The Bradford Star from Towanda, Pennsylvania (2024)

a a tion of THE BRADFORD STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1901. Miss Addie Orcutt is visiting friends in Utica and Syracuse. Jasper Graham has removed with his family from Sayre to Merchant H. E. Taylor was down from West Franklin, Monday.

A. J. Cotton has again become local editor of the Athens Evening News. John M. Carroll of Pittsburg is visiting his mother on York avenue.

Mrs. Elizabeth Spalding is visiting her son, Prof. F. P. Spalding, in Bethlehem, Maj.

W. H. H. Gore of Athens enjoyed a few hours at the county seat, Saturday. Mr.

and Mrs. B. F. Taylor of Granville celebrated their golden wedding, yesterday. Rev.

A. B. Kendall of Evergreen has accepted a call from the Christinn church at Erie, N. Y. Miss Nellie Black of Canton is an applicant for a position in the public schools to be established in the Philippines.

Paul Berghaus, who read law with Rodney A. Mercur, has been appointed clerk of the Waverly board of trustees. Rev. Frederick A. Alden, student at Auburn theological semia nary, will preach both morning and evening next Sunday in the South Towauda churoh.

Allen Hover of Homet's Ferry returned, Tueeday, from a very pleasant three weeks' trip in igan. As a trophy of his euccess in fishing brought with him monster pickerel. Richard McCabe of North Rome bas been granted an increase of bald Ruggles of Troy to $12, and pension to 1322 per month Archian original widow's pension of $8 to Elizabeth M. Berry of Gillett. Ulster, The who venerable has G.

been H. in Vandyke Philadel- of phia the past two months, having cataracts removed from his spent a felt hours in Towanda, Monday. many friends will to learn that the operation WAB enccessfal, his sight being greatly improved. J. H.

Murrelle, who has been local editor of the News since last July, has resigned his position, his resignation taking effect Friday evening. Mr. Murrelle goes to Towanda where he has secured an interest in an established business. Mr. Murrelle has many friends in Athens who wish him all possible success in his enterprise.

-News It is derstood that Mr. Murrelle has purchased an interest in the Reporter- Journal. Prof. J. M.

Arnold, formerly of the Towanda public schools, is having a very successful career Princeton, N. J. The schools at Princeton are considered among the very best in the State of New Jersey, being, as they are, under the shadow of the great university, and no one but a first-class man could hold such a position. Prof. Arnold has now been there three years, and his salary has twice been voluntarily raised, and he is now receiving a salary of $2,000 do a year.

The school directors of Princeton, however, are educated and intelligent several of them being graduates' of the university, and the all subject being of deeply education. interThis is doubtless the reason why Prof. Arnold has been retained and his salary raised. If the Princeton school board were made up of ward politicians, as has too often been the case in Towanda, things would probably be very different from what they are there. Politics and schools do not mix well, 88 the people of Towanda have learned to their sorrow.

C. R. Satton of Sayre will open a jewelry store at LeRaysville. The first house- boat of the season passed down the river, Monday. Charles Murphy is building an addition to his barn on South Sec- one street.

The Ladies' auxiliary to the Y. M. C. mwill meet next Monday at 4 p. The Keystone Social club issued neat invitations for Easter has an hop on Munday evening, 2pril 8.

G. Frank Coleman, residing near LeRaysville, while leading a 00 was thrown and bad his leg broken. Millinery opening of Rooker Ruggles, Friday and Satarday, March 29 and 30. You are cordially invited to attend. John Kennedy of Ridgebury broke through the Sayre lockup Sunday morning in which he was caged and made his escape.

The Mountain Lake Soldiers' and Sallora' Association will hold their next annual reunion at Moantain Lake, June 20 and 21. An unoccupied house belonging to A. Mingos in Asylam township was completely destroyed by fire, Thursday morning. Light insurance. Fire, caused by a defective chimney, destrayed the house of Earnest House, South Waverly, last Wednesday afternoon.

Only a portion of the household goods were saved. Early Saturday morning the way in Canton township was dedwelling bouse of Joseph Hemenstroyed by fire together with all contents. On Saturday evening the handsome residence of Mre. Mary E. F.

Townsend of the same town was also burned. Both properties were insured. The manager of the Towanda Water company has issued a new decree, forbidding all discursion of the water question. If agitation is not stopped he threatens to take the law into his own hands and lick such part of the town as will not listen to mandate. Big job, emall man, but this is the best argument he can offer in justification.

However, the STAR wishes to inform this dictatorial manager that insolence. threate anda bullyism won't go in Towanda the people are in this fight to stay until justice is done them. Nerves Like a Flat-Iron. A woman who suffered for three years from nervous prostration, saga two bottles of Liebty's Celery Nerve Componnd effectel complete she care. She hardly knows she today whether has nerves or not, 88 never fe-lsthem.

It is certainly a wonderfal remedy. Sold by E. P. Kester. O'L AT DURELL.

Why was The Hole Plugged! It will be remembered that the Black Diamond 0:1 and Gas comE. recently put down a well at Darell to the depth of 1510 feet. driller said, there was no oil and plugged the hole. In the neighborhood there. were some observing people who kept an eye open.

It was discovered that oil bad been found at a depth of 615 feet bat the drillers kept at work. Finally the drillers completed their job. proncanced the well a plugged the hole and went awAy. Coriosity and interest would not cease, and a few days ago F. N.

