Molecular Chaperones in Protein Quality Control: From Chaperones in Protein Quality Control: From Recognition - [PDF Document] (2024)

Molecular Chaperones in Protein Quality Control: From Chaperones in Protein Quality Control: From Recognition - [PDF Document] (1)

Molecular Chaperones in Protein Quality Control: From Recognition

to Degradation

Von der Fakultät Geo- und Biowissenschaften der Universität Stuttgart

zur Erlangung der Würde eines Doktors

der Naturwissenschaften (Dr. rer. nat.)

genehmigte Abhandlung

vorgelegt von

Sae-Hun Park

Aus Daegu, Süd Korea

Hauptberichter: Prof. Dr. Dieter H. Wolf

Mitberichter: PD Dr. Wolfgang Heinemeyer

Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 02.03.2007

Institut für Biochemie der Universität Stuttgart


Molecular Chaperones in Protein Quality Control: From Chaperones in Protein Quality Control: From Recognition - [PDF Document] (2)


ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................. 6

ZUSAMMENFASSUNG ..................................................................................... 9

SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 12

1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 14

1.1 Endoplasmic reticulum quality control and degradation (ERQD).............................................15

1.1.1 The unfolded protein response (UPR) and ER-associated degradation.................................16

1.1.2 Roles of ER chaperones in ERAD .............................................................................................16

1.1.3 Retrotranslocation and degradation .........................................................................................19

1.1.4 Ubiquitination and targeting to the proteasome ......................................................................21

1.1.5 Degradation by the 26S proteasome..........................................................................................25

1.2 Molecular chaperone in the cytoplasm quality control (CQD)...................................................28

1.2.1 Mode of action.............................................................................................................................28

1.3 Aim of this work .................................................................................................................................33

2. MATERIALS AND METHODS .................................................................... 35

2.1 Materials .............................................................................................................................................35

2.1.1 Media for yeast cultures .............................................................................................................35

2.1.2 Media for E.coli cultures ............................................................................................................35

2.1.3 Solutions ......................................................................................................................................35


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2.1.4 Chemicals ....................................................................................................................................38

2.1.5 Miscellaneous materials .............................................................................................................41

2.1.6 Laboratory equipment ...............................................................................................................41

2.1.7 Enzymes .......................................................................................................................................43

2.1.8 Antibodies....................................................................................................................................43

2.1.9 Reagent kits .................................................................................................................................44

2.1.10 Organism ...................................................................................................................................44 Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains .....................................................................................44 E.coli strains ......................................................................................................................46

2.1.11 Synthetic Oligonucleotide primers ..........................................................................................47

2.1.12 Plasmids .....................................................................................................................................48

2.2 Methods ...............................................................................................................................................51

2.2.1 Molecular biological methods ....................................................................................................51 Site directed mutagenesis ...................................................................................................51 Construction of plasmids....................................................................................................52 Construction of yeast strains..............................................................................................53

2.2.2 Biochemical methods ..................................................................................................................54 Cycloheximide decay analysis ............................................................................................54 Alkaline lysis of yeast whole cell extracts..........................................................................54 SDS-PAGE and Western Blotting .....................................................................................55 Preparation of yeast spheroplasts......................................................................................55 Membrane association ........................................................................................................56 Solubility assay ....................................................................................................................56 Fluorescence microscopy in living cells .............................................................................57


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Index Immuno-Fluorescence microscopy ....................................................................................57 Detection of ubiquitin modification ...................................................................................58 Detection of ubiquitinated proteins in ER membrane .............................................58 Detection of ubiquitinated protein in cytosol ............................................................59 Pulse-Chase........................................................................................................................60

3. RESULTS ..................................................................................................... 62

3.1 Endoplasmic reticulum quality control and degradation (ERQD) ................................................62

3.1.1 Misfolded integral membrane proteins of the ER, CTG* and CT*, are degraded by the

proteasome ...........................................................................................................................................63

3.1.2 The ubiquitin-ligase Doa10p is not required for degradation of CT* and CTG*.................66

3.1.3 The Cdc48p-Ufd1p-Npl4p complex is necessary for the degradation of ERAD substrates .67

3.1.4 Kar2p is only required for degradation of soluble proteins....................................................68

3.1.5 Hsp104p is required for elimination of CTG* only .................................................................70

3.1.6 Ssa1p is required for elimination of CTG* from the ER membrane .....................................71

3.1.7 The chaperone activity of Ssa1p is not restricted to ERAD substrates only..........................73

3.2 Molecular chaperones in the cytoplasm quality control (CQD) .....................................................75

3.2.1 The Hsp70 chaperone machinery of Ssa1p is essential for the degradation of

cytoplasmically localized misfolded proteins.....................................................................................75

3.2.2 Hsp70 species has a more general function in the degradation of cytoplasmically located

misfolded proteins................................................................................................................................78

3.2.3 Ssa1p seems to function in the recognition of the misfolded ΔssCPY* domain of the fusion



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3.2.4 The fate of the cytoplasmically mislocalized wild type CPY is similar to its mutated


3.2.5 Mutation of putative ubiquitination sites in Ssa1p does not affect the activity of Ssa1p......83

3.2.6 The Hsp70 co-chaperone Ydj1p is required for the degradation of cytoplasmically localized

misfolded proteins................................................................................................................................84

3.2.7 Other molecular chaperones are not involved in the degradation of ssCG* .....................87

3.2.8 Molecular chaperone machinery of Ssa and its co-chaperone Ydj1p are required for rescue

of aggregated ssCG* ........................................................................................................................88

3.2.9 Ubiquitination of misfolded proteins in the cytosol does not depend on Ssa1p and Ydj1p in

yeast ......................................................................................................................................................92

3.2.10 The E2 proteins Ubc4p and Ubc5p are required for degradation of ΔssCG* but not the E3

ligases Doa10p and Der3p ...................................................................................................................93

4. DISCUSSION................................................................................................ 95

4.1. ERQD (Endoplasmic reticulum quality control and degradation) ...............................................95

4.2. CQD (Cytoplasmic quality control and degradation) ....................................................................99

5. REFERENCES............................................................................................ 108

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................. 127

EIDESSTATTLICHE ERKLÄRUNG ............................................................. 128


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ss Deletion of signal sequence

µl Microliter

AAA ATPase associated with a variety of cellular activities

Amp Ampicillin

ATP Adenosine 5´-triphosphate

ATPase Adenosintriphosphatase

BAG Bcl-2-associated athanogene

BSA Bovine serum albumine

CHX Cycloheximide

CG* Mutated Carboxypeptidase Y-GFP

CM Complete minimum dropout medium

CPY Carboxypeptidase yscY

CPY* Mutated form of CPY (allele prc1-1)

CT* Mutated Carboxypeptidase Y-Transmembrane domain

CTG* Mutated Carboxypeptidase Y-Transmembrane domain-GFP

Da Dalton

ddH2O Double deionised water

DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide

DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid

DNase Deoxyribonuclease

DTT D,L Dithiothreitol

E. coli Escherichia coli


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ECL Enhanced chemiluminescence

EDTA Ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid

ER Endoplasmic reticulum

ERAD ER associated degradation

Fig Figure

g Gram

hr Hour

HA Haemaglutinin

Hect hom*ologous to E6-AP c-terminus

HRPO Horse radish peroxidase

kb Kilobase pairs

kDa Kilodalton

l Liter

IB Immuno Blot

IP Immuno Precipitation

LB Luria Broth

M Molar

mg Milligram

min Minute

ml Millilitres

mM Millimolar

OD600 Optical density at 600 nm

ODC Ornithine decarboxylase

ORF Open reading frame


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PBS Phosphate buffer saline

PEG Polyethyleneglycol

rpm Rotations per minute

RT Room temperature

SDS Sodium-Dodecyl-Sulfate

PAGE Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis

T4-ligase Bacteriophage T4 Ligase

TAE Tris acetate EDTA

TCA Trichloroaceticacid


TEMED Tetramethylethyldiamine

Tris Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane

TritonX 100 Alkylpehnylpolyethylenglycol

Tween 20 Polyoxyethylensorbitolmonolaurate

Ub Ubiquitin

V Volts

v/v Volume/ Volume

w/v Weight/ Volume


Molecular Chaperones in Protein Quality Control: From Chaperones in Protein Quality Control: From Recognition - [PDF Document] (9)



Das endoplasmatische Retikulum (ER) beherbergt ein Proteinqualitätskontrollsystem,

durch das die Proteinfaltung im ER kontrolliert wird. Der Abbau von falschgefalteten

Proteinen ist eine wichtige Funktion dieser Proteinqualitätskontrolle. Aus früheren

Untersuchungen mit verschiedenen löslichen und membrandurchspannenden Substraten

des ERAD (ER-assoziierte Degradation) Signalweges ist bekannt, dass die einzelnen

Substrate einen unterschiedlichen Aufbau der ER Degradationsmaschinerie benötigen.

Um die Grundlagen dieser Unterschiede zu enträtseln, wurden zwei Typ I

membrandurchspannende ERAD Substrate erzeugt, welche die fehlgefaltete

Carboxypeptidase yscY (CPY*) als ER lumenales ERAD Erkennungsmotiv besitzen.

Das Substrat CT* (CPY*-TM) besitzt keine zytoplasmatische Domäne mehr, wogegen

das Substrat CTG* das grünfluoreszierende Protein „GFP“ im Zytosol präsentiert.

Zusammen mit dem löslichen CPY* stellen alle drei Substrate hinsichtlich der

Topologie unterschiedliche fehlgefaltete Proteine dar, welche über den ERAD

Signalweg abgebaut werden.

Diese Studie zeigt, dass der Abbau dieser 3 Proteine abhängig vom Ubiquitin-

Proteasom System, einschließlich des Ubiquitin-Ligase Komplexes Der3/Hrd1p-Hrd3p,

der Ubiquitin konjugierenden Enzymen Ubc1p und Ubc7p, als auch des AAA-ATPase

Komplexes Cdc48-Ufd1-Npl4 und des 26S Proteasomes erfolgt. Im Gegensatz zum

löslichen CPY*, benötigen die membrangebunden Proteine CT* und CTG* kein Kar2p

(BiP) und Der1p, zwei ER lokalisierte Proteine. Stattdessen benötigt CTG* für seinen

Abbau die zytosolischen Chaperone Hsp70p, Hsp40p und Hsp104p. Noch vor der

Aktivität des Cdc48p-Ufd1p-Npl4p Komplexes benötigt polyubiquitiniertes CTG* für


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seine Dislokation die Chaperonaktivität von Ssa1p. Die Entdeckung, dass die Funktion

von Ssa1p nicht auf ERAD Substrate limitiert ist, zeigt die allgemeine Bedeutung dieses

Chaperons für den Abbau von unerwünschten Proteinen durch das Ubiquitin Proteasom

system im zellulären Kontext.

Über die grundlegenden Mechanismen der Qualitätskontrolle und den Abbau von

Proteinen im Zytoplasma ist bisher wenig bekannt. Daher untersuchten wir die

Beteiligung von zytoplasmatischen Faktoren, die für den Abbau von ∆ssCPY* und

∆ssCPY*-GFP benötigt werden. ∆ssCPY* und ∆ssCPY*-GFP sind zwei ER-Import-

defiziente, mutierte Versionen der Carboxypepdidase Y. Zusätzlich wurden die

beteiligten Komponenten für den Abbau des entsprechenden Wildtypenzyms (∆ssCPY)

untersucht, welches durch die Entfernung seiner ER-Signalsequenz ebenfalls

importdefizient gemacht wurde. Allen genannten Proteinen ist gemeinsam, dass sie

schnell durch das Ubiquitin Proteasom System abgebaut werden. Ihr Abbau erfordert

die Ubiquitin konjugierenden Enzyme Ubc4p und Ubc5p, die zytosolische Hsp70 Ssa

Chaperon Maschinerie und das Hsp40 Cochaperon Ydj1p. Hsp90 Chaperone sind am

Abbauprozess nicht beteiligt.

Die Degradation eines GFP Fusionsproteins (GFP-cODC), das die C-terminalen 37

Aminosäuren der Ornithindecarboxylase (cODC) besitzt, wodurch dieses Enzym zum

Proteasom geleitet wird, ist unabhängig von der Ssa1p Funktion. Die Fusion von

∆ssCPY* und GFP-cODC zu ∆ssCPY-GFP-cODC löst wiederum die Abhängigkeit von

Ssa1p Chaperonen für den Abbau auf. In diesem Zusammenhang prüften wir, ob

Mutationen in dem Ubiquitin Modifikationsbereich von SSA1 einen Einfluss auf die

Chaperonaktivität beim Abbau von ∆ssCG* haben. Jedoch konnte in den drei mutierten


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SSA1 Allelen, SSA1K521R, SSA1K536R und SSA1K521R- K536R keine Veränderung des

Abbaus von ∆ssCG* gefunden werden.

Offenbar schreiben die fehlgefalteten Proteindomänen den Weg zur spezifischen

Proteinentfernung vor. Diese Daten und unsere weiteren Ergebnisse liefern Hinweise

dafür, dass die Ssa1p-Ydj1p Maschinerie fehlgefaltete Proteindomänen erkennt,

fehlgefaltete Proteine löslich hält, bereits präzipitiertes Proteinmaterial wieder in

Lösung bringt und fehlgefaltete, ubiquitinierte Proteine zum Proteasom eskortiert und

dort zu deren Degradation abliefert.


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The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) harbours a protein quality control system which

monitors protein folding in the ER. Elimination of misfolded proteins (called ERAD,

ER-associated degradation) is an important function of this protein quality control

process. Earlier studies with various soluble and transmembrane (TM) ERAD substrates

revealed differences in the ER-degradation machinery used. To unravel the nature of

these differences we generated two type I membrane ERAD substrates carrying

misfolded carboxypeptidase yscY (CPY*) as the ER-luminal ERAD recognition motif.

Whereas the first, CT* (CPY*-TM), has no cytoplasmic domain, the second, CTG*,

carries the green fluorescent protein (GFP) present in the cytosol. Together with soluble

CPY*, these three substrates represent topologically diverse misfolded proteins,

degraded via ERAD. This study shows that degradation of all three proteins is

dependent on the ubiquitin-proteasome-system involving the ubiquitin-protein-ligase

complex Der3/Hrd1p-Hrd3p, the ubiquitin conjugating enzymes Ubc1p and Ubc7p as

well as the AAA-ATPase complex Cdc48-Ufd1-Npl4 and the 26S proteasome. In

contrast to soluble CPY*, degradation of the membrane proteins CT* and CTG* does

not require the ER proteins Kar2p (BiP) and Der1p. Instead, CTG* degradation requires

cytosolic Hsp70, Hsp40 and Hsp104p chaperones and the chaperone activity of Ssa1p is

necessary for the dislocation of polyubiquitinated CTG* prior to the action of the

Cdc48p-Ufd1p-Npl4p complex. The finding that the chaperone activity of Ssa1p is not

limited to ERAD substrates indicates the general importance of this chaperone activity

for the elimination of unwanted proteins by the ubiquitin-proteasome system in the

cellular context.


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The mechanism of protein quality control and elimination of misfolded proteins in the

cytoplasm is poorly understood. We studied the involvement of cytoplasmic factors

required for the degradation of two ER-import defective mutated derivatives of

carboxypeptidase yscY, ΔssCPY* and ΔssCPY*-GFP, and also examined the

requirements for degradation of the corresponding wild type enzyme made ER-import

incompetent by removal of its signal sequence (ΔssCPY). All these protein species are

rapidly degraded via the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Degradation requires the

ubiquitin conjugating enzymes Ubc4p and Ubc5p, the cytoplasmic Hsp70 Ssa

chaperone machinery and the Hsp40 co-chaperone Ydj1p. The Hsp90 chaperones are

not involved in the degradation process. Elimination of a GFP fusion (GFP-cODC),

containing the C-terminal 37 amino acids of ornithine decarboxylase (cODC) directing

this enzyme to the proteasome, is independent of Ssa1p function. Fusion of ΔssCPY* to

GFP-cODC to form ΔssCPY*-GFP-cODC re-initiates a dependency on the Ssa1p

chaperone for degradation. Evidently, the misfolded protein domain dictates the route of

protein elimination. These data and our further results give evidence that the Ssa1p-

Ydj1p machinery recognizes misfolded protein domains, keeps misfolded proteins

soluble, solubilizes precipitated protein material, and escorts and delivers ubiquitinated

misfolded proteins to the proteasome for degradation.


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1. Introduction

Newly synthesized proteins must fold into their native three dimensional structures and

maintain this state throughout their lifetime. Molecular chaperones facilitate the initial

folding of proteins to their native form, as well as the assembly of multi-protein

complexes. Translocation of proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum or into

mitochondria and their folding also relies on molecular chaperones associated with

these cellular compartments (Caplan et al., 1992; Parsell and Lindquist, 1993; Hartl,

1996; Frydman, 2001; Hartl and Hayer-Hartl, 2002; Anken et al., 2005; Mayer and

Bukau, 2005). Molecular chaperones are involved not only in the folding of proteins but

also in their quality control. During the folding process the non-native polypeptide and

folding intermediates often expose hydrophobic patches that are buried in the native

conformation. Exposed hydrophobic patches are a signal of terminal misfolding of

proteins. Failure of correct folding in polypeptides leads to their aggregation in the

aqueous cellular environment. This may result in the formation of toxic protein

precipitates, which are associated with severe diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease,

Parkinson-disease or Creutzfeldt-Jakob-disease in humans or bovine spongiform

encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle (Kopito, 2000; Dobson, 2003; Goldberg, 2003; Barral et

al., 2004). Protein quality control by molecular chaperones includes recognition of

misfolding, prevention of protein aggregation and facilitation of refolding of partially

unfolded proteins (Goldberg, 2003; Kleizen and Braakman, 2004). This whole process

is essential to all cells.


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1.1 Endoplasmic reticulum quality control and degradation (ERQD)

The eukaryotic endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the site of production of most

membrane protein and lipids, and it is the entry point for proteins destined for secretion.

Secretory proteins are synthesized on the ribosomes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum

and translocated into the lumen of ER in an unfolded state, where they interact with

molecular chaperones like the heat shock protein Hsp70 BiP (Kar2p in yeast) and its co-

chaperone proteins and lectins like calnexin and calreticulin, and disulfide isomerases

(PDI). These components of the ER facilitate protein folding, maturation and post-

translocational modifications, which include glycosylation and disulfide bond formation

(Kostova and Wolf, 2003). Before proteins are transported out of the ER they are

subjected to a “quality control” process which assesses their state of folding and then, if

they are correctly folded, allows them to leave for their site of action (Sommer and

Wolf, 1997; Nishikawa et al., 2001; Kostova et al., 2003; Kleizen et al., 2004; Schafer

and Wolf, 2005, 2006). However, proteins that do not fold correctly can have several

fates. Prolonged interactions of non-native proteins with ER chaperones leads to their

retention in the ER for further cycles of quality control or they are retrotranslocated out

of the ER and degraded in the cytosol by the ubiquitin-proteasome system (Heinemeyer

et al., 1991; Hiller et al., 1996; Plemper et al., 1997; Sommer et al., 1997; Cyr et al.,

2002; Kostova et al., 2003; Esser et al., 2004; Hirsch et al., 2004; Wolf and Hilt, 2004).


