Peggie Winner of West Liberty are visiting at the Francis Dunham home. Mr. and Mrs. William Blackwell were -entertained Sunday at.

the Elizabeth Inskeep home at Bellefontaine. Helen Boyles. a returned missionary from Koreo, will talk in the M. E. Church at North Lewisburg, Sunday evening, August 2i.

A handkerchief shower wll be given for Miss Boyles at this time. O. J. Chamberlain and family are visiting Mr. Chamberlain's brother and family in the Ozark Mountains.

I 111 lUlllIHOll JlZUO IUUI WJ fcl.G UV 'fendants. ft Answers have also been filed In common pleas court in the suit of -Harry G. Southard vs. Frances. iSouthard Fullerton and Clifton L.

Caryl represents about thirteen or of the defendants. I Many other attorneys are repre- BUCK RUN Mrs. W. M. Staley, Cor.

Phone: Empire 4858 Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Holycross and family and Mrs. Anna Suddulh i spent Sunday with Mr. arid Mfs.

Corwin Kennedy of Mingo. CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES AND MISSIONS. Fr. Carl Lamott. Marysville: Mass at 8 o'clock.

North Lewisburg: No mass. Mechanicsburg: Mass at 10:30 o'clock. RAYMOND CHRISTIAN Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. T.

L. Patton, superintendent. I Mr. and TSrs. Dean Lawson spent I.

H. McAdow and Miss Wanda1 Jean Cook of Columbus were weekend guests of the former's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Peters. Miss Cook remained for several days' visit here.

Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Noyes of Ashland, Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Homsher and Mrs. Lillian Thompson of Columbus were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Knight Kimball.

Mrs. John Whiteman of Columbus spent a few days last week with Mrs. Charles Thompson and daughter; Phyllis. Mr. and Mrs.

Malcolm Homsher of 'Columbiiswere Sunday callers here and attended the former's class 1 sented in both suits. PETITION REJECTED, Sermon by the pastor, Rev. James SUMMERSVILLE James W. Davis, Cor. CLAIBORNE Mrs.

Arthur Potts, Cor. Strawser, 11 a. m. Young people's service, 7:15 p. m.

Evangelistic services at 8 Prayer meeting Wednesday eve Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Holycross and daughter.

Private Ernest Collier from Fort Hayes spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Collier.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ward of Columbus spent Monday with Mr.

and Walter Williams and family. Henry Hessling of Toledo returned to his home in Toledo Thursday, after a ten days' visit with Mr. and Mrs: Ed Phajen and son John. Rinhold Kuba of East Liberty Mrs. Mary Jacobus of Tulsa.

is visiting with, her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. C. M.

Boord, this week Mrs. Cora Beightler returned Saturday from a five days' visit with her daughters in Columbus. Maurice Poling and family returned to their home In Ft. Wayne. the latter part of the week, after a three weeks' visit with Mr.

Poling's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orlyn Poling. Walter M. Staley, and Dean ning at 8:00 o'clock.

Mrs. T. B. Roahen was operated on at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Columbus, Saturday.

Marjorie Ortman and Ruth Arthur are helping care for her. Mrs. Mamie Losey visited her sisters, Mrs. Norris and Mrs. Foreman at Bellefontaine, from Wednesday until Sunday.

Mrs: Nona Wyethj and son Ray and daughter were Sunday guests of Miss Mable Smith and brother Percy at Uhionville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hornbeck moved to York last Tuesday. Mrs.

Edna Southard and daughter Nadean, of Columbus, were dinner guests of1 Mrs. Minnetta Shum-way last Thursday. Merritt Skidmore came home Saturday from the Kenton hospital. He is improving. Mr.

and Mrs. John Morrow of Russell, Ky visited their cousins, Edwin and Emery Morrow and Overton Winters, here last week, also their aunt, Mrs. Mattie Morrow, at W. Mansfield. Mrs.

Dora Patrick of Rich wood visited her' sister, 1 Mrs. Dolly Friday. The ladies of York M. E. Church East Liberty M.

E. Church, Thursday, August 25th, at their church. Mr. and John Price and baby and Mrs. Sarah Jolliff, called on John Jolliff and family at By-halia, Sunday afternoon: They went At the final hearing' on the pe- tition for widening the Converse Road in Jerome township to sixty feet, the proposed improvement was turned down by the commissioners and the petition dismissed.