Dixon and F. N. Phillipe again visited the well. They found that the plugging had not teen thoroughly done and that petroleum was escaping from the well in large quantities. A gallon was gathered in a few minutes, tested by burning, and samples bottled and brougbt to Towanda.

Comparisons were made with other crude oil and it was found that there was no preceptible difference between them. It can not be questioned that the sample hibited is a first class petroleum and we think the most skeptical can be convinced if he will call and examine the sample left at the STAR office. The question now arises. why was the hole plugged? Have those interested been tricked? It would look 80, and the people of Asylum should make 8 more thorough investigation of the possible great wealth lying under their farms, before the enterprise is abandoned. The old Susquehanna is bank full since the recent rain.

An oratorical silver medal contest will be held in the M. E. church at Ulster, Friday evening, April 5. Miss McIntyre of New York city, of extensive experience, has accepted a position as trimmer for Rooker Ruggles. James Johnson, an incorrigible Towanda boy, has been sentenced by the Court to the House of Refuge for boys at Glenn Mille, Pa.

The proceedings of the Athens Justice courts would seem to indicate that fistic exercises are epidemic in the northern end of the county. A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies to attend the millinery opening at Miss Nellie C. Keough's, Thursday and Friday of next week. New ads -K. D.

Westbrook, Lambert Engines, N. Loewue, J. McKeeby, J. A. Decker, H.

Sattler, Red Star Shoe Store, D. T. Evans, A. M. Baker and G.

H. Landon. Those of our subscribers who move this spring, should notify us promptly of their change of resigiving both the oid and new address, so there will be no delay in receiving the paper. James Vroman of Burlington who was seriously injured by 8 kick from a horse, a few days ago, died at the home of his sister, Mre. W.

E. Johneon in Sayles, Sunday. The Bradford County Tobacco growers held another large and enthusiastic meeting in Towanda, Saturday. Committees reported progrees and a large number of shares of stock were taken. Another meeting will be held in To: wanda April 13.

Edward L'Amo eaux, son of the late Isaac L'Amoreaux of Towanda, died in Ovid, N. Wednesday. He was a young man of fine natural abilities, but some years ago became addicted to drinking, since which time he has led a roving life. The remains will be brought to Towanda for interment. In a recent aadress on the sal ject of prayer for schools and colleges, Rev.

J. S. Stewart, D. spoke of the grand educational work that had for many years been done at the Burq. Col.

Lustitute, and which is still being done under its present management by, Prof. Unger. That it had been benefit morally, intellectually and to the cause of education in all Bradford county; that the people of had not at all times appreciated tie advantages of having and encouraging such an institution that even la financial aspect tat it was not to be overlooked that when this institation was crowded with hundreds of studenta that they had to be fed and clothed and housed and warmed; that the people of Towanda, the business interests of Towanda do themselves injustice and make a serious mietake when they fail to favor and support with their patronage so excellent and usefal educational fountain. PUBLIC SALES. C.

F. Simons will offer at public sale on his premises in Wysox, Friday April 5: 3 horsee, 5 cowe, brood sow, wagons, farm machineyearling heifer, 30 choice sheep, ry, harnesses, quantity of oats, hay and fodder, organ and numerous other articles. E. R. Henkineon will offer at public sale on the flankinson farm, oDe mile from, Rummerfield, Monday April 1, commencing at 10 o'clock: 2 horses.

cows, Holstein bull, farm machinery, including mower and reaper, buggy, slede, quantity of lumber, stoves, tity of furniture, potatoes, apples, 25 barrel of vinegar and other articles. "We have saved a large dector's bill by having Dr. Kay's Renovator in the house," writes Mra. B. F.

Brewn, Van Wert, Iowa. La grippe, colds and winter exposure leave the weak and debilitated. Dr. Kay's Renovator purifies the blood, tenes up the liver, strengthens the stomach and gives healshy action to the bowels and kidneye. The very beat Spring Tonic.

Dr. Kay's Renovator is sold, tableta, 25c and 50c; liquid 81. At druggiets. Low Fares for Settlers to the West. The Lehigh Valley Railroad announces special low settlers fares to british Columbia, Colorado, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming.

Tickets will be on sale March 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th; April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 1901. Tickets will also be on sale to Arizona, California, Mexico, Nevada, New Mexico and Texas; every day to April 29, 1901, beginning Feb. 26. Inquire of Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further particulars. 2-28-9t APPEAL DAYS.

The following dates and places have been fixed by the county commissioners for holding, the appeals from the assesem*nt 1901 Asylum, Monroe township and Monroe borough, at Towanda, April 15 Barelay, Franklin, Burlington township and Burlington borough, at Towanda, April 16 Towanda town hip, North Towanda and Ulster wnship, at Towanda, April 17 Standing Stone and Herrick townships, at Rammerfield, April 18 Albany, New Albany and Overton, at New Albany, April 19. Sheshequin and Wysox townships, nt Towanda, April 20 Rome township, Rome borough, Windham and Orwell, at Rome, April 22 Warren, Pike and LeRaysville borough, at LeRaysville, April 23. Tuscarora, Wyalusing township and Wyalusing, at Wyalusing, April 24. Wilmot and Terry townships, at ough, April 25, Athens township and Athens borough, at Athens, Ap il 26 Smithfield and Litchfield townships at Athens, April 27. Canton borough, Armenia and Alba borough, at Canton, April 29.