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1.1.1 The unfolded protein response (UPR) and ER-associated degradation

When non-native or unfolded proteins accumulate in the ER, a process called the

unfolded protein response (UPR) is initiated (Sidrauski and Walter, 1997). In yeast, the

transmembrane kinase Ire1p, localized to the ER/Nuclear envelope, interacts with Kar2p

through its lumenal domain. Both unfolded proteins and Ire1p compete for binding to

Kar2p. However, a decrease in the concentration of free Kar2p due to an increase of

unfolded proteins in ER lumen, leads to the dimerization of Ire1p, and a conformational

change transmits a signal across the membrane and activates the cytoplasmic kinase

activity. The kinase induces the transcription of gene products that facilitate the

processing of aberrant proteins and attenuate protein translation, which reduces the

amount of newly imported proteins into the ER (Travers et al., 2000). If quality

control by ER chaperones and folding enzymes is unsuccessful, aberrant proteins are

eliminated from the ER by a mechanism termed ER-associated degradation (ERAD).

1.1.2 Roles of ER chaperones in ERAD

The lectin like chaperones, calnexin and calreticulin play an important role to

recognize specific N-linked carbohydrate chains on glycoproteins for correct folding.

N-Glycosylation of proteins in the ER is achieved by adding the core oligosaccharide

Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 to the Asn-X-Ser/Thr consensus sequence of proteins during their

translocation across the ER membrane (Helenius et al., 1997; Kostova et al., 2003). As

folding progresses, two of the outermost glucose residues of the N-linked glycan are

trimmed by the glucosidasesⅠandⅡ (Knop et al., 1996b). In mammalian cells,

following quality control, the mono-glucosylated (GlcMan9GlcNAc2) proteins bound to

calnexin and calreticulin are released as a protein with the carbohydrate structure


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Man9GlcNAc2 (Helenius et al., 1997; Kostova et al., 2003; Helenius and Aebi, 2004).

However if the glycoprotein is not properly folded, the N-glycan is re-glucosylated at

the same position by a UDP-glucose glucosytransferase (UGGT). Therefore calnexin

and calreticulin bind to and retain immature glycoproteins and facilitate their folding to

prevent the release of aberrant proteins in the ER (Cabral et al., 2001).

If glycoproteins cannot acquire correct folding within a given time, they are targeted

for ERAD. Entry into the ERAD pathway requires the trimming of a single mannose by

ER α1.2-mannosidaseⅠ and subsequent recognition of the Man8GlcNAc2 moiety by

EDEM (ER-degradation enhancing 1, 2-mannosidase like protein, Htm1p in yeast)

(Hosokawa et al., 2001; Jakob et al., 2001; Oda et al., 2003). In a recent studies, Yos9p

has been elucidated as a new lectin like protein necessary for efficient degradation of

glycosylated ERAD substrates (Buschhorn et al., 2004; Szathmary et al., 2005). One of

the model proteins used to study ER quality control in yeast is a mutant form of

carboxypeptidase yscY, (G255R), CPY* (Finger et al., 1993; Knop et al., 1993; Hiller

et al., 1996; Plemper et al., 1997) This misfolded glycoprotein is translocated into the

ER lumen and fully glycosylated but is not transported to the vacuole. Instead, it is

retained in the ER and degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome system. The degradation

of misfolded, CPY* is dependent on both Htm1p and Yos9p but is independent of

calnexin (Buschhorn et al., 2004; Kostova and Wolf, 2005). Nevertheless, glycosylated

proteins are not the only ones targeted for ERAD. The elimination of the non-

glycosylated mutant Sec61 translocon protein Sec61-2p is totally independent of the

lectin like chaperones of the ER (Biederer et al., 1996; Buschhorn et al., 2004).

In contrast to the lectin like chaperones, Hsp70 chaperones such as BiP (Kar2p in

yeast) recognize exposed hydrophobic regions of polypeptides or unfolded proteins and


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cycles of ATP binding and ADP release are coupled with the association and

dissociation of the substrates (Plemper et al., 1997; Brodsky et al., 1999b; Ellgaard and

Helenius, 2003; Kostova et al., 2003; Sitia and Braakman, 2003). Hsp40 co-chaperones

enhance the ATPase activity of Hsp70 and thus affect peptide capture by Hsp70. BiP,

then, recognizes unfolded proteins and facilitates their folding and retains terminally

misfolded proteins in a soluble conformation (Taxis et al., 2003). In yeast, Kar2p is

required for the degradation of soluble proteins such as mutant pro-α-factor and CPY*

(Plemper et al., 1997; Plemper et al., 1998; Brodsky et al., 1999b; Nishikawa et al.,

2001). However, it is not required for the degradation of misfolded membrane proteins.

Pdr5*, a mutant form of the polytopic plasma membrane ABC transporter Pdr5p, and

Sec61-2p are eliminated from the ER without the action of Kar2p. Another important

role of Hsp70 chaperones is to prevent the aggregation of misfolded proteins prior to

their retrotranslocation back to the cytosol. In the yeast ER, CPY* is maintained in a

soluble form by the co-operation of Kar2p and its co-chaperone proteins, Jem1p and

Scj1p. Both co-chaperones are members of the Hsp40 family which have an Hsp70-

interacting J-domain. Scj1p and Jem1p could be necessary for triggering the release of

Kar2p from such substrates in order for dislocation and degradation to take place. Yeast

strains defective in Kar2p or co-chaperone function, show aggregation of misfolded

proteins in the ER under restrictive temperatures and their degradation is severely

impaired (Nishikawa et al., 2001). Kar2p and its partner proteins may also play a role in

the delivery of the soluble substrates to other, as yet unknown, components linking

recognition to elimination (Nishikawa et al., 2001; Kostova et al., 2003).

The ER contains a large number of oxidoreductases that catalyze disulfide bond

formation and isomerization for correct protein folding (Regeimbal and Bardwell, 2002).


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PDI has also a function in ER quality control and serves to unfold cholera toxin during

the retrotranslocation of the A1 chain (Gillece et al., 1999; Tsai et al., 2002). The PDI

like protein Erp57p interacts with lectin like chaperones and allows the combined action

of disulfide isomerization and enhances the efficiency of the folding process (Oliver et

al., 1999).

1.1.3 Retrotranslocation and degradation

The identification of the membrane-anchored ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Ubc6p in

yeast provided the first evidence that ubiquitination can occur at the cytosolic face of

the ER (Sommer and Jentsch, 1993). It was initially believed that misfolded and

aberrant proteins of ER were degraded by ER-resident proteinase and peptidases

(Bonifacino and Klausner, 1994). However, the presence of unspecific proteinases in

the ER was hard to reconcile with its primary function in folding and assembly. Another

possibility was the involvement of the lysosome/vacuole in elimination of aberrant

proteins from the ER. However, the findings that the misfolded vacuolar peptidase

CPY* and the mutant secretory protein pro-α-factor were retained in the ER lumen and

degraded by the proteasome system established the crucial concept of retrotranslocation

(Hiller et al., 1996; Werner et al., 1996). All components of the ubiquitin-proteasome

machinery identified so far and required for CPY* degradation are either cytosolic or

located at the cytosolic side of the ER membrane. Although the link between

recognition and delivery of misfolded proteins from Htm1p/EDEM, PDI or BiP to the

retrotranslocation channel is still not clear, the Sec61 translocon is suggested to function

as a component of forming the dislocation channel (Wiertz et al., 1996; Pilon et al.,

1997; Plemper et al., 1997; Plemper et al., 1998). The Sec61 translocon is composed of


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3 different subunits Sec61p, Sbh1p, and Sss1p (Sec61α, Sec61β, Sec61γ in mammals).

Genetic studies in yeast revealed that a certain mutation within the yeast Sec61 complex

caused a significant delay in the degradation of CPY* and other ERAD substrates,

while protein import was affected only to a minor degree (Plemper et al., 1997). Indeed,

the ER membrane located ubiquitin ligase components Der3/Hrd1and Hrd3p genetically

interacted with Sec61p (Plemper et al., 1999). Alternative and/or auxiliary components

of retrotranslocation channel could be Der1p, a ER membrane protein of unknown

function (Knop et al., 1996a; Knop et al., 1996b), Kar2p, PDI, Htm1p, and Hrd3p, an

ER membrane protein which functions together with the ubiquitin-protein ligase Der3p

(Gardner et al., 2000; Deak and Wolf, 2001). Considering co-operativity between

recognition, dislocation and degradation, these components, probably, do not act

independently of each other (Kostova et al., 2003). Recent studies show that a fusion

protein of MHC class Ⅰheavy chain with a strongly folded GFP domain (EGFP-HCI)

or dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR-HCI) might be retrotranslocated without unfolding of

the tightly folded domains (Fiebiger et al., 2002). The inner diameter of the translocon

pore is considered to be 40-60 Å during protein translocation (Johnson and van Waes,

1999; Haigh and Johnson, 2002). Therefore it is suggested that in its active state the

translocon could accommodate a folded GFP molecule with a length of 24 Å and

diameter of 42 Å (Kostova et al., 2003).

However dislocation might also take place through a channel completely different

from the Sec61p channel. Even though it has been shown that mutations in Sec61

inhibit the degradation of ER lumenal proteins like CPY*, membrane proteins like

MHC class I heavy chain and Pdr5* suggesting a role in retrotranslocation, degradation

of Ubc6p is independent of Sec61 (Walter et al., 2001). Ubc6p is thought to be inserted


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into the ER membrane via its tail, independent of the Sec61 translocation pore. It is

thought that this protein is also extracted from the ER membrane in the same way,

independent of Sec61p for degradation by the proteasome.

1.1.4 Ubiquitination and targeting to the proteasome

Selective protein degradation via the ubiquitin-proteasome system is a major pathway

conserved throughout eukaryotes (Hochstrasser, 1996; Varshavsky, 1997; Hershko and

Ciechanover, 1998; Wolf et al., 2004). Ubiquitin is a highly conserved protein of 76

amino acids present in all eukaryotes from yeast to mammals. The initial step of

ubiquitination of proteins is mediated by three consecutive reactions: ubiquitin-

activation via an E1 enzyme (Uba), ubiquitin-conjugation via E2 enzymes (Ubc’s), and

the action of ubiquitin protein ligases, E3’s, which mediate the selection of substrate

and facilitate its ubiquitination. In the past decade, genetic screening of various yeast

mutants has identified a number of protein components of the ubiquitin machinery

acting in ERAD. Ubiquitin-conjugation enzymes, Ubc6p, a tailed-anchored E2 and

Ubc7p, a soluble cytoplasmic E2 which is recruited to the ER membrane via Cue1p

(Biederer et al., 1997) are the two best characterized components of the ubiquitin

machinery in ERAD (Biederer et al., 1996; Hiller et al., 1996; Plemper et al., 1998).

Recently it was found that Ubc1p, a protein upregulated during UPR along with Ubc7p,

also participates in ERAD (Friedlander et al., 2000). The ER membrane located

polytopic Der3p/Hrd1p is the RING-H2 finger domain E3 which functions together

with the E2 Ubc7p in polyubiquitination of retrotranslocated ERAD substrates (Bays et

al., 2001; Deak et al., 2001). Absence of Der3p leads to the accumulation of model

ERAD substrates like CPY* due to failure in ubiquitination (Hiller et al., 1996). The


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function of Der3p as an E3 is dependent on its RING-H2 domain. Deletion of the

RING-H2 domain or exchange of a single cysteine residue at position 399 against serine

completely abolishes degradation of CPY* and Pdr5* (Bordallo and Wolf, 1999). A

RING-H2 finger domain is defined by the position and distance between six cysteines

and two histidines and is able to bind two zinc atoms. The RING-H2 finger is also

essential for the interaction of Der3p with Ubc7p and the C399S mutant of RING-H2

finger is defective in binding Ubc7p. This finding shows that the RING-H2 domain of

the ligase is crucial for recruitment of the E2 Ubc7p (Deak et al., 2001). Many

ubiquitin-protein ligases tend to self-ubiquitinate in vitro in the absence of other

substrates (Lorick et al., 1999) and the Der3p RING-H2 finger protein also shows in

vitro self ubiquitination. Der3p also interacts with the ER membrane protein Hrd3p. In

the absence of Hrd3p, Der3p is highly unstable, underlining the importance of Hrd3p in

controlling the function of Der3p (Plemper et al., 1999; Gardner et al., 2000). In

addition, Doa10p was identified as a second E3 involved in the degradation of

misfolded and short-lived ER proteins (Swanson et al., 2001). Doa10p is an ER

membrane protein with a RING-HC domain. It was originally discovered in a screen for

mutants involved in the degradation of the Matα2 repressor. Doa10p is involved in the

degradation of the tail-anchored Ubc6p. Doa10p, along with Der3p, is also involved in

the degradation of Pdr5* and ΔF508 CFTR expressed in yeast as well as of the mutated

a-factor transporter protein, Ste6*p (Gnann et al., 2004; Huyer et al., 2004).

Since ERAD substrates are polyubiquitinated on the ER membrane, a delivery system

must exist for degradation in the cytoplasm. Progressive polyubiquitination may serve

as a ratcheting mechanism in moving the polypeptide from the retrotranslocation

channel into the cytoplasm, where the long bulky polyubiquitin chains prevent the


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polypeptide from slipping back into the ER (Kostova et al., 2003). Recent studies

indicate that the 26S proteasome is not directly involved in substrate extraction from the

ER membrane. In mutants defective either in proteasome activity or in one of the 19S

cap ATPase subunit of the proteasome, CPY* accumulates to a large extent in the

cytoplasm (Jarosch et al., 2002).

The trimeric AAA-ATPase Cdc48p (p97 in mammals)-Ufd1p-Npl4p complex is

required for dislocation of ERAD substrates upstream of the proteasome. Mutants of

Cdc48p and its partners Ufd1p and Npl4p show defects in the degradation of ERAD

substrates like CPY* in yeast and MHC class I heavy chain in mammals. The

polyubiquitinated substrates are still membrane associated (Ye et al., 2001; Jarosch et

al., 2002; Rabinovich et al., 2002). Recently it has been found that Cdc48p interacts

with the ER membrane protein Ubx2p and Sph1p via their UBX (ubiquitin regulatory

X) domain which is closely related to ubiquitin in structure even though its sequence

similarity is low (Hartmann-Petersen et al., 2004; Schuberth et al., 2004; Neuber et al.,

2005). Indeed, recruitment of Cdc48p by Ubx2p is essential for turnover of both ER and

non-ER substrates, whereas the UBA domain (ubiquitin-associated domain) of Ubx2p is

specifically required for ERAD substrates (Neuber et al., 2005). These findings suggest

that the trimeric AAA-ATPase Cdc48p-Ufd1p-Npl4p complex may act as a motor that

actively pulls polyubiquitinated substrates out of retrotranslocation channel by

ubiquitin-binding proteins. Alternatively, it may mobilize already dislocated and

polyubiquitinated substrates to the 26S proteasome (Medicherla et al., 2004).

Recently two polyubiquitin chain binding proteins Dsk2p and Rad23p have been

identified (Wilkinson et al., 2001; Chen and Madura, 2002; Funakoshi et al., 2002;

Hartmann-Petersen et al., 2003). Dsk2p and Rad23p are not 19S cap subunits of the


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proteasome but possess an N-terminal ubiquitin like domain (UBL), which binds to a

specific site on the 19S cap, and a C-terminal UBA domain, capable of binding

polyubiquitin chains (Wilkinson et al., 2001; Rao and Sastry, 2002; Hartmann-Petersen

et al., 2003). In the absence of Dsk2p and Rad23p, proteasomal degradation of ERAD

substrates is significantly delayed and polyubiquitinated and completely dislocated

substrates accumulate in the cytosol despite the presence of an active proteasome

(Medicherla et al., 2004). These characteristics suggest that substrates destined for

degradation can bind to the UBA domain of Dsk2p and Rad23p through the

polyubiquitin chain and, consequently, can be delivered to the proteasome by means of

the UBL-19S cap interaction (Medicherla et al., 2004; Richly et al., 2005).

The emerging picture is, therefore, the following (Fig. 1): After polyubiquitination and

partial dislocation of the substrate from the retrotranslocation channel, the ER

associated Cdc48-Ufd1p-Npl4p complex binds the polyubiquitylated substrate in an

ATP dependent manner, pulls it away from the ER membrane and hands it over to the

proteasome via Dsk2p and Rad23p for degradation.


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Figure 1. Model of ER-associated protein degradation machinery in yeast (Figure reproduced from

Kostova and Wolf, 2003)

1.1.5 Degradation by the 26S proteasome

The 26S proteasome binds, unfolds and degrades the substrate proteins. With a few

exceptions, like mutant α factor precursor (pαF) and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC),

most proteins have to be polyubiquitinated prior to degradation (Werner et al., 1996;

Coffino, 2001; Wolf et al., 2004). The 26S proteasome consists of the 20S proteolytic

core particle (20S, CP) and the 19S regulatory complex (19S, RP) (Heinemeyer et al.,

1991; Voges et al., 1999; Wolf et al., 2004). The 20S proteolytic core particle is

composed of four hetero-oligomeric rings consisting of two sets of seven different α-

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and seven different β-type subunits in an α7/β7/β7/α7 architecture. The four rings enclose

three inner compartments, two antechambers flanking one proteolytic chamber, which is

build by the two β subunit rings in the middle. Three β-type subunits of each ring

harbour the proteolytic active sites (Voges et al., 1999; Wolf et al., 2004). N-terminal

stretches of the external α-subunits regulate the entry of substrates into the proteolytic

core (Groll et al., 1997). The 19S cap is involved in recognition, binding and unfolding

of ubiquitinated proteins, and in the regulation of the opening of the 20S core. Access to

the CP is restricted to unfolded proteins only. The RP can be found on both ends of the

proteasome. Each unit consists of a base- and lid complex. The base complex contains 6

ATPases (Rpt1-6) of the “AAA” family (ATPases associated with a variety of cellular

activities) and three non-ATPases (Rpn1, Rpn2, and Rpn10). The specific functions of

the ATPase subunits in binding and unfolding are slowly emerging (Braun et al., 1999).

Rpt5 binds ubiquitinated substrates (Lam et al., 2002). Rpt2 is believed to control both

substrate entry and product release from the 20S channel (Kohler et al., 2001). Rpn1

interacts with Rad23 and Dsk2, two proteins having ubiquitin-like domains (UBL) and

capable of binding and delivering ubiquitinated cargo to the proteasome. Recent

findings suggest that Rpn10 contributes to the binding of ubiquitin chains as well

(Elsasser and Finley, 2005) . The lid complex consists of 8 non-ATPase subunits (Rpn3-

9, Rpn11-12). Rpn11 contains a highly conserved metallo isopeptidase motif and this

activity is necessary for de-ubiquitination, and proteasomal proteolysis of substrates. It

is currently believed that Rpn11 de-ubiquitinates the substrate after it has been threaded

into the 20S channel, thereby resulting in an irreversible commitment to proteolysis.