The pe-. tition was petitioned for by J. D. Hooper and a number of other land owners in Jerome townshjp. SPRINGDAI.E BAPTIST.

Sunday school at' 10 a. m. Edgar Lowry, superintendent. Brown returned Saturday from thi-Pent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shirk of Bellefontaine and Mis. James W.

Davis and son Clinton spent last Thursday with Mrs A. M. Blush, near Worthington. Mrs. Lizzie Potts of Columbus spent the week-end at her home here.

Russell Foster of Detroit spent the week-end at the heme of his father. Frank Foster. Mr. Foster accompanied Russell home Sunday, where he will then go to Canada to spend a few days with friends. Mrs.

Roy Orahood of Delaware is staying at the Foster home ctnrtnK Mr. Foster's absence. Mar. and Mi's. Paul Bradley and children spent Tuesday evening with Mr.

and Mrs. O. C. Bradley, near Middleburg. The reunion of former pupils and teachers of the Claiborne school will be held next Sunday.

Aug. 28. A good crowd is expected and a program is being planned. The Osbourne-Matlack reunion was held at the school house here on Sunday. Seventy-seven were present from different parts of Ohio and West Virginia.

Mrs. Retta Barnett and Ethel Parmer spent from Thursday until Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Adrian Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Styrc and reunion at Lakewood Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and family were Monday busines callers in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs.

E. C. Mackan and sons. Dale and Carl of Marion were Sunday and Monday guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Rose Mackan and sister, Mrs.

Ada Davis. Mr. and Mrs. C. T.

Ridenour, son, Tommy, of St. Paris, were Sunday supper guests. Mr. and Mrs. Elden Ferryman and family spent the week-end with parents.

jnd Mrs. J. E. Hunt in Baltimore, Ohio. M.

E. Holt, daughter Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holt and family of Irwin visited relatives, Sunday, at Illinois state fair with the former's flock of show sheep, where he won many blue ribbons and two champions. Junior Green returned to his.

home near LaRue after five weoks' visit with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Green. Mr. and Mrs, Louis Michel and son James Charlesof Milford, and "I Lived With Gorillas." Astonishing true adventures of a French explorer.

One of the many interesting features in The American Weekly. rthe magazine distributed with next Sunday's Chicago Herald and Examiner, MAGNETIC SPRINGS M. E. J. O.

Lehman, Pastor. Unified morning service at 10 o'clock. Pastor's subject: "Jesus, Our Example." Class period will begin about 10:45. The annual Sunday school election will be held at this service. Evening service at 8 o'clock.

Questions on Book of Revelations, beginning with 5th chapter and following. PLAIN CITY Harry Robey, Cor. uinicr, i Mr re airH Sell it through a want ad. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs rationing with Dr.

and Mrs. Frank Walter M. Staley and Mrs. Ella George and famlly at GayU)rd 'Michigan. Wanetta Taylor, of near Wakin' Jackson and nis Piketon, Ohio.

NEW DOVER M. E. J. O. Lehman, Pastor.

Veiss Brothers Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bird, Alvin Blu- consisting of -BeaW Miller, -Bob- to see Harland Jollied who came home from the hospital, Saturday. parents, Mr. and Mrs.

William Jackson -shadow" Ebnght and Cline' I Henry Baker, who are fishing in Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kent and Lake Mantaowin 0nt Canada re. menschein. Miss Viola White of this place, Mr.

and Mrs. Lemuel Wade of Columbus attended the Ruhl reunion at the home of Mr. and MARYSVILLE, OHIO Mr. and Mrs. Guy MeEni of son amy ana aaugnier Lonnie, anu i I port back to friends they caught 105 Mrs.

Howard Stierhoff near East Sunday school at 10 a. m. Guy D. Mitchell, superintendent. Preaching at 1:00 a.

m. Pastor's subject: "Jesus, Our Example." There is only one more Sunday after tyiis before the meeting of the Ohio Annual Conference at Columbus, September 7. ALLEN CENTER BAPTIST. Sunday school at 10 a. m.

Liberty. FALL FAVORITES IN Mr. and Cary Homsher are Lola Styre spent a few days last week at Sabina attending Ohio conference. The Ladies Aid will observe guests night at the home of Mrs. Thomas Yearsk-y on Thursday eve- I ning.

Mrs. Yearsley will be assisted i by Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mrs. Ar- thur Warner and Mrs. Arthur Potts, i Mrs.