Canton township and LeRoy, at Canton, April 30 Troy township, Troy borough, Columbia and Sylvania, at Troy, May 1 Granville, West Burlington and Springfield, at Troy, May 2 Wells, South Creek and Ridgebury townships, at Gillett, May 3. Sayre borough and South Waverly, at Sayre, May 4 Towanda borough, at Towanda, May 6 Gentlemen of the Jury. The following citizens are doing court duty as jurors at Troy, this week: Hiram Burroughs, Franklin; George H. Bowen, Warren Lou D. Biles, Wyalusing twp; Thos Bonfoy, Sayre boro; Wm S.

Benedict, Monroe twp; Calvin Cranska, Towanda boro; Wm. S. Cole, Asylum Edw. Cole, Athens; Jer Chambers, Ridgebury; Shepard S. Cosper, Canton twp; Richard Drislane, Towanda twp; Robert Davis, LeRaysville; James Foster, Monroe twp; Geo L.

Forbes, Rome twp; Allen Fisher, Pike twp; V. Geiger, Wysox twp; Wm Homet, Wyalusing twp; Samuel Kniffin, Smithfield Albert Kelley, So Monroe twp; John Kenyon, Ulster; Jos. Kendall, Granville Frank Little, Athens John Lynch, Towanda James S. Me Morran, Ulster; John McHugh, Wilmot; Daniel Morris, Sayre; Frank A. Munn, Athens Lewis Moody, Canton Richard O'Donnell, Canton Wm O'Brien, Ridgebury; Martin 6 Osborne, Rome twp; George Prince, Towanda boro Robert G.

Rice, Towanda boro Allen Shoemaker, Windham Wm. Smith, Athens twp; Geo. H. Stroud, Athens; Clark Slater, Burlington twp; Morris R. Scouten, Sylvania; Wm.

R. Stevenson, Sayre Ralph Tozer, Athens. Mr. and Mrs. Malford Williams, an aged couple, residing at Shunk, Sullivan county, died within one day of each other and were buried in one grave.

Edward Jones, who had both legs cut off by the cars at Milton, last week, smoked cigarettes and juked with passengers while waiting for a train to carry him to a bospital. A fearful tornado, traveling in an easterly direction, swept over the southern section of Birmingbam, Monday. Twenty five pereons were killed. destruction of property is placed at a quarter of million dollars. A census bulletine on the area in equare miles of the various State3 shows that Lycoming is the largest county in Pennsylvania, the area in miles being 1,240.

Tioga is second with 1,180 and Clearfield third with 1,141, while Bradford follows closely with 1,140. Mr. and Mra. Matthew Low of Springfield, Fayette county, were born on the same day, were members of the same church, and since their marriage bad hardly been separated for a day. Both of them died on Thursday and were buried in the same grave.

The skeletons of several gigantic men bave been uncovered in a prebistoric burying ground pear Masontown, in grading for a railroad. One of the skeletons is nearly eight feet long, and all are much larger than the skeleton of modern man. Many beautifal shells were also found in the graves. Johnstown, is flooded with counterfeit, quarters silver coins and and dimes. are so perfect that detection is very difficalt.

The counterfeits contain trifle more silver and are a little larger than the genuine coins. United States secret service men believe that a well organized gang of counterfeiters is at work in that part of Pennsylvania. There is nothing like a tree to keep air pure, remarks a scientist. Its leaves decompose carbonic acid. The volame of carbonic acid exbaled human being in twentyfour hours is roughly estimated at 100 gallons.

If a single tree of moderate size were growing where a dozen or twenty men were sleeping the purifying action of its leaves would insure the air being kept fresh. A Berke county jury oas indorsed the act of the principal of a public school who punished a fourteenyear-old girl by compelling her to make a snoot for the edification of the other pupils. The principal bad detected the girl making a snoot 11 at himself, and his personal pride was to shocked and his feelings so injured that he determined upon an unchivalric revenge. Having exhibited her abil.ty to purse her ruby lips into an uncomplimentary "snoot" at his expense the principal ordered the maiden to stand upon a pedestal and make "snoot" at the whole school, and his arrest on the charge of cruelty followed. The jury sitting on the 0380 was ungallant enough to decide that charge of cruelty was not sustained, and the pedagogue was acquitted.

MILLINERY. To achieve success in any branch of business it is necessary to have a natural aptitude and taste for its operation, and in no line of industry is this more true than of the millinery art. Thus it is with confidence that we place before the notice of our lady readers the millinery establishment of Miss Nellie Keough (successor to A. Byman) Main Street, over J. A Decker's The display now being made at this establishment at once goes to show that this lady possesses every degree of susceptibility in the way of catering to a trade requiring sound judgment and good foresight Miss Keough is an adept in the way of creating and blending beautiful designs and styles, and her rooms are always a pleasant and comforta ble resort for those who come either to learn and admire, to order, or to buy.

Hats, bonnets, ribbons, flowers, laces, feathers and first everything stock of shat fashionable goes to make up a millinery may here be found in endless variety and at reasonable prices. Exclusive designs which are not duplicated and fine mourning millinery a specialty. No stock in this section has been more carefully selected, and to the above lady belongs the credit for the undoubted skill and taste here displayed Our readers may be sure that there are DO shep-worn goods in this stock, but everything fresh, clean and fashionable Miss Clara Ashmore of New York, Mias Keough's new trimmer, gives unbounded satisfaction as a first-class artist, and pleases all who have given her a call, 1t POLITICAL HISTORY. Seeds Recleaned Timothy and Clobought at a low price, we are selling at a low price. See what we have, get our price," compare ours with others, we'll take your judgement.