Failure to de-ubiquitinate probably causes a steric block for further insertion of the

substrate into the proteolytic core (Verma and Deshaies, 2000).


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Following release from the substrate, the polyubiquitin chain is hydrolyzed into single

ubiquitin moieties, which can take part in a new round of protein degradation. After the

polyubiquitin chain is cleaved off from the substrate protein, it is pushed through the

20S proteasome where it gets digested to small peptides (Fig. 2).

igure 2. Ubiquitin proteasome system in yeast. (Figure reproduced from Wolf and Hilt, 2004)



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1.2 Molecular chaperone in the cytoplasm quality control (CQD)

Several lines of evidence suggest the involvement of molecular chaperones in the

cytoplasmic protein quality control (Dobson, 2003; McClellan et al., 2005b; Bukau et

al., 2006). It was recently discovered that turnover of membrane proteins like the cystic

fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), a chloride channel localized at

the apical surface of polarized epithelial cells, or the CFTR 508 mutant require

cytosolic Hsp70 chaperones (Murata et al., 2001; Cyr et al., 2002; Esser et al., 2004).

The degradation of CFTR proteins could be discussed in the context of cytosolic quality

control because the polytopic CFTR exposes large domains into the cytosol and the

misfolding of these domains affects the transport of mature CFTR to the plasma

membrane, resulting in cystic fibrosis. As a consequence, all immature ΔF508CFTR

molecules and about 60-80% of wild-type CFTR are rapidly degraded by the ubiquitin-

proteasome system (Murata et al., 2001; Cyr et al., 2002; Esser et al., 2004). The failure

to eliminate misfolded proteins can lead to the formation of potentially toxic aggregates.

A number of human diseases are linked to aberrant protein conformations often

accompanied by binding of Hsp70 and other chaperones (Kopito, 2000; Dobson, 2003;

Goldberg, 2003; McClellan et al., 2005a; Muchowski and Wacker, 2005; Bukau et al.,


1.2.1 Mode of action

The 70-kDa heat shock proteins, or Hsp70s, are central components of the cellular

network of molecular chaperones and folding catalysts. Eukaryotic cells contain

multiple Hsp70s, which are localized in a variety of cellular compartments including the


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cytosol (Hsc70 and inducible Hsp70 of higher organism), mitochondria (Hsp75) and the

endoplasmic reticulum (BiP) (Hartl et al., 2002). Classical functions of Hsp70s are

prevention of protein aggregation and assistance in protein folding. These functions are

based on the transient association of Hsp70 with substrates. Hsp70s recognize short

segments of the polypeptide chain, composed of clusters of hydrophobic amino acids

(Bukau and Horwich, 1998). Hsp70s are mostly conserved in the first ~530 amino acid

residues, with substantially less conservation in the range of residues 530–600, followed

by highly variable sequences in the carboxy-terminal 30–50 amino acids (Zhu et al.,

1996; Bukau et al., 1998). The N-terminal region of about 44 kDa (380–390 residues) is

an ATPase domain which is followed by a central peptide-binding domain. Although the

function of the C-terminal variable region has not yet been fully revealed, the region is

known to be a binding site for co-chaperones. The extreme carboxy-terminal EEVD

motif found in mammalian cytosolic Hsp70s (both the constitutive Hsc70 and the

inducible Hsp70) affects the ATPase activity, substrate binding, and interactions with

co-chaperones (Zhu et al., 1996; Mayer et al., 2000; Mayer et al., 2005; Morishima,

2005). Recognition of hydrophobic segments is mediated by the central substrate-

binding domains of Hsp70 and the substrate binding and release cycle is driven by the

switching of Hsp70 between the low-affinity ATP bound state and the high-affinity

ADP bound state. In the ATP-bound state, it binds and rapidly releases substrates.

Hydrolysis of ATP to ADP catalyzed by intra-molecular ATPase activity leads to the

stabilization of the chaperone-substrate complex (Fig. 3).


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Figure 3. Domain structure and reaction cycle of Hsp70. (Figure reproduced from Esser et al, 2004)

Cycles of ATP binding and hydrolysis thus provide the basis for a dynamic interaction

of the Hsp70 proteins with non-native polypeptides. However, Hsp70 hydrolyses ATP

very inefficiently by itself. Regulatory proteins, so called chaperone cofactors or co-

chaperones, are required to induce a physiologically relevant cycling of the chaperone

protein (Cheetham and Caplan, 1998; Fan et al., 2003). Cofactors of the Hsp40 family

(also termed J proteins due to their founding member, bacterial DnaJ) stimulate the ATP

hydrolysis step within the Hsp70 reaction cycle. They play an important role in efficient

substrate binding to Hsp70 because they promote the conversion of the chaperone to the

ADP-bound state with high substrate affinity. In fact, some Hsp40 proteins, such as

bacterial DnaJ and yeast Ydj1, can prevent aggregation by themselves, through ATP-

independent transient and rapid association with substrates (Cheetham et al., 1998; Fan


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et al., 2003). Their own chaperone activity may allow these Hsp40 proteins to target

Hsp70 to exposed hydrophobic stretches of a substrate protein and simultaneously

initiate a functional chaperone cycle.

ATP dependent cycling of Hsp70 requires a second set of regulatory co-chaperones,

Hip and Bag1 to act as nucleotide exchange factor. Hip (Hsc70 interacting protein)

binds to the ATPase domain and increases the chaperone activity of Hsp70 by

stabilizing the ADP-bound state (Hohfeld et al., 1995; Frydman and Hohfeld, 1997;

Hohfeld and Jentsch, 1997; Hohfeld et al., 2001; Alberti et al., 2003; Alberti et al.,

2004). In contrast, Bag1 inhibits the chaperone activity of Hsp70 in a manner

competitive with Hip by facilitating premature release of the unfolded substrate by

accelerating nucleotide exchange. At the same time, the cofactor Hop (Hsp70/Hsp90-

organizing protein) associates with Hsp70. The 60-kDa protein Hop (yeast Sti1p) has

been identified as a protein involved in the regulation of the heat shock response to

stimulate the ATPase activity of yeast Hsp70 (Nollen et al., 2001; Kabani et al., 2002;

Wegele et al., 2003; McClellan et al., 2005a). Hop interacts via its three TPR domains

with the C-terminal EEVD motif of Hsp70 and Hsp90 proteins. Another important TPR

domain-containing protein is the 35-kDa protein CHIP (carboxyl terminus of Hsc70-

interacting protein) in mammal (Connell et al., 2001; Demand et al., 2001; Cyr et al.,

2002; Alberti et al., 2004). The CHIP protein was initially identified in a screen for

human proteins that possess a tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain. In addition to the

amino terminal TPR domain, CHIP possesses a U-box at its carboxyl terminus. The U-

box is structurally related to RING-finger domains found in many ubiquitin ligases,

which suggested a function of CHIP in ubiquitin conjugation. Indeed, CHIP supplies its

U-box for binding to E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes of the Ubc4/5 family and acts


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as an E3 ubiquitin ligase during the ubiquitination process of substrates (Demand et al.,

2001; Jiang et al., 2001; Murata et al., 2001). CHIP apparently shifts the mode of action

of chaperones from protein folding to protein degradation. Clearly, it is not involved in

the productive folding of chaperone substrates. In addition to the conserved Bag domain,

the BAG family members possess a ubiquitin like domain that seems to cooperate

functionally with CHIP to mediate targeting to the proteasome (Demand et al., 2001;

Sondermann et al., 2001; Sondermann et al., 2002; Alberti et al., 2003). Bag-1 uses the

integrated ubiquitin like domain for an association with the proteasome. Therefore Bag-

1 can act as a coupling factor between Hsp70 and the proteasome. Bag-1 interacts with

the amino terminal ATPase domain of Hsp70, whereas CHIP binds to the carboxyl

terminal EEVD motif in the chaperone. A functional chaperone system is formed only

when Hsp70 tightly cooperates with regulatory cofactors that modulate the ATPase

cycle of the chaperone or mediate targeting to other proteins and protein complexes. In

particular, the large diversity of co-chaperones present in the eukaryotic cytosol seems

to enable Hsp70 to fulfill its multiple functions in this compartment (Esser et al., 2004).


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1.3 Aim of this work

Protein quality control by molecular chaperones includes recognition of misfolding,

prevention of protein aggregation and facilitation of refolding of partially unfolded

proteins (Goldberg, 2003; Kleizen et al., 2004). Misfolded secretory proteins are

recognized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), prevented from continuing along the

secretory pathway, retrotranslocated to the cytoplasmic side of the ER,

polyubiquitinated and delivered to the proteasome for degradation. Interestingly,

cytoplasmic chaperones of Ssa family are necessary for the removal of certain

membrane proteins. However, they are dispensable for the elimination of the mutant

Sec61-2 protein as well as for the degradation of soluble proteins like mutant α-factor.

In this study, a set of structurally different misfolded proteins sharing the same ER-

degradation signal were used to demonstrate mechanistic diversity and to reveal

differences in chaperone requirements during ERAD. The degradation requirements of

the cytoplasmically located CPY* derivative ΔssCPY*-GFP were investigated during

the study of the delivery mechanism of misfolded ER substrates to the proteasome. The

elimination of ΔssCPY*-GFP does not require the Cdc48p-Ufd1p-Npl4p AAA-ATPase

complex or the UBA-UBL proteins Dsk2p and Rad23p (Medicherla et al., 2004). This

pointed to a completely different recognition and delivery mechanism for this misfolded

ER import defective protein.

Recently, it has been found in mammalian cells that the efficiency of protein

compartmentalization into the secretory pathway is far from perfect. Due to inefficient

signal sequence recognition, inefficient translocation into the ER and leaky ribosomal

scanning, the efficiency of segregation to the ER was shown to vary considerably


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(Levine et al., 2005). This raises the question of the fate of these remnant proteins

mislocalized to the cytoplasm.


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Materials and Methods

2. Materials and Methods

2.1 Materials

2.1.1 Media for yeast cultures

Standard yeast rich (YPD) and minimal (CM) media were prepared as described

(Guthrie and Fink, 1991; Sambrook, 2001). Geneticin (G418) resistant cells were grown

on YPD plates containing 200 µg/ml of G418. Ura- cells were selected on solid

synthetic complete medium containing 5-FOA at 1 mg/ml.

2.1.2 Media for E.coli cultures

Ampicillin (Stock solution of 50 mg/ml) was added to the medium to a final

concentration of 50 µg/ml.

2.1.3 Solutions

Solution Components Agarose Gel 1-2 % (w/v) Agarose in TAE-Buffer, pH 7.5

0.5 µg/ml ethidiumbromide

Alkaline lysis buffer 925µl 2M NaOH 75µl β- Mercaptoethanol

Blocking-Buffer 5% (w/v) non-fat dry milk in PBST

Breaking Buffer 50 mM Tris-HCl pH7.5, 6 M Urea, 1% SDS, 1 mM EDTA

Chase Medium Same as labeling medium w/ 0.6 % of L-methionine and 0.2 % of BSA


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Materials and Methods

IP Buffer 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 190 mM NaCl, 1.25 % TritonX-100 (v/v), 6 mM EDTA

IP Buffer w/o Triton-X 100 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 190 mM NaCl, 6 mM EDTA

Labeling Medium 0.17 % Yeast Nitrogen Base w/o ammonium sulfate and w/o amino acids, 0.1 % D-glucose; 0.002 L-adenine, uracil, L-tryptophan, L-histidine, 0.003 % L-arginine, L-tyrosine, L-lysine, L-leucine, 0.005 % L-phenylalanine, 0.01 % L-glutamic acid, L-aspartic acid, 0.015 % L-valine, 0.02 % L-threonine, 0.04 % L-serine

Solubilization buffer 1 % SDS, 50 mM Tris-Cl pH 7.5

Oxalyticase stock solution 5 mg/ml oxalyticase 50 mM Na-Phosphate buffer , pH 7.4 50% Glycerol

Oxalyticase-buffer 0.7 M Sorbitol 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5


16 mM Na2HPO4

4 mM NaH2PO4

100 mM NaCl 0.5 % (v/v)Tween 20


PS 200 200 mM Sorbitol, 20 mM PIPES 5 mM MgCl2, pH 6.8

Resolving Gel Buffer 1.5 M Tris-HCl pH 8.8

Sorbitol lysis buffer 0.7 M sorbitol 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5


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Materials and Methods

2 mM PMSF (Freshly Added) 1 ㎍/ml pepstatin-A (Freshly Added)

Stacking Gel Buffer 0.5 M Tris-HCl pH 6.8

Stripping Buffer 62.5 mM Tris-HCl pH7.5 2% (w/v) SDS 100 mM β-mercaptoethanol

TE buffer

10 mM Tris, 1.0 mM EDTA, pH 7.5


12 mM Tris 96 mM Glycine 20% (v/v) Methanol

Tris/Sulfate DTT 0.1M Tris-H2SO4 pH 9.4 20 mM DTT (freshly added)

Urea buffer for SDS–PAGE

200 mM Tris-HCl pH 6.8 8 M Urea 5% (w/v) SDS 0.1 mM EDTA 0.03% Bromophenol blue 1 mM β- mercaptoethanol

Running buffer pH 8.3

25 mM Tris 192 mM glycine 0.1% (w/v) SDS

TAE- Buffer, pH7.5

40 mM Tris-Acetate 2 mM EDTA

Washing buffer for ubiquitination

20 mM NaN3

2 mM PMSF (Freshly Added) 20 mM NEM (Freshly Added)


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Materials and Methods

2.1.4 Chemicals

Chemical Supplier

β-mercaptoethanol Merck, Darmstadt

Acetic acid Riedel-De Haën, Seelze

Acetone Riedel-De Haën, Seelze

Acrylamide and bisacrylamide solutions Genaxxon BioScience Stafflangen, Schröder, Stuttgart

Agarose NEEO Roth, Karlsruhe

Ammonium persulfate (APS) Genaxxon Bioscience, Stafflangen

Ampicillin Genaxxon Bioscience, Stafflangen

BactoTM agar BD, Sparks, USA

BactoTM peptone BD, Sparks, USA

BactoTM tryptone BD, Sparks, USA

Bromophenol blue Riedel-De Haën, Seelze

BSA New England Biolabs, USA

Calcium chloride Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

Chloroform Fisher Scientific, Leicestershire, UK

Cycloheximide Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

D-glucose Roth, Karlsruhe

Dithiothreitol (DTT) Roth, Karlsruhe

DMSO Merck, Darmstadt

DNA standard (1 kb DNA ladder) Roche, Mannheim

Ethanol Roth, Karlsruhe

Ethidiumbromide Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

EDTA Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim


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Materials and Methods

FITC (fluorescein isothiocyanate) Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

Glass beads (0.5-mm) B. Braun Biotech, Melsungen

Glycerol Riedel-De Haën, Seelze

Herring sperm DNA Promega, Madison, USA

Isopropanol Merck, Darmstadt

L-alanine Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

L -arginine Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

L -asparagine Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

L -aspartic acid Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

L -cysteine Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

L -glutamic acid Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

L -glutamine Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

L-glycine Roth, Karlsruhe

L -histidine Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

L -isoleucine Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

Lithium acetate Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

L -leucine Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

L -lysine Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

L -methionine Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

L -phenylalanine Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

L -proline Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

L -serine Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

L -sorbitol Roth, Karlsruhe

L -threonine Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim


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Materials and Methods

L -tryptophane Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

L-tyrosine Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

L-valine Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

Magnesium chloride Roth, Karlsruhe

Magnesium sulfate Roth, Karlsruhe

Methanol Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

p-amino benzoic acid Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

Phenol, saturated with TE (Roti®-Phenol) Roth, Karlsruhe

Phenyl-methyl-sulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) Merck, Darmstadt

Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 3350 Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

Ponceau S Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

Potassium acetate Merck, Darmstadt

Potassium chloride Merck, Darmstadt

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate Merck, Darmstadt

Potassium hydrogen phosphate Roth, Karlsruhe

Protease inhibitor co*cktail tablets Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany

Protein A SepharoseTM CL-4B Amersham Biosciences, Uppsala, Sweden

SeeBlueTM pre-stained standard Novex, San Diego, USA

Sodium acetate Merck, Darmstadt

Sodium azide Riedel-De Haën, Seelze

Sodium chloride Roth, Karlsruhe

Sodium dihydrogen phosphate Roth, Karlsruhe

Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

Sodium hydrogen phosphate Roth, Karlsruhe


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Materials and Methods

Sodium hydroxide Merck, Darmstadt

TEMED Merck, Darmstadt

Trichloro acetic acid (TCA) Roth, Karlsruhe

Tris ICN Biomedicals, Aurora, USA

TritonX-100 Roth, Karlsruhe

Tween-20 Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

Urea Roth, Karlsruhe

Yeast extract Difco, Michigan, USA

Yeast nitrogen base w/o amino acids Difco, Michigan, USA

Yeast nitrogen base w/o amino acids and ammonium sulfate

Difco, Michigan, USA

2.1.5 Miscellaneous materials

Material Supplier

Filter paper GB002 Schleicher und Schuell, Dassel

HyperfilmTM ECL Amersham Biosciences, Uppsala, Sweden

Nitrocellulose membranes pH 7.5 Schleicher und Schuell, Dassel, PALL Life Sciences, Pensacola, USA

Membrane Filter Millipore, Billerica, Mass., USA

Electroporation cuvettes EquiBio, Kent, UK

Autoradiography Film Biomax MR Kodak, Stuttgart, Germany

2.1.6 Laboratory equipment

Equipment Suppplier

Agarose gel electrophoresis apparatus Bio-Rad, Hercules, USA


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Materials and Methods

Biofuges fresco and pico Heraeus, Hanau

Centrifuge 5417 C and 5804R Eppendorf, Hamburg

Centrikon H-401 Kontron Instruments

Developer machine OPTIMAX Typ TR MS Laborgeräte, Heidelberg

Heating block Liebisch, Bielefeld

Incubator Heraeus, Hanau

Ion exchanger Milli-Q Plus Millipore, Eschborn

Lab-shaker Adolf Kuhner AG, Switzerland

Multi vortexer IKA-VIBRAX VXR Janke & Kunkel

Optima™ TLX Ultracentrifuge Beckman, Palo Alto, California

Overhead rotator REAX2 Heidolph Instruments, Schwabach

pH Meter CG 832 Schott, Hofheim

Pipettes (2-1000µl) Gilson

Power supply units Model 200 Bio-Rad, Hercules, USA

Robocycler® Gradient 40 Stratagene, La Jolla, USA

SDS-PAGE apparatus Bio-Rad, Hercules, USA

Semidry blot chamber ITF Labortechnik, Wasserburg

Shakers, various sizes A. Kühner, Birsfelden, Switzerland

Spektrophotometer Jasco V-530 Jasco, Germany

Spektrophotometer Novaspec II Pharmacia Biotech, Uppsala, SWE

Stirrer lkamag® REO IKA®-Labortechnik, Staufen i. Br.