R. B. DeWitt and daughters. Sandra Lee and Bonnie Sue. spent Sunday with her parents.

Mr. and I Mrs. Perry Wood and daughters. Mr. and Mrs.

Adrian Putts and daughter Natalia, Mr. and Mrs. V. Norris and daughter Mary Lou visited relatives in Illinois and Missouri from Thursday until TWnn- day. I Mr and Mrs.

Rush Cheney and daughter Mary are enjoying a vara- tion of ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Davis attended the Davis reunion Sunday at the'; home of and Mrs. Hurry din Harrisburg, called on Mr.

and Mrs. James) Sherman. They had been to see their mother and brothers in Union City, and stopped on their way home. Dr. and Mrs.

Conner of Columbus were Sunday afternoon callers at the Jason Coons home. enjoying a vacation trip to Canada, and other places of interest Mrs. Ed Bird spent Saturday aft Millinery 0.95 ernoon with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Lena Ruhl in Marysville. Mrs.

Ruhl left Monday to make her future home at London, Ark. TAX NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. Herman Durban and David Reese were Sunday guests of ilk ssSpX Mrs. Alice Newman spent Sunday in Springfield, attending the Bennett reunion.

Albert Williams of Springfield Is making an extended visit with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Mr. and Mrs.

V. Elliott of near Broadway and Simon Burnham of Texas called on W. M. Staley, and son Walter. Rev.

Arnold of Westerville was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Auta Le-Master from Sunday night until Monday. George Heighner returned to his home in Columbus after an extended visit with Mrs-. Bertha Hen-suit and Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Hen-ault. Mrs. C. M.

Bord and cousin, Mrs Mary Jacobus of Oklahoma spent Saturday with William Davidson, near Richwood. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Smith and Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Bruce and family at Belle Center. Visit our millinery department and see the fashion headlmer. port flared berets. olT-the-faee halcis! boroitff. and doll hats All the ilii-w fall Size-, 2 to 4.


Liggett, Pastor. Pottersburg. Morning worship, 10 o'clock. Sunday school, 11 o'clock. Raymond.

Sunday school, 10 o'clock. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Broadway. Sunday school, 10 o'clock. Evening service, 8 o'clock.

Asbury. Sunday school, 10 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Troesch were Sunday guests of Mr.

and Mrs. John The last day for paying the current real estate tax collection is September 1st. There will be no extension of time beyond that date as the books must be closed at 4:30 P. September 1st. ningham near Springdale.

Mr. and "Mrs. Joe Parmer of Marysville were dinner guests oi bass in one day and that the weather is Tom Degan is caring for the Jackson filling station during the absence of the Jackson boys and the other round table club. Eddie Tedrick, Harry Holycross. Dave Chandler and James Lucas are on a fishing trip in the Sudbury.

North Channel, Canadian district, they left Plain City. Monday. Mrs Charles Wcrthington and Mrs Davie Patch vacationed for a week at Indian Lake. Eber Bigelow. paper hanger and decorator for the Perkins Co.

of Columbus, is' recovering at the home of his mother in Plain City, after a a twelve foot fall df.wn a stairway at a home in Upper Arlington Major Charles Butler is reported must better from a severe attack of indigestion. Dr. Lee and a nurse from Columbus are in attendance Mrs. Ruth WilllamF of St. Petersburg, Fla and Plain City, is havinf new buildings built on her Darby Plains farm, west ol Plain City.

Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Robey were dinner guests of Mrs.

Katherine Meyers in Columbus. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs Curry of Richmond. are visiting his grandmother.

Mrs. Jennie Robinson. Mr. and Mrs Roy W. Wood anc two children.

Harry r.nd Betty, of Mechanicsburg. arc visiting Mr and Mrs. John Venrick for several day They're Here The Derr. Mrs. Edith Orahood was a Monday visitor in Urbana.

Mrs. Dora Bidwell, daughter, Helen and son, Ellis, of Columbus, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elden Bidwell. Roger Rust and son, Vern.

of Springfield were Friday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stunning New Fall EDGAR A. HOLYCROSS, w7- County Treasurer. 276- LONG'S CHAPEL.

Sunday school, 10 a. m. Preaching services, 11 a. in High School Students Notice charge of Rev. A.

L. Terry. children, of Ft. Wayne, spent in Preaching services 8 p. the week-end with Mr.

Smith's charge of Rev. A. L. Terry. mother, Mrs.

Myrtle Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paver and Prayer meeting Tuesday evening 8 o'clock. Mrs.