Rice's Northern grown Garden Seeds in bulk--adapted to this climate. A big assortment. TRY OUR Dollar Flour. THE BAKER, CASH GROCER TOWANDA, PA. CHARLES SILVERBERG, Artistic Tailor.

Cleaning, Repairing, Dyeing. All Work Neatly and Promptly Attended To. Now is the time to look over your Winter clothing and bave them put in shape. Your Overcoat may need new sleeve linings or a new collar I will do all la work at very reasonale prices and guarantee satisfaction. Pants cleaned and pressed 25c.

Coats cleaned and pressed 50c. Vests cleaned and pressed 25c. 404 Main Street, Towanda, Pa. Over store formerly occupied by Mi-9 Titus. FOR FALL AND WINTER MILLIN'RY, GO TO Miss Keough's.

EVERY THING UP TO DATE. WE HAVE THE Passepartout Bindings A neat and inexpensive way of FramIng Pictures. We do them. OTT HAY, CITIZENS BANK BUILDING, TOWANDA PA. PERSONAL MENTION.

8. H. Hiney W88 over from Bourne, Friday. I. L.

Young of Sheshequin was calling 1 on Towanda friends, Monday. Mrs. James Hees is seriously ill at her home on North Fourth street. the Loewus has been in the city week selecting Spring goods. Miss Jessie ho was guest of Tow da friends, of Wyalusing Monday.

S. O. Chaftee and C. Stoli resented Orwell at the county seat, Saturday. Dr.

F. W. Rice of Rome whiled 8 few hours at the county seat, Monday. Miss Mary A. Egan of Washington, D.

has been visiting Towanda friends. O. J. Adamy of Homet's Ferry whiled a few hours with Towandians, Monday. W.

M. Sullivan is receiving treatment at the Mercy hospital in Wilkes-Barre. L. E. Hibbard of Elklard, formerly of this county, was in Towinda, Monday.

J. A. Glassford has resigned as master of the Lehigh Valley at Sayre. Misses Lillian Buck and Kate Daegan were guests of friends at Powell, last week. G.

L. Vanness and 0. E. Sherman of Rummerfield had business in town, Saturday. H.

B. genial Orwellite, transacted business at the county seat, this week. Mrs. 8. W.

Johnson and son of LeRayeville were visitors at the metropolis, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. H.

Beck with of Potterville were making purchaser at Towanda, Saturday. James Burke, 80 industrious Liberty Corners farmer, was doing business in Towanda, Friday. Victor E. Pennell has purchased the Goodman house on Mechanic street and will occupy same April let. E.

A. Childs of this place has purchased a shoe stock at Lockport, N. and has gone there to dispose of the same. M. J.

Collins of Overton has gone to Ohio to work at his trade of blacksmithing, having secured a good position there. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Callahan of New York have been spending few days with the lady's brother, Train Despatcher MoCue.

R. H. Holgate, a prominent Scranton lawyer and former ber of the 6th Reserves, has been secured by Watkins Post, G. A.R., 88 Memorial Day orator at this place. Jadge Niles of Wellsboro is presiding at Troy court this week, owing to the faot that cases are being tried in which Judge Fanning was interested before his elevation to the bench.

March 24, to Mr. and LeRoy, Mrs. Morse, a daughter. March ODE 24, to Mr. and STONE--To LeRoy, Mrs Leon Stone, a 809 yre, March 23, to Mr.

and HORTON-In Mrs. Oliver Horton, a daughter. March 23, to Mr. WISTAS-In Athens, and Mrs Eugene Winters, a son. -In Athens, March 23, to Mr.

and JONES Mrs. Wm. Jones, a daughter. Athens -March 20, to Mr. PHRENO-In and Mrs Phreng, a son.

CLARK-In Rome, March 24, to Mr and Mos Loren Clark, a daughter. Cupid's Realm. BIRTHS. PResticE--BUCK--In LeRoysville, Mar. M.

S. Prentice and Mrs. Ella Buck. 20, MURRAY-HOSMER-In Athens, March 26, at the home of the bride's parents, by Rev. H.

Clare, Charles Murray of Waverly and Cora B. Hosmer -In Rome, March STRUPPLER the M. E. by Rev. N.

W. 26, at parsonage, Barnes, Bliss Titus of Birney and Miss Minnie Struppler of Herrickville. Marriage Licenses. J. Elbert Bellis and Phebe O.

Olmsted. MORTUARY. WM. DARBY died ac his home in Albany township, March 22, of measles, aged 21 years: ALBION BUDD died at his home in Austinville, March 17, of general debility, aged 72 years, SAMUEL BABco*ck died at his home in Ridgebury, March 23, of dropsy. His wife and four children survive him GEORGE CASSELBURY died at the home of his son in Sugar Run, March 21, aged 87 years Four sons and two daughters survive him.

GEORGE W. died at his home in Durell, March 26, of pneumonia, aged 65 years Funeral services will be held from the home to-morrow. MRS. IDA LEONARD, daughter of the late Isaac Ennis, died at the State hospital in Danville, March 24 The remains were brought to Liberty Corners for interment. MES MICHAEL TRIE died at her home in Albany- township, March 23 aged 72 years The remains were interred in St Basil cemetery at Dushore, Tuesday.

SLEWART HABRIS, a native of Ireland, died at his home in Stevensyille, March. 6, of paralysis in his 70th year. His wife, one son and two daughters survive him. RAY COOK, son of Dr. Cook of LeRaysville, who has been working at Jersey City for several months, was drowned March 18 by falling from the cars into a stream of water He was 17 years of age.