Thermomixer 5437 Eppendorf, Hamburg

Vortexer Vibrofix VF 1 and VF2 IKA®-Labortechnik, Staufen i. Br.

Water bath W13/F3 Haake, Karlsruhe


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Materials and Methods

2.1.7 Enzymes

Enzyme Supplier

SuRe/CutTM System endonucleases, Roche, Mannheim

T4-DNA-Ligase Invitrogen, Carlsbad, USA

Pwo-DNA-polymerase PEQLAB Biotechnologie, Erlangen

PfuUltraTM high-fidelity DNA-polymerase Stratagene, La Jolla, USA

Oxalyticase Enzogenetics, Corvallis, USA

Proteinase K Sigma-Aldrich Chemie, Steinheim

2.1.8 Antibodies

Anti body Dilution Reference Mouse anti CPY

1:10000 for IB Molecular Probes

Mouse anti HA 1:500 for IP 1:10000 for IB


Mouse anti PGK

1:10000 for IB Molecular Probes

Mouse anti Ubiquitin

1: 2000 for IB Babco

Rabbit anti CPY

1:200 for IP (Finger et al., 1993)

Rabbit anti Kar2

1:10000 for IB R. Schekman

Rabbit anti Sec61

1:10000 for IB T. Sommer

Anti rabbit IgG, HRPO conjugated

1:10000 for IB

Sigma-Aldrich Chemie

Goat anti mouse IgG, HRPO conjugated

1:10000 for IB Jackson Immuno Research Laboratories


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Materials and Methods

2.1.9 Reagent kits

Reagent kit Supplier

ECLTM Kit Amersham, Little Chalfont, UK

QIAEXⅡ Gel Extraction Kit Qiagen, Hilden

QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit Qiagen, Hilden

QIAquick PCR Purification Kit Qiagen, Hilden

QuickChange® II XL Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit Stratagene, La Jolla, USA

2.1.10 Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains

Strain Genotype Source

YWO1 Mat α ura3-52 leu2-3,2-112 his3 Δ200 lys2-

801 trp1-1

(Seufert et al, 1990)

YWO23 Mat α ura3-52 leu2-3,2-112 his3 Δ200 lys2-

801 trp1-1 Δubc4::HIS3 Δubc5::LEU2

(Seufert et al, 1990)

YPH499Y Mat a ura3-52 leu2-1 his3Δ200 trp1-63

lys2–801 ade2-101 prc1–1

(Hiller et al., 1996)

CMY762Y Mat a cim3–1 ura3–52 leu2-1 his3 Δ200


(Hiller et al., 1996)

W303-1C Mat α ade2-1 ura3-1 his3-11,15 leu2-3,112

trp1-1 can1-100 prc1-1

(Knop et al., 1996a)

YRP160 W303-1C Mat a kar2-159 (Plemper et al., 1997)

YPK001 YRP160 Δprc1::KANR This study

YPK002 W303-1C Δsnl1::KANR This study


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Materials and Methods

YPD5 W303–1C Δydj1–2::HIS3 LEU2::ydj1–151 (Taxis et al., 2003)

YPD21 Mat α his3–11, 15 leu2–3, 112 ura3–52

trp1–81 lys2 prc1–1 Δssa2::LEU2

Δssa3::TRP1 Δssa4::LYS2

(Taxis et al., 2003)

YPD22 YPD21 ssa1–45 Δssa2::LEU2 Δssa3::TRP1


(Taxis et al., 2003)

YPK003 YPD21 SSA1K521R This study

YPK004 YPD21 SSA1K536R This study

YPK005 YPD21 SSA1K521R/K536 This study

YCT397 Mat a leu2-3,112 ura3-52 ade1-100 his4-

519 prc1-1

(Jarosch et al., 2002)

YCT415 YCT397 ufd1-1 (Jarosch et al., 2002)

YCT595 W303-1C Δhlj1::KANR (Taxis et al., 2003)

YCT598 W303-1C Δjid1::KANR (Taxis et al., 2003)

YRH25 W303-1C Δcwc23::KANR (Taxis et al., 2003)

MHY501 Mat α his3-200 leu2-3,112 ura3-52 lys2-

801 trp1-1

(Swanson et al., 2001)

MHY1631 MHY501 Δssm4/doa10::HIS3 (Swanson et al., 2001)

MHY1669 MHY501 Δhrd1/der3::LEU2 (Swanson et al., 2001)

MHY1703 MHY501Δhrd1/der3::LEU2


(Swanson et al., 2001)

YRH023 W303-1C Δhsp104::KANR (Taxis et al., 2003)

YRH030 W303-1C Δsti1-1::HIS3 (Taxis et al., 2003)

YRH050 W303-1C Δhsc82::KANR hsp82G170D (Taxis et al., 2003)


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Materials and Methods

Y406-C Mat α ura3-52 leu2-3,112 his3-11,15 lys2

trp1-1 prc1-1

(Deak, 1998)

Y420-C Y406-C Δssb1::LEU2 Δssb2::HIS3 (Deak, 1998)

W303-1B Mat α ade2-1 ura3-1 his3-11,15 leu2-3,112

trp1-1 can1-100

(Chiang and Schekman,


AGC14 Mat α ade2-1 ura3-1 his3-11,15 leu2-3,112



(Cashikar et al., 2005)

BY4743 Mat α/a his3Δ1/his3Δ1 leu2Δ0/leu2Δ0






BY4743 Δprc1::kanMX4/Δprc1::kanMX4 EUROSCARF



BY4743 Δsnl1::kanMX4/Δsnl1::kanMX4 EUROSCARF



BY4743 Δsse1::kanMX4/Δsse1::kanMX4 EUROSCARF E.coli strains

E. coli strain Genotype Remarks

DH5α F- Ф 80d lac Z ΔM15 (argF-lacZYA)

U169 end A1recA1 hsd R17(rk-, mk+)

deo R thi- 1 supE44 λ- gyrA96 relA1 Δ

Gibco-BRL, Invitrogen


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Materials and Methods

XL10-Gold® Tetr Δ(mcrA)183 Δ(mcrCB-hsdSMR-

mrr)173 endA1 supE44 thi-1 thi-1 recA1

gyrA96 relA1 lac Hte [F´ proAB lacIqZ

ΔM15 Tn10(Tetr) Amy Camr]

Stratagene, La Jolla, USA

2.1.11 Synthetic Oligonucleotide primers

Oligo name Sequence



















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Materials and Methods









2.1.12 Plasmids

The protein of interest is expressed under the control of its own promoter unless

specifically mentioned.

Name Description Reference

pRS316 Centromeric yeast/E.coli

shuttle vector with URA3


(Christianson et al., 1992)

pMA1 (TDH3 promoter) pRS316 constitutively

expressing CPY* and

transmembrane domain

followed by GFP

(Taxis et al., 2003)

pCT67 (TDH3 promoter) pRS316 constitutively

expressing CPY* with a

transmembrane domain

(Taxis et al., 2003)


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Materials and Methods


pRS316 expressing cytosolic

(∆ss)CPY*- GFP

(Medicherla et al., 2004)


pRS316 expressing cytosolic


This study

(Cloned by Z. Kostova)



pRS316 expressing cytosolic


This study



pRS316 expressing cytosolic


This study



pRS316 expressing cytosolic


This study



pRS316 expressing cytosolic


This study



pRS316 expressing cytosolic


(Bolender, 2005)



pRS426 over-expressing

cytosolic (∆ss)CPY*- GFP

This study




pRS316 expressing a fusion

protein consisting of ∆ssCPY*

and GFPuv-cODC

This study




pRS316 expressing a fusion

protein consisting of ∆ssCPY*

and GFPuv-cODC-C441A

This study

pRS313- ∆ssCPY*-GFP pRS313 expressing cytosolic This study


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Materials and Methods

(pSH16) (∆ss)CPY*- GFP

YIpSSA1BH YIp5 plasmid containing the

7kb HindIII-BamH1 fragment

of SSA1

E. Craig, Department of

Biomolecular Chemistry,

University of Wisconsin



Integrative pRS306 plasmid

containing 2.8kb Xba1-Spe1

fragment of SSA1

This study



Integrative pRS306 plasmid

containing a mutation of

Lys521 to Ala521 in SSA1

This study



Integrative pRS306 plasmid

containing a mutation of

Lys536 to Ala536 in SSA1

This study



Integrative pRS306 plasmid

containing double mutation of

Lys521 to Ala521 and Lys536

to Ala536 in SSA1

This study


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Materials and Methods

2.2 Methods

Yeast genetics experiments were carried out using standard methods. (Guthrie et al.,

1991; Sambrook, 2001).

2.2.1 Molecular biological methods

Standard conditions were used to generate PCR fragment and recombinant DNA-

techniques and transformation of plasmids into E.coli were done as described

(Sambrook, 2001). Site directed mutagenesis

In vitro site directed mutagenesis was performed with the QuickChange® II XL Site-

Directed Mutagenesis Kit according to manufacture’s instructions. Briefly, the mutation

was introduced in a specific site by the use of two synthetic oligonucleotide primers,

both containing the desired mutation. The two primers are complementary to each other

and to opposite strands of the plasmid DNA and are extended during temperature

cycling by PfuUltra High Fidelity DNA polymerase, without primer displacement. The

extension cycle generates a mutated plasmid containing staggered nicks. After the

thermal cycling the product is treated with DpnI. This enzyme is specific for methylated

and hemimethylated DNA and is used for digestion of the parental DNA template. The

plasmid DNA containing the desired mutations was then transformed into XL10-Gold®

ultracompetent cells or in DH5α cells. Both strains are able to repair the nick and to

replicate the plasmid. Cells were plated on LB containing the selective antibiotic.


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Materials and Methods Construction of plasmids

A 1.2kb partial fragment of wild type PRC1 was amplified from pYEP13/PRC1 using

the primer pair F10 and z3’CPY-Ecor1 and inserted into pRS316-ΔssCPY* between the

Bsu361 and EcoR1 restriction sites, generating pRS316-ΔssCPY. The DNA of

cytoplasmically localized, N-terminally GFP fused CPY* (ΔssGC*) was cloned in two

steps. First, the Sph1 restriction site was introduced to the end of the CPY promoter in

pRS316-ΔssCPY* by QuickChange® II XL Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit using the

primer pair 5’Sph1 and 3’Sph1 to generate pZK116m. Then the 0.7kb GFP DNA

fragment was amplified from plasmid pRS316-ΔssCPY*-GFP by the primer pair

5’GFP-Sph1 and 3’GFP-Sph1 was cloned into the Sph1 restriction site of pZK116m,

generating plasmid1 pRS316-ΔssGFP-CPY*. The 3.4kb DNA fragment encoding

ΔssCPY*-GFP was sub-cloned from plasmid pRS316-ΔssCPY*-GFP into the 2μ

plasmid pRS426 and plasmid pRS313 between the Cla1 and EcoR1 restriction sites,

respectively. The 0.5kb DNA fragment of GFPuv-cODC or GFPuv-cODC-C441A from

p416PADH-GFPuv425cODC or p416PADH-GFPuv425cODC-C441A(Hoyt et al., 2003),

respectively, was PCR-amplified by the primer pair 5’GFPuv-Mlu1 and 3’GFPuv-Ecor1

and cloned between the Mlu1 and EcoR1 restriction sites of pRS316-ΔssCPY*-GFPuv,

yielding pRS316-ΔssCPY*-GFPuv-cODC or pRS316-ΔssCPY*-GFPuv-cODC-C441A,

respectively. The C-terminal HA3 tag to CPY* was PCR amplified from plasmid

pCT42 which encodes CPY*-HA3 using the primer pair F10 and R10 for ΔssCPY*-HA3

or F11 and R10 for ΔssCPY-HA3. The PCR products were cloned into between the

Bsu361 and Ecor1 sites of pRS316-ΔssCPY* or between the BstAP1 and Ecor1 sites of

pRS316-ΔssCPY, yielding pRS316 expressing ΔssCPY*-HA3 and ΔssCPY-HA3,

respectively. A 2.8Kb Xba1-Spe1 excision fragment including the SSA1 allele from


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Materials and Methods

plasmid YIpSSA1BH (E.Craig) was sub-cloned into pRS306 between Xba1 and Spe1,

creating integrative pRS306-SSA1. Two mutations of SSA1 alleles, SSA1K521R,

SSA1K536R, were created using the QuikChange® II XL Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit

with pRS306-SSA1 as the template. The primer pairs used were as followed: F521m

and R521m for SSA1K521R; P1a and P1a-R for SSA1K536R. The mutagenesis resulting in

plasmid pRS306-SSA1K521R had an Acl1 restriction site in K521R and pRS306-

SSA1K536R had a Xba1 restriction site in K536R. Additionally, plasmid pRS306-

SSA1K521R was used as the template to create the SSA1K521R/K536R mutation using the

primer pair P1a and P1a-R, creating pRS306- SSA1K521R/K536R. Construction of yeast strains

The prc1-1 allele in YRP160 was disrupted by PCR amplification of the Δprc1::KANR

fragment from BY4743 Δprc1::KANR (EUROSCARF, Frankfurt) using the primer pair

5'seqCPY and z3'CPYEcoRI and transformation of the obtained DNA fragment into

YRP160, yielding YPK001 (Δprc1 kar2-159). The SNL1 gene in W303-1C was

disrupted by PCR amplification of the Δsnl1::KANR fragment from strain BY4743

Δsnl1::KANR (EUROSCARF, Frankfurt) using the primer pair SNL1 5’ and SNL1 3’

and transformation of the obtained DNA fragment into W303-1C, yielding YPK002

(W303-1C Δsnl1). Correct integration of the disrupting DNA was confirmed by PCR

analysis and Southern blotting. Two mutations of the SSA1 gene, SSA1K521R, SSA1K536R,

were integrated into the SSA1 locus of YPD21 through recombination of the linear

fragment of pRS306- SSA1K521R and pRS306-SSA1K536R using Van911 restriction

enzyme, generating YPK003 and YPK004, respectively. The double mutation of

SSA1K521R/K536R was introduced into YPD21 through the recombination of the linear


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Materials and Methods

fragment of pRS306- SSA1K521R/K536R generated by Van911 restriction enzyme,

consequently yielding YPK005. Correct integration of the mutation alleles was

verified by sequencing of PCR products.

2.2.2 Biochemical methods Cycloheximide decay analysis

Cells were grown at 30℃ to logarithmic phase in synthetic complete medium.

Temperature sensitive strains were shifted to the restrictive temperature of 37℃ for 60

min. Cycloheximide was added (0.5 mg/ml) and 2 OD600 of cells were taken at the

indicated time points. Cell extracts were prepared by alkaline lysis (Hiller et al., 1996;

Taxis et al., 2003) and subjected to SDS-PAGE followed by immunodetection. Alkaline lysis of yeast whole cell extracts

Cells were harvested at 14000 rpm for 1 min. The cell pellet was resuspended in 1 ml

of dH2O and freshly prepared 150 µl of NaOH and β-mercaptoethanol mix (925 µl of 2

M NaOH and 75 µl of 13.3 M β-mercaptoethanol) was added and kept on ice for 10 min

with brief vortexing every 3 min. 150 µl of TCA (55%) was added to the samples and

kept on ice for 10 min. Cells were centrifuged at 14000 rpm in a table top centrifuge for

10 min, supernatant was removed. Pellet was washed once with 500 µl of ice-cold

acetone. Pellet was resuspended in 100 µl of Urea loading buffer completely by shaking

at 65°C.


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Materials and Methods SDS-PAGE and Western Blotting

SDS-PAGE analysis was performed for the separation of proteins and Western blotting

and immuno detection were followed as described (Coligan et al., 1995). Briefly,

samples were run along with the standard protein maker. When the bromophenol band

was electrophoresed out, the protein samples were transferred from the gel to the

nitrocellulose membrane in a semidry blot chamber using the transfer buffer. After

completing transfer, nitrocellulose membranes were blocked using 10% non-fat dry

milk powder in PBST buffer by incubating the membranes over night at 4℃. After

membranes were washed two times with PBST buffer for 10 min, they were incubated

with required primary antibody (for dilutions of individual antibody see antibody

section) for 1hr at RT, followed by washing the membranes two times with PBST buffer

for 10min. Thereafter the membranes were incubated for 1 hr with the secondary

antibody, which is conjugated to Horse Radish Peroxidase. Immunodetection was

carried out using ECL-kit according to manufacture’s instruction. When it was required,

the membranes were reprobed with a second antibody after being incubated with

Stripping buffer at 60℃ for 25 min with occasional agitation. Preparation of yeast spheroplasts

50 OD600 of yeast cells were collected and resuspended in TRIS-Sulfate DTT solution

and incubated for 10 min at 30°C. Cells were spun down (2000 rpm, 5 min.) and

resuspended in 3 ml of oxalyticase buffer with addition of oxalyticase stock solution to

a final oxalyticase of 5 µg per 1 OD600 of cells. Cells were incubated for 30 min 30°C

with light shaking. Spheroplasts were collected by centrifugation (1500 g, 5 min.) and

resuspended in 2 ml of ice-cold PS200 buffer containing 2 mM PMSF. Lysis of


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Materials and Methods

spheroplasts was carried out by re-suspending with cut pipette tips for 15 times on ice.

Un-lysed spheroplasts were removed by centrifugation for 10 min at 500 g. Membrane association

All steps were carried out on ice or at 4°C. The spheroplasts were split in 250 µl

aliquots and were mixed with 250 µl PS200 buffer, or 250 µl PS200 buffer containing

either 2 M KAc, 0.2 M Na2CO3, 5 M Urea or SDS (1 % w/v). Samples were incubated

for 30 min on ice, except SDS treated sample was incubated at RT. Then high-speed

centrifugation at 100,000 x g was done with Optima™ TLX Ultracentrifuge (Beckman)

using a TLA 110 rotor in order to separate the cytosolic fraction from the organelle

fraction. The supernatant was transferred to a new tube as cytosolic fraction. The pellet

was resuspended in 60 µl Urea loading buffer (P). The supernatant was incubated with

1/10 volume of 110% TCA and precipitated (13000 rpm, 4°C, 10 min). The pellet was

washed once with 500 µl of ice-cold acetone, centrifuged again and resuspended in 60

µl of urea buffer (S). Samples were incubated for 10 min at 65°C in a heating block

with occasional agitation and subjected to SDS-PAGE, followed by immunodetection. Solubility assay

Cells expressing ΔssCG* were grown at 30℃ and shifted to 37℃ for 60 min prior to

assay. 20 OD600 of yeast cells were harvested, washed once with 4 volumes of washing

buffer and resuspended in 1ml of ice-cold sorbitol buffer (0.7 M sorbitol, 50 mM Tris-

HCl pH 7.5, 1 mM PMSF, 1 ㎍/ml pepstatin-A). Subsequently, all material was kept on

ice and cells were lysed with glass beads in ice cold sorbitol lysis buffer. Lysates were

pre-cleared by centrifugation at 500 x g for 5 min at 4℃. Total protein (T) was


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Materials and Methods

precipitated from 400 μl of lysate with TCA (11% final concentration). Total protein (T)

was solubilized with 60 μl of urea buffer (40 mM Tris-HCl pH 6.8, 8 M Urea, 5% SDS,

100 mM EDTA pH 8, 200 ㎍/ml Bromophenol blue, 1.5% beta mercapto-ethanol). In

addition, 400 μl of lysate was sedimented in a Beckman T110 rotor at 130,000 x g for

30 min at 4℃. The supernatant was subjected to TCA precipitation and treated as

soluble protein (S). The pellet of the 130,000 x g centrifugation step was washed once

with sorbitol lysis buffer followed by solubilization with 60 μl of urea buffer as

described above. Equal amounts of solubilized protein were analyzed by SDS-PAGE

followed by immunoblotting. Immunoblots were analyzed with anti CPY or anti PGK

antibodies. Fluorescence microscopy in living cells

Cells over-expressing ΔssCPY*-GFP or harboring an empty plasmid were grown at

30℃ and shifted to 37℃ for 60 min prior to viewing fluorescence in living cells. Cells

were collected by centrifugation and washed once and resuspended in fresh SC medium.