Joseph Wells spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Albert, AH junior and senior high school students should approve their schedules and secure their text books at their respective buildings, Wednesday, August 31, between 9:00 m. and 3:00 p. m.

near Broadway. Betty Stoutz of Chillicothe is vis London's First Fire Brigade London's first fire brigade wa established in 1791. and iting at the home of her cousins. Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Kent. James Wheeler spent Sunday with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Staley Salisbury, near Unionville. Mr and Mrs.

William Pierce and Mrs, Wallare on Friday. Mrs. North Doudna returned to her home near Magnetic Springs. Sunday, after spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Charles Snyder, Mr.

and Mrs. Marion Cameron and son Harold attended the Worts-baugh reunion at Prospect Park Sunday. Mrs. Josephine Wallare. an aged resident of this community, passed away ut the home of her daughter Mt-.

Charles Snyder on Tuesday. Mis. Arthur Potts and Mrs Arthur Warner and dauglitii Putty penl Thursday at Mt. Vernon the goes! nf their son and brother. Mr and Mrs.

Dolph Potts and family. Mrs. Roy Orahood and sun Paul of Delaware spent from Tuesday until Saturday with Miss Edna and Frank Mulvaine. Garoldene. Ladonna.

and Gwrn-delyn Snedeker from Lewislown. are spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Warner and Mr. and Elmer Warner.

Class No. 3 taught by Mrs. Minnie Yearsley. held a picnic along Bokes Creek on Friday evening. Mrs.

Wilford Snyder and son Gene are spending a week with relatives in Bruster and Akron. Dwight VanAtla spent a few-days last week with friends in Bowling Green. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder were Sunday guests of their son-in-law and daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Meddels and son Mr. and Mrs. LeRpy Browning and son Robert Lee, of Sunbury, and Mrs.

Edith Orahood of Wist Mansfield were Sunday guests of Tral Klur Forest tirern Rural Autumn Valkrrie Wine Navy Rlark Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dasher. Mr. and Mrs.

Carl Beightler and Mrs. Cora Beightler entertained friends from Columbus Sunday. BARGAIN BAsem*nT SAVE WITH US ON SHOES For Extra Weai-Hetvy Cherry Mrs. Leonard Bellville of near In Mr. and Mrs.

Guy Coughenour and daughters, Audray and Wanda Jean, were Sunday afternoon callers of the former's brother, Francis Coughenour and wife, in Columbus. They were callers on Mr. and Mrs. B. A.

Davis at Linworth, and they all attended a show in the evening. Mrs. Arthur Lease of Columbus came Monday to spend this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.

L. Vance. Mrs. Vance is slowly recovering from her recent illness. Mr.

and Mrs. Everett Vance, daughter Dorothy, of near Marysville, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eaton, daughter Janet Luella, of Marion, were Sunday afternoon callers at the C. L.

Vance home. Mr. and Mrs. John Davis and Walter Keagy of Springfield were week-end guests of Mrs. I.ucy Nichols.

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Violet, Mr.

and Mrs. Marion Violet attended the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. C. B.

Violet at Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gorton spent from Tuesday until Sunday, in Detroit, Mich. Miss Helen Gorton and Mrs.

Mary Burson motored there Sunday and accompanied Mr. end Mrs. Gorton home. Miss Janet Kettler of Columbus is spending a few days here with her parents. Dr.

and Mrs. H. H. KetUer. The 4-H Sewing Club met Monday afternoon with Miss Jane Lock-wood, south of town.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mercer of ELK FIELD SHOE 0.39 Peoria spent Thursday with her granddaughter, Mrs. Charles Paver. Mrs.

Glen Stillings is leaving this week for Oak Park. Illinois, to visit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Robinson. Mr.

and Mrs. Auta LeMaster and son Rudolph spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ruhl Gibhs, near M'l'rd. Made of cherry elk, nailed grain insole, extra weight moulded compo sole and steel tap.

Rubber heel with steel rim. Sizes 6 to 10. NORTH lewisburg; I Mrs. Howard Painter, Cor. -s.

George Hatfield and family of Mechanicsburg were Sunday guests of Philip Fletcher and family Francis Dunham rnd family were business visitors at Urbana. Saturday. Mrs. Max Bishop and daughter, of Toledo, spent the week-end with Warren Wilson and family. Born to Mr and Mrs Rnllin Beveston a son.