The remains were brought to LeRaysville for interment PARK MATHEWSON died at his home in Detroit, Mich, March 19. of pneumonia, aged about 75 years Deceased was a native of Athens and a son of Constant Mathewson, who was elected to the legislature from Bradford county in 1827. At one time he had been engaged in business in Towanda. GEORGE K. IRVINE, son of Irvine, one of the pioneers of Monroe township, died in Dunn county, March 20, aged 86 years, Deceased went West when a young man and engaged in lumbering He WAS a brother of J.

W. Irvine of Liberty Corners and Mrs Maria Benjamin of Durell. MES. CATHERINE S. WATTS, relict of Francis Watts, died at the home of her adopted son in Brooklyn, N.

March 22, aged 77 years. Three daughters, Mrs E. Vincent and Mrs C. Williams of New York survive and Miss her. The Libbie Watts remains of anda, were brought to Towanda for interment and funeral services held from the home of her brother, Wm.

K. Marshall, Sunday afternoon. MRS SARAH F. DECKER, relict James W. Decker, died at the home her son-in-law, 0.

L. Dunfee in of Monroeton, March 23, of paralysis, aged 83 years Deceased was a daughter of Abraham Fox and was born in Monroe township. The greater part of her life was spent on the old farm in Towanda township Her seven sons survive ber-E. P. G.

Towanda H. F. of Monroeton L. W. of Austin, Minn, and P.

of Athens. MORRIS CLAIR died at his home in East Smithfield, Feb. 13, aged 76 years. He had been an extreme sufferer for 12 weeks of sciatic matism, the last five being confined his bed. He was an old resident of Towanda, having kept a small confectionery store here for a number of years.

The last three years he had lived in East Smithfield, and WaS buried there from the home of his sonin-law, L. T. Adams He was devoted member of the M. E. church, and had belonged to the Knights of Honor for nearly 26 years.

For death of Mrs. J. Drake, see Rome correspondence; for death of Mrs. Lester, see Powell correspondence. Letter to Burchill Towanda Dear Sirs: You know your painter we don't; we only know painters in general.

There are two sorts, a8 there are two sorts of everybody else. One as paints be as well as he can the other as poor can get business. The one who paints as well as he can is all the time learning the other one knows it all now. Josh Billings says "it is better not to know too much than to know 80 many things things in that paint a'n't that 50 "a'n't There so. Lead and are lots oil is one of 'em Devoe lead and zine lasts twice as long is better in every respect is ready to dip the brush in no mystery no uncertainty; costs no more costs less We hope you employ Mr.

Open-Mind Painter, and not Mr. Know-it-all-now. Yours truly, 27 F. W. DRVOR Co.

P. H. C. Porter Son sell our Paint in your section. Indianapolis is the only city in the United States that has farnished a President and 8 Vice President, and from which both have been buried.

One Fare to Washington, D. and return, via the Lehigh Valley railroad, April 3. Tickets on sale, April 3, limited for return passage. to April 13, and will be honored on any train except the Black Diamond express. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for farther information.

3-14 3t DR. KAY'S RENOVATOR invigorates enriches and the renorates blood; cures the the system; worst purifles dyspepsia, and constipation, beadache, liver and kidneys. 25c and 81, atdruggists. Free Saratoga, Campaigns of 1834 and 1835-The Candidates and the Vote Received by Each. CAMPAIGN OF 1884.

Geo. K. Haight; Canton, Chas. well, J. Pratt; Columbia, S.

The following are the proceedings of the Democratic county conven 1834 At a meeting of the delegates of the several townships in Bradford county, convened at the court house in the borough of Towanda on Tuesday, September 9. Col. Samuel Batterlee was called to the chair and Thea. E. Paine, P.

O. Ward and Allen McKean appointed secretaries. 10a motion, Resolved, That the chairman proceed to receive the credentials of the delegates, when it appeared that the several townships were represented by the following persons: Athens, John Watkina, E. W. Baird; Albany, Rowland Wilcox.

S. C. Edwards Asy. lum, Berj. Moody, Dr.

G. F. Horton; Burlington, Allen McKean, commissioner, Rockwell 1587, Adams 1523 auditor, Chubbuck 1639, Cook 1348. Williston carried the connty against Laporte, lut was defeated in the district. Smith and Morris had a majority for assembly in the two counties.

CAMPAIGN OF 1835. In 1835 the Democratic party of the county divided on the presidential question, one branch being in favor of John McLean for president. the other in favor of Martin Van Buren. Wolf had been regarded an ideal governor by the Bradford Democrats but was turned down in the State convention and Henry A. Mahlenberg nominated to head the ticket that year.

This broadened the breach between the Democratic factiona, which with the differences of opinion on the question of the United States Bank, the anti-Masonic movement, added to the confasion and uncertainty of the contest. Two tickets had been nominated by the Democrats of the county, which resulted in a victory for the more independent element. The vote taken Oct. 13 showed the following result for governor George Wolf, Independent Democrat, had 1504 votes Joseph Ritner, anti- Mason, 1239; H. A.

Muhlenberg, Democratic, 406. The vote of the other candidates in 24 of the 26 districts of the county was as follows: Representative, Darius Bullock of Smithfield 2231, Isaan Myer of Towanda 1899, David Cash of Towanda J. Goodrich, J. H. Furman Franklin, Ira Crofat.

Stewart Smiley Granville, Sylvester Taylor, Luman Putnam Litebfield, Daniel Park, Wm. Watkins; Monroe, Eliphalet Mason, S. W. Alden Pike. Dr.