2.2 μl of suspension was dropped onto a 76 x 26-mm microscopy slide, covered with a

coverslip, and subjected to immediate viewing. Fluorescence microscopy was

performed with an Axioplan microscope equipped with a 100 X oil-immersion objective

(Carl Zeiss) and GFP filter. Immuno-Fluorescence microscopy

1mL of the logarithmic cell culture was fixed by adding 125μL Potassium phosphate

buffer (1M, pH 6.5) and 125μL of 37% formaldehyde solution and rotated for 1 hour at

RT on a rotator. Cells were later centrifuged at 1000 rpm for 5 min and washed three


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Materials and Methods

times with SP buffer (1.2M Sorbitol, 100mM Potassium phosphate, pH 6.5).

Spheroplasts of these cells were made by re-suspending them in 1mL of SP buffer

containing 20mM β-ME and 10μL Zymolyase 100T (15mg/ml) and incubating at 30°C

for 30 min. The spheroplasts were washed three times with SP buffer and 10μL were

added to each well of a diagnostic slide (Serolab, Aidenbach), which was previously

coated with Poly-L-Lysine. Spheroplasts were allowed to settle in the wells for 15 min,

washed three times with 20μL PBS buffer (53mM Na2HPO4, 13mM NaH2PO4, 75mM

NaCl) and incubated for 5 min with 20μL PBT (1% BSA, 0.1% (w/v) Triton X-100 in

PBS). Later 20μL of suitably diluted primary antibody was added and incubated in a

humid chamber for 2 hours. Subsequently, the samples were washed with PBT and

incubated for a further 90 min with secondary antibody. Finally, these were washed

with PBS and 2μL mounting solution (80% Glycerol, 0.025μg/ml DAPI, 0.1% p-

Phenlynediamine in PBS) was added and later covered the slide with a cover slip.

Fluorescence microscopy was performed with an Axioplan microscope equipped with a

100 X oil-immersion objective (Carl Zeiss). Detection of ubiquitin modification Detection of ubiquitinated proteins in ER membrane

50 OD600 of logarithmically growing yeast cells (OD6001-1.3) were harvested and

washed once with 5ml ice-cold washing buffer, once with 2ml ice cold sorbitol buffer

and the pellet was resuspended in 0.5ml of sorbitol buffer with 2/3 volume of glass

beads. Cells were spheroplasted for 5 pulses of 0.5 min duration in a Mini-bead beater,

with cooling on ice between pulses. 1ml of sorbitol buffer was added to samples and

pre-cleared by slow centrifugation for 5min at 500g. Pre-cleared spheroplasts were


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Materials and Methods

transferred to Beckman polycarbonated centrifuge tubes (11 x 34 mm) and separated

into microsomal pellet and the soluble cytoplasmic fractions by ultracentrifugation at

100,000g for 30min in Beckman optima TLA Ultracentrifuge with a TLA120.2 rotor.

The supernatant was transferred to a new tube and Tris-HCl pH7.5, Triton X 100,

EDTA, and NaCl were added to final concentration of 50 mM, 1.25%, 6 mM, 190 mM

respectively. The pellet was washed with ice cold sorbitol buffer again and solubilized

in 100μl of membrane solubilization buffer. 900μl of IP buffer was added and the

samples were spun at 13,000rpm for 10 min to remove the insoluble material. The

antibody of interest was added both to pellet and supernatant fractions (5μl of

monoclonal anti-GFP antibody was used in this study) and IP was carried out for

overnight at 4°C. 80μl of Protein-A-Sepharose (7% of Protein-A-Sepharose dissolved in

IP buffer w/o Triton X-100) was added to samples and rotated for 2hr, later beads were

precipitated by spinning samples at 2, 000rpm for 30sec, washed with 1ml of IP buffer

for 5 times and the proteins were denatured by the addition of urea buffer and samples

were heated at 65°C for 10 min, 10% SDS-PAGE gels were used and Western blotting

and protein transfer were done as described above. Nitrocellulose membranes were

autoclaved for 20 min after blotting to enhance the signal. Immunodetection was done

as described above. Detection of ubiquitinated protein in cytosol

50 OD600 of yeast cells over-expressing ΔssCPY*-GFP or harboring an empty plasmid

were grown at 25℃ and shifted to 37℃ for 60 min prior to analysis. Cells were washed

once with ice-cold washing buffer (20 mM sodium azide, 2 mM PMSF, 20 mM NEM)

and resuspended in 500 μl of ice cold IP buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 190 mM NaCl,


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Materials and Methods

1.25% TritonX-100, 6 mM EDTA, 2 mM PMSF, 20 mM NEM) and 500 μl of 0.5-mm

glass beads were added. Cells were lysed by 5 pulses of 1min duration in a Mini-bead

beater, with cooling on ice between pulses. Lysates were pre-cleared by slow

centrifugation for 5min at 500g. 1ml of ice cold IP buffer was added to pre-cleared

spheroplast and transferred to Beckman polycarbonated centrifuge tubes (11 x 34 mm)

and separated into microsomal pellet and the soluble cytoplasmic fractions by

ultracentrifugation at 100,000g for 30min in Beckman optima TLA Ultracentrifuge with

a TLA120.2 rotor. The supernatant was subjected to immunoprecipitation by anti GFP,

fractionated and analyzed using anti ubiquitin or anti CPY antibodies. Pulse-Chase

Growth and Pulse-Chase

Main cultures were prepared by dilution of stationary pre-cultures to OD600 =0.3 in

selective CM medium. Cells were grown to an OD600 of 1.0. 10 OD600 were harvested

by centrifugation (3000 rpm, 5 min) in a 50 ml Falcon tube and washed three times in 2

ml labeling medium. Cells were resuspended in 1 ml of labeling medium and incubated

for 50 min at 30°C. For the pulse 25 µl of [α-35S]-L-Methionine stock solution (about 25

µCi per OD600) were added to the cells and incubated for 20 min. Addition of 1 ml pre-

warmed chase medium to the cultures started the chase. Cultures were mixed briefly.

450 µl were removed immediately and added to 50 µl of TCA (110%) in screw capped

Eppendorf tubes. Further samples were taken after 30, 60 and 90 min. Samples were

stored on ice for subsequent lysis of the cells.


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Materials and Methods


Samples were spun down for 8 min at 14000 rpm and the supernatant was removed.

Pellet was washed with 1 ml of acetone (-20°C) and spun down for 5 min at 14000 rpm.

Supernatant was removed. 100 µl breaking buffer and 2/3 volume of glass beads were

added. Samples were placed for 6 times alternately at 95°C for 1 min and vortexed in a

multivortexer for 1 min. Samples were stored at –80°C.


Samples were thawed at 35°C. Protease inhibitor co*cktail (Boehringer) was prepared

by solving one tablet in 2 ml of ddH20 and 10 µl of the solution was added to each

sample. 1 ml IP buffer was added and samples were vortexed then centrifuged for 15

min at 14000 rpm. 950 µl of the supernatant was transferred to safe-lock Eppendorf tube

containing 5 µl of rabbit anti CPY antibody and rotated for 1 hour at RT. Subsequently

80 µl Protein A Sepharose solution (7% Protein A-Sepharose in IP buffer w/o Triton-X-

100) was added and samples were rotated for another hour. Samples were washed for

three times with 1 ml IP buffer. For elution 60 µl Urea buffer was added and samples

were heated at 95°C for 3 min and then centrifuged for 2 min. 15 µl of each sample

were loaded on a 10% SDS polyacrylamide gel together with 5 µl of protein marker.

Electrophoresis was carried out like described before. Detection was carried out by

autoradiography using X-ray film (KODAK Biomax MR Film) and, subsequently, a

Storage Phosphor Screen and a PhosphormImagerTM. Data were analysed using

ImageQuantTM software (version 5.2).


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3. Results

3.1 Endoplasmic reticulum quality control and degradation (ERQD)

Several studies have revealed that degradation of soluble and membrane bound ERAD

substrates involve different components of the ERAD machinery (Kostova and Wolf,

2002). To study these different degradation mechanisms used by ERAD substrates, a set

of misfolded proteins sharing CPY* as the degradation motif were generated (Taxis,

2002). One of the model proteins used to study ER quality control in yeast is a mutant

form of carboxypeptidase yscY (G255R), commonly known as CPY* (Heinemeyer et

al., 1991; Finger et al., 1993; Knop et al., 1993; Hiller et al., 1996; Plemper et al.,


Figure 4. Schematic drawing of ERAD substrates CPY*, CT* and CTG*


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This misfolded protein is translocated into the ER lumen and fully glycosylated but is

not transported to the vacuole. Of the two substrates generated based on the misfolded

ER lumenal protein CPY*, the first is CT*, in which CPY* is bound to the ER

membrane via a single transmembrane domain. In the second (CTG*), the green

fluorescent protein (GFP) is fused to CT* providing a cytoplasmic domain (Taxis,

2002). Schematic drawings of these proteins are shown in Figure 4.

In a previous study, Taxis (2002) demonstrated that degradation of CTG* and CT*

share the same basic ERAD machinery as CPY*: the elimination process is carried out

by the ubiquitin conjugating enzymes Ubc1p and Ubc7p and the ubiquitin-protein-

ligase Der3/Hrd1p. It is suggested that Der1p, involved in degradation of soluble CPY*

and PrA* (Knop et al., 1996a), is generally involved in the turnover of soluble ERAD

substrates, and not in specific recognition of soluble misfolded CPY* only. The

breakdown of soluble CPY* or of membrane bound CT* was independent of cytosolic

Hsp70 chaperones of the Ssa-family. In contrast, the degradation of CTG* was strongly

dependent on the Ssa-family activity along with three J domain proteins, Cwc23p, Jid1p

and Hlj1p. Absence of these proteins led to a small but consistent effect on CTG*

degradation (Taxis, 2002).

3.1.1 Misfolded integral membrane proteins of the ER, CTG* and CT*, are

degraded by the proteasome

We characterized the localization and topology of the fusion proteins CT* and CTG*.

Membrane insertion of CT* and CTG* was determined with membrane association

experiments. Crude cell extracts were treated with urea, potassium acetate or sodium


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Figure 5. CTG* and CT* are integral membrane protein of the ER. Crude extracts from WT (W303-

1C) cells expressing CTG* (A, Taxics, 2002) and CT* (B) were treated with buffer, or with buffer

containing either 2.5 M urea, 0.8 M potassium acetate, 0.1 M sodium carbonate pH 11.6, 1 % SDS or 1 %

Triton X-100 followed by centrifugation at 20,000xg. Soluble (S) and pellet (P) fractions were analysed

by immunoblotting using anti CPY and anti Sec61 antibodies. Co-localization analysis of CTG* (C), CT*

(D) and the ER-membrane protein Sec61p were performed in W303 C cells. GFP fluorescence shows

CTG* localization. Sec61p is visualized by indirect immunofluorescence using anti Sec61 primary and

Cy3-conjugated secondary antibody (Nom: Normarski optics, 4’, 6’-diamindino-2-phenylindole (DAPI):

nuclear staining). CT* was visualized using an anti CPY/Alexa-conjucated anti mouse and Sec61 using

an anti Sec61/FITC (fluorescein isothiocyanate)-conjugated anti rabbit antibody sandwich.


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carbonate, all known to remove peripheral membrane proteins. CT* and CTG* could

only be solubilized after treatment with detergents like Triton X-100 or SDS (Fig. 5A

and B). Furthermore, immuno-fluorescence microscopy showed typical ER staining for

CTG* and CT* (Fig. 5C and D). In summary, these experiments show that CTG* and

CT* are integral type I membrane proteins with their glycosylated N-terminal CPY*-

moiety (Taxis, 2002) located in the ER lumen and their C-terminus in the cytosol (Fig.


Figure 6. CTG* and CT* are degraded by the proteasome as a single entity. Cycloheximide decay

experiments were performed in WT and proteasome mutant (cim3-1) strains. Cycloheximide was added

(t=0 min), samples were collected at the indicated time points and subjected to SDS-PAGE, followed by

immunoblotting. Immunoblots were analysed with anti CPY and anti Sec61 antibodies. Substrates: A:

CTG*; B: CT*. Pulse chase analysis was done in WT expressing CTG*. CTG* was immunoprecipitated

with anti CPY or anti GFP, separated by SDS-PAGE and analyzed using a PhosphoImager and

ImagerQuaNTTM (Amersham Bioscience). Plotted data represent the mean values of three independent



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Cycloheximide chase experiments showed that degradation of CTG* and CT* is

retarded in proteasomal mutants (Fig. 6A and B). As CTG* has two topologically

diverse domains, one residing in the ER-lumen and the other in the cytoplasm, we tested

whether both domains are degraded simultaneously. Pulse chase and IP analyses using

antibodies recognizing either CPY* or GFP showed that both protein domains were

degraded with similar kinetics in wild type cells, indicating that the fusion protein is

degraded as a single entity (Fig. 6C ).

3.1.2 The ubiquitin-ligase Doa10p is not required for degradation of CT* and


Since CTG* and CT* are still degraded to some extent in Der3/Hrd1p deleted cells

(Taxis, 2002), this might be due to the action of an additional E3 enzyme. Therefore, the

involvement of the ubiquitin-protein-ligase Ssm4/Doa10p in the degradation of both

proteins was tested. Ssm4/Doa10p has been shown previously to be an E3 enzyme

necessary for ERAD of Ubc6p and Ste6*p (Swanson et al., 2001). However, the

degradation kinetics of CT* and CTG* were not altered in ∆ssm4/doa10 or in

∆ssm4/doa10 ∆der3/hrd1 cells (Fig. 7), indicating that other components may be

involved in the degradation process of these proteins.


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Figure 7. Degradation of CTG* and CT* do not require Doa10p. Cycloheximide decay experiments of

CTG* (A) and CT* (B) were performed in Δdoa10Δder3 cells as described in the legend to Figure 6.

Sec61p served as a loading control.

3.1.3 The Cdc48p-Ufd1p-Npl4p complex is necessary for the degradation of ERAD


Next, we tested whether the Cdc48p-Ufd1p-Npl4p complex, which was described to

be necessary for ERAD of soluble and membrane proteins (Ye et al., 2001; Jarosch et

al., 2002; Rabinovich et al., 2002), also acts in the degradation of CTG* and CT*.

Cycloheximide chase experiments with ufd1-1 and temperature sensitive npl4-1 cells

showed that degradation of CTG* and CT* is affected in these mutants (Fig. 8). These

findings indicate that action of the trimeric Cdc48p-Ufd1p-Npl4p complex in ERAD is

independent of substrate topology.


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Figure 8. Degradation of misfolded ER proteins is dependent on the Cdc48-Ufd1-Npl4 complex.

Cycloheximide decay experiments of CTG* (A and C) and CT* (B and D) were performed in ufd1-1 and

npl4-1 cells as described in the legend to Figure 6. Kar2p and CPY served as loading controls.

3.1.4 Kar2p is only required for degradation of soluble proteins

We were further interested in the role played by the ER lumenal chaperone Kar2p.

Kar2p is a member of the highly conserved Hsp70 family, involved in protein import

into the ER (Rapoport et al., 1996). Additionally, Kar2p activity is necessary for the

degradation of misfolded, soluble proteins like CPY* or mutant α-factor (Plemper et al.,

1998; Brodsky et al., 1999b). In contrast, the chaperone is not involved in degradation

of polytopic membrane proteins like Pdr5* or CFTR (Plemper et al., 1998; Zhang et al.,

2001). Kar2p activity is believed to keep CPY* in a soluble form, to make its

dislocation into the cytosol possible (Nishikawa et al., 2001). Additionally, Kar2p may

be involved in the recognition of misfolding in CPY*. In this case, degradation of

CTG* and CT* should also be dependent on Kar2p. However, in contrast to CPY*, the


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degradation kinetics of CTG* and CT* were not changed in the kar2-159 temperature

sensitive cells at restrictive conditions (Fig. 9). No degradation intermediates derived

from partially clipped CT* or CTG* proteins were detected. These experiments indicate

that Kar2p activity is only important for the degradation of soluble proteins. It is

obviously not involved in the recognition of the unfolded state of CPY*.

igure 9. The ER-lumenal chaperone Kar2p is not necessary for degradation of the membrane


proteins CTG* and CT*. Pulse chase analysis was performed as described in the legend to Fig. 6,

except that cells were grown at 25℃ and shifted to 32℃ upon addition of chase media. A and B,

degradation of CTG* and CT* in prc1 (W303 C) and kar2-159 prc1 mutants, respectively


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3.1.5 Hsp104p is required for elimination of CTG* only

Another chaperone known to work together with the cytosolic Hsp70s of the Ssa-

family is Hsp104p (Glover and Lindquist, 1998). This protein belongs to the family of

Hsp100 chaperones, which are part of the AAA-ATPase superfamily (Neuwald et al.,

1999). Hsp100s are known to unfold proteins, either after heat shock (Glover et al.,

1998) or prior to hydrolysis (Weber-Ban et al., 1999). Additionally, they bind in an

ATP dependent manner to the Ssa1p-Ydj1p complex (Glover et al., 1998). Therefore,

we measured the degradation kinetics of CTG* in pulse chase experiments in ∆hsp104

cells. Interestingly, degradation of CTG* is clearly delayed in ∆hsp104 cells (Fig. 10).

In contrast, degradation of CPY* or CT* is not affected in this mutant (Taxis, 2002).

This suggests an additional function of the Hsp70-Hsp40-Hsp104 complex in ERAD

of proteins containing a cytosolic domain.

Figure 10. Hsp104 is involved in the turnover of CTG*. Pulse chase analysis was performed in WT

(W303-1C) and hsp104 cells.


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3.1.6 Ssa1p is required for elimination of CTG* from the ER membrane

Accumulating data show that only CTG*, a misfolded membrane protein with a tightly

folded cytoplasmic GFP domain, requires the activity of cytoplasmic Hsp70, Hsp40 and

Hsp104 chaperones for proper degradation (Taxis, 2002, Fig. 10). Neither soluble CPY*

nor CT* lacking a cytosolic domain require these chaperons for their elimination.