Mr. and Mis Dana Bump are visiting relatives st St. Paul Minn Everett Gilbert, who has been spending ome time in the west, has been visiting his parents. Mr and Mrs. Don Gilbert Mrs Sarah Boyles spent Saturday with her daughter.

Mrs Charles White. The Mt Moriah M. Church will hold their picnic at Ohio Caverns. Sunday. August 28 Everyone welcome.

Merritt Boyles and wife, Man'. Helen and Ethel Boyles attended the Scission and White wedding at Columbus, Saturday. Howard Painter and family were business visitors at Bellefontaine. Monday. Mrs Cora Elsey and Richard Wilson are spending the week with relatives at LaRue.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Painter and Howard Painter and family were callers Sunday at the Dow Gilbert home. Forest Smith and family attended We hit a tew of the more 1 a fall shades that we have included in our new sl ion of fall drtsi-s You. of course, will find clever 1 a w.

aisled dirndl styles, softly Mowing high v. prim e-ss styles with sunburst pleated and a i pleat skirls Soutache braids, beads and flattering jewelry are conspicuous this season. You MUSX visit our dn-ss department to see hat ill be worn fall Sizes 14 to-20. 38 to 52 STRINGTOWN Mrs. Paul Bradley, Cor.

Kurfed Smart Appearing MEN'S DRESS SHOES WHITE BRIDGE Mrs. Bina Bryan. Cor Mrs. Ethel Tallman and son and I. N.

Rowe spent the weekend at Franklin and Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Phalen and S'W John spent Sunday at Carey. .98 1 Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Bryan of Columbus spent Sunday here, also attended the latter' school class reunion at Lakewood Beach, of the latter. Miss Eloise Huffman of Columbus Whether you want a conservative square toed blucher style or a pair of toe shoes, you'll find just the thing in our shoe department. Steel riveted shank. Heavy no mark compo sole.

Sizes 8 to 11. spent the week-end here with her Qlamorous New Fall Women's parents, Mr. and Mrs. rover Huffman, also attended her class reunion at Lakewood Beach. Steady Leaf Wearing 30YS' SHOES Mr.

and Mrs J. Harris spent Sunday in Springfield and Jennie Hershberger returned with them to his home, after a two weeks' visit Mrs. A. G. Bryan and two children, of Selkirk.

Mich, spent the wepk-end with Mr. anr Mrs. J. Bryan. Mrs.

Thelma Ruhl and children spent Thursday with her mother of Richwood. Miss Inez Staley of Oakwood spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H.

Bryan. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon of near East Liberty were also evening callers. Mr.

and Mrs. George J. Oberdier of Marysville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lusk of Columbus Grove and Wylie Rose Lusk.

who has spent the summer with relatives, returned home- with them. Mr. and Mrs. William Ruhl and children and Sadie Crabtree attended the Friends Church picnic Summersville were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Sam Robinson. Warren Holycross of London spent the week-end with his parents Mr, and Mrs. A. F. Hojycross and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Longbrttke and daughter spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Emslie of Raymond.

Mrs. Maude Stewart of Marysville spent the week-end with her daughfesv Mrs. Paul Grubbs, and family. Mr. and Mrs.

R. Caldwell and Louis Hatch of Russell Point spent Thursday night 'with Mr. and Mrs. Sudduth. The eighteenth annual reunion of the Wilson and Irwin families was Held at Allen Center, 4-H CLUB NEWS Jost Lika Dad's" the funeral of Ben Ross at Mt Tabor Church.

Friday afternoon. .49 Sport Shoes 1-98 We've never seen such outstanding values. Heavy oak leather soles or crepe soles. Two-tone combinations in calf leather or multi-color Colors: Red. Rust.

Blus, Brown, Black. Sizes 3 to IMt. Anna Smith spent Thursday at the home of her sister, Mary Yoder. Mrs. Alice Stokes spent one day last week at Ada.

UNION MAIDS. Doris HOL Reporter. The next meeting of the Union Maids win be Thursday, August 25. it win be held at Mrs. Xastonl The North Lewisburg Ladies' Aid Let us outfit your boy with a pair of these stylish shoes of sturdy Heavy composition sole.

Rubber taeeL Sixes 11 to large 6. Society will meet Wednesday. September 7, at the home of Mrs. Vir home. All members wanting way gil Mary and Helen Boyles spent a are to meet at the Laird and Luh offie at 7 JO o'clock.

August list AH cam with weU-.

The Marysville Tribune from Marysville, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.