Elw. Crandall, Isaac H. R038 Orwell, John Eastabrooka, S. C. Chub.

buck Rome, Ebr. Whitney, Moses Moody Ridgebury, S. Dr. Thos. Wilder, Theo.

Leonard Sheshequin, Daniel Stevens Smithfield, Col. Samuel Satterlee, Jas. Gerould Springfield, Horton Towanda, E. S. Goodrich, Lyman Hodges Troy, Thos.

E. Paine, Jere Adams; Tuscarora, Harry' Ackla, Cyrus Shumway: Ulster, Daniel Lennox, Hathaway Dailey Wells, Dr. Nathan Alvord, larael Wysox, P. C. Ward, Victor Piollet Warren, Andrew Dawing, Jonathan Brumley; Windham, Geo.

W. Dickinson, Julius Russell Wyalusing, John Huff, M. W. Welden. 66 On motion, Resolved, That no candidate shall be considered duly nominated by this convention unless he shall have a majority of the votes of all the members present.

Resolved, That no person shall be nominated as a candidate for office by this convention who is known as an undeviating Democrat -a friend to the present administration of our general government and the government of this State, and opposed to the recharter of the United State: bank the restoration of the government deposits to its keeping. The convention then proceaded to nominate candidates, with the following result: For Congress, John Laporte of Asylam; assembly, Smith of Ulster commissioner, Elias Bock well of Canton auditor, Aaron Chubbuck of Orwell. John L. Webb and John Horton, were chosen congressional conferees and S. J.

Goodrich and Nathan Alvord, legislative conferees. 44 Resolved, That our conferees be instructed to confer with none but those who are opposed to the United States bank. 66 Resolved, That we most cordially approve of the course pursued by our representative in Congress, the Hon. John Laporte, during the past session. Resolved, That the members of this convention shall use all fair means to promote the election of the candidates put in nomination by them.

41 Resolved, That H. Rice, David Cash, E. W. Baird, Darius Bullock and J. M.

Piollet be the standing committee for the ensuing year." Democratic- Whig Convention a meeting of Democratic-Republican delegates of the county of Bradford, convened at the court house in Towanda, on Wednesday evening, Sept. 10, 1834, Maj. Ezra Long was called to the chair and Henry W. Tracy and Ralph Peters chosen secretaries. The following delegates appeared and took their seats in the convention: Albany, Ralph Peters.

Freeman Wilcox; Athens, John Satterlee, Erastus Wolcott; Burlington, John F. Long, James WilB. Spalding Granville, Jeremiah Taylor, Levi Taylor Monroe, Geo. cox; Columbia, S. F.

Utter, R. Keyes; Franklin, Stephen Myer, Wm. Tracy, Horace Orwell, Abel Estabrooks, Johnson Cowles Pike, Dr. R. Barnes: Nathaniel Moody, Springfield, F.

John Blackman Harkness. Towanda, Wm. J. Harkness; Sheehequin, G. A.

Mix Troy, Ezra Long, Roderick Biglow Tuscarora, John Ford Ulster, Sidney S. Bailey, Simon C. Hovey; Wyalusing, Wm. Camp, Elias Vaughn; Wysox, Henry W. Tracy, Alvin T.

Myer Windbam, J. Elebree, C. Russell; Warren, Andrew Coburn, Robert Cooper. "The following resolutions were then submitted to the convention, which were unanimously adopted 66 Resolved, That this convention will nominate no individual for office who supports the executive in breaking constitutional barriers in order to arrive at the custody and control of the people's money--who justifies the removal of the public deposits -who the extravagant expenditures of the administration, and more particularly the corrupting influence of the postoflice department, or any one who advocates the monarchial doctrines of the protest. 4.

Resolved, That we consider the question of the re-charter of the present U. S. Bank as settled -that we do not advocate a renewal of its charter and only approve of a national bank in affording facilities of exchanges and regulating the currency. Resolved, That any one receiving a majority of the votes of this cor -ntion shall be declared duly nominated. The convention then proceeded to nominate and recommend suitable persons to be supported at the next general election whereupon it was unanimously agreed that Horace Williston, of Athens be recommended as a suitable person to be supported for representative in agreed Congress that by Reuben Wilber, of Troy be recommended as a the electors of this congressional district.

Unanimously suitable person to represent this district in the general assembly of this State. Jere Adams of Troy having received a majority of the votes of the convention was declared duly nominated as a candidate for commissioner. Joel Cook, of Orwell having received a majority of the votes of the convention was declared duly nominated as a candidate for auditor. Resolved, unanimously, That we will support the ensuing election the candidate for assembly in nomination in Tioga county in connection with the candidate nominated by this convention. 66 Resolved, That Ezra Long and J.

C. Powell be appointed conferees to meet conferees from other counties in the congressional district, if any shall be appointed. dreami to Resolved, the electothe of chair this appoint election a district. committee of The five following draft an were adnamed: Geo. A.

Mix, Ralph Peters, Jos. C. Powell, Geo. Tracy. Erastus Wolcott.

Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed as a standing committee of Bradford county. Isaac Myer, Geo. W. Kinney, Franklin Blackman. Burton Kingebury and Geo.

A. Mix were appointed said The regular Democratic ticket was successful at the election held Oct. 14. 'The vote in the county was as follows: Congress, Laporte Williston 1630; assembly, Smith 1657, Samuel W. Morris of Tioga county 1449 Wilber 1411, Jobn Cochran of Tioga county 1444 874, Samuel W.

elected in the Andrew Coburn ton 1576, Cornwell elected. The list of the liarly interesting. and Simon Kinney number who last survivor of we know, was Silas Towanda district following is the John W. Burghee, William Mix, N. N.