Therefore, we tested whether the Hsp70 Ssa1p had an unfolding activity on the tightly

folded GFP domain. We analyzed the fluorescence of CTG* in SSA1 cells and cells

carrying the temperature sensitive sss1-45 allele under restrictive conditions after

cycloheximide treatment. Prior to addition of cycloheximide, the yeast cell culture was

synchronized with hydroxyurea for 3hr. During 3hr of cycloheximide chase, the

fluorescence of CTG* dramatically decreased in SSA1 cells, but was considerably stable

in ssa1-45ts cells (Fig. 11A). It was known that polyubiquitination of substrates is a

prerequisite for delivery of substrates to the proteasome (Ye et al., 2001; Jarosch et al.,

2002). In mammalian cells, a CHIP associated Hsp70 chaperone complex facilitates

ubiquitination of protein clients and mediates proteasomal degradation (Connell et al.,

2001; Demand et al., 2001; Jiang et al., 2001; Murata et al., 2001). Therefore, we

addressed the question of whether the cytoplasmic chaperone Ssa1p had a function in

polyubiquitination or extraction of CTG* from the ER membrane. To elucidate the

step at which Ssa1p may be involved, the localization of polyubiquitinated protein

material in SSA1 and ssa1-45ts cells was examined after adding cycloheximide at the

restrictive temperature of 37℃ (Fig. 11B). Interestingly, polyubiquitination of CTG*

was successfully achieved both in wildtype and mutant strains. Polyubiquitinated CTG*

was eliminated from the membrane fraction of SSA1 cells during 120 min of

cycloheximide treatment. Surprisingly, a considerably larger polyubiquitinated CTG*


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accumulated in the membrane fraction of ssa1-45ts cells after 120 min of cycloheximide

treatment. These results may indicate that polyubiquitinated CTG* is not dislocated

from the ER membrane in the absence of SSA1 function even though the ubiquitin-

proteasome system is fully functional.

Figure 11. Polyubiquitinated

CTG* is membrane a

in ssa1-45

ssociated ts cells. The

fluorescence of CTG* was

visualized in living cells. Cells

expressing CTG* were grown at

25℃ and shifted to 37℃ for

60 min prior to addition of

cycloheximide (0.5 mg/ml) to

block further protein synthesis.

Cells were collected at the

indicated time points and

subjected to immediate viewing

as described in the Material and

Methods section. (A).

Ubiquitination of CTG* was

analyzed Cells expressing

ΔssCG* were grown at 25℃

and shifted to 37℃ for 60 min

prior to addition of

cycloheximide (0.5 mg/ml). The

ubiquitination CTG* was

assessed in SSA and ssa1-45ts

cells (B). Cells were collected at

the indicated time points and

spheroplasts were prepared as

described in Material and

Methods. CTG* was


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immunoprecipitated with anti GFP antibody from membrane and cytosol fractions. Before

immunoprecipitation one to ten aliquot of the each fraction was subjected to TCA precipitation (11% final

concentration) and treated as a control. Immunoblots were analyzed with anti ubiquitin, anti Sec61, anti

PGK and anti CPY antibodies.

3.1.7 The chaperone activity of Ssa1p is not restricted to ERAD substrates only

Consequently, we tested another well known proteasomal substrate, Deg1-GFP2,

which is a fusion protein consisting of the Deg1 degradation domain of the MATα2

repressor and undergoes degradation via the ubiquitin-proteasome system (Lenk and

Sommer, 2000). It had been previously shown that its elimination is independent of

the ERAD delivery pathway to the proteasome (Medicherla et al., 2004).

Figure 12. Elimination of a GFP fusion

protein containing a Mat α2 repressor

degradation signal and degradation of a

metabolic enzyme targeted to the

ubiquitin-proteasome system in the

cytoplasm requires the chaperone

activity of Hsp70. Pulse chase analysis

was done in SSA1 and ssa1-45ts cells

expressing Deg1-GFP2 (A). After 16hr of

growth on ethanol medium (YP-Ethanol,

2%), cells were shifted to glucose medium

(YPD) and then, samples were collected at

the indicated time points and subjected to

SDS-PAGE, followed by immunoblotting

(B). Immunoblots were analysed with anti

FBPase and anti PGK antibodies.


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As can be seen in Figure 12A, elimination of the Deg1-GFP2 fusion protein is

considerably delayed in ssa1-45ts mutant cells under restrictive conditions. FBPase is

the key regulatory gluconeogenetic enzyme which is rapidly inactivated and then

degraded in a process called catabolite inactivation (Regelmann et al., 2003). We found

the same requirement of chaperones for the proteasomal degradation of this enzyme.

After shifting to media containing glucose, degradation of FBPase is considerably

delayed in ssa1-45ts mutant cells under restrictive conditions (Fig. 12B).


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3.2 Molecular chaperones in the cytoplasm quality control (CQD)

We had found that degradation of the misfolded ER protein CTG*, depends on the

cytoplasmic Hsp70 chaperone Ssa1p and the cytoplasmic Hsp40’s Hlj1p, Cwc23p and

Jid1p, as well as the Hsp104 chaperone (Taxis et al., 2003). In vitro studies had

shown that the 26S proteasome is unable to degrade the GFP moiety of certain fusion

proteins probably due to its strongly folded structure (Liu et al., 2003). It was therefore

possible that Ssa1p was required for unfolding of the GFP moiety of CTG* to allow its

degradation by the proteasome in vivo. Since degradation of the cytoplasmically

localized substrate ssCPY*-GFP( ssCG*) by the proteasome did not require any of

the cytoplasmic helper components of the ERAD pathway (Medicherla et al., 2004), we

searched for different chaperones which might be involved in its elimination. We

reasoned that, as for misfolded ER proteins, recognition, unfolding, escort and delivery

machineries may exist to deliver misfolded cytoplasmic proteins to the proteasome for


3.2.1 The Hsp70 chaperone machinery of Ssa1p is essential for the degradation of

cytoplasmically localized misfolded proteins

Previous in vivo experiments in yeast had indicated that the Hsp40 cofactor of the

Hsp70 chaperone Ssa1, Ydj1p, promotes the degradation of some short-lived and

abnormal proteins (Lee et al., 1996), thus suggesting a requirement for Hsp70. We

therefore assessed whether the Hsp70 chaperone machinery of the Ssa class had a role

in the degradation of ssCPY*-GFP ( ssCG*). We tested the requirement for the


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Hsp70 Ssa chaperones by comparing the properties of two strains, both of which lack

three of the four Ssa proteins (Ssa2p, Ssa3p, and Ssa4p). In ssa1-45ts cells Ssa1 is

present as a temperature sensitive allele, whereas in isogenic SSA1 cells the gene is

present as a wild type copy (Becker et al., 1996; Taxis et al., 2003). As seen in Figure

13A, degradation of ΔssCG* progresses with a half life of 20-30 minutes in SSA1 cells.

Degradation of ssCG* is nearly completely abolished in ssa1-45ts cells under

restrictive conditions. A similar dependence on Ssa1 for ΔssCG* degradation is

observed using antibodies directed against either CPY or GFP for immunoprecipitation

(Fig. 13A). As expected, degradation of endogenously expressed CPY*, which is

retrotranslocated from the ER lumen to the cytoplasm (Hiller et al., 1996), is not

affected by the absence of Ssa1p (Taxis, 2002). To test whether the position of the

strongly folded GFP domain within ΔssCG* had any effect on the degradation and

whether its context influenced the Ssa1p-dependence of degradation, we constructed

ΔssGFP-CPY* (ΔssGC*), carrying GFP N-terminally fused to signal sequence deleted

CPY*. As seen in Figure 13B, ΔssGC* is degraded nearly as rapidly as ΔssCG* and

lack of an active Ssa blocks degradation of this substrate as well. Also, fusion of a

variant GFPuv that fluoresces more brightly than wild type GFP at the C-terminus of

ΔssCPY* does not affect the half life of ΔssCG*uv degradation (Fig. 13C).


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Figure 13. The Hsp70 chaperone machinery of Ssa1p is required for the degradation of

cytoplasmically localized misfolded ΔssCPY*-GFP fusion proteins. Pulse chase analysis was done in

SSA1 and ssa1-45ts cells. Cell extracts were immunoprecipitated with anti CPY (A, B and C) or anti GFP

(A). Substrates: A: ΔssCG*; B: ΔssGC*; C: ΔssCG*uv. The ERQD substrate CPY* served as a control.


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3.2.2 Hsp70 species has a more general function in the degradation of

cytoplasmically located misfolded proteins

Figure 14. Degradation of misfolded and ER import incompetent CPY* is dependent on the

proteasome and Ssa1p but not on the Cdc48-Ufd1-Npl4 complex. Cycloheximide decay experiments

were performed in the proteasomal mutant cim3-1 (A) and in ufd1-1 cells (B) expressing ΔssCPY*.

Immunoblots were analyzed with anti CPY and anti PGK as a loading control. Pulse chase analysis in

SSA1 and ssa1-45ts cells (C) was performed and analyzed as described in the legend to Fig. 6. The ERQD

substrate CPY* served as a control.


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As mentioned before, in vitro studies had shown that the 26S proteasome is unable to

degrade the GFP moiety of certain fusion proteins, due to its strongly folded structure

(Liu et al., 2003). It was therefore possible that Ssa1p was only required for unfolding

of the GFP moiety of ΔssCPY*-GFP (ΔssCG*) to allow its degradation by the

proteasome in vivo. To explore this possibility, another misfolded CPY* variant was

constructed by Z. Kostova of our laboratory. This variant, called ΔssCPY*, lacks its

signal sequence, preventing it from entering the ER and is therefore located in the

cytosol (F. Eisele of our laboratory). This protein is rapidly degraded by the

proteasome: elimination of ΔssCPY* is severely disrupted in the proteasome mutant

cim3-1 (Fig. 14A). It has been previously shown (Medicherla et al., 2004) that the

elimination of cytosolic ΔssCPY*-GFP does not require the trimeric Cdc48p-Ufd1p-

Npl4p complex. Testing for degradation in ufd1-1 mutant cells shows that Cdc48p-

Ufd1p-Npl4p is not involved in the proteasomal elimination of ΔssCPY* either (Fig.

14B). As shown in Figure 14C, ΔssCPY* is rapidly degraded in SSA1 but, surprisingly

not in ssa1-45ts mutant cells under restrictive conditions. These experiments indicate

that the Ssa machinery is generally needed for the degradation of misfolded proteins of

the cytoplasm.

3.2.3 Ssa1p seems to function in the recognition of the misfolded ΔssCPY* domain

of the fusion protein

To further assess that degradation of the GFP domain by the proteasome is

independent of Ssa proteins, we tested the degradation of GFP linked to the C-terminal

37 amino acids of mouse ornithine decarboxylase (cODC). This 37 amino acid C-


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terminal sequence is a transferable element with the capacity to direct diverse proteins

for ubiquitin-independent proteasomal degradation (Hoyt et al., 2003; Zhang et al.,

2003; Zhang and Coffino, 2004).

Figure 15. Ubiquitin independent degradation of GFP-cODC does not require Ssa1p activity, but its

fusion to ΔssCPY* makes the process Ssa1p dependent. Pulse chase analysis was done in SSA1 and

ssa1-45ts cells expressing GFPuv-cODC (A), GFP-cODC (B), ΔssCG*-cODC (C) and ΔssCG*-cODC-

C441A (D).

The Ssa1 dependency of the fusion proteins GFPuv-cODC and GFP-cODC (Fig. 15A

and B, J. Takeuchi, University of California, San Francisco) was tested. The GFP-

cODC proteins are rapidly degraded, regardless of the Ssa status of the cell: turnover is

similar in SSA1 and ssa1-45ts mutant cells, whether tested under permissive or


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restrictive conditions (Fig. 15A and B). These experiments indicate that, in the cellular

environment, there must be means to unfold the GFP domain for degradation that do not

depend on the Ssa machinery. Interestingly, degradation of a fusion protein consisting

of ΔssCPY* and GFPuv-cODC (ΔssCG*-cODC) became dependent on Ssa1p just like

ΔssCG* (Fig. 15C). It has been reported that the C-terminal 37 amino acids of ODC

represent a critical signal for rapid ODC degradation and that a mutation of Cys441 to

Ala441 in this sequence causes a significant stabilization of ODC or of proteins to which

cODC is attached (Hoyt et al., 2003). Interestingly, the Cys441 to Ala441 mutation in

ΔssCG*-cODC-C441A did not lead to stabilization, but directed this protein to a form

of degradation which relied on the Ssa1 protein (Fig. 15D). This finding suggests that

the Ssa1p directed degradation of the ΔssCPY* moiety dominates over the Ssa1p-

independent cODC-directed degradation in the fusion protein.

3.2.4 The fate of the cytoplasmically mislocalized wild type CPY is similar to its

mutated counterpart

Import of secretory proteins into the ER can be faulty (Levine et al., 2005). Since

intracellular mislocalization of proteins may lead to cellular dysfunction, we were

interested in the question of how wild type secretory proteins which fail to advance into

the ER are handled by the cell’s cytosol. We chose mislocalized but otherwise wild

type carboxypeptidase yscY (CPY) for this analysis. We analyzed the fate of ΔssCPY

which lacks a signal sequence. The mislocalized and presumably misfolded ΔssCPY is

rapidly degraded; its turnover is performed by the proteasome, as evidenced by the

stabilization in the proteasomal cim3-1 mutant (Fig. 16A). As for the mutated


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cytoplasmic located CPY species, degradation of ΔssCPY is independent of the trimeric

Cdc48p-Ufd1p-Npl4p complex required for elimination of misfolded ER proteins (Fig.

16B). However, elimination of ΔssCPY does require an intact Ssa1 protein (Fig. 16C).

The fate and chaperone dependence of the cytoplasmically mislocalized wild type CPY

species is similar to that of its mutated counterpart in the cytoplasmic environment.

Figure 16. Degradation of the cytoplasmically mislocalized wild type CPY is similar to its mutated

counterpart. Cycloheximide decay experiments (A and B) and pulse chase analysis (C) were performed

as described before.


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3.2.5 Mutation of putative ubiquitination sites in Ssa1p does not affect the activity

of Ssa1p

Figure 17. The blocking of putative ubiquitination sites in Ssa1p does not alter the chaperone

activity. Pulse chase analysis was done in SSA1 and SSA1K521R, SSA1K536R and SSA1K521R/K536 expressing

ΔssCPY*-GFP (ΔssCG*).

In recent studies in mammalian cells, the CHIP protein was identified as an E3

ubiquitin ligase for chaperones (Demand et al., 2001; Jiang et al., 2001; Murata et al.,

2001). Interestingly, the molecular chaperone Hsc70 is ubiquitinated by CHIP via non-

canonical ubiquitin chains that utilize either lysine 29 or 63 of ubiquitin and that do not


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target Hsc70 for proteasome-mediated degradation. This suggests that ubiquitin

modification of Hsc70 may alter the function of Hsc70, serve as a targeting sequence, or

otherwise alter cellular signaling events. Even though there is no known CHIP

hom*ologue in yeast yet, putative ubiquitination sites on SSA1 were predicted by

proteomics analysis (Hitchco*ck et al., 2003; Peng et al., 2003). Three such mutant

alleles of SSA1, namely SSA1K521R, SSA1K536R and SSA1K521R/K536 were tested to see

whether they influence Ssa1p-dependent degradation. However, no changes in ΔssCG*

degradation were observed by blocking the putative ubiquitination sites in Ssa1p (Fig.


3.2.6 The Hsp70 co-chaperone Ydj1p is required for the degradation of

cytoplasmically localized misfolded proteins

Hsp70 chaperones function in a complex with co-chaperones of the Hsp40 family,

which modulate the substrate specificity of the Hsp70s (Cheetham et al., 1998; Johnson

and Craig, 2001; Rudiger et al., 2001; Fan et al., 2003). In a previous study, we had

shown that the Hsp40 co-chaperones Hdj1p, Cwc23p and Jid1p are required for

degradation of the ERQD substrate CTG* (Taxis et al., 2003). However, none of these

Hsp40 co-chaperones are needed for the degradation of cytoplasmic ΔssCG*, (Fig.

18A). In contrast, the Hsp70 co-chaperone Ydj1p has a strong influence on degradation

of ΔssCG*, as well as ΔssCPY* and ΔssCPY: degradation of all three cytosolic model

substrates is considerably slowed down in ydj1-151ts mutant cells under restrictive

conditions (Fig. 18B-D). Ydj1p is not required for any of the ERQD substrates

derived from CPY* (Taxis et al., 2003). It can be concluded, then, that the CQD


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(cytoplasmic quality control and degradation) substrates ΔssCG*, ΔssCPY* and

ΔssCPY in contrast to the ERQD substrate CTG* have different co-chaperone


Figure 18. The Hsp70 co-chaperone Ydj1p promotes the degradation of cytoplasmically localized

misfolded proteins. Pulse chase analysis was performed in wild type (WT), J domain proteins of Hsp40

co-chaperones (A) and ydj1-151ts cells expressing ΔssCG* (A and B), ΔssCPY* (C) and ΔssCPY (D).


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Figure 19. The Hsp70 Ssb class, the Hsp90 complex, Hsp104, Hsp110, small heat shock proteins

Hsp26, Hsp42 and the yeast Bag1 hom*ologue, Snl1p, are not involved in the degradation of ΔssCG*.

Pulse chase analysis was done in Δssb1Δssb2 (A, Bolender, 2005), Δhsc82hsp82G170D (B), Δhsp104 (E),


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Δhsp26Δhsp42 (F) and Δsnl1 (G) cells expressing ΔssCG* and cycloheximide decay experiments were

performed in sti1-1 (C, Bolender, 2005) and Δsse1 (D, Bolender, 2005) cells expressing ΔssCG*. PGK

and CPY were served as loading controls.

3.2.7 Other molecular chaperones are not involved in the degradation of ssCG*

Another class of Hsp70 chaperones, the Ssb members, are ribosome associated and

involved in the folding of newly synthesized polypeptide chains (Pfund et al., 1998;

Pfund et al., 2001). We tested a strain defective in this chaperone family (Δssb1Δssb2)

and found that they are dispensable for degradation of ΔssCG* (Fig. 19A, Bolender,

2005). We also tested whether components of the Hsp90 chaperones were involved in

degradation of ΔssCG*. The yeast Hsp90 chaperone family consists of two proteins,

Hsc82p and Hsp82p. These are associated with the co-chaperone Sti1p/HOP, which is

also an activator of the Ssa1 proteins (Nathan et al., 1997; Wegele et al., 2003). The

Hsp90 chaperones Hsc82p and Hsp82p are not required for degradation of ΔssCG* (Fig.

19B). Consequently, the Hsp70/Hsp90 co-chaperone Sti1p/HOP has no effect on the

degradation of ΔssCG* (Fig. 19C, Bolender, 2005). It has been suggested that another

major cytoplasmic chaperone, Hsp104, works together with the Hsp70s of the Ssa

family and binds to the Ssa1p-Ydj1p complex, in an ATP-dependent manner, to unfold

proteins (Parsell et al., 1993; Parsell et al., 1994; Glover et al., 1998; Lum et al., 2004).