Betts, George A. Mix, J. Kingsbury, Jr. Ww. Betts, W.

W. Goodrich, Benj. Rover, Kingebery, E. R. Utter, Nelson Brown, George H.

Bull, Seth H. Steele, D. F. Barstow, J. D.

Montanze, Miller Seth W. Paine, U. M. Warner, David Wilmot, Thomas Elliott, James Service, Edward Overton, Lyman Hodge, John N. Weston, Burton Kingsbury, Morris Wm.

Keeler, W. E. Barton, James P. Bull, Andrew Gregg, Benj. Good win, Isaac Myer, E.

8. Goodrich, Wm. McNeal. John A Spalding, James McAllamey, Ell Baird, John Corey, William Gragg, Issac Sutton, Benj. Thomas.

Charles R. Brown, Perrin Shores G. H. Drake, Ebenezer Bragge, Warren D. Brown, George Bunting, Adin Marsh, Perrin Wells, Jos.

Albro, THE OLD RELIABLE DRUG STORE, IN 1818.1 CORNER MAIN AND PINE TOWANDA, PA. HAVE YOU HAD THE GRIPPE, If you have you know how badly you feel yet, even though you are over the wort You are tired, worn, reduced in strength, your breath le short, you feel gone, played out. CARROLL'89 AND CELERY COMPOUND will positively help you. We are so sure of it that we will allow you to take up a full bottle with the dieAGREEMENT that if it does not help you TO YOUR ENTIRE SATISFACTION we will refund the price. TRY IT--It will cost nothing if it don't cure TRY IT.

100 DOSES--80c. DR. H. C. PORTER SON.

A Closing Out Sale OF GOODS OWNED BY THE LATE R. J. FULLER. Peaches at 12c a can Apron Ginghams 4c yd Peas, 6c a can Dress Ginghams, 5c yd Corn, 7c a can Cambric, 4c yd Tomatoes, 5c a can Drilling, 6c yd Rice, 4c a lb Lonsdale Cambric, Raisins, 84c a lb Saxony Yarn, 7c a skein 8 Apricots, 13c a lb Ball Knitting Cotton, Plums, 8c a lb Coates Thread, 45c doz Royal Baking Ladies Woolen Mittens, 6c N. O.

Molasses, 35c gal Mens Wool'n Stockings, 16c Men's and Boys' Suits, Underwear, Boots and Shoes at cost. Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings, Ribbons, Underwear and Shoes at cost. Landon Reinhart. Camptown, Feb. 15, 1901.

99999999999 TAILORING Spring Summer Suits At $13.50 and Upwards. Trousers at $4 and upward. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing a Specialty UPSTAIRS, Lawson Wood, 402 Main St BUY RNICE COAL. GET 2240 FOR A TON. FOR SALE AT STATE LINE YARDS.

THE MARKETS. Thursday, March 14, 1901. Reported by William F. Dittrich dealer in groceries, provisions and general farm produce. Butter--tuba, 182 20 16218 19 11 8 Pork--short $18 03 Pork 20 20 Potatoee, 35 2 00 8 2 21 40 40 35 Corn 1 10 1 10 Flour, per 1 00 30 Rickey Kilmer, GROCERS, Corner Main State Towanda.

PREPARED OATS PREPARED ATRA NEW ORLEANS QUALITY To near SUGAR Our Leaders Delicious Blend Coffee. Flag Brand Canned Goods. Closing Out Sale! As I am obliged to give up business on account of my health, I shall close out my entire stock of goods at greatly reduced prices from now till April 1st. The following will be found in my list of rare bargains Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Shelf Hardware, Glass and Crockery Ware, Plows and a great quantity of Wiard Plow Points and Repairs, Wheel Rakes, Harrow, wheel and floating; Salt in bar000004 rels Blankets, Medicines, and sacks, Fly too all Nets, numerous kinds Lap to of Paint, Dusters, mention. dry all I and will kinds liquid, of continue Patent Horse to take PRODUCE of all kinds in exchange for goods till close of sale.

I desire to thank my many customers for their liberal patronage during the past, and hope they will take advantage of the bargains now offered. F. C. LANDMESSER, RUMMERFIELD, PA. B.

Loewus, Leader and Promoter of Low Prices. Morris of Tioga district. Commissioners, of Werren 1058. Brush of Pike Towanda voters at At election his the this, distinguished themselves those who participated who died included both the list: (Names in italic Hiram Mix, William well, Andrew O. Gregg.

John Head, Ezra Rutty, William Kelly, Jr. Harry Soovell, Amaziah Coon, Wm Touzey, Mason Hulett, Nathan Coon, Selden S. Bradley, Truman Passett, Roswell Cummins, Abraham Goodwin, Stephen Powell, William Kelly, A. Neely, James Goffe, Ebenezer Heriiek, R. A.

Dunbam, Jenkins Scovell, John Decker, Thomas Coze, James W. Merour, Daris Vandyke, Lehman R. Woodruff, D. L. Scott, George Scott, John Fox, John Tall, Silas Scovell, Nathan Tuttle, John E.

Geiger, Hiram Rice, Benj. Chapel, Nathan Coon, Jr. John M. Fox, Henry Mercur, Benj. Hunt, Rufus Foster, Jesse Hicks, Enos Bennett, Isaac Kellam, Richard Wright, Nath'l Manville, Orrin D.

Bartlett, Stephen Bullock, Jacob Bowman, Andrew Melniyre, (To be county 512. Bullock and Myer were Harry Morgan of Wysox 1649, Auditor, Allen McKean of Burling1236. Morgan and MeKean were the October election, 1835, is pecuDavid Wilmot cast his first vote county. The list includes a large in public and business life. The in the election of 1835, so far as a few months ago.

At this time the townships and the borough. The roted on age.) Daniel Bowman, James Santee, Willard Foster, Edmund Taylor, Wm. T. Butre, John Savage.l Julius Gorham, Fm. McAffee, Frank Schrader, Alex.

MeAflee, John B. Gorham, Eli Granteer, Charles Manville, John Jennings, David N. Scott, Joseph Potter, Jr. Elisha Foster, Franklin Gay, Knos Tompkins, N. I.

Keeler, Elisha Carpenter, Martin Miller, David Rutty, Mark O. Arnout: John Foster, John Lock wood, Peter H. Scorell, John Potter, A. C. Steadman, Abial Foster, Emanuel Hoover, Wm.

Robb, Bimon Kinney. Joshua Bailey, Jr. Jesse Woodruff, David Cash, Rowland Sweet, Reneca Simmons, Daniel N. Miller, Horace Granger, Edward Young, Wm. Foster, William Langford, Harry Mix.

Geo. W. Miles, J. D. Goodenough, Andrew McIntyre, Silas Mills.

Zenas Thomas, Chris'r C. Kelton, Rereed Taylor, Joel Grist, Wm. McGill, Daniel Bartlett, Samuel Stropes, Joseph C. Powell, Chester Bennett, Stephen A. Mills, James Warford, Horatio Morley, Nathaniel Bennett, Rollin Wheeler, Wm.

McGill, Jr. Isaac P. Lawrence, Nicholas Santee, Theodore Gerould, Joshua Bailey, Samuel Hicks, Lewis Thayer, Samuel Stratton, H. L. Kingsbery, William Patton, Elisha Munger, Win.

A. Richardson, George Beagle, Eben Allen, Major Derling, Reuben Sickler, Jacob Myer, George Overpeck, Samuel B. Foster, Joseph Ballard, Wm. Long. Daniel Monroe, Joseph C.

Utter, John H. Scott, Dennis McGill, Hiram Stratton, Simon Decker, Douglass Hatch, Calvin Hewitt, Nicholas Hentz. Roderick Granger, Francis Delpeuch, James Melntyre, Richard T. Horton. Samuel Albro, Andrew Foaley, George Downing, continued.) Just Bargains For This Week Only.

Our $1 Ladies' Wrappers, fast colors, percale flounce on bottom, full width for 59c Our best Apron Ginghams for 510. Best Zephyr Dress Ginghams, new spring arrivals, 84c Silkalines, in handsome patterns, only Te a yard. Table Oilcloth 5-4 wide, for one ya'd, 15 cents Our 50c Ladies' Belts will go for 25c. All our $3 and $2 Ladies' wool Shirt Waists at 980. Our $3 Velvet Rugs for $1.98.

36-inch Percales, regular price 12)c yard, now 7e. Red Table Damask, worth 25c now 19c. Our $1 Ladies' Kid Gloves, latest shades and styles, for 890. Three cakes of Soap in one box, Buttermilk and Bon Marche, per box 70 New line of Men's Soft Shirts just arrived, are beauties, will put on sale for 49c. Window Shades, fringed, good quality, complete 25c.

Felt Window Shades, spring roller, complete 100. New line of Colored Glassware in the window, each 10c. New line of Toilet Sets, assorted colors, underglazed $1.79. Above Goods Sold for Cash Only. B.

Loewus 5c Store, Leader of and Promoter Towanda. VARNISH MAKES DEVOE'S VARNISH Floor Paint cost 5c. more a quart; makes it look brighter and wear fully twice as long as cheaper floor paints. Sold by Dr. H.

C. Porter Son. Bluefish, Ocean Trout, Shell Oysters and Clams at Burnett' market, one door below Oche Hotel. 11-290 George Nelma, a shoemaker of Prospect Park, aged 50 years, bae just completed a fast of seven weeks, during which time he has not tasted food of any kind. Daspite this fiet, he is apparently in excellent health, and is not a walking skeleton by any means.

If you use whiskey try and get McHenry's pure rye. 29tf.

The Bradford Star from Towanda, Pennsylvania (2024)


Who founded Bradford County PA? ›

Originally called Ontario County, it was reorganized and separated from Lycoming County on October 13, 1812, and renamed Bradford County for William Bradford, who had been a chief justice of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and United States Attorney General.

What is the history of Towanda PA? ›

Incorporated in 1828, Towanda gets its name from Native Americans who considered the land a beautiful place to bury their dead. Towanda started as a lumber town, and several of its buildings from the early 1800s still stand; many are listed on the National Register of Historic Buildings.

Who is Bradford, PA named after? ›

The county was created in 1810 and named for William Bradford, a politician and jurist who served in George Washington's cabinet. The county seat is Towanda. The economy depends on manufacturing (metal products and photographic equipment) and agriculture (livestock, dairy products, and field crops).

How old is Bradford Pennsylvania? ›

Settlers first came to the area about 1823 or 1827, but Bradford itself was not established until 1837. First called Littleton, it took the name Bradford after 1854, probably for the New Hampshire home of many of its settlers.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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