ER associated degradation of CTG* requires both Ssa and Hsp104 chaperones (Taxis et

al., 2003). However, Hsp104p is not required for elimination of ΔssCG* (Fig. 19E). We

were further interested in the involvement of the Hsp110 chaperone Sse1p in

elimination of ΔssCG*. The Sse1p protein is a component of the Hsp90 chaperone


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complex and mediates degradation of misfolded VHL (McClellan et al., 2005a). No

function of Sse1p in ΔssCG* degradation can be observed (Fig. 19D, Bolender, 2005).

Two small heat shock proteins, Hsp26 and Hsp42 are ubiquitous molecular chaperones

which protect yeast cells from a variety of cellular stresses. In vitro they have been

found to bind to unfolded proteins to form large co-complexes and by this prevent their

aggregation (Haslbeck et al., 1999; Haslbeck et al., 2004; Cashikar et al., 2005). We

tested the involvement of Hsp26 and Hsp42 in degradation of ΔssCG*. As seen in

Figure 19F, degradation of ΔssCG* is not affected by the absence of Hsp26 and Hsp42.

Recently, in the cytosol of higher eukaryotic cells, BAG domain proteins were shown to

interact with Hsp70 chaperones as nucleotide exchange factors. In mammalian cells,

together with the E3 ligase CHIP, they are known to be partners in a degradative Hsp70

complex (Esser et al., 2004). The yeast BAG-1 hom*ologue, Snl1p, functionally interacts

with Hsp70 chaperones (Sondermann et al., 2001; Sondermann et al., 2002). However,

no alteration of degradation of ΔssCG* is seen in SNL1 deletion mutant cells (Fig. 19G).

3.2.8 Molecular chaperone machinery of Ssa and its co-chaperone Ydj1p are

required for rescue of aggregated ssCG*

We tested whether the Ssa machinery has any function in keeping misfolded ΔssCG*

in a soluble state in the cytoplasm. In wild type cells harboring all four Ssa chaperones

(Ssa1p, Ssa2p, Ssa3p, Ssa4p) most of the ΔssCG* protein is in soluble state and this

does not change when cells are shifted from 30℃ to 37℃ (Fig. 20B).


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Figure 20. Ssa1p and its co-chaperone Ydj1p are required for rescue of aggregated ΔssCG*. Cells

expressing ΔssCG* were grown at 30℃ and shifted to 37℃ for 60 min prior to the solubility assay. The

solubility of ΔssCG* was assessed in SSA1, ssa1-45ts (A), wild type W303-1C (SSA1, SSA2 ,SSA3, SSA4)


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and ydj1-151ts strains (B). The same amount of total (T), supernatant (S) and pellet (P) fraction was

analyzed via SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting. Immunoblots were analyzed with CPY antibody and PGK

antibody as a control. The fluorescence of ΔssCG* was analyzed in living cells (C) as described in

Material and Methods. The cells harboring over-expressed ΔssCG* or an empty plasmid were grown at

30℃ and shifted to 37℃ for 60 min prior to analysis. All cells were visualized by fluorescence

microscopy using equal exposure times and conditions. Re-solubilization of aggregated ΔssCG* was

assessed in SSA1 and ssa1-45ts cells (D). After temperature shift to 37℃ for 1hr, cycloheximide was

added to a final concentration of 0.5 mg/ml to block further protein synthesis. 20 OD600 of cells were

taken at the indicated time points and treated as indicated for the above solubility assay. Sec61p served as

control. Three independent experiments gave similar results. The fluorescence of GFP-cODC and GFP-

cODC-C414A were analyzed in SSA1 cells at 37℃ as stated above (E).

As seen in Fig. 20A, when SSA1 cells containing only Ssa1p are transferred from 30℃

to 37

es, regardless of whether

℃, the ΔssCG* material in the pellet increases, indicating aggregation of the

misfolded protein with increased temperature. One interpretation of these findings is

that in the absence of Ssa2, Ssa3 and Ssa4, the single Ssa1p protein is functioning at or

beyond its limits in keeping misfolded protein soluble under heat stress. However,

analysis of the amount of soluble and precipitated cellular protein material may not be

fully informative, since it may easily be influenced by the experimental conditions used.

We therefore analyzed the solubility of ΔssCG* in the different strains by fluorescence

microscopy, visualizing the distribution of the GFP moiety of the protein. As seen in

Figure 20C, no precipitated ΔssCG* material can be seen at 37℃ in wild type cells

containing all four Ssa speci ΔssCG* was expressed from a

single- (data not shown) or multi-copy plasmid (Fig. 20C). In contrast, at 37℃ some

punctated fluorescent dots, indicating presence of precipitated material, are visible in

cells containing only Ssa1p, substantiating the in vitro finding. Nevertheless, the


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misfolded protein is rapidly degraded in SSA1 cells at 37℃ (Fig. 13). A dramatic

increase in precipitated fluorescent material appears under the restrictive conditions of

37℃ in the ssa1-45 and ydj1-151 mutant cells. Under restrictive conditions in ssa1-45ts

mutant cells, we see most of the misfolded ΔssCG* material in the pellet (Fig. 20A) and

degradation is completely blocked (Fig. 13A and C). The behavior of ΔssCG* in the

ydj1-151ts mutant mirrors the behavior of this substrate in the ssa1-45ts mutant. Under

permissive conditions a significant fraction of ΔssCG* is soluble while at restrictive

conditions a major part of the protein is found in the pellet fraction (Fig. 20A and B).

We have shown that ΔssCG* is nearly completely degraded in SSA1 cells at 37℃ (Fig.

13A) despite the fact that under these conditions ΔssCG* partly precipitates (Fig. 20A).

This indicates that Ssa1p may have the capacity to re-solubilize the precipitated material

under the conditions tested. We looked for re-solubilization of ΔssCG* in SSA1 and

ssa1-45ts cells in a cycloheximide decay experiment at 37℃ (Fig. 20D). As shown,

within 30 min of cycloheximide treatment the amount of ΔssCG* material increases in

SSA1 cells but thereafter nearly completely disappears in the total fraction and in the

pellet within 90min. In ssa1-45ts cells the precipitated material persists under restrictive

conditions. GFP carrying the mutated version of the proteasomal targeting sequence

(GFP-cODC-C441A) is not eliminated by the proteasome (Hoyt et al, 2003). Indeed,

the GFP-cODC-C441A protein accumulates in SSA1 cells (Fig. 20E). However, in

contrast to ΔssCG* (Fig. 20C), the accumulated material does not show any sign of



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3.2.9 Ubiquitination of misfolded proteins in the cytosol does not depend on Ssa1p

and Ydj1p in yeast

t 25℃ and 37℃. Cells harboring over-expressed ΔssCG* or an empty plasmid (control) were

rown at 25℃ (A) and shifted to 37℃ (B) for 60 min prior to analysis. Cell extracts were

immunoprecipitated with anti GFP antibody, separated by SDS-PAGE followed by immunoblotting and

With few exceptions, like ODC and the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 (Sheaff

, 2000; Verma et al., 2000; Liu et al., 2003; Hoyt and Coffino, 2004),

ubiquitination of substrates is required prior to their elimination via the proteasome

(Heinemeyer et al., 1991; Pickart, 2001; Wolf et al., 2004). Several groups have shown

that in mammalian cells a CHIP associated Hsp70 chaperone complex triggers

ubiquitination of its protein clients and mediates proteasomal degradation (Connell et

Figure 21. The state of ubiquitinated misfolded proteins in wild type, SSA1, ssa1-45ts and ydj1-151ts

cells a


analyzed with anti ubiquitin or anti CPY antibodies.

et al.


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al., 2001; Demand et al., 2001; Jiang et al., 2001; Murata et al., 2001). We searched

for ubiquitinated ΔssCG* material in mutant and wild type cells, under the experimental

design of Figure 20, and analyzed the soluble fraction of the respective cell extracts.

The buffer used for solubilization (sorbitol; Fig. 20 or Tris/HCl; Fig. 21) did not alter

the experimental result (data not shown). While we find clearly similar amounts of

ubiquitinated ΔssCG* in wild type and mutant cells at 25℃ (Fig. 21A), conditions

which do not induce the mutant character, we see a considerably changed ubiquitin

pattern of ΔssCG* at 37℃, which leads to the expression of the mutant phenotype of

ssa1-45ts and ydj1-151ts cells. Interestingly, considerably more ubiquitinated ΔssCG*

can be found in ssa1-45ts and ydj1-151ts under restrictive conditions compared to WT

(SSA1, SSA2, SSA3, SSA4) and SSA1 cells (Fig. 21B) despite the fact that the mutant

cells show much less soluble ΔssCG* material (Fig. 20). This might indicate that

ΔssCG* in the SSA1 and wild type cells is completely degraded while degradation of

the ubiquitinated material is retarded in the mutant cells.

3.2.10 The E2 proteins Ubc4p and Ubc5p are required for degradation of ΔssCG*

but not the E3 ligases Doa10p and Der3p

We were also interested in the components of the ubiquitination machinery in the

degradation pathway of cytosolic substrates. At present there are 13 ubiquitin

conjugating enzymes known to exist in yeast. As seen Figure 22A, deletion of the

ubiquitin conjugating enzymes Ubc4p and Ubc5p leads to a considerable stabilization of

ΔssCG*, indicating involvement of Ubc4p and Ubc5p in the degradation of this

misfolded cytoplasmic protein. As degradation is not completely halted in the


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ubc4/ubc5 double deletion mutant, an overlapping E2 activity must be present for

ubiquitination of ΔssCG*. In mammalian cells, CHIP has been discovered as an

important E3 ligase involved in degradation of proteins in the cytoplasm (Connell et al.,

2001; Demand et al., 2001; King et al., 2001; Murata et al., 2001; Cyr et al., 2002;

Esser et al., 2004). In yeast cells no CHIP orthologue has been found yet. However

there are a number of E3 ligases present in yeast cells. Besides its involvement in

degradation of several ERQD substrates, the ER membrane located, E3 ligase Doa10p

is required for degradation of Deg1-GFP, a cytoplasmic and nuclear substrate (Swanson

et al., 2001; Huyer et al., 2004; Ravid et al., 2006). However, degradation of ΔssCG* is

independent of the function of the E3 ligase Doa10p (Fig. 22B). Degradation of ΔssCG*

did also not require the second ER membrane located E3 ligase Der3/Hrd1p (Fig. 22B).

Figure 22. Degradation of ΔssCG* requires the E2 proteins Ubc4p and Ubc5p but not the E3 ligases

Doa10p and Der3p. Pulse chase analysis was done in Δubc4Δubc5 mutant cells (A) and cycloheximide

decay experiments were performed in Δdoa10Δder3 cells (B). CPY served as a loading control


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4. Discussion

4.1. ERQD (Endoplasmic reticulum quality control and degradation)

The current model for ERQD and especially the degradation part of the process,

ERAD, has evolved over the past 20 years and is based on data accumulated using a

wide range of substrates with different structural and functional characteristics studied

in different eukaryotic systems. This has given us a broad knowledge about what ERAD

is and how it functions in general. On the other hand, it is hard to achieve a clear

assignment of components of the degradation machinery to topologically diverse

domains of misfolded substrate proteins. To address this question, we used a set of

modular substrates with topologically defined domains carrying the same degradation

motif. The set consists of a soluble misfolded protein of the ER lumen (CPY*), CPY*

linked to a transmembrane domain (CT*), and CPY* fused to a transmembrane domain

followed by the green fluorescent protein (CTG*). In this study we have confirmed that

CT* and CTG* span the ER membrane. The N-terminal CPY* moiety is located in the

ER lumen, whereas the C-termini of both proteins are in the cytoplasm. Fluorescence of

the cytosolic GFP domain of CTG* shows that it is biologically active and, therefore,

correctly folded (Fig. 5C). As expected, the misfolded CPY* domain prevents

secretion of the proteins out of the ER. As shown previously for soluble CPY* (Hiller et

al., 1996; Bordallo et al., 1998; Plemper et al., 1999a; Friedländer et al., 2000; Jarosch

et al., 2002), degradation of CTG* and CT* is also dependent on ubiquitination by the

ubiquitin conjugating enzymes Ubc1p and Ubc7p, together with the ubiquitin protein-


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ligase complex Der3/Hrd1-Hrd3 (Taxis, 2002; Taxis et al., 2003). Further components

of the degradation apparatus in the cytosol are the AAA-ATPase complex Cdc48-Ufd1-

Npl4 and the 26S proteasome (Taxis, 2002, Fig. 6 and Fig 8). We have come to the

conclusion that the components mentioned above constitute the basic machinery for

ERAD of soluble and membrane proteins alike, which display misfolded domains in the

ER lumen. Further studies are necessary to unravel whether other types of misfolded

configurations in ER lumenal domains exist, which would recruit a different

degradative machinery. The machinery used for degradation differs, in most cases, in

the E3 used for polyubiquitination. Degradation of substrates with misfolding in the ER

lumen, like CPY* (CT* and CTG*) and Pdr5*, depend on the E3 complex Der3/Hrd1-

Hrd3 (Bordallo et al., 1998; Plemper et al., 1998; Plemper et al., 1999a). However, no

substrate tested up till now has shown complete stabilization in ∆der3/hrd1 cells, which

implies the involvement of another E3 or of a different pathway in degradation.

Degradation of a protein without a lumenal domain, Ubc6p, is completely independent

of the ubiquitin-protein-ligase complex Der3/Hrd1-Hrd3 (Walter et al., 2001), but has

been shown to depend on the ubiquitin-protein-ligase Ssm4/Doa10p (Swanson et al.,

2001). Soluble and membrane bound CPY* differ in their requirement for the ER

membrane protein Der1p (Taxis, 2002) and the ER lumenal Hsp70 chaperone Kar2p

(Taxis, 2002 and Fig. 9): these proteins are only necessary for degradation of soluble

CPY* (Knop et al., 1996a; Plemper et al., 1997). Kar2p, together with Jem1p and Scj1p,

was shown to solubilize CPY* in the ER lumen (Nishikawa et al., 2001). Several lines

of evidences indicate that Der1p (Taxis, 2002) and Kar2p (Fig. 9) are not involved in

the recognition of misfolded protein domains in the ER lumen or in further unfolding of

misfolded proteins prior to dislocation into the cytosol. They may function in localizing


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soluble substrates to the lumenal face of the ER membrane and/or to the vicinity of the

translocon and keep them in a dislocation competent state (Pilon et al., 1997; Plemper et

al., 1997; Nishikawa et al., 2001). The proteasome, the Cdc48-Ufd1-Npl4 complex

together with the E2s Ubc1p and Ubc7p and the E3 complex Der3/Hrd1p-Hrd3p

constitute the core components of the ERAD machinery responsible for removal of

ERAD substrates having their misfolded domains within the ER. Degradation of

glycosylated, misfolded proteins depends also on the lectin Htm1/Mnl1p and Yos9p,

regardless of their topology (Jakob et al., 2001; Buschhorn et al., 2004).

Since Hsp70-Hsp40 chaperone complexes are thought to be involved in preventing

protein aggregation rather than in protein unfolding (Hartl and Hayer-Hartl, 2002), we

searched for chaperones with unfolding activity. Hsp100 chaperones are known to have

such an activity (Glover and Lindquist, 1998; Weber-Ban et al., 1999). We found that a

yeast Hsp100, Hsp104p, is involved in CTG* degradation (Fig. 10). It is known that

Hsp104p forms a complex with the Hsp70 and Hsp40 chaperones to solubilize protein

aggregates and allow subsequent refolding (Glover and Lindquist, 1998). Our data show

that only CTG*, a misfolded membrane protein with a tightly folded cytoplasmic GFP

domain, requires the unfolding activity of the Hsp70-Hsp40-Hsp104 protein complex

for proper degradation (Fig. 10 and Fig. 11). Neither soluble CPY* nor CT*, lacking a

cytosolic domain, require this chaperone complex for their degradation (Taxis, 2002).

During cycloheximide treatment the tightly folded GFP domain of CTG* lost the

fluorescence signal in SSA1 cells where it was degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome

system but the fluorescence of CTG* in ssa1-45ts cells persist under these conditions

(Fig 11A). Indeed polyubiquitinated CTG* material accumulated in the ER membrane

fraction of ssa1-45ts cells (Fig. 11B). These data imply that the ATPases of the


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proteasomal 19S cap may not be enough to support unfolding of the tightly folded GFP

domain of CTG*. Instead the chaperone activity of Ssa1p may be required for the

dislocation of polyubiquitinated CTG* prior to the action of the Cdc48p-Ufd1p-Npl4p

complex. This may also explain the longer half life of CTG* compared to that of CT*

and CPY*. It is still not clear whether the chaperone activity of Ssa1p is limited to

unfolding of the tightly folded GFP domain of CTG* or, whether it is also required for

the dislocation of polyubiquitinated CTG* directly. It is possible that the tightly folded

cytoplasmic GFP domain may disturb the access of the Cdc48p-Ufd1p-Npl4p complex

to the polyubiquitinated CTG*.

We were further interested in knowing how a short-lived, cytosolic GFP protein

behaves in these mutants. Using a Deg1-GFP2 fusion construct (Lenk and Sommer,

2000), we assessed the involvement of Hsp70 chaperones in the breakdown of unstable

GFP molecules. Interestingly, we found that, just like CTG*, proteasomal degradation

of Deg1-GFP2 also depends on the action of the Ssa1p (Fig. 12A). Additionally, we

found that the chaperone activity is required for the proteasomal degradation of the

regulatory protein fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) (Fig. 12B). The finding that the

chaperone activity of Ssa1p is not limited to ERAD substrates indicates the general

importance of this chaperone activity for the elimination of unwanted proteins by the

ubiquitin-proteasome system in the cellular context.


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4.2. CQD (Cytoplasmic quality control and degradation)

Misfolded proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum are eliminated by proteasomal

degradation in the cytosol. After detection, retrotranslocation and ubiquitination at the

cytosolic surface of the ER they are channelled to the proteasome via the trimeric AAA-

ATPase complex Cdc48p-Ufd1p-Npl4p and the UBA-UBL domain proteins Dsk2p and

Rad23p (Brodsky and McCracken, 1999a; Kostova et al., 2003; Hirsch et al., 2004;

Medicherla et al., 2004). It has been shown that degradation of a cytoplasmically

localized derivative of CPY* devoid of the signal sequence required for ER import

( ssCPY*-GFP), did not depend on the Cdc48p-Ufd1p-Npl4p, Dsk2p and Rad23p

pathway for proteasomal degradation (Medicherla et al., 2004). It became, therefore,

our aim to understand the mechanism of degradation of misfolded proteins in the


We, therefore, sought to determine the components that are required for elimination of

ΔssCG* in the cytoplasm. As shown in Figure 13, degradation of ΔssCG* requires the

Hsp70 chaperone Ssa1p. Recent in vitro experiments have shown that the 26S

proteasome is unable to unfold the strongly folded GFP moiety of several fusion

proteins tested (Liu et al., 2003). We constructed a signal sequence deleted,

cytoplasmically localized ΔssCPY* molecule devoid of the GFP domain to inquire if

unfolding of that domain is responsible for the Ssa1p requirement. Surprisingly,

ΔssCPY* degradation also depended on Ssa1p function (Fig. 14C), indicating that this

Hsp70 species has a more general function in the degradation of cytoplasmically located

misfolded proteins. The finding that degradation of ΔssCPY* and ΔssCPY also require


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Ssa1p points to the fact that the role of this chaperone is not limited to unfolding, but

serves additional purposes. The degradation of GFP fused to the C-terminal 37 amino

acids of ornithine decarboxylase (GFP-cODC) without the aid of Ssa1p implies that the

proteasome has other means to unfold GFP (Fig. 15A and B). A C441A mutation in the

C-terminal 37 amino acid tail of ODC abolishes degradation of the fusion protein GFP-

cODC-C441A (Hoyt et al., 2003). The 37 amino acid stretch of cODC, whether wild

type or mutated is not recognized as a misfolded protein domain by the cell (Hoyt et al.,

2003) and therefore the fate of GFP-cODC is independent of Ssa1p. Interestingly,

fusion of mutated ΔssCPY* to GFP-cODC (ΔssCG*-cODC) reimposes a dependence

on the Ssa1 chaperone for degradation (Fig. 15C). Also, mutation of cODC does not

lead to stabilization of ΔssCG*-cODC-C441A (Fig. 15D). Thus Ssa1p seems to

function in the recognition of the misfolded ΔssCPY* domain of the fusion protein; its

misfolded status dictates the route of elimination.

It has, recently, been shown that the in vivo efficiency of signal sequence-mediated

protein segregation into the secretory pathway varies tremendously, ranging from >95%

to < 60% in mammalian cells (Levine et al., 2005). Remnant secretory proteins thus

find themselves entrapped in the cytoplasm. As mislocalized proteins may be harmful to

the cell, the fate of these proteins is of high interest. The usefulness of mutated CPY

variants in defining degradation pathways impelled a test of the fate of wild type CPY

remaining in the cytoplasm. Like ΔssCG* and ΔssCPY*, ER import incompetent wild

type CPY is also rapidly degraded by the proteasome (Fig. 16A), indicating an altered

structure that is recognized by the cytoplasmic proteolysis system. We reason that

proper folding of the enzyme is most likely defective due to disturbed formation of

disulphide bonds (Endrizzi et al., 1994; Jamsa et al., 1994) in the reducing environment


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of the cytoplasm, as compared to the oxidative environment of the ER in which CPY

normally assumes its native and active form. As shown for ΔssCG* (Medicherla et al.,

2004), glycosylation of the enzyme is also likely to be absent in the cytoplasm. Thus the

cell is easily able to eliminate mislocalized secretory proteins, which cannot fold

efficiently in the cytoplasmic environment, in this way avoiding their unwanted

presence in the cytoplasm.

All three cytoplasmically localized CPY derivatives, whether mutated (ΔssCG*,

ΔssCPY*) or wild type (ΔssCPY), required the Hsp70 chaperone Ssa1p for elimination.

While our work was in progress McClellan et al. (2005a) reported the requirement of

Ssa1p for degradation of misfolded von Hippel Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor protein

in the yeast cytoplasm. We therefore conclude that the need for Ssa1p is likely to be a

general feature of degradation of misfolded proteins in the cytoplasm. A crucial role for

Hsp70 function in the degradation of different substrates has also been shown in

mammalian cells (for review see Esser et al. 2004). It is interesting that the molecular

chaperone Hsc70 is normally ubiquitinated by the CHIP E3 ligase in mammalian cells

(Demand et al., 2001; Jiang et al., 2001; Murata et al., 2001). Modification of Hsc70

with ubiquitin chains may alter the functional properties of this chaperone. Therefore,

we tested whether mutations of ubiquitin modification sites in SSA1 had an influence on

the chaperone activity in the degradation of ssCG*. However, no alteration of

degradation of ΔssCG* is seen in three mutant SSA1 alleles, SSA1K521R, SSA1K536R and

SSA1K521R/K536 tested (Fig. 17). The ubiquitin modification of Hsp70 may function as a

targeting sequence or alter cellular signaling events rather than degradative process. The

functional requirement for Ssa1p for substrate recognition does not seem to be limited

to ubiquitin dependent substrates. It has been reported that overexpression of the


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molecular chaperones Hsp70 and Hsp40 facilitate degradation of α-synuclein which is

natively disordered and degraded by the proteasome in the absence of ubiquitin

modification (Tofaris et al., 2001; Muchowski et al., 2005).

In contrast to degradation of the ERQD substrate CTG* which is dependent on the

Hsp40 co-chaperones Hdj1p, Cwc23p and Jid1p but not Ydj1p (Taxis et al., 2003),

along with Ssa1p, elimination of the CQD substrate ΔssCG* depends on the co-

chaperone Ydj1p (Fig. 18B) and is independent of the other three co-chaperones (Fig.

18A). Degradation of ΔssCPY* and ΔssCPY, too, is dependent on Ydj1p (Fig 18C and

D). In their work on the degradation of misfolded von Hippel Lindau (VHL) tumor

suppressor protein in the yeast cytoplasm, McClellan et al. (2005) reported that the

Hsp70 co-chaperone Sti1/HOP is required for degradation of VHL. They also reported

the necessity of the Hsp90 chaperone system for elimination of misfolded VHL. In

addition, the participation of the Hsp110 chaperone Sse1p was found for degradation of

misfolded VHL. Ydj1p was not required for elimination of misfolded VHL (McClellan

et al., 2005a). Surprisingly, except for Ssa1p, the requirement of factors required for

elimination of the three cytosolic substrates tested in our work differs completely from

the factors reported by McClellan et al. (2005) for degradation of VHL. Neither the

Hsp90 family of chaperones nor the Hsp110 chaperone Sse1p is required for the

degradation of ΔssCG* (Fig. 19B and D, Bolender, 2005). While the co-chaperone

Sti1p/HOP is necessary for degradation of misfolded VHL (McClellan et al., 2005a),

this factor is not involved in ΔssCG* degradation (Fig. 19C, Bolender, 2005). In

contrast, the Hsp40 co-chaperone Ydj1p is an important factor in ΔssCG* as well as

ΔssCPY* and ΔssCPY elimination (Fig. 18 B-D). While McClellan et al. (2005) show


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only a minor portion of insoluble misfolded VHL in cells devoid of the Hsp70 co-

chaperone Sti1/HOP, the situation concerning ΔssCG* is again different.

In vitro analysis shows that in wild type cells harboring all four Hsp70 species of the

Ssa type (Fig. 20B, WT) the majority of ΔssCG* is found in the soluble fraction when

cells are grown either at 30℃ or 37℃. As expected, the in vivo fluorescence of ΔssCG*

is distributed throughout the cytoplasm of these cells (Fig. 20C). In contrast, in vitro

analysis at 30℃ of SSA1 or ssa1-45ts cells harboring only one functional Ssa-species

shows that the insoluble portion of ΔssCG* increases, indicating that one Ssa-species is

at its limits in keeping the misfolded protein soluble. At 37℃ the insolubility of

ΔssCG* increases in SSA1 cells and nearly all ΔssCG* material is insoluble in ssa1-45

cells, which lack Ssa1p activity at this temperature (Fig. 20A). Similar results have been

observed for ΔssCPY* and ΔssCPY (data not shown). This behaviour is reflected in

vivo when analyzing the fluorescence of ΔssCG* (Fig. 20C). The fact that less

aggregated ΔssCG* material is seen in the fluorescence images as compared to the

solubility assay in vitro may be due to the presence of oligomeric ΔssCG* species in

vivo which under in vitro conditions form insoluble precipitates. It is interesting to

note that degradation of ΔssCG* is rapid and nearly complete in SSA1 cells at 37℃

indicating that the precipitated material is susceptible to degradation (Fig. 13). It has

been shown that the Hsp70 chaperone machinery is able to restructure and disaggregate

protein aggregates in vitro (Zietkiewicz et al., 2006). Here we show that Ssa1 is able to

re-solubilize precipitated ΔssCG* material in vivo (Figure 20D). We also tested the

involvement of Hsp104 and the small heat shock proteins Hsp26 and Hsp42 in the

degradation process of ΔssCG*. Surprisingly none of them exhibited any effect

(Figures 19E and F). Cells defective in the activity of the Hsp40 co-chaperone Ydj1p


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also show increasing amounts of ΔssCG* aggregates (Fig. 20B and C). Degradation of

ΔssCG* is not completely blocked in ydj1-151ts cells at the non-permissive temperature

of 37℃ (Figure 18B). The most likely explanation for this behaviour is that Ssa1p is

active without Ydj1p and that this co-chaperone only augments the capacity of Hsp70 to

disaggregate oligomeric and insoluble precipitates. The absence of Ydj1p dependency

of misfolded VHL degradation may be due to the fact that this protein remains soluble

in the cytoplasm and does not form aggregates (McClellan et al., 2005a). The Hsp40 co-

chaperones have a conserved J-domain which is proposed to interact with Hsp70 and

have been shown to exhibit a protective function in experimental model protein

aggregation (Schaffar et al., 2004; Muchowski et al., 2005; Novoselova et al., 2005).

This implies that Ydj1p cannot be only some “specificity factor” for protein recognition,

but rather represents an Ssa1p linked activity enhancer. After substrate solubilization

Ssa1p is able to perform the additional tasks of keeping the substrate soluble and

delivering it to the proteasome. The discovery that the neuronal Hsc70 co-chaperone

Hsj1p can act as a neuronal shuttling factor for sorting of chaperone clients to the

proteasome supports this idea (Westhoff et al., 2005).

When comparing the protein quality control process in the two major folding

compartments of the cells, the cytoplasm and the ER, it is clear that similar mechanisms

operate. As found for the Hsp70 class of Ssa-chaperones in the cytoplasm (Hartl et al.,

2002; Deuerling and Bukau, 2004), the major Hsp70 protein of the ER, BiP in

mammalian cells (Sitia et al., 2003) or Kar2p in yeast is required for protein folding

(Simons et al., 1995). When folding is not successful, Kar2p is necessary to prevent

proteins from aggregating and to keep misfolded proteins of the ER in the soluble state

(Nishikawa et al., 2001), prior to their retrotranslocation into the cytoplasm and


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degradation by the proteasome (Plemper et al., 1997; Brodsky et al., 1999b). These

functions of Kar2p are also dependent on co-chaperones (Nishikawa et al., 2001). As

shown here and elsewhere (McClellan et al., 2005a), Ssa1p together with its co-

chaperones seems to have parallel functions in the cytoplasm.

Central components of CQD seem to be the Hsp70 chaperone Ssa1p (Fig. 13 and

McClellan et al., 2005a), the ubiquitin conjugating enzymes Ubc4p and Ubc5p (Fig.

22A and McClellan et al., 2005a) and the proteasome (Fig. 14 and McClellan et al.,

2005a). The ubiquitin protein ligase (E3) that functions in this system remains to be

identified. We analyzed a subset of known ubiquitin protein ligases (E3’s) Doa10p,

Der3p (Fig. 22B), Rsp5p, Hul5p, Ufd4p and the SCF complex (data not shown). None

of these ligases is involved in the degradation of the model substrate ΔssCG* in the

cytoplasm. This suggests the involvement of a novel E3 in the degradation process of

the misfolded proteins in the cytoplasm.

Our experiments show that the Hsp90 family of chaperones is not invariably needed

for degradation of misfolded proteins (Figure 19B). In the case of misfolded VHL,

Hsp90 action may be uniquely required to generate a specific conformation of this

substrate, one that can subsequently be recognized by an ubiquitin ligase involved in

quality control. The specific co-chaperone required for Ssa1p dependent ubiquitin-

proteasome degradation of misfolded cytoplasmic proteins may depend on the function

Ssa1p has to fulfil in this process. As only the soluble form of ΔssCG* can be degraded

by the proteasome, we consider the polyubiquitinated ΔssCG* material in wild type and

SSA1 cells at 37℃ to be the steady state level of re-solubilized and not yet degraded

ΔssCG* (Fig. 21B). As compared to wild type and Ssa1p cells, a considerably greater


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amount of ubiquitinated soluble ΔssCG* material can be found in ssa1-45ts and ydj1-

151ts cells under restrictive conditions (Fig. 21B) despite the fact that much less soluble

ΔssCG* material is present in the mutant cells (Fig. 20A and B). From this one may

conclude that ΔssCG* material ubiquitinated prior to the temperature shift to 37℃ may

remain undegraded in the ubiquitinated state in the ssa1-45ts or less well degraded in the

ydj1-151ts cells after the temperature shift, due to inactivation of the chaperone proteins.

The fact that polyubiquitinated protein material accumulates in ssa1-45ts mutant cells at

the restrictive temperature of 37℃ despite the presence of an active proteasome (Fig.

21B) indicates that Ssa1p may have a function beyond solubilization of precipitated

protein material or keeping misfolded proteins soluble. We conclude that Ssa1p is

likely to have several functions. Ssa1p can unfold proteins (Taxis et al., 2003 and Fig.

11), recognize misfolded protein domains (Fig. 15), solubilize (and keep soluble)

aggregated misfolded proteins (Fig. 13A and Fig. 20D) and escort and deliver misfolded

cytoplasmic proteins to the proteasome for degradation (Fig. 23). The finding of an

interaction of Ssa1p with the 26S proteasome (Verma et al., 2000, Coffino et al.,

unpublished data) substantiates the validity of this last conclusion.

The cell must keep and maintain its homeostatic balance between folding

intermediates and efficient elimination of terminally misfolded species for cell viability.

Our understanding of protein quality control is not only important for scientific interest

but also for therapies of a lot of human diseases. This study demonstrates the crucial

role of the molecular chaperone machinery of the Ssa1 class on protein quality control

in yeast cells. Further studies will be required for the identification of the E3/E4 ligases

in this process and for revealing how molecular chaperones recruit different components

for elimination of various types of misfolded proteins. In addition, the delivery


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mechanism of misfolded proteins and the interaction mechanism between the 26S

proteasome and the molecular chaperone complexed with the misfolded protein and

probably other factors still remain to be discovered.

Figure 23. Model of Protein Quality Control in yeast. See text for details


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Curriculum vitae

Curriculum vitae

Personal Information

Name: Sae-Hun Park

Date of Birth: November 20, 1973

Sex: Male

Nationality: Republic of Korea



B.S.c, Engineering in Food Science and Technology

University of Taegu, Daegu, Korea


M.S.c, Microbiology

University of Kyungpook National, Daegu, Korea

2002- present

Ph.D. Thesis, Institute of Biochemistry

University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

Academic Appointments

1999-2001 Research assistant in the Department of Microbiology

University of Kyungpook National, Daegu, Korea

2002-present Teaching assistant for the Graduate level Biochemistry laboratory

Course and for Diploma thesis works at the University of Stuttgart,



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Curriculum vitae

Awards and Honors

1995-1999 University Grants Commission, scholarship in B.S.c, Daegu, Korea

2001 Winter Institute fellowship by the Japan International Science and

Technology Exchange Center (JISTEC) in the National Institute of

Bioscience and Human-Technology

2001 Summer Institute fellowship by the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch

Dienst (DAAD) at the Institute of Biochemistry, University of Stuttgart

Research Expertise

Genetic and molecular biological manipulation of S. cervisiae

Molecular biological techniques

Expression of epitope tagged eukaryotic proteins in E. coli and S. cervisiae

Immunoprecepitation, SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis of proteins

Determining the ER localization of proteins

Detection of ubiquitinated proteins in various cellular compartments

Determination of the ER-associated degradation of proteins by pulse chase and

cycloheximide decay analysis

Genome wide mutant screen in S. cervisiae by multi well transformation assay


Taxis C, Hitt R, Park SH, Deak PM, Kostova Z, and Wolf DH (2003). Use of Modular

Substrates Demonstrates Mechanistic Diversity and Reveals Differences in Chaperone

Requirement of ERAD. J Biol Chem. 278, 35903-35913


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Curriculum vitae

Park SH, Bolender N, Eisele F, Kostova Z, Takeuchi J, Coffino P and Wolf DH

(2007). The cytoplasmic Hsp70 Chaperone machinery subjects misfolded and ER

import incompetent proteins to degradation via the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Mol

Biol Cell 18, 153-165.

Poster presentation

A genome-wide transcriptional analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae KNU5377 in

response to various stresses. International meeting of Biochemistry and Molecular

Biology 17-18 May, 2001 Seoul, Korea

Oxidative stress response of Saccharomyce cerevisiae KNU5377 to H202.. 9th

International Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms (GIM-2002),

1-5 July, 2002, Kyung-Ju, Korea

A Genomic screen identifies multiple new gene products involved in ER-associated

Degradation (ERAD). Annual conference of the European Life Scientist Organization

(ELSO), 20-23 September, 2003, Dresden, Germany

The cytoplasmic Hsp70 chaperone machinery subjects misfolded and ER import

incompetent proteins to degradation via the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Annual

Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology, 10-15 December, 2005, San

Francisco, USA


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I could not find any single word to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor Prof.

Dr. Dieter H. Wolf who gave me the opportunity to work in his lab and provided me a

high interesting project. He is my great mentor and opened my eyes for science.

I am grateful to Dr. Zlatka Kostova for the co-operation of the project and correction

of my Ph.D. thesis and to Dr. Antje Schäfer for many helpful consultations,

discussions and suggestions for my Ph.D. work.

I appreciate my best colleague, Saravanakumar, who introduced me many basic

concepts of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.

I am grateful to all the member of ERAD group and it was a great time to work with

them, Bala Medicherla, Li Xiao, Andreas Gnann, Sven Alberts, Sonja Kohlmann and

Oliver Fischer and especially I would like to thank Frederik Eisele and Natalia

Bolender for their co-operation in my project.

I am thankful that Ms. Huth and Ms. Toasta helped me a lot to settle my life to

Stuttgart in the beginning of my Ph.D. study and for taking care of my official works in

the Institute.

I am also appreciating Dr. Hans Rudolph, Dr. Wolfgang Heinemeyer, Dr. Wolfgang

Hilt and Dr. Birgit Singer-Krüger and all the member of the Institute for helpful

discussions and suggestions during seminars.

I love my wife, Bong-Jin, and my little son, Seoung-Mong, whom encourage me with

their happy smile together all the time and I can not imagine all of my achievement

without them. I would like to express gratitude to my parents and sister for their

endless love and encouragements.


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Eidesstattliche Erklärung

Eidesstattliche Erklärung

Hiermit erkläre ich, dass ich diese Arbeit selbst verfasst und keine anderen als die

angegebenen Hilfsmittel verwendet habe.

Stuttgart, den 2. March 2007

Sae-Hun Park


Molecular Chaperones in Protein Quality Control: From Chaperones in Protein Quality Control: From Recognition - [PDF Document] (2024)